Saturday, November 19th: The 3rd Annual CFSBK Art Show
Ever wonder what CFSBK would look like if it transformed into an art gallery? Well, those of us that participated in or attended CFSBK’s previous Art Shows know it looks pretty awesome. Our third Art Show will be Saturday, November 19th. We’re so pleased to to be bringing you so many talented artists across so many diferent mediums!
The aim of the evening isn’t to sell the work of our artists and other CrossFitting artists (though if that happens, great), but to showcase the often hidden talents of our members, bring our community together in a novel way, and to continue being the coolest CrossFit gym on the planet.
The night begins at 7:30pm and will feature several dance and musical acts that you won’t want to miss. We can’t wait to see you there!
News and Notes
- Tonight’s 7:30pm Pilates class with Kristin H. is cancelled.
- 7:30pm Anti-Gravity class is also cancelled!
- There’s still space in this weekend’s Pelvic Floor Health Workshop. Register now!
- Don’t forget to vote!
Yesterday’s Whiteboard: Push Press / DB Bent-Over Row | Pull-Ups, Burpees
Handstand Walk Drill for Beginners WODPrep
Kirkpinar Oil Wrestling Festival Atlas Obscura
Wednesday's Programming
Back Squat
Use 95% of week one's heavy 5
5/3/1 (5 Week):
65% x 5
75% x 5
85% x 5+
Your Training Max (TM) is used to base the percentages off of. Increase your TM 10 lbs above the previous 3 weeks. If you were above the recommended reps for the rep out sets then increase your TM 15-20 lbs. The final set (the 85% set this week) is done for max reps, stopping 1-2 shy of failure. The goal is between 8 and 12 reps. Use a normal pace throughout the rep-out set and quit if you reach technical failure. Technical failure is the point where you can move the weight from point A to point B but can no longer do so with acceptable technique. Use spotters on all work sets.
Post loads to comments.
Exposure 4 of 8
AMRAP 12 Minutes:
12 Wall Ball 20/10, 14/9
6 Deadlifts 275/155
Post rounds, reps, and Rx to comments.
AG is cancelled today.
Rock the VOTE!
LBBS: 155 x 5, 185 x 5, 200 x 10. Felt solid
WOD: 13 Rounds + 12 WB Rx
The deadlifts at 185#, which McD scolded me properly for complaining about the change from 155. Unbroken until the last few rounds, when I did a few deadlifts 4-2 or 3-3. Wheelhouse WOD, but my back is pretty wrecked right now – Karen plus a lot of deadlifts.
6am with Jess and McD
LBBS: wu:135×5, 65%: 145×5, 75%: 155×5 (bar math fail), 85%: 190×10
Lesson learned, don't trust Stella with bar math at 6am 😉 I maybe could've done more on the rep out, but had 10 in mind so finished there.
WOD: 9 rounds at 185#. I was mentally prepared for 155, plus my low back was not super happy during this. Wall balls were fine, but took a fair amount of rest to avoid having to pick up the bar right away again.
Came in for 6 AM so I could vote afterward, which meant I had the pleasure of squatting with Ali C and Linda. #squadgoals
Did my sets at 145, 155, 190×8. Had a giant brain fart in the middle, obviously. That was supposed to be 165 but I was missing the 5# plates. I screw many things up, but usually math isn't one of them! :-S
7 rounds on the WOD with 185# and 20# DB thrusters instead of WBs. I know I rested too much, but holy CRAP, this felt awful while it was happening. Clearly I need to stand closer to Kayleigh so that I'm too embarrassed by her insane speed to take so many breaks.
6am with McDowell
HBBS 190 x 5, 220 x 5, 250 x 9
Probably could have squeaked out 10 but it hurt to just have the bar sitting on my shoulders today.
WOD – 7 rounds + 12 wall balls Rx. This got heavy. Everything unbroken but not enough wall balls to give you enough rest before deadlifts. After doing a few rounds around 1:00-1:15 pace purposely slowed myself down to save my back. Had 1 more set of deadlifts in me at that weight.
