Push Press / Dumbbell Bent-Over Row Superset*
1A) Press
Fitness and Performance
Work up to a heavy set of 10 after 2-3 warm up sets. Touch-and-go is permitted.
Fitness and Performance
3 x 8-12
Perform 3 sets of 8-12 reps. Use Week 1 as a guide. Aim initially to get 3 sets with perfect form and aim to increase either reps or load from week to week. Keep in mind that these are an accessory movement and you’ll get more out of them by performing the movement well than by heaving heavier dumbbells around with poor form. If you can finish the cycle with 3 perfect sets of 12 at your heaviest 10 from week one, you win! These are both arms at the same time. Keep these strict and avoid using momentum from your back and hips. Elbows finish close to the torso. Drop weight if you need to heave the dummbells.
*Superset means that you perform a set of exercise A (in this case the Press) and then after a short rest, 30 seconds to a minute, you perform a set of exercise B (in this case the Dumbbell Bent-Over Row). You then rest a short period before returning to exercise A and continue in this fashion until all warm up and work sets are completed.
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Exposure 2 of 8
10 Deadlifts (touch-and-go, at about 50%)
5-10 Strict Toes-to-Bars
270m Jog
Top out the Deadlift weight at 225/155 and use a double overhead grip. As always, maintain a neutral spine. The Toes-to-Bars are written as strict but feel free to work on your kip if it needs it.
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This year’s Fight Gone Bad photos are so good that we’re just now getting to Prince and the Row-volution | Photo by Kate R.
SAVE THE DATE: The 3rd Annual Iron Maidens Raw Open
Hosted by CrossFit South Brooklyn
February 18, 2017, 9:00AM-6PM
Squat, Bench Press, Deadlift
Registration will open the week of December 5, 2016
You are invited to test your one rep maxes in a rare, women’s only environment of badassery. Compete for awesome prizes and cheer on female feats of strength. This meet is open to all women; you do not need to be a member of Crossfit South Brooklyn to participate.
All lifters will have three attempts to lift one maximal rep, in the following order, for:
1. Back Squat
2. Bench Press
3. Deadlift
The sum of the heaviest successful attempts will constitute each lifter’s Total. For each weight class, a first, second and third place will be awarded to the highest Totals.
Weight classes: 123lbs and under; 132lbs and under; 148lbs and under; 165lbs and under; Over 165lbs
Iron Maidens Stay Strong Scholarship
Once again, we are thrilled to partner with Grace Outreach, a Bronx based nonprofit that works with women to further their education and gain financial independence. Through competitors’ fundraising efforts, the annual Iron Maidens Stay Strong Scholarship assists low-income women in paying for their college tuition.
In 2016, competitors raised $30,000 in scholarship money, $10,000 above our goal. We look forward to supporting even more women this year as they pursue higher education.
Check out the Iron Maidens blog to learn more and see results from last year’s competition.
Questions? Contact Meet Director Margie Lempert at Margie @ crossfitsouthbrooklyn [dot] com.
Time to Train Starting Strength
Dazzling Designs for a New York That Never Existed Atlas Obscura
6am with Ro and Whit
Push Press: Hit my heaviest set at 155#. Got a little wiggly at the end but made it through. Thanks weight belt.
Metcon: Partnered with DanG and did the AG workout from Sunday along with some other folks. 17:31 Rx. Lots of fun.
Had an 8:30am start at work, so decided to wake up at my usual time and get my workout done by 7! Amazing!
Push press: 63-73-78. Felt good!
NFT: 95# deadlift with no hook grip touch n go, 5-6 strict ttb. Chill workout.
I feel amazing and am ready for a great day. Man, I wish I could workout every morning!
Also, I'm glad the 6am crew is trying to keep up with us evening folk. I mean, many of the night crowd already did the AG workout yesterday… keep striving, 6am 😉
Short Circuit Programming
Plug In – Warm Up
Strength Circuit 16 Min or 4 Rounds
8e leg – Single Leg Squats or Bench Sit Down/Stand Up
80 ft Single Arm Farmer Carry AHAP
8 DB Curls @ 3X10 Tempo
8 Dips @ 3X10 Tempo
MetCon Circuit
Tabata Box Jumps
Rest 1 min
Tabata Wall Balls
Rest 1 Min
Tabata Bear Crawls
Rest 1 Min
Tabata Planks with Toe Touches
I accidentally swiped someone's small blender bottle this morning after 6am class. I will bring it back tomorrow morning. If anyone found a lonely, larger blender bottle with a bloody mary-like substance in it, please bring to front desk and I'll grab it tomorrow morning. Thanks.
Prince and the Row-Volution was my personal favorite set of costumes. The fact that you guys did not buy those pre-bagged at Ricky's gets MAJOR creativity props. (And I have already mentioned my awe at Katie's iridescent purple cutout leotard. AMAZING.)
7 AM with RoHubs
Push press: 75, got called out jerking in that set so I stuck with 75 for a second, better set, and finished out at 85. Clocked myself in the chin with the bar once on the first set. My life would be so much easier if I liked coffee…
30, then 35 on the DBs.
NFT work was #GrippyAF. I did 155 on the deadlifts and hanging knee raises.
Plug time: My choir, the Oratorio Society of New York, is doing a concert of Mozart's Mass in C Minor and Bruckner's Te Deum next Thursday. It is lovely music and you should come! I have 3 tickets left in the rear balcony at $23 each (slight discount off the $25 regular price, plus no ticket fees). Email me at stellavision at gmail if you want one. Or, Carnegie Hall box office to sit anywhere else.
