Back Squat
3 x 5
Use 85% of last week’s weight.
5/3/1 (3 Week):
70% x 3
80% x 3
90% x 3+
These percentages are based on your Training Max (or TM). The final set (the 90% set this week) is done for max reps, stopping 2 shy of failure. The goal is between 8 and 15 reps. If you fail at fewer than 8 reps, then reduce your TM by 10%. If you get to 20 reps, then increase your TM by 10%. Read more about the 5/3/1 here, and use this calculator if you don’t have a true 1RM.
Post loads to comments.
Exposure 2 of 8
Partner WOD
In teams of 2 with one partner working at a time…
AMRAP 20 Minutes:
5 Ring Dips
10 Goblet Reverse Lunges
15 Kettlebell Swings 24/16kg
20/15 Calorie Row
Kipping is permitted. If you have a mature support and a few Strict Ring Dips, then Band-Supported Ring Dips are suitable. If you don’t have Ring Dips. then sub 5 Feet-Elevated Ring Dips, or 5 Between-Bench Dips or 5-10 Push-Ups as appropriate. Use the same kettlebell for the Lunges and Swings.
Post rounds, reps, Rx, and partner to comments.
Coach KHarpz, Val K., and Tyler G. (sadly not pictured) recently dropped into CrossFit Nashville. Coach Katie says: “this was a pretty sick gym!”
- Schedule Change: Tomorrow’s 9am yoga class with Jaclyn K. is cancelled.
Call for Artists in CFSBK’s Third Art Show, on November 19, 2016!
Ever wonder what CFSBK would look like if it transformed into an art gallery? Well, those of us that participated in or attended CFSBK’s first and second Art Shows know it looks pretty awesome. Our third Art Show will be Saturday, November 19th, so save the date, and START MAKING ART!
The aim of the evening isn’t to sell the work of our artists (though if that happens, great), but to showcase the often hidden talents of CrossFitters, bring our community together in a novel way, and to continue being the coolest CrossFit gym on the planet.
Want to Participate?
We’re excited about everyone who has reached out so far, but we want to hear from more of you! If you are an artist (even if your art is just a hobby!) and a CrossFitter at CFSBK or beyond, reach out to Kate R. at katharinereece [at] by November 4th, 2016 to get on the roster of artists. If you haven’t participated before, your email MUST INCLUDE 2-3 images of pieces you would consider showing or pieces that are similar to what you would create for the show. The volume of responses we receive will determine how many of your pieces we can include.
Note: Several of you have asked if anyone can participate. Yes, but the artist MUST be a CrossFitter. They don’t have to work out at CFSBK!
The more diversity of mediums the better—painting, photography, film, collage, printmaking, dance, design, drawings, textiles, installations, or something we haven’t heard of yet. The 180” projector is taken. If you participated in years past, please DO NOT repeat work you included for that show.
Brazilian Jiu Jitsu at Crossfit South Brooklyn
Want to learn Brazilian Jiu Jitsu? Classes are now available at Crossfit South Brooklyn’s facilities! Brazilian Jiu Jitsu is a grappling martial art which first gained popularity with its success in mixed martial arts competitions in the 90’s. Since then it’s continued to gain in fame as a fun sport and efficient form of self defense. Practitioners use joint locks, chokes, and leverage to subdue opponents instead of using strikes. The teacher is Jesse Leach, a 1st degree black belt, certified by the IBJJF and medalist at international tournaments. Classes will be Wednesday nights 8-9pm, and Sundays 12-1pm as well as a mixed martial arts class Sundays 1-2pm. Crossfit South Brooklyn members can purchase their first one month pass for $50. Daily rates and class packs are also available. E-mail contact [at] for more info.
Yesterday’s Whiteboard: Rest Day
A New Study Warns That Being Too Macho Makes Men Unhappy Esquire
How to Talk Yourself Out of Making Progress in Weightlifting Catalyst Athletics
Man Approaches Box of Powdered Doughnuts Like Snake Discovering Unguarded Cluch of Bird Eggs
testing testing. is blog eating comments today?
