Snatch Metcon
Every 5 minutes for 6 rounds:
1 High-Hang Snatch
10 Burpees
1 Mid-Hang Snatch
10 Burpees
1 Below-the-Knee Hang Snatch
Start light and work up only as appropriate. Move quickly but deliberately through each round. The goal is no misses on the Snatch. If you miss a rep, perform a 10 Burpee penalty on the spot.
Post work to comments.
Exposure 1 of 8
5 Rounds NFT:
10 V-Ups or GHD Sit-Ups
10 Supinated Grip Ring Rows
Post work to comments.
Coach Whit and Joe W. taking on some partner Deadlifts during the 5th CrossFit Team Series workout
The CrossFit Team Series at CFSBK
From early September to early October, four intrepid teams of CFSBKers took on this year’s CrossFit Team Series. The Team Series tests the fitness of four-person teams (two women and two men) over the course of 8 events. Today we’re very happy to bring you some reports from the competitors. But first, here are the teams:
Forging Competent Fitness
Michael C.
Brad L.
Charlie N.
Kayleigh R.
Vacation Gainz
Joe W.
Coach Brett
Coach Whitney
Steph M.
CFSBK Ballers
Coach Jess
Coach Fox
Coach JB
Jason M.
All Good Fellows and Maybe Scott
Micheline G.
Charles S.
Gerry M.
Shawn C.
Definitely an all-star lineup! How did it go? Your blog editor had the good fortune to be able to judge Forging Competent Fitness’s 5th workout and can tell you that it was tough! (Watching Charlie N. and Brad L. Deadlift together made it well worth it, though.) But, most importantly, we’re grateful that we can share some words from the athletes themselves. Here’s a team write-up from CFSBK Ballers by Coach Jess:
Our team had a great experience! We all pushed ourselves harder than if we were just doing it solo. We had to do the first 4 workouts all in one day over the course of 2 hours. That wasn’t ‘fun,’ but I think we still surprised ourselves with what we could do and how we could recover fairly quickly to move on to the next workout. The 2nd 4 workouts were more in our favor but they seemed way more difficult! Regardless, it was fun to get together, talk strategy, talk strengths and weaknesses, practice synchronizing, hit the workouts and then go out for dinner/drinks afterwards as a team. I would highly recommend this for any/all members next year! Find 3 other people and sign up! Team workouts are always great for giving you that extra push! And hopefully next year, we’ll have organized team series workouts… like a Friday Night Lights type of deal!
Sounds like they really made good on the “team” part! Shawn C. was kind enough to gather responses from All Good Fellows and Maybe Scott. Let’s see what they had to say:
“My overall highlight was the team atmosphere and feeling that I couldn’t let the team down, which was really inspiring. I had three PRs and did two movements that I wasn’t sure I could do at all. No way that happens without being a part of a team that was taking on challenges. Also great to get know other gym members better.” –Charles S.
“The highlights were when other members enthusiastically judged us, taking time out of their routine/day to do it. That was so nice of Joy and Stella, Andre and Kate! Then, it was so much fun to synchronize stuff. A little silly (e.g., the Deadlift Hold) but so fun at the same time. And then just getting through it was great.” –Micheline G.
Gerry M. also said that working with the team and pushing beyond what he thought he’d be able to do was a highlight, but he disagreed with Micheline on the partner Deadlifit. He was not a fan!
“Working with and getting to know better this excellent team was a highlight and their support was a big part of getting some PRs and was everything in terms of fun! I also appreciate the generosity of time and spirit provided by our judges. CrossFit Community! Thanks for everything!” –Shawn C.
Wow, thanks all! We’re looking forward to Friday Night Lights at CFSBK next year. But who’s gonna play Tim Riggins?
Yesterday’s Whiteboard: Squat | NFT Work
How to Fix the “Starfish” Power Clean WODprep
Hand & Wrist Position Overhead Catalyst Athletics
6am with much of the crew and Jess and McDowell
Did rounds (in kg) of 50, 50, 60, 60, 65, 70
Slowed down a bit by the end. Didn't totally know what to expect going into this, but it was a fun one.