WHAT: Mozart and Bruckner with a giant 200-voice choir
WHEN: Thursday, 11/3 at 8 PM
WHERE: Carnegie Hall, 57th Street/7th Avenue
More info at http://www.oratoriosocietyofny.org/season-mozart-bruckner.html
7am w/ Ro + Whit
Push Press – 95# x 10 / 115# x 10 / 135# x 5
Coulda squeezed out a few more at 135#, but form was getting compromised to called it. 125# is probably right.
Did yesterday's AG with Chris instead of the NFT. ~16:04 Rx. Box jumps were no joke.
6am with Ro-ney
Push press – 95, 115, 135
Maybe could have done 140 or 145 but that would have been pushing it..
Did the AG wod with BK in 16:51
Fun little workout although partnering with 'you get no rest' BK in these types of workouts is rough
Today I took the 9am Short Circuit class for the first time and I just want to make a public plug for it. It was super fun to work on accessory movements that will help my regular crossfit exercises (bicep curls, single leg squats, planks), and the atmosphere was really jovial and sweaty. I liked not having to keep score of my reps and just move through the stations with the music. Also Brett is okay as a coach, I guess. Jkjkjk he's awesome! Try it out if you have the coveted 9am hour free.
Push press: 73, 83, 93.
Hard, but not max effort. Curious where this line is.
Joined the crew doing the AG wod with Linda and Joy (who really rowed her heart out this morning).
Push Press
All touch and go. That got hard.
DB Rows
Deadlifts at 225 and 5 Strict T2B. Skipped the runs since I was short on time. Very grippy!
10am group class with BRo 😉
A) Push Press: (45×10, 65×5) 80×10, 95×10, 110×10
-somewhat challenging but probably could have done more if I didn't have the fear of a wardrobe malfunction.
B) DB rows: (25×5) 30x10x3
-will do 12 reps next week.
Only did 3 rounds of the NFT because I had to run to a client.
-DL's at 135, 145, 155 and 5 strict TTB each round. Tried to move quickly through each round.
Also, does anyone have a truck/van that Chris and I might be able to borrow on Wednesday? Chris' mom is unloading some furniture to us (chair, ottoman, patio stuffs) and we're looking for a way to transport it back from Jersey. Would be happy to exchange our totally hip 1997 Subaru for the day! Guys, it has heated leather seats and a tape deck… You're welcome.
6am with Ro and Whit
Push press: 63, 73, 78. Got some good pointers from Whit on my setup and dip. Really trying to focus on form to avoid aggregating my left shoulder, and so far, so good.
DB rows: 20×8, 20×10, 25×8
AG WOD with Kayleigh and Joy. I'm pretty sure I heard Joy say she loves rowing and can't wait to sign up for crash-b's!
Push press – 95, 135, 155
155 wasn't quite maximal, but 10 is alot and form breaks down (back arch) db row up to 50, but could have gone heavier.
Did the Sunday AG wod with DJ Flash in 17:2?
Erg display broke with 100m to go, so that time is a guess based on Mike M. My 10 extra box jumps did not make up for the fact that I only contributed 1/3 of the pull ups and 1/4 of the double unders.
I was wondering what all you 6 AMers were doing cheering each other on on the erg this morning. I thought to myself, "Are they just subbing rowing for running? It's not for time…trust 6 AM to make it a competition anyway."
3:00 Breathing exercises
Crossover Symmetry
5:00 Movement Prep
3 Rounds
12 GHD Hip Extensions
12 Squats
8 Ring Rows
Press: 95x10x3
DB BO Row: 45x12x3
Was feeling a little unstable after a bunch of single arm hangs I did a few days ago so kept it at a press again just doing a submax weight from week 1. Felt fine
5 Rounds NFT
10 Deadlifts 185 (added a 2" deficit)
25 Unbroken Hollow Rocks
270m Jog
Actually did this fast, felt meton-like. 185 is about 50% so I figured I'd do that. The last 5 reps of the hollow rocks were the hardest.
3 Rounds NFT
250lb Farmers Carry about 100' using the Trap Bar
:20 L-Sit
PP: 65-75-85
NFT: 4 rounds plus deadlifts
DLs: 135
TTB: did knees to elbow, extended my legs and lowered them slowly. So tough
3K Row as part of Wodapalooza
Felt horrible afterwards for a solid 30-45 minutes.
4:30 with Brett n Fox
Push press at 53lbs, got the gist of what was supposed to be happening on the last 3 reps, so probably could have gone a little heavier, but this is what learning is right? Lots of stuff going on, it's hard to dip straight down while keeping high elbows up and not going into some weird back extension. I didn't feel as much of a mobility issue but more of a difficulty organizing a new mental checklist while pushing weight. Excited to try these again in the future, the last set felt fancy nice. Rows at 20's each, should have done 25 but I was being modest or something, will do that next week.
I did 2 rounds +12 DL NFT as I also had to flee early. Went 75 on the DL, wanted to do 105 but got preoccupied with how long it would take to change the plates and put them away. Toes to bar are nice when you can bend your knees, got 3-4 in a row before I had to reset. Total of 6 per round. Did the first run fast but leisurely. The second one featured me ramping up to about two levels under a sprint which was probably alarming as this was NFT but wanted to get some conditioning in. Riding a bike feels like flying if you just did some deadlifts. Deeply regret not having time to roll and stretch after.
Olympic Lifting class
Snatch doubles at:
53#, 63, 73, 83, 93, 98, 103 – failed 2nd one, back down 98 – failed 2nd, 93, 88
Something was off with my grip — I decided to blame the bar and switched it out
Throw it high, Keep arms loose.
C&J singles at:
103#, 113# x 1 x 5 – this is a bit under 80%. Felt good.
HBBS — 1 second pause at the bottom
123# x 5, 143 x 2 x 5
Press doubles at:
53#, 58#, 63#, 68#, 70.5#, 73#