5:30p last night feat Whit
Push Press 115-135-155 all reps moved well.
Bent over rows – 50# DB
NFT Deadlift @205 these were difficult without the hook grip. Good practice. TTB and subbed 250m row instead of the run.
6am w/McDiesel & Rotactular
BSQ Wendy – 205×3, 235×3, 265×8 rep out.
Feels like I get a couple warm up sets and then 1 heavyish rep out. Mi Gusta el Wendler
Metcon – 10 rounds + 11kbs partnered with Dan L
This is all about the transition time to/from the urg. Fun burner
Good work Daniel-san; very proud of you
Nom nom nom me hungry!
ha! okay, apparently not. i guess nobody is in the mood to chat today. what gives?
Dropping in to thank some people for the support during my wodapalooza madness. Thanks @JakeL @ladyfox @Ro @Gracie @JB @Charlie for helping me fumble my way through these video submissions. A little recap of what I've got so far:
1RM thruster: 155#, 165#(F)-but darn close!
Will be retesting this in a few days. Was hoping to hit 155 for 3 (because apparently I was drinking hulk juice 3 weeks ago and have hit it x3 before), but only got one. Playing around with suicide vs. regular grip for this heavy single. Not sure which I like better yet.
Isabel: 2:23, (1:37s PR)
YAS! I got all fired up watching Jake crush this. So I tried to be a bit bolder and do more than 5 unbroken. Did 8, Then tried to listen to my body from then on. Dropped to singles by rep 20.
30, 4" deficit HSPU: 2:04
Felt pretty good! did a big set of 16 to start, then 9, then 5 to finish her off. Games standard is woof. Thanks @ladyfox @Ro and @gracie for the set up assistance.
3K row: 12:11
Gross. Tried to go dark on this one because I did not want to repeat. This is the probably best I could do. Stuck to 1:55-2:05 pace throughout with some power pulls every 500M (thanks for the advice Brett), this worked, because I was able to hold an average pace of 2:02. Playing on the ERG is fun, even though I'm kind of a shorty, I secretly love rowing. (guess its not longer a secret)
More to come! I recommend anyone who is interested in doing an online competition to just sign up and do it! It's always good experience to have a leaderboard to compare yourself to the best. Good preparation for the open!
6am with Ro and McDowell
HBBS – 210×3, 240×3, 270×8
Same repout as last week with 15# more. Felt solid
Metcon with James as noted above. Right back at you buddy 🙂
Ladies. I just signed up for the Pelvic Floor Health Workshop, and I highly recommend you do as well. We already know how great and knowledgeable Margie, KHarpz, and MeLo are, and many of you have probably worked those abs with Kristin H. The inclusion of Debbie Parsons will be invaluable to this workshop. I have seen Debbie on and off for several years working on body alignment and movement issues. Her help has been instrumental in correcting years of bad habits that led to frequent back injuries. She has taught me exercises to do that have greatly improved my overall movement and lifting and have helped prevent injury. She and her studio partner Alec treat many cross fitters, including many from this gym. Knowledge of the pelvic floor, how it works, and how to engage and strengthen it will only improve our lifting. Sign up.
@K Harpz – You are an inspiration. I'm glad you post your work-outs. Kill it girl!
I'm dropping in to see how many rounds I might end up having to do at this partner work-out.. not a lot of help on that front, but after reading about Katie's work I've concluded I should do a million 🙂
@Joy – Good call. I wish I could attend. I'll be in … Disney World! Most likely at the Bippity Boppity Boutique at that precise moment lord help me
Kharpz-#inspiration #goalz #wcw #holyisabeltime
LBBS – 155×3, 185×3, 205×8. 3 weeks are usually my favorite.
Partner WOD: 8 rounds plus 21 reps. Used the band to help stabilize, all 3-2. Gained my first ring dip bruises today- big day.
Double post from 830pm classes Monday/Tuesday nights
Push Press : 115-115-115
More here for sure but the volume had me all sorts of confused. I feel like 135 is attainable.
