So many great photos from Kate R., Thomas H., and Joel Z. on our Flickr account | Photo by Joel Z.
New Training Cycle Template
Training Cycle Dates: M 10/17 – Su 12/11
Crush Week: M 12/12 – Su 12/18
Transition Week: Will be the first week of the following cycle, starting December 19th.
We’ll do lots of Every-Minute-on-the-Minute (EMOM) work this cycle and mix up how strength training is done during a group class hour. Mondays will feature Overhead Presses, Wednesdays and Saturdays will feature Squats (following Jim Wendler’s 5/3/1 for Performance), and Thursdays and Sundays will feature Clean and Jerks and Snatches. As usual, every 5-7 days the metcon will be Not For Time (NFT) work.
Monday – Shoulder to Overhead + DB Bent Row + Metcon
Wednesday – Back Squat + Metcon
Thursday – Snatch + Metcon
Saturday – Front Squat + Metcon
Sunday – Clean and Jerk + Metcon
The Shoulder-to-Overhead days will vary movements, sets, and reps.
The Dumbbell Bent Over Rows will start with a heavy set of 10 and the following week’s sets and reps will be based off it.
Week 1 – 10-10-10
Weeks 2-8 – Perform 3 sets of 8-12 reps.
Use Week 1 as a guide. Aim initially to get 3 sets with perfect form and aim to increase either reps or load from week to week. Keep in mind that these are an accessory movement, and you’ll get more out of them by performing the movement well than by heaving heavier dumbbells around with poor form. If you can finish the cycle with 3 perfect sets of 12 at your heaviest 10 from week one, you win!
Fitness Squat Cycle
Week 1 – 5-5-5
Week 2 – 85% (of last week’s heavy 5) for 3 sets of 5
Week 3 – 90% x 5 x 3
Week 4 – 95% x 5 x 3
Week 5 – 100% x 5 x 3
Week 6 – 105% x 5 x 3
Week 7 – 5-5-5
Week 8 – 1-1-1 of 3-3-3
Performance Squat Cycle
All percentages are based off a TRAINING MAX (aka TM), which is 90% of your 1RM. If you have a 3RM but not a 1RM then you can use this 1RM calculator on EXRX. So, if your 1RM is 200 lbs, you’ll base use the prescribed percentages off of 90% of that which would be 180 lbs. Each week, the last set of the day is a “rep-out” set, where you perform as many reps as you can (with good form) until 1 or 2 shy of failure. The goal is no failed reps so if you’re not 110% sure you’ll make the next rep then rack it!
Week 1 – 65% x 5, 75% x 5, 85% x 5+
Week 2 – 70% x 3, 80% x 3, 90% x 3+
Week 3 – 75% x 5, 85% x 3, 95% x1 +
*Add 10 lbs to your TM*
Week 4 – 65% x 5, 75% x 5, 85% x 5+
Week 5 – 70% x 3, 80% x 3, 90% x 3+
Week 6 – 75% x 5, 85% x 3, 95% x 1+
*Add 10 lbs to your TM*
Week 7 – 70% x 1 x 5 Paused (pause for a 3 count at the bottom and maintain tension)
Week 8 – Max Effort Week
The Olympic lifts will follow an EMOM format that will include other movements with the goal of learning how to pace during metcons.
Don’t forget that you can always see our current training template here!
Yesterday’s Whiteboard: Press / DB Row | Double-Unders, Push-Ups, Pull-Ups
The Importance of a Healthy Mind PurePharma
Minimalist Shoes Increase Foot and Leg Muscles Science Daily
Wednesday's Programming
Back Squat
Warm up and perform 3 medium-heavy sets of 5 reps.
5/3/1 5 Week
65% x 5
75% x 5 85% x 5+
*Your Training Max (TM) is used to base the percentages off of. The final set (the 85% set this week) is done for max reps, stopping 2 shy of failure. The goal is between 8 and 15 reps. If you fail at fewer than 8 then reduce your TM by 10%. If you get to 20 reps then increase your TM by 10%. Read more about the 5/3/1 below, and use the calculator if you don't have a true 1RM.
Post loads to comments.
5 RNFT or 20 Minutes:
40 yard 1 Arm Farmer Carry (20 out left, 20 back right), AHAP
5-10 Ring Dips
1:00 Plank Hold (from top of push up)
Use KBs, DBs, Jerrry Cans, and Farmer Handles for the carries. If you don't have 5 strict ring dips then sub 5-10 feet elevated ring dips, or 5-10 Between Bench Dips plus a 5-10 second ring support.
Post work to comment.s
Toes to Bar
15 min partner AMRAP/one partner working at a time
5 toes to bar
10 push-ups
15 squats
20 pulls on the rower
*score equals total calories rowed
I seem to have misplaced my jump rope. If anyone sees a rogue jump rope tied together with 2 green twist ties, can you please give it to the front desk. Thanks!
Joy, keep the faith. You will be reunited with your jump rope. Trust me, I'm living proof.
