Snatch Metcon
5 Rounds for Time:
7 Power Snatches 155/105
7 Handstand Push-Ups
14 Pistols, alternating (7ea)
The Power Snatch weight should be on the heavy side of medium. All singles are totally appropriate. Kipping is allowed on the Handstand Push-Ups, as are 1-2 AbMats. Scale to Box-Piked HSPU or regular Push-Ups as appropriate. Pistols can be scaled to Lateral Step-Ups to a high box (the box should place you in a very deep single-leg squat at the bottom). In this case, do all reps on one leg before switching.
Post time and Rx to comments.
Exposure 2 of 8
10 Supinated-Grip Ring Rows
Accumulate 30 seconds in an L-Sit
Post work to comments.
Coach Brett’s CD Release/Listening Party
Where: Freddy’s Bar, 5th Ave between 17th and 18th Street
Friday, November 11th at 10pm
“I don’t need to know all the places that you had to go / You don’t have to see all this life has done to me” says singer-songwriter Brett Ferguson on his single “Take You Home,” off the upcoming Let Go LP. Let Go will be the second full length release from The Brett Ferguson Band, a group of 7 highly talented NYC based musicians. They offer the listener something that’s increasingly rare in the modern digital age: genuine connection. After spending a year travelling to the West Coast and Europe, Brett has recently returned to New York with renewed perspective and determination. Much in line with the theme of Let Go, Brett has spent the past year letting go of past struggles and moving forward towards new beginnings. Brett’s message to the world? “This is what makes me comes alive, I hope that it touches you in some way.” The Brett Ferguson Band is guaranteed to take you somewhere new and beautiful.
Come join us to celebrate the release of the Brett Ferguson Band’s newest album Let Go! We’ll be listening to Let Go in its entirety at Freddy’s Bar and Backroom.
No Cover, party starts at 10pm!
Stick around for the Funk & Soul Midnight Dance party featuring Fred Thomas (bassist of the James Brown band).
Check out the links below for more info on Coach Brett’s music!
News and Notes
- CFSBK made Yelp’s list of the Best 10 Gyms in Brooklyn, coming in at #5 (and the only CrossFit gym on the list). Hurray! If you feel so inclined, you could always “yelp us out” by writing a review. But only if you really love us!
- Today’s 9am yoga class with Jaclyn K. is cancelled.
Yesterday’s Whiteboard: Back Squat | Partner WOD
CrossFit Committed: Universal Language CrossFit
Game Changers: Women Who Reached the Top in Sports NY Times
morning! i got a fitbit through work… and lost it. any chance anyone has spotted it anywhere around the gym?
5:30am at Brick Crossfit Boston
E2MOM for 20min
8-12 pistols
400m kettlebell front rack carry
I did all 10 rounds in under 1:30 each. I've never done a KB carry like that (one KB in each hand, elbows pointed outwards). Very tiring on your forearms.
12 Wallballs
12 T2B
Did the workout in 6:21. Wallballs were all unbroken, did the T2B in 12, 12, 6/6, 3/3/3/3, 3/3/3/3. Arms were smoked from the strength work.
Makeup post, 5:30am on Wednesday at BCFT Boston
Isabel: 3:25 Rx
This was challenging.
7 AM with the extra on-point comedic team of Jess and McDowell (also playing some seriously awesome retro music…I mean, "Humpty Dance" and "Rapper's Delight" in the same WOD? COME ON!)
I scaled this to 73# snatch, 10 pushups to DBs, and lateral step-ups, 13:05. I feel like this one was a little hard to figure out my scale on, since I wanted it to be a challenge without pissing off my wrists. I think I might have erred too much on the side of caution? I guess that's not the worst thing.
NFT work was fun. I did ring supports instead of L-sits, as my wrists apparently like rings better than parallettes. Weird.
