Andre L. and Jaclyn K. looking pretty synchronized at Fight Gone Bad 2016
Short Circuit: A Testimonial from Kristin H.!
For the past couple of weeks, we’ve been telling you about Short Circuit, a new class utilizing some of the best training methods to give you a great total body workout in just one hour. Each class includes two circuits programmed specifically to help you shed pounds while increasing your strength, stamina, and flexibility. In case you missed it, our resident Pilates expert Kristin H. posted a great comment about her first Short Circuit experience to the blog yesterday:
“Today I took the 9am Short Circuit class for the first time and I just want to make a public plug for it. It was super fun to work on accessory movements that will help my regular crossfit exercises (bicep curls, single leg squats, planks), and the atmosphere was really jovial and sweaty. I liked not having to keep score of my reps and just move through the stations with the music. Also Brett is okay as a coach, I guess. Jkjkjk he’s awesome! Try it out if you have the coveted 9am hour free.”
Unlike our CrossFit group classes, you don’t have to have taken Foundations or have any kind of CrossFit background to participate in Short Circuit, so now you can sweatily bond with your friends and family. Now they’ll get to find out what this CFSBK place you’ve been talking up is all about!
How is this different from CrossFit? While some movements will be familiar, Short Circuit does not include barbell training or higher-skilled calisthenics (like Kipping Pull-Ups or Handstand Push-Ups). You will get a a kick-ass workout, though, and as with our other specialty offerings like Active Recovery, Anti-Gravity, Pilates, and Yoga for Athletes, it’s up to you to decide how Short Circuit might fit into your overall training. That’s why members with CrossFit Group class memberships can use their existing memberships to attend any of these classes!
Monday 9:00am
Wednesday 9:00am
Friday 9:00am
For more info on drop-in pricing and packages, head over to the Short Circuit program page.
News and Notes
- Tonight’s 7:30pm Pilates class with Kristin H. is cancelled.
- NBC’S hit competition series AMERICAN NINJA WARRIOR is looking for a variety of awesome athletes to apply for this upcoming season. Go here to apply.
- Did Fight Gone Bad whet your appetite for competition? Check out the 2016 Hoboken Winter Challenge! The event will take place on December 3rd, and registration is now open.
The Most Efficient Way to Destroy the Universe Kurzgesagt
Top 5 Mobility Needs for the Olympic Weightlifter The Barbell Physio
Wednesday's Programming
Back Squat
3 x 5
Use 85% of last week's weight.
5/3/1 3 Week
70% x 3
80% x 3
90% x 3+
*Your Training Max (TM) is used to base the percentages off of. The final set (the 85% set this week) is done for max reps, stopping 2 shy of failure. The goal is between 8 and 15 reps. If you fail at fewer than 8 then reduce your TM by 10%. If you get to 20 reps then increase your TM by 10%. Read more about the 5/3/1 below, and use the calculator if you don't have a true 1RM.
Post loads to comments.
Exposure 2 of 8
Partner WOD
In teams of 2 with one partner working at a time…
AMRAP 20 Minutes:
5 Ring Dips
10 Goblet Reverse Lunges
15 KB Swings 24/16kg
20/15 Calorie Row
Kipping is permitted. If you have a mature support and a few strict ring dips then band supported ring dips are suitable. If you don't have Ring Dips then sub 5 Feet Elevated Ring Dips, or 5 Between Bench Dips or 5-10 Push Ups as appropriate. Use the same kettlebell for the lunges and swings.
Post rounds, reps, Rx, and partner to comments.
Double under practice
For time:
Handstand push up
Between each set perform 25 Double unders
(15 min cap)
5 Goblet Squats
5 Burpees
6am with Lady Fox
LBBS: wu: 45×5, 135×5 wendler 3's based off 225 training max: 155×3, 185×3, 205×7. I probably could've done more, but this is my first time doing the rep out, so kept it conservative.
