Press / Dumbbell Bent-Over Row Superset*
1A) Press + Push Press
Fitness and Performance
1 Press + 5 Push Presses
Work up to a heavy load for the day. The goal is no misses. Aim for your heaviest set of 10 Push Presses from Week 2.
Fitness and Performance
3 x 8-12
Perform 3 sets of 8-12 reps. Use Week 1 as a guide. Aim initially to get 3 sets with perfect form and aim to increase either reps or load from week to week. Keep in mind that these are an accessory movement and you’ll get more out of them by performing the movement well than by heaving heavier dumbbells around with poor form. If you can finish the cycle with 3 perfect sets of 12 at your heaviest 10 from week one, you win! These are both arms at the same time. Keep these strict and avoid using momentum from your back and hips. Elbows finish close to the torso. Drop weight if you need to heave the dummbells.
*Superset means that you perform a set of exercise A (in this case the Press) and then after a short rest, 30 to 90 seconds, you perform a set of exercise B (in this case the Dumbbell Bent-Over Row). You then rest a short period before returning to exercise A and continue in this fashion until all warm up and work sets are completed.
Post loads to comments.
Exposure 5 of 8
5 Rounds for Time:
10 Russian Kettlebell Swings 32/24kg
10 Goblet Squats 32/24kg
10 Burpees
Post time and Rx to comments.
Got Plans on Saturday? Come to CFSBK’s Art Show!
CFSBK’s third Art Show is this Saturday from 7:30-10:30pm. Free entry and alcohol.
The work of Jen Murray, a local Brooklyn artist, will be on display. You can check out her work here.
CFSBK member, Sarah Mount, will be singing at 9:00pm. Want a preview? Listen to more of Sarah’s tunes here.
Following Sarah’s performance, Coach Whit, a lifelong dancer, will be doing a short performance to a song by Coach Brett, titled “Holding On To You.” Find more of Brett’s music here.
And of course, the show will feature work by many talented CFSBKers!
If you have any questions, email Kate R. at KatharineReece [at]
Today’s whiteboard: Press/Push Press + KB Burpee Metcon
The Deadlift: 3 Reasons Starting Strength
The Evolution of Grandparents Scientific American
6am with Ro and McD
Press: Got up to 165# for the 1 press, 5 push press movement. Had to use my belt on the last attempt.
Row: Did 2 sets at 60#, 1 set at 70#, all three for 8 reps each.
Metcon: 5:23 Rx. Almost caught DanL at the end. Fun workout.
6am with Ro and McD
Worked up to 175 on the complex. 175 was a press PR! Had some more room there too
Metcon in 5:21 – had to push on the burpees to hold off DJ Flash
Press: Worked up to 85 on the complex. Attempted 90, but the press was the limiter here (this is right around my PR).
Row: Finally bumped up to the 35s for this week, 8 reps each set.
Metcon: 6:42 Rx.
Pull-ups after: 4-3-3
fresh off the plane from San Antonio, 7 a.m. w/Ro & McDowell.
Press complex: 115×2, 120. Attempted 125 between the two sets of 115 but failed the press — needed to rest a bit more.
Row: 50x9x3. Slowly but surely pushing myself to go up on this.
Metcon: 10:24 Rx. I'm terrible at getting the kettlebell from the swing to the goblet position. It's like that cup-and-ball game, which I was never particularly good at either.
6am with Arturo and McD
Press complex: warmup (33, 53, 63), 73, 78, 83, 88. Pretty close to my press 1 rm of 92.5, so felt good about this.
DB rows: 30#x8x3
WOD in 7:28 RX. The first goblet squat was a doozy. Burpees were stil slow :/
7 AM with McRo:
Worked to 90 on the complex although I came onto my toes on the press. I knew I was going to lose out to Kayleigh big-time on the WOD so I had to go for 90 in the one and only thing I can beat her at! 😉
WOD 9:36. Holy crap, this was so much worse than I thought it was going to be. I'm usually pretty strong with the KB, but the goblet squats were shockingly difficult. And let's not even talk about how slowly I do burpees. (but I did them…without DBs, no less!)