Bent over rows : started at 40 and stayed with it the whole way.
185 no hook grip (I had to reset from hook grip every time muscle memory ya know)
NFT work usually is nice and slow and I usually leave the gym feeling refreshed not winded. Not the case for this one.
BSQ Wendler style : 200 / 225 / 255 rep out
KHarpz thought I did 7 on the rep out. I thought 9. Gonna call it down the middle for 8. Interesting that I did more for the rep out this week with a heavier load.
AMRAP w/ Mario
8 rounds even (I may or may not have walked away from this with some time on the clock).
Really really dislike rowing for calories.
For whoever in AR was talking about wishing NYC had a Cheesecake Factory:
Short Circuit Programming
Strength Circuit (15min/3-4 Rounds)
4-6 Chin Up with 3 sec negative
8 push up with 3 sec negative
10 DB RDL with 3 sec negative
10 DB OH Walking Lunges
MetCon Circuit
20 Air squats
10 Burpees
Rest 90 Sec.
20 Sit Ups
10 Box Jump Overs
Rest 90 Sec.
20 Shoulder Taps
10 Jumping Lunges
My new squat program got me like:
A1: Squat: 5×18 @ 35% (80#)
slower down, faster up tempo
biofeedback test: normal
legs feel seriously swole after 3 sets of this
A2: DB Ext Rot: 3x8ea @ 30×1 (10#)
B: EMOM x 18
min 1: 10 box jumps @ 24"
min 2: 7 CTB pull ups
min 3: 7 strict dips
7 dips was an aggressive choice of number. I had written 4, but the first set felt so good. managed to get most sets of it done in :30 or less, but the last two on dips were broken up into doubles and singles.
CTB started unbroken, then 4-3 for later rounds.
Walked to the gym with Penny this morning in the crisp air and the sunshine. Pretty rad way to start the day!
@KHarpz- any time, girlfriend! You're an inspiration to behold.
Just wanted to move today so ran to the gym and back and did the following NFT.
6 rounds
5 x C2B or butterfly attempts (mixed it up)
10 x push-ups
15 x squats
20 cal row
3 rounds
5 x T2B
30 x DU
Feeling pretty sore from all that work yesterday. Felt good to move.
100×3, 115×3, 130×7
Fun partnering with Thaisa and Kevin Y who crushed it…such amazing squat form! dang. A couple of my reps were shallow…I also think I quit too early; could have definitely got 7 strong reps.
Partner WOD was fun! We did 8 rounds RX. About 2:30 per round.
I'm getting sick. I laid in bed after work all evening on Monday and Tuesday…and had to miss AG because of it! Boo.
KHarpz that Isabel is ridic!!
MCD said the first rep @175 was a little shallow. These felt slow today. Probably bc I started my day with donuts.
Parter WOD with Chas and Dan H: 8 rounds +5 ring dips
Dan and Chas went at the same time.
I used the red band to stabilize the rings. Did three reps the first round then upped it to 5 the remaining rounds. All unbroken. The stabilization made a world of difference. We'll see how my shoulders feel tomorrow.
Allie, feeling run down too! Rest up!
HBBS: 175×5, 205×3, 235×12
Got into the 9th round with Jay on the partner WOD. The rowing sucked and Jay kicked my ass.
BSQ — 135 x 5 x 3
Partner workout as Rx'd w Eduardo. Both finished 4 rounds (tho I took an extra minute-ish after the timer to finish the row). Got myself some good kipping dips today!
5 rounds of:
3 kipped dips to drill in the rhythm ("Knees to chest-PUSH! …kick to finish")
1 butterfly pull-up set attempt (2-3 pull ups)
Annie in something like 8:30 – holy sit ups. Doubles unbroken tho! Going to do sit ups for a few weeks and try this again!
Jumping ring MUs
30" box x 2 x 2
28" x 2 x 2
26" x 2 x 1
(1st set of rings on the left, length of top of black strap to btm of rings = height of 15 hole on rack 5-6)