Partner WOD with Jossi (sp?). 7 rounds plus 8kb swings. Scaled the ring dips by using a box and did the swings russian. Rowing was the hardest part, but enjoyed this little partner WOD.
6am with Jess
Performance HBBS
200 x 3, 230 x 3, 255×8
Squats have been feeling really good lately. Probably could have gone the full 10 but I had set 6-8 as my goal so stopped after 8.
Partner WOD with Mikey Marinara
8 rounds + kb swings Rx
Mikey Marinara got the bonus round and for all those concerned he did find his missing shaker bottle this morning and proceeded to finish off his bloody mary. Why waste a good cocktail.
7 a.m. Wednesday workout with McDowell
150 X 3, 170 X 3, 190 X 8
The last round was feeling fine until the eighth rep. I must have psyched myself out trying to hit that goal. Overall, I like this training regimen.
Partner workout with Ben S. (Yep, Ben and Gerry.)
10 calories short of 8 rounds, all done RX.
Interesting that the Mobility for weightlifters article shows some of the Selective Functional Movement Assessments (SFMA) that I do for athletes upstairs. I'd love to demonstrate these in person to coaches/athletes. NICE POST!
see more at Functional[DOT[rehab
7am with McDowell
BSQ based off 205# TM
140# x 3 / 165# x 3 / 185# x 6
I think I left too many in the tank on the rep out. Kinda brain farted after 6 and just racked it.
Metcon Rx w/ Nikhil – 7rds + 10cals
Dips feeling great. Rows in :54 / :56 / 1:04 / :46. Tried to empty the tank on the last one.
3×10 GHDz
6am making up Monday with McDowell
Worked up to 165 on the PP
65x12x3 on the rows
Did the NFT work at 225# with 10 T2B
7 a.m. doing Monday's work w/Jess.
Push press: 105-115-125 x 10. Tried to cycle these but ran into trouble in the last set (you may be surprised to know that I have no rhythm). Just baaaaarely got 10 reps up at 125 (though I bet under less fatigue I could push 135…?).
Dumbbell row: 40#x10x3. Lightened up a bit here and tried to focus on keeping the back flat.
NFT work: got through 5 rounds @ 185#/5 TTB/running. Again, lightened up and worked on eliminating the upper back rounding. Got some good tips on the TTB from Jess and feel more confident about them after some tough times earlier in the year.
Joy was 4 hours late to class and I was 3 hours late, so we got to be partners at 10 AM!
Squats: 150×3, 170×3, 195×7 but high. ๐ DAMMIT. I really thought I had it this time but clearly I get scared to hit full depth when it's heavy.
(PSA to those reading the blog comments: you do NOT have to hit 8-15 reps on rep out this week!)
Stuck with Joy for the partner WOD, Rx'ed it except for adding a band to stabilize the rings. 8 rounds plus dips, lunges, and 3 KB swings for me. Never go first in a partner AMRAP! (But I was very pleasantly surprised that my wrists held up through all the ring dips)
11am doing Wednesday
Did 1 round of the partner workout every 5 minutes for 5 rounds. Each was just under 2:30. That was rough.
10 AM class/fake cooking discussion
with Jess and McDowell after mobility work and a step up to 5-5-4-3-1-2 pullup pyramid-ish.
back squats:
3x5x 135#. Going a little lighter this cycle to ensure that I can always get deep enough going forward. a little trouble today, but mostly good.
metcon- 8 rounds plus 2 dips from partner Zolt (sp?). the lunges at 12k everything else rx.
long and fast. fun workout.
Hey CrossFit Fam,
Has anyone seen, borrowed, or picked up my Froning Rogue Rope? I keep it in a small light green bag. I let a few folks borrow it for classes and it's not in the lost and found. Thanks!