Yesterday's Back Squat work: After only getting 5 reps in the repout of the backsquat last week was happy to get 6 yesterday @90%. Seems like 5 week trouble may have been due to FGB and Karen earlier in week.
225 x3 / 260×3 295x 6.
Metcon with Kelly did 4 rounds + 10 pushups (subbed 10 pushups for ring dips)
6am with Jess and McDowell
WOD in 18:34 with 115# snatches
Snatches were 2-2-2-1 x 3, 2-2-1-1-1 x 2
HSPU 7, 7, 6-1, 3-2-2, 2-2-1-1-1
Pistols were pistols, if I even get deep enough to count them as pistols
Overall pretty happy with this. I would probably go heavier on the snatch if I redid it since they certainly weren't the limiter. Wasn't sure how they would feel after HSPU but it was a non-factor. No fails on the HSPU and think I finally found a setup that works well for me.
6am with Jess and McDowell
WOD: capped out at 20 min – 3 rounds + 1 snatch @ 135, with rack assisted pistols
Snatches: all singles, not the limiter, but a weight where i can maintain okay technique
HSPU: 1 double followed by all singles (and very very very slow)
Pistols: left side barely assisted, right side, very assisted
I'm happy to be doing HSPU in wods.
12kg x3ea x5
Sumo Deads
Then today's metcon in 19:38. This was harder than I thought it would be. The combo had my low back en fuego. Snatches all singles. HSPU unbroken for 3 then 4/3
Pistols slow and steady. Spent most of my time on the barbell.
10 AM with Jess and Brett after a bunch of
mobility and a 5-5-4-3-2 pull up pyramid. Up from 0 Aug 1.
I was way to conservative with the snatch weight here. I didint
do snatches last cycle and wasn't very confident.
14:04 with 52# snatches, piked hspu and lateral step ups.
cash out was fun. except for the lsits.
10 a.m. w/Jess & Brett.
Metcon: 16:00, 115# (well, 50 kg + 5#, so "true 115," as Fox might say)/box-piked hspu's/step-downs. Ugly on the later power snatches — felt stiff and had trouble getting under them. Ducked out of the cash-out to get to work.
Last night 5:30 p.m. w/Ro & McDowell. BSQ 175×3, 200×3, 215×4. Been feeling really frustrated by squats recently. Partner WOD was much more fun w/KLove & DH3 (Dan and I going simultaneously) — 8 rounds + 5 reps, band-assisted dips.
WOD – 22:21. Scaled the snatches to 93#, did 5 HSPUs each round to two abmats, and used the rack to assist on pistols. This was just a long push. Many fails on the HSPUs along the way (need to just swallow my pride and stick to singles/doubles). Lots of expletives throughout this process. Some good tips and solid support from 6am at the end as I tried to finish up.
6am with Jess and McD
WOD in 13:00, scaling to 73#, boxed hspu to 2 abmats for 2 rounds, 1 abmats for the other 3, and lateral box stepups. I wasn't really sure what weight would be appropriate. My form tends to break down when I cycle a lot of snatches, so I didn't want to go too heavy. This was probably the right weight for me today.
Cashed out with 3 rounds of ring rows and attempts at L-sits, but had to bend my knees.
Fun 10AM group class
WOD in 18:15, sans pistols. Not supposed to do full hip flexion two days in a row while I rehab and strengthen my hips/squat, and did 5×18 on squats yesterday. So:
7 power snatch @ 105#
30 DU's
PS: all singles. was rough in round one and then cleaned it up a bit until I slammed the bar into my pelvis on my second to last rep. OOPH.
HSPU: 5-2, then 4-3 for all other rounds. felt sustainable and never close to failure.
Cash Out: 3x :20 L-Sit on rings, straight legs.
To clarify, the sits I did were not remotely like L sits. They were H sits.
as in Hell.
6am with Jess and McDowell
Metcon in 13:09 – this was a fun one. Snatch was reasonably heavy. Did 5 unbroken to start and then dropped to singles. I am terrible at pistols. Need to continue to work on my ankle flexibility.