Cashed out with some ring rows and GHDs
6am J Fox and and McD
Snatch/Burpee complex
Worked up to 115# thankfully no misses
Avg around 1:50 with final set at 2:30
Cash out with some beach bod exercises
Right back at ya Shawn! It was awesome judging you guys, especially when you went into the chest-to-bar pullup workout thinking you were only going to do a few each and you ended up with 105 of them. So great!
Snatch/Burpee complex
Started around 73# and worked up to 93# – missed on the last one. Pleasantly surprised that the 130 burpees were not as terrible as I had imagined. Finished each round in just under 2 minutes, never really pushing the pace but not trying to slog through it either.
We forged so much competent fitness together – I really do recommend the team series experience to others.
6am with Jess and McD
Snatch – 95×3, 105×2, 115
Missed the first two at 115 before hitting the third. Was just in my head too much. First 5 rounds were all in the 1:50-2:00 mark before that last round when the wheels came off.
Cashed out with some v-ups and bicep enhancers.
Great job teams!
Friends, Jesse’s jiu jitsu class in the annex is fun. You should try it.
wait can we all pay more attention to taco jesus tho
4:30 with Whit
First time with the snatch. Really enjoy it. Thought about scaling the burpees to not mess with my baby technique too much but did the full 10 anyway. Felt ok until the 3rd round when all the hours of stalking my countryman Torokhtiy on the internet fell out of my head. Whit staged an intervention, felt real good for the last 2 rounds resting a little more before taking the barbell. Looking forward to being able to work a little heavier.
Also not sure if it's intentional but the chalk chunks in the pumpkin buckets look like marshmallows. This was an exciting discovery for me.
Team Series was fun! Do it!
Snatches went: 88, 110, 132, 14t5, 145, 132
No misses but almost missed the high hang on one. The second 10 burpees each time sucked! Didn't write times but they went from just under 2 minutes to about 2:15. Fun one.
Yes I very much enjoyed forging competent fitness with my friends for Team Series. Hope we can do this again next year!
30 x DU
5 x Butterfly Pull-Ups (I'll call them attempts; I'm not there yet but getting closer)
10 x push-ups
Bench Press- 100 x 9 x 2
DB Shoulder Press- 20 x 10, 20 x 8
Matador Dips- 6-6
Bent-Over Row-75 x 10 x 2
Stiff-Legged DL-95 x 18 x 2
Walking Lunges- 95 x 20 x 2 (each- this is going to hurt tomorrow)
Hanging Knee Raise- 12-12-12
Again was feeling things out a bit with the movements and weights. This took a lot less time than Tuesday's work. May switch some movements around a bi.
AMRAP 15 mins
15 x Wallball (14/9)
15 x KB Swings (16kg USA)
10 rounds, 9 wallballs.
EMOM 12 mins
5 x TTB
@Karina- MARSHMALLOWS YUM! I like the way you think 🙂
Haven't been feeling that great lately :/
Snatch WOD at 52. About 1:50 every round. Struggled with the snatches!
Great advice from Whit
1) Relax elbows. Lose hook grip. But be ready to catch the bar strong & tight. I've heard these cues before but I was really trying to dial them in.
2) Drop under as fast as possible. I kept catching in a more power position. I think my ankles are extremely tight–> must have scar tissue there from rolling my ankle a few weeks ago. Boo.
Anyway, this was very fun (and frustrating) to really work on technique while having a raised heart rate. Loved it.
Snatches: worked up to 73.
I did burpees at a steady pace and didn't try to finish each round AFAP so I would have quality snatches. Ro said I was putting weight on my heels. Once I corrected it, the bar flew up easily and I caught it in a good position. Improved with each round so wish I had gone up in weight another 5#. Fun one and not overly taxing when I'm sleep-deprived, stressed and feeling run down. CrossFit makes everything better.