Coach Brett
Make Up Posting:
10 minute row (just over 2k)
Close Grip Bench Press @ 30×1
:07 1 arm handstand, each
5 leg lower/lift 30×1
10 hip ext 20×2
5:30 group class:
8ea 1 arm high pull @16kg
5ea waiter squat @ 16kg
:20 hollow hold
Push Press: 10-10-10
probably could've gone 5-10# heavier but was a bit conservative with starting weight. last set was 6 or 7 cycled and then reset for the last 3 or 4 reps.
4 rounds of the NFT work
10 DL @ 135
5 strict TTB with straight legs
270m jog
Brett, when was the last time you used it? I saw a Rogue speed rope with the other jump ropes in 597 this past Friday.
Any recommendations for an orthopedist for the foot? Asking for a friend. Thanks.
6am with Jess doing Wednesday
Squat: 230 x 3, 265 x 3, 295×6
This felt better than last week. Definitely left a few in the tank.
Partner WOD with BK
8 rounds + dips
BK and I did 2:30 rounds consistently. Never really redlined here, so probably could have gone faster on the rower.
6am doing Wednesday. Great class, always fun doing the team WOD's for time, gets the competitive juices flowing.
Squats with Dan G: 210×5 (whoops), 240×3, 275×6, felt good.
Partnered with Roy, did 8 rounds and 5 ring dips, nipping at Steve and Mike's heels.
Great week for valuable coaching interventions: Brett getting me back to front squatting via dumbbells, Whit saving me from myself on push press, and Fox (patience of a saint, millionth time) helping me get the bar to my shoulders on the cleans. Really brought into focus what a gift good coaching is.
LBBS- 185 x 12 x 2
Deadlift- 215 x 12 x 2
superset with
DB side lateral raise- 10 x 12 x 2
Press- 65 x 8 x 2
Walking Lunges- 80 x 20 x 2
superset with
DB curls- 20 x 12 x 2
Good Morning- 100 x 15 x 2
Chin-up- 3 x 6
superset with
Reaching sit-up- 25 x 18 x 2
Supposed to be going 3x reps shy of failure on all of these. Kinda hard to gauge. May need to go heavier on the walking lunges 20 reps for each leg is probably too much.
500m row
25 Burpee Box Jump Overs
So slow at anything burpee.
EMOM 10 mins
Unbroken HSPUs- 5-4-and 3 for all the other minutes. Practice, practice…
Made the mistake of telling McDowell that I was free during the 9am hour…
20min AMRAP
20 Thrusters 135/95
20 Pullups
20 Burpees
-I was just 5 burpees shy of 3 full rounds. This was hard. I was able to do the thrusters in sets of 5 for the first round and then sets of 4 for the rest. Pullups in 5 the first round and then a little more broken during the rest to try to prevent my hands from opening up yet again.
-Goal to was not let McD lap me! Mission accomplished.
Came back this evening to get my lifts in:
HBBS: 85%x5x3
(45×5, 135×5, 185×3) 200x5x3
-all without a belt. First set felt pretty heavy but they got 'easier' as the sets went along.
Sumo DL: 85%x5x3
(95×5, 135×5) 195x5x3
-all double overhand. These are really hard for me.
Solo version of today's WOD:
Every 3 mins for 5 rounds:
5 ring dips (box assisted)
10 slamball 20#
20 Russian KBS 16kg
30 double unders
Rounds were 1:24, 1:27, 1:19, 1:18, 1:18
3 sets
16 rev lunges: 33# front rack, 53# front rack, 53# OH
:10 wide grip pull up hold
6 kip swings
Push Press
10 reps @53#, 63, 73, 78
Superset with 3 butterfly pull-up practice attempts
10 deadlifts @108#
10 T2B / straight leg raises on stall bars (4-3-3)
250m row ~1:03-1:06 ea
7:30 with Brett
Push press. 63,73,83. All moved well. Had room to move up another 5-10 lbs.
Superset with 25# rows and just focused on range of motion. Will move up next week.
Took Brett's suggestion to not totally slog through this nft
Did 5 rounds: 125 then 135 deadlifts, 5 strict yet ugly t2b, 270m run.