Clean and Jerk
Take 10 minutes to warm up to work weight or a little above it.
For Time:
50 Double-Unders
10 Clean and Jerks 155/105
40 Double-Unders
8 Clean and Jerks
30 Double-Unders
6 Clean and Jerks
20 Double-Unders
4 Clean and Jerks
10 Double-Unders
2 Clean and Jerks
The Cleans are Rx’d as full squat. The Jerks are overhead anyhow (Squat Clean Thusters count as reps). Scale Double-Unders to 2 x Singles or 1/2 attempts as needed.
Post time and Rx to comments.
Happy Sunday from Andrew S.! | Photo by Thomas H.
- The NYC Marathon goes down 4th Ave. today, so be sure to budget extra time to get to the gym, especially if you’re planning to come to one of our earlier classes. Best of luck to David P., Jaclyn K., David B., and Steph P., who are running the Marathon today! Is anyone else running it?! Let us know in the comments and feel free to hand out and watch the runners, they go right past the gym on 4th.
- Daylight Savings Time ends at 2:00am on Sunday. Don’t forget to set your clocks back!
Short Circuit: Reprogram Your Body!™
For the past few weeks, we’ve been telling you about Short Circuit, a new class utilizing some of the best training methods to give you a great total body workout in just one hour. Each class includes two circuits programmed specifically to help you shed pounds while increasing your strength, stamina, and flexibility. Mo S. posted a great comment on the blog this week about her experience in the class, so we’re reposting it to give you a better sense of what the class is like:
I’d like to share my current experience with Brett’s Short Circuit classes. About 3 weeks ago I decided to try these classes in combination with regular CrossFit classes.
Prior to my first class I decided to measure (arms, legs, chest, shoulders, waist) and weight myself. My eating regimen and sleep stayed the same – 4 to 5 clean meals and 8 hours of sleep per day.
The first class started as expected. We went through mobility, stretching, name and question of the day. Then, Coach Brett went over the WOD… The only thing I could think of while he was going over the WOD was that we were about to work for about 45 minutes straight AND there was no or very little rest incorporated into this class. The WOD was intense, structured, and basically a sweat-a-thon. I loved it!
3 weeks into it and I’m happy to share the following: I lost 2 lbs the first week, 1lb the second, and the 3rd week my weight leveled off. 3lbs in about 2 weeks was a bit aggressive for me, so I decided to re-measure my body during week 3 to see what was happening. My arms and chest stayed the same size, my shoulders and legs increased in size, and my waist decreased by inches!
The other thing I noticed was how much my capacity increased. My heart rate definitely increases during WODs, but I’m not getting winded and I’m able to go noticeably faster – even on days when I do double WODs.
In a nutshell, these classes are great and Brett’s programming and coaching is dead on!
Thanks, Mo! Unlike our CrossFit group classes, you don’t have to have taken Foundations or have any kind of CrossFit background to participate in Short Circuit, so now you can sweatily bond with your friends and family. Now they’ll get to find out what this CFSBK place you’ve been talking up is all about!
How is this different from CrossFit? While some movements will be familiar, Short Circuit does not include barbell training or higher-skilled calisthenics (like Kipping Pull-Ups or Handstand Push-Ups). You will get a a kick-ass workout, though, and as with our other specialty offerings like Active Recovery, Anti-Gravity, Pilates, and Yoga for Athletes, it’s up to you to decide how Short Circuit might fit into your overall training. That’s why members with CrossFit Group class memberships can use their existing memberships to attend any of these classes!
Monday 9:00am
Wednesday 9:00am
Friday 9:00am
For more info on drop-in pricing and packages, head over to the Short Circuit program page.
Rowing: Body Position CrossFit
5 Life Lessons Olympic Lifting Can Tell You BarBend
Pull Up Workshop
Pull up pyramid
Assisted chin ups
3×10 (minimal assist, reps should be difficult, but achievable)
Db curls 3×12 (ahap)
Db jam press 3×12 (ahap)
Weighted sit ups 3×20 (ahap)
Pull up negatives
10 min emom 5-7 sec each decent.
Db bench press 3×12 (ahap)
Db single arm power row 3×12 (ahap)
Barbell or Ab wheel roll outs 3×20
Hello Crosfitters
This is more of a 'classified' ad, rather than a workout post. Although yesterday I frontsquatted 162×4 and hit 5 rounds on the metcon. this has been my first cycle on the performance side of the whiteboard and it's been interesting. Too early to tell if there's any difference from four years of linear progressions.