Kayleigh was in total beast mode today.
6am with McDowell
Squat: 215 x 5, 250 x 5, 280 x 8
Probably could have had out 10 but still babying my low back.
WOD – 5 rounds Rx. Both these movement are normally in my wheelhouse, but as above, babying the low back. So I did 5 moderately paced rounds and called it at 6:50
Respect to anyone who knocks out a full Karen + DL.
10am with Jess.
Wednesday Class
Fitness BSQ – 3×5 @ 225 which is 95% of Training Max (235)
*** moved very well for 95%. I think my Training Max is off**
Metcon – 7 @ 225. Back is smoked!!
8 a.m. doing Wednesday's work w/McDowell.
BSQ: 165×5, 185×5, 205×8. This felt right, albeit very slow. Had 2 more in the tank on the squats but stopped as per recommendations.
Metcon: 8 rounds @ 225# DLs. Was not a pretty rush to the finish there on the deadlifts — should've focused on form and taken the 7-and-change result. Wall balls were unbroken and generally OK — few no-reps in there but felt good about not letting them fluster me.
well now you have to all go vote ok thanks bye
@Brian – I think you're confused about the Fitness Squats this cycle. Tomorrow is 95% of what you made for Week !'s Heavy 5. There's no TM for Fitness. Ask a coach next week to confirm.
Fun workout today with Jess at 11am.
EMOM x 30 Minutes
Even: Snatch Pull + Snatch
Odd: 10 Calorie Row (Max Effort)
Started the snatches at 40kg, then 50, then 60m then some 5 kg jumps from there while redoing any reps that didn't feel great on the next go round. I really like this particular complex and today went well ending up at 85kg/187lbs. I would have been happy with 70kg. The rows took around 20 seconds each time.
Yay!!! As per last week's QOD ("what are you doing election night?"), I decided to have a Mexican fiesta party tonight in case there's any chance they build a wall and we can't ever have Mexican food again.
With that said, I was so sad to miss AG. I'm selfishly glad it's cancelled so I don't feel bad about missing!
10am session today
1:00 row
:20 hollow hold
8 blackburn
single leg deadlift
75# x12ea x3
one arm high pull
40# x6ea x4
7 rounds:
:30 bar muscle up
:30 HSPU
:30 DU
:90 rest
BMU: 0, 5 with box assist, then 2 each round with chicken wing stylings
HSPU: 6 unbroken ea round
DU: between 40-52 each round
need to strengthen that L arm pull and turnover for BMU and commit. more practice, as it's been maybe 6 months since i've tried these
10AM with McJess
Press: 90x10x3
WOD with 12-9-6 pull-ups/chin-ups – finished in 6:45
11am with the hubby. I didn't know what I was going to do so glad he came up with a plan.
EMOM for 30mins:
Even: 1 snatch pull + 1 snatch
Odd: 10 cals, erg
-started at 63# on the snatch and finished with 128# which is a fucking 12# snatch PR!!! Had to do the math a few times after to make sure the bar was right. HOT DAMN! Doing the pull before hand really helped to enforce positions and an aggressive pull. Being fatigued from the erg helped me to not overthink the lift.
– p.s. I was going to stop at 20 mins but Fox kept me going. Good thing!
If you haven't already, go vote!
OMG Jess that's amazing! I am trying to wrap my head around hitting a giant PR in the 28th minute of an EMOM!
Thanks Stella! I actually PR'd the last 3 rounds at 118, 123 and 128 so it was just a crazy PR day!
And because I was so excited, I forgot to post yesterday's stuff:
Push Press:
(45×10, 65×5, 85×3) 100x10x3
-all dynamic and all fine. definitely frying my triceps on that lockout though.
DB Row:
-will move to 35# next week for hopefully 8's
-Not in my wheelhouse at all but got through it.
Tabata Cash out of hollow holds and tall plank were killers!
Congrats Jess!
BSQ – 145x5x3 — 5# up from last week. fine.