5:30pm class with Whit and Ro.
WOD rx'd in 19:56
-just under the wire! All snatches as singles and definitely spent all of my time here. This is only about 11# lighter than my 1RM snatch so I'll take it! Definitely the first time I've done 35 snatches at 105 in a WOD. Not all were pretty but I didn't fail a single one!
-hspu's in 7-7-4/3, 4/3, 7 (had to go unbroken that last round to make time up), pistols were easy on the right, challenging on the left but I did them all.
-low back got really tight in the round of 3 after coming off the wall.
Did a whopping 10 supine ring rows to cash out and then decided I was tired and hungry. Had to get home to cook dinner. 3 days of cooking dinner for me this week! That's 3x/more than I've cooked dinner in the last year. (I'm not even joking…;)
Swole Session on my lonesome.
Bench Press- 105 x 10 x 2
Front Squat- 140 x 11 x 2
DB Press- 20 x 15 x 2
superset with
RDL-115 x 15 x 2
Matador Dips- 2 x 8
superset with
Bent-over Row- 80 x 10 x 2
DB Rear Lateral Raise- 10 x 8 x 2… I don't like these at all.
4:30pm class with Whitney
WOD in 16:24 @83# and rack assisted pistols which I did not know until today I was capable of doing!!
Tried to focus on taking my time with the snatches and getting them right. It's so hard to do that when the clock is running. I give myself a B+, mostly for effort.
Good tips from Whit for my HSPU's- 'kick straight up' being one of them. My timing is definitely a little off and sets were 3's, 2's and 1's, but I did them.
I also did my very first unassisted pistol today after class while chatting with Lauren B. This is kinda huge for me. No hope on my left side yet though!!
I've been uncertain with what weight to pick with snatching lately after a really terrible workout involving 63# snatches recently.
Snatch: Went light at 52#. Unbroken and fast all rounds… definitely went too light today.
3 rounds-1 abmat (two rounds unbroken)
2 rounds-Noah Mat (3-2-2, then singles)
Pistols: Felt great on a 2.5# late. Could have (And should have done them with no plate and moved slower)
13:35… Fun workout even though I went too light!
Made it through all 5 rounds of the cash out with :15 second l-sit holds x 2 every round. Felt good about that!
Then… an amazing AR class. DEFINITELY active and felt the burn. A fun circuit of movement focused on external (and internal) rotation of the shoulders with crossover symmetry, some dumbbells, bands, and blackburn/thoracic rotation stuff. Definitely worked some muscles that need some strength! Good times.
WOD modified in 20:16
Snatches @63#: First two rounds were sloppy but form improved the last three rounds. Probably should've pushed myself and gone a little heavier but HSPUs and pistols were slow so it would've taken me too long.
HSPUs: 7 singles to one ab mat.
Pistols: attempted one before class and my quad seized up!! haha. Did the first two rounds rack assisted but Ro told me to switch to using a band bc I was getting too much assistance. Used the red band the last three rounds.
Felt extremely nauseated during the WOD esp during HSPUs and had to take a couple of breaks. Thank you Ariel for cheering me on while I did the last round alone!
I really liked this work-out. Fun to do it along with Charlie. Congratulations Charlie!
I came in from a nap which felt amazing in general, but did not help me with my snatches — I needed more than a few minutes to get to a comfortable place with a 105# power snatch. Tried to take bigger jumps warming up and failed a couple which didn't help. So I stayed at 83# and was happy with my form and pace. It was still hard to get those last 2 reps every round, but in general, the snatches got much better toward the end of the work-out.
5 Rounds FT:
7 Power Snatches – 83#, singles
7 HSPUs – unbroken
14 pistols
5 Rounds NFT:
:30 L-sit on rings, straight legs in 2 sets — :15, :15
10 Supine ring rows