6am with McRo
Press complex: 95, 115, 135, 145F
135 felt fairly easy but had nothing left for that press at 145. Moved the bar about 2" before I just gave up.
DB Row: 60 x 10 x 3
WOD in 7:00 Rx
Was happy I didn't hit myself in the face or just completely miss the kb on those transitions.
6am with Golden and Turi (so cute!!!)
Press Complex hit 145#, might be a PR
DB Row: 55x10x3
WOD 6:56 Rx – happy to hold off Steve
Goblet squats added up
I really got a lot out of the pelvic floor workshop yesterday. This kind of deep dive into a topic, with a spectrum of experienced and knowledgeable presenters, is *exactly* what we need more of.
Thanks to Margie, Debbie, Melo, KHarpz and Kristin H.
Echoing Michele's comments above!
10 minute heat up
Squat: 5×12 @ 50% (112), slower down-faster up tempo
-focused on subtle changes to bracing technique based on yesterday's work
Then some fun stuff with Brett from the strong fit seminar… pecs and lats!! Plus 3ea side jefferson squat :10 hold at bottom (go slower on way down next time). yowza.
:15 AB @ 97% effort (85-87rpm)
5 burpees
2:00 rest
Kept pace/intensity throughout. good times.
Short Circuit Programming
Strength Circuit
16 DB Walking Lunges
Single Arm OH DB Carry
4-6 Chin Ups with 4 second negative
8-12 Feet on Rower Tuck/Reverse V-Up
MetCon Circuit
20 Min AMRAP:
Partner WOD – Split the work between two partners
20 DB Thrusters 20 KB Swings 20 Burpees
30 Thrusters 30 KB Swings 30 Burpees
40 Thrusters 40 KB Swings 40 Burpees
50 Thrusters 50 KB Swings 50 Burpees
Max Calorie Row in Remaining Time
10 AM with Turd and Turi.
worked up to 85# in the complex. Felt good- way over the weight from week one.
Metcon in 9:32 with a 32k bell for swings, 24k for goblets.
All rounds unbroken save the highly efficient 1/9 set on the last round of goblets.
Solo today
Played with more Jeffersons after learning them a different way this weekend, plus other fun stuff from the weekend.
Press + 5 Push Press
10 lbs heavier than week 2 and 10 lbs off my press PR. Last press was a bit slow.
Metcon Rx'd in 7:57
The squats were tough!
A few Farmer and OH carries after the noon class.
4:30 class with Arturo.
Went too light with the Press + 5 Push Press at 48lbs. Looking back I should have done 53. Live and learn. Did a couple extra rounds to work on technique. Got 12 reps for the three rounds on the 25lb dumbell row, pleasing but hard.
WOD 8:46 with 16kg
Worked with the 16kg because I don't feel my technique is there to go heavier and these sometimes mess with my sacrum. The squats were torture, having to rotate the bell in your hands before starting was the definition of the word "unwieldy". The last two rounds I just set it down and reset completely because I felt I was wasting too much energy trying to make it happen. The burpees felt amazing after being 35 pounds heavier. I say that literally. I enjoyed the burpees. Got that on drugs feeling afterwards. Fun.
Hung out afterwards and worked on my gymnastic swing and a couple banded pullups.
Press +PP @75 🙁
Attempted 78 twice but the bar didn't go anywhere. My strict press PR is 76# which I hit on Feb 15, 2014!!!!!!!! My upper body is much stronger now so why has my press not improved in 3 YEARS? Guess I need to press more frequently.
Brett pointed out I need to work on bringing the bar back to my front rack and not dropping my elbows during PPs.
WOD in 8:58 Rx'd
This was HARD and not for the reason I expected. Goblet squats used to be a struggle because I would tip forward and they would fry my lower back. Happy to say that wasn't much of an issue today! The limiter here was that I felt like my heart was going to burst out of my chest after the first round. Could not get my breathing in order so it really slowed me down!