Every 2 Minutes x 15:
Snatch Deadlift + Mid-Hang Snatch + Snatch
Start at about 60% and build from there as appropriate. No press-outs. If you miss a lift, you can attempt in on the next round. If you miss again (either a straight up miss or a technical miss), then take weight off the bar.
Post loads to comments.
Exposure 4 of 8
10 Supine-Grip Ring Rows
25 Hollow Rocks
Post work to comments.
Rachel H. is just happy to be doing Sumo Deadlift High Pulls. You t0o could be happy at one or both of the awesome events we have happening this weekend. Read on to find out about them!
Want to Learn to Row from an Olympian? Come to the C.R.A.S.H.-B. Kick-Off Meeting With Coach Nick This Saturday!
Do you hate and fear workouts that involve rowing? Do you secretly love them but don’t want to admit it? Either way, you have a good reason to train for the C.R.A.S.H.-B. World Indoor Rowing Championship! Coach Nick will prepare members in the months leading up to race day, which is Feb. 12. Come to Coach Nick’s kick-off meeting and technique clinic at 8:30 AM on Saturday, November 12th. Please note: This meeting is only for people who are definitely participating in the program. Here’s some basic info:
- The events at CRASH-Bs are individual.
- You don’t have to be an SBK member to participate.
- The group will get together for three technique clinics (each of which will conclude with a workout) and three races.
- Participants will do the workouts on their own.
- Nick will provide support—including video analysis of your technique—throughout the program.
- Anyone can join—there is no minimum performance requirement.
- Visit the event page for pricing options and more info. At the kick-off meeting at 8:30am on Saturday, November 12th, he’ll explain the program in detail. The session will also include the first technique clinic, which will conclude with a workout.
Send Coach Nick an email at Nick [at] if you plan to show up or if you have any questions. There is 12% discount for all current CFSBK members. Please Coach Nick or the Front Desk for the discount code.
Register Now for the Pelvic Floor Health Workshop!
Iron Maidens Lift n’ Learn presents:
A Pelvic Floor Health Workshop
November 13, 2016 from 2:00-4:30pm
Do your hips ever feel a little unstable at the bottom of your squat? Are you fastidious about making a trip to the bathroom before that heavy Deadlift… because you learned the hard way? Do you sometimes feel pressure in your pelvis on a max set of 5?
The health of your pelvic floor is part of the equation here! Correct pelvic floor engagement is an essential, but often overlooked component of lifting, and everyday life.
This team taught workshop aims to shed light on what exactly constitutes the pelvic floor, how to strengthen it, and engage it under load. Our goal is to provide you with the tools to cultivate healthy pelvic floor function and prevent dysfunction.
You will walk away with:
- A basic understanding of pelvic floor anatomy
- Exercises you can do at home or as part of your warm-ups to engage and strengthen the pelvic floor, including breathing and bracing techniques
- An understanding of how to apply engagement under load
This workshop is for women only.
Limited to 25 participants
$75 registration fee
Developed and presented by:
Katie Harper received her Doctorate in Physical Therapy in 2016 and has been a CrossFit coach and personal trainer at CFSBK since March 2015. She is a CrossFit Level 1 trainer, CrossFit Movement and Mobility Trainer, Functional Range Conitioning Mobility Specialist (FRCms), Functional Movement Screen Provider (FMS), Graston Technique Provider, Rocktape Functional Movement Specialist I, and has attended the Proprioceptive Neuromuscular Facilitation I course offered by the Institute of Physical Arts.
Kristin Hoesl has been training clients one on one and in groups in Pilates for over a decade. She specializes in helping athletes access their pelvic floor, and find both stability and mobility through their abdominal core and spine.
For over 30 years, Debbie Parsons has been teaching and studying movement. From a professional dance career to Pilates certification (1994), and continuing through Crossfit Level one and Starting Strength programs, Debbie has been helping clients to move with economy and efficiency.
Margie Lempert has been a coach at CFSBK since 2009, always with a focus on barbell training for women. She founded Iron Maidens Raw Open, an annual all-women powerlifting competition in 2015, teaches small group barbell classes with her husband, and trains individual clients. She is a Starting Strength Coach and CrossFit Level 1 Trainer.
Melissa Loranger received her Doctorate in Physical Therapy in 2016 and has been a CrossFit coach and personal trainer at CFSBK since April, 2012. She is a CrossFit Level 1 trainer, a Certified Starting Strength Coach and has taken multiple continuing education courses offered by the Institute of Physical Arts, Graston Techniques, LLC, and Rock Tape.
Yesterday’s Whiteboard: Rest Day
Orangutan Picks Cocktail By Looking at Ingredients Scientific American
Rowing: The Pick Drill CrossFit
6am with McJess
Snatch Complex – up to 115#
So thankful for this and not something with 128,000 burpees mixed in. Was nice to focus on form and technique. Lots to work on with this movement, as always.
7 AM'in
I'm with you BB on being DELIGHTED that there were no burpees involved. Last week I found out that mixing snatches and burpees makes my wrist mad, so it was good to just focus on the snatches.
Things moved really well today, for me at least. I worked up to 82, and failed from the floor twice at 87. With both of those fails I got the bar really high — the first time I just didn't commit to dropping under it enough, and the second time I let it get too far in front of me. Given that my best snatch ever is 88? 90? I think? this was eye-opening for me. I really didn't expect to go higher than mid-70s for this complex, but the early reps were feeling so good that I went a little bolder and I'm glad I did.
7 AM, some of the snappiest and crispest snatches of my life thanks to channeling all my enormous anger. I visualized throwing him over my head into a fiery pit. Highly recommend today's programming for anyone else with election PTSD.
