Front Squat
3 x 5
Warm up and perform 3×5 at 85% of your heavy 5 from last week
5/3/1 (3 Week):
70% x 3
80% x 3
90% x 3+
These percentages are based on your Training Max (or TM). The final set (the 85% set this week) is done for max reps, stopping 2 shy of failure. The goal is between 8 and 15 reps. If you fail at fewer than 8 reps, then reduce your TM by 10%. If you get to 20 reps, then increase your TM by 10%. Read more about the 5/3/1 here, and use this calculator if you don’t have a true 1RM.
Post loads to comments.
Exposure 2 of 8
For Time:
60 Burpee Box Jumps 24/20
50/40 Calorie Row
40 Dumbell Push Presses
Rx the Dumbbell Push Presses at 45% of body weight (total, between the dumbbells).
Post time and Rx to comments.
Coach Nick sees you over there, but he’s a little busy at the moment
Register Now for the Pelvic Floor Health Workshop!
Iron Maidens Lift n’ Learn presents:
A Pelvic Floor Health Workshop
November 13, 2016 from 2:00-4:30pm
Do your hips ever feel a little unstable at the bottom of your squat? Are you fastidious about making a trip to the bathroom before that heavy Deadlift… because you learned the hard way? Do you sometimes feel pressure in your pelvis on a max set of 5?
The health of your pelvic floor is part of the equation here! Correct pelvic floor engagement is an essential, but often overlooked component of lifting, and everyday life.
This team taught workshop aims to shed light on what exactly constitutes the pelvic floor, how to strengthen it, and engage it under load. Our goal is to provide you with the tools to cultivate healthy pelvic floor function and prevent dysfunction.
You will walk away with:
- A basic understanding of pelvic floor anatomy
- Exercises you can do at home or as part of your warm-ups to engage and strengthen the pelvic floor, including breathing and bracing techniques
- An understanding of how to apply engagement under load
This workshop is for women only.
Limited to 25 participants
$75 registration fee
Developed and presented by:
Katie Harper received her Doctorate in Physical Therapy in 2016 and has been a CrossFit coach and personal trainer at CFSBK since March 2015. She is a CrossFit Level 1 trainer, CrossFit Movement and Mobility Trainer, Functional Range Conitioning Mobility Specialist (FRCms), Functional Movement Screen Provider (FMS), Graston Technique Provider, Rocktape Functional Movement Specialist I, and has attended the Proprioceptive Neuromuscular Facilitation I course offered by the Institute of Physical Arts.
Kristin Hoesl has been training clients one on one and in groups in Pilates for over a decade. She specializes in helping athletes access their pelvic floor, and find both stability and mobility through their abdominal core and spine.
For over 30 years, Debbie Parsons has been teaching and studying movement. From a professional dance career to Pilates certification (1994), and continuing through Crossfit Level one and Starting Strength programs, Debbie has been helping clients to move with economy and efficiency.
Margie Lempert has been a coach at CFSBK since 2009, always with a focus on barbell training for women. She founded Iron Maidens Raw Open, an annual all-women powerlifting competition in 2015, teaches small group barbell classes with her husband, and trains individual clients. She is a Starting Strength Coach and CrossFit Level 1 Trainer.
Melissa Loranger received her Doctorate in Physical Therapy in 2016 and has been a CrossFit coach and personal trainer at CFSBK since April, 2012. She is a CrossFit Level 1 trainer, a Certified Starting Strength Coach and has taken multiple continuing education courses offered by the Institute of Physical Arts, Graston Techniques, LLC, and Rock Tape.
Yesterday’s Whiteboard: Rest Day
De-stress Training Think Tank
Dogs Can Tell Time with Their Noses NY Mag
Noon class
Performance FSQ
7 reps for the rep out
Metcon rx 13:20
Forgot to include my time when I posted on the white board
80×3,90×3, 113×7
Kharpz said they were all good reps 🙂
Wod: 13:27 with 25# db in sets of 10, burped bjs finished at 6:13. Couldn't catch Kayleigh : P
Row was super frustrating. Turns out I was bending my knees before I even finished pulling, thanks to some slow mo video from Brett. Definitely going to work on this!
Also, went to soul cycle last night… and who was riding on the instructor bike for the class to watch!? None other than Front Desk Toni! You go girl!!
11AM with Katubbard
Front Squats: 45×5, 135×5, 165×3, 185×3, 210×8
WOD: 15:23 (The BBJs took FOREVA)
Noon class with Brett & Whit
FSQ – 3×5 @ 185
Metcon – 13:25 (Rxish) substituted Push Press for Dumbell PushPress
Kept a good pace going with Sean by my side.
2 rounds
30 x DU
4 x pull-up
LBBS- 190 x 12 x 2
Press- 65 x 8 x 2
Good Morning-100 x 20 x 2
superset with
DB Side Lateral Raise-10 x 15 x 2
DB Row- 30 x 15 x 2
DB Curl- 20 x 17 x 2
Reaching Sit-Up- 25 x 20 x 3
Then did this with Kayleigh, Brad and Joe.
12 Hang Power Cleans (135/95#) scaled to 9 after round 1! and to 83# at some point.
Directly into:
12 Push Jerks (135/95#) scaled to 83# at some point, not sure when!!
Directly into:
12 TTB- scaled to 6
Directly into:
For time ( 3 rounds total)
21-15-9 Calorie Row
42-30-18 Wallballs (20/14#)
This was really hard and I should have known to either scale to 83# plus volume from beginning. or to 73# and done 12 per round. Once the greens were on, it was too late though!
Still, once I figured out what I was actually able to do, I paced pretty well throughout and accelerated at the end and did the last 18 wallballs unbroken.
4 rounds
Push ups: 6, 8, 10, 12
Kip swings, butterfly practice
6 ea Reverse lunges: bw, 33# front rack, 53# OH, 63# OH
:20 lax ball hang
NFT, wo resting:
20 sit-ups
550m run
30 sit-ups
550m run
40 sit-ups
550m run
50 sit-ups
5 sets
3 kipping dips
3 kipping pull-ups, as high as possible