Here's my classified ad: Because I can't find a bus to Philly, I will probably be driving down to Philly to do some canvassing on Monday. My plan is to leave Brooklyn between 8-9am, get there around 11, canvass until 3pm, and get back to Brooklyn sometime later in the evening. I haven't quite figured out what office to go to, but I will contact someone today. I will be going to a Hillary office – if you'd like to canvass for other candidates, I can drop you off at the 'other' office (but you might need to get your own ride home…just kidding).
I have room for 3 in my car if you're interested. rgreenspan (at) me (dot) com
Richard G.
Jackie Kahn is running today!
Good luck Jackie, Packer, David Byrd and Steph Paddock xoxox
Awesome work runners!!!
Today's WOD: 7:25 Rx
I thought I would be able to cycle these at least in triples throughout – nope! 3-2-2-2-1 for the first set and then singles for the rest. Mostly thruster-jerks, some just as thrusters. A few trips in every set of DUs. Wouldn't say all out dark place, but definitely pain cave.
Bench Press: 105 x 5 x 3.
Deadlift: 195 x 10 (double overhand)
6 Kipping pull-ups (unbroken first set, then 3-3 for the rest)
Fun workout with Charlie and Tyler – enjoying the last good running weather!
1 Mile Run
Max Clean & Jerks (95#) – Came back around 7:40, 20 reps
10:00-13:00 Rest
800m Run
Max Power Snatch (80#) – 27 reps
20:00-23:00 Rest
400m Run
Max Thrusters (65#) – 34 reps
Noon class
Rx'd in 13:50
Wore my lifters and maybe regret it. Feet were cramping up badly! Fun workout.
9a with Fox in 608
Metcon – 8:49 Rx
Great workout. Way better than 5' AMRAP
All singles from the start. Great time racing against Dan and Michael this morning. Photo finish
Awesome job marathoners!!
12pm with Ro-mantic
WOD 9:59 Rx
Singles from the beginning. So happy I was able to Rx this!! Wore my lifters which messed up my DU's and gave me very sore feet but I think it was worth it to ensure that I caught my cleans low. Some of the time I did thrusters and some of the time I had to reset at the top before the push jerk.
Very fun workout!
9am with Fox
Wod in 14:14 Rx. Weekend of bad choices almost took me to pukey town on this one. Had to lay down for a minute in the round of 20 to keep things down. Glad I did it Rx'd and got back up to finish it before the cap.
C&J wod @ 74.5# in 13:04
DUs & sit-ups? No problem to move quickly. Box jumps, KB swings, running- I can push the pace with those movements.
Pairing cleans/snatches with high intensity cardio has exposed a definite weakness of mine, which is that my engine and self-motivation are not there when a heavier barbell is involved! I am concerned about maintaining great/safe form, so I'm overly cautious and taking time to set up,etc . Looking forward to continue to improve engine + heavy barbell movements this cycle.
Almost was gunna try 1pm MMA but that workout killed me! I did make it to AG though– it was the perfect accompaniment of pull-up accessory stuff. I did one set of 10 strict pull-ups!!! That felt great. 😛
I also got my second crossfit wound! Nope, neither have been from actually crossfittjng… just moving ergs and clocks. Never ask me for help or there is a good chance either the object or me will be broken at the end of it.
WOD at 93# in 11:21.
Jerks were the limiter as always.
WOD at 93# in 13:43
DUs were a hot mess. Largest set was 9 which I did on the last round. The rest of the time I did only 1-5 reps at a time. I couldn't get my shoulders to relax and my wrists would not turn.
Mostly did jerk thrusters with a few regular thrusters sprinkled in. These were fun! Did singles with minimal rest.
Would like to revisit this when my DUs don't suck but they are always hit or miss.
11am group class with McD and Ro
Wod in 8:31 Rx'd
-all barbell singles as regular thrusters. Only the first round of dubs unbroken and lots of trip ups in every other round. Used my lifters and pretty sure I let that get to my head. Also had some pretty bad foot cramping afterwards and had to take off my lifters immediately. Kinda felt like how my forearms feel after Fran but so weird to have this feeling in my feet!
FSQ: 180x5x3
Bench: 108x5x3
Tabata sled push
Short circuit class which left my glutes and shoulders on fire!