6am with Jess and McDowell
Snatch complex: 53×2, 63×2, 68×2, 73×2, 78×2, 83×2, 88F snatch, 88×2. McD gave me some good cues on moving my knees back and going a little faster off the ground. All the work on releasing tightness in my lats and front of the shoulder have been making these feel easier. 10#s off my PR of 98, and by far the most I've snatched in a year.
Cash out – only time for 2 rounds
HAPPY BIRTHDAY DO!! Thank you for creating this special, supportive place that promotes inclusiveness, unity, strength, and love.
Snatch Complex: Started at 73#, and did a slow climb for the first half up to 93. Then at round 8 started at 98#, where I stayed for the rest of class. The hang snatches felt better than ever, but just kept failing the second snatch – either too far out in front or hitting my knees. Finally made them for the last two rounds.
Did just over half of the NFT before needing to go.
6am with Jess and McDowell
Snatch Complex something like (in kg): 40, 45×2, 50×4, 55×5, 60×2, 65×0.5
Made the mid hang snatch at 65 but failed off the floor twice. First time just didn't commit so McD had me try again. Got under it nicely but shoulders were just too tired to keep it overhead.
Happy to have time to work just on the snatch after the last few days of WODs have beat me up.
Happy birthday, David. Glad you were born 🙂
Happy, happy birthday, DO!
post from yesterday, and I wanted to echo the good thoughts about being at the gym on such a weird day.
I was NOT expecting that result and was fairly devastated and stunned. I slept about 2 hrs.Tuesd night.
So around 1130 I decided that going to the gym would be a better idea than sitting here in the office listening and reading the news stories. Action won over contemplation of the abyss.
It was wonderful to be in a place with other people especially CFSBK. I'm on the performance program for the first time in four years so that's been fun. Hit 180×7 on my back squat. Hit six rounds in the metcon but it totally knocked me over.
Osorio! wishing you a happy day, lots of cake, and a few good drinks.
Dear Leader – Happy birthday!
Friends,Brazilian Jiu Jitsu class in the annex on Wednesday and Sunday is really fun. I started a couple weeks ago with no previous experience. Sensei Jesse is great. First class is free. Everyone should give it a try.
Happy birthday DO! Enjoy a lot of good drinks. And a Court Street Grocer sandwich.
Work out with McDowell. Really nice to have a training buddy today, to push harder and to commiserate and laugh with between sets.
I. 8 min EMOM-ish — ( Power Clean + Power Jerk ) x 2
83#, 83, 93, 98,103, 108, 113, 113
I went into the power jerk directly from the clean which was fun.
II. Bench Press — 90# x 4 x 3
III. FSQ — 5-5-5
105#, 115, 135 — this is getting to be a pretty comfortable set of 5
IV. For time:
50 TTB — 6,5,4,3s and 2s
40 KB swings — Russian 24kg in 20,20
30 burpees
20 cal AB — worst part. This took almost 2 mins 🙁
20 mins of mobilizing and 4 sets of 25 unbroken hollow rocks
Happy Birthday, Capitan.
Lots of fitness today
5 R (sort of) FT
12 Wall Balls
6 Sumo Deadlifts 260
Did this little version of Wednesday's work to get in my sumo pulls. Took about 8 minutes at a pretty leisurely pace.
EOMOM x 15
Snatch Pull + Mid Hang Snatch
Skipped the 2nd snatch since I did something very similar on Tuesday
Started at 95lbs and worked up to 165 a few times. Finished off with 3 reps at 135.
30 Minutes on the Assault Bike
Every 5 Minutes perform 3 Skin the Cats.
Haaaaappppy Birrrrrrthday DO!!!!! Miss you and everything you represent!!!!
happiest day, david.
Happy birthdayyyyyyyy DOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!
10 AM with Brett and Jess
snatch complex 63×3, 68×3, 72×2, 78×3, 82×2, 88 x2. Failed the first attempt at both 63 and 83.
PR though at 88.
It was great to have a long time to concentrate on this today.
only had time for 1 cash out round :-(.
Happy Birthday David!
Birthday greeting to Cult Leader David Osorio!
WoD: Split and stacked 1/2+ cord of wood.
Worked from home today, so came in for the noon class.
Snatch (kg)
50×4, 60×3, 65, 70, 75, 80, 70, 60×4
This got pretty tiring. Barely made the second rep at 80, but that's only 8kg off my PR and the first one was very solid – so pretty happy with this.
Did the cash out but subbed out 12 GHDs for the hollow rocks
8am solo session but surrounded by all boys taking the 8am class.
Hbbs: 95%x5x3
(45×10, 135×5, 185×3, 210×2) 225x5x3
-used a belt for all work sets today. Tough but doable. Not sure how I'm supposed to hit 100% next week but we shall see.
Typically I've been doing sumo deadlifts on Wednesday as accessory so I decided to do yesterday's wod with sumo deadlifts to get my work in. I should have done 215x5x3 but decided to do the wod rxd at 185. Did sumo style to get my work in and decided to stop after 5 rounds because my back we feeling HOT! Did not move fast and focused on staying tight through the sumo deadlifts. Still need to work on tighter core and glutes to prevent my low back tightness.
Thanks for the birthday wishes! Got to head home for a bit for dinner with my family, now at lowes buying stuff to make the gym better!!
make Cfsbk great again! Or better, or something like that
David – A DIY Yoke!?!?
Happy birthday, DO!
Made up yesterday's squats:
132.5×5, 155×5, 175×5
Didn't have any more reps in me. I think it's because I missed last week's exposure. Did more reps than this at 175 two weeks ago.
Snatch complex:
53×2, 63×3, 68×3, 73×4, 78×1, 83 (failed snatch), 83