P.S. Check Scott's backpack, he has quick fingers.
6am with McD
BSQ based off 325#
65% 190×5, 75% 220×5, 85% 250×10 rep out
NFT – 5 rounds of muscle up with 10 strict dips each round
planks and farmer's carries happened as well
@Joy – Speak to Scott. Coincidentally Roy had a guilty look while at the water station today. I also noticed Lady Fox grinning a little more than usual this morning.
Be strong Joy
6am with McD
BSQ based off 365#
65% 210×5, 75% 245×5, 85% 280×5. Could have repped out a few more, but taking the first day of the cycle easy.
NFT – 1 round before I had to leave. 7 dips, jerry can, 1 min plank
BSQ based off 250# (Training max 225)
65% 150 x 5
75% 170 x 5
85% 190 x 10
NFT: Jerry can for one round, but then red KB to avoid the leg bruises for the rest. Planks were planks, one time with the 15# plate. Played around with the leg elevated ring dips and using the band to steady the rings – was actually able to do a few with that extra stability.
6am with McDowell
HBBS 185 x 5, 215 x 5, 245×9
Probably could have done a 10th but my mind gave up
4 rounds of NFT work
Red kb x 1, Jerry Can x 3
8 strict dips x 4
Unweighted, 15#, 25#x2
Joy I would also recommend checking Scott's backpack. It's happened twice! Also beware, your jump rope gets snarky after being taken.
YAAAAAAAS GUNS AND KIPS! Kurt looks like one angry Minuteman.
Speaking of [BLANK] and [BLANK] — I haven't plugged our pub quiz team in a while. If you're feeling trivial, come join Brainz n Gainz tomorrow night, 8:30 PM at the Rock Shop, for an evening of pub quiz and general hilarity! We have won twice in a row, and we are looking to emulate the '90s Chicago Bulls with a 3-peat this week.
(I also host my own quiz at 68 Jay Street Bar on Sunday at 6 PM, and Chainsaw Charlie makes the drinks. If you can tear yourself away from the NFL, come by! We have a great time!)
PS, I love that the 6 AM banter extends to a talking jump rope.
7am with Jess doing Wednesday โ shamed by Joy for not hitting 6am. Missing rope had her taking out her aggression on me. I get it.
BSQ based off 225# – 135# x 5 / 150# x 5 / 170# x 10
Was really nice to get some volume in. Feel like it's been a bit.
Jerry can x 5
MU Kip swings x 2 / 5 strict dips / 10 / 10
1:00 w/o plate x 2 / 10kg plate x 3 – those get hard
My photos are finally up! Per usual, I took an unreasonable number of pictures and had to whittle them down. Quite a few meme-worthy ones in there…
Can't wait to see the new batch of pictures, and I love this one of Kurt in full garb!
Yesterday's 6:30pm Group Class with Coaches Brett and Fox… Brox?
3 Rounds NFT
8 DB PP, each 25#
12 Goblet Squats
8 Ring Rows
95×10, 105×10, 115×6
DB Rows
DU/Push/Pull EMOM
R1: 1:11
R2: 1:10
R3: 1:02
R4: 1:05
R5: 1:07
Everything unbroken, didn't think I would do all the push-ups unbroken but once I started the first round I made that my goal and tried to stick to it. Really fun workout.
4:30 with Jeremy doing Monday's work.
Tried the first round of OHP at 53lbs which got weird after the 7th rep, so went down to 43 for the rest. Last round felt nice and snappy. Was happy with this, last time I did OHPs I was at 55 for 5×5. I love rows, worked up to 25lb dumbells, felt good there. Awesome lady crew.
1:24, 1:19, 1:02, 1:11, 1:36
Scaled for 15 DU, 10 pushups, 5 banded pullups . DU started surprisingly well, thought about changing to the 20 but was glad later when they fell apart in the 4th and 5th rounds. Learned my lesson from Diane about pushups for volume, started on my knees and went chest to ground, felt crisp most of the time. Started with a green band for the pullups, added a blue buddy the second round. I dunno about banded pullups, green was too hard to be smooth, green+blue was too easy (perhaps should have done 7-8). Plus the process of inserting/extracting oneself seems, inelegant. In an ideal world I'd be a baroness with a personal pull-up attendant to provide me with just the appropriate amount of assistance.
Had a wonderful rest day yesterday and felt pretty energetic today so i made the most of it!
Started a new hypertrophy program (from RP) Was kind of feeling it out a bit on some movements. Took a long time but I think I kinda liked it!
Deadlift: 205 x 15 x 2
LBBS: 175 x 10 x 2
FSQ: 135 x 10 x 2
Good Morning: 75 x 20, 95 x 15
Press: 65 x 8, 60 x 8
Chin-ups: 2 x 6
DB side lateral raise: 10 x 15 x 2
Reaching sit-ups: 10 x 20, 15 x 20, 25 x 15
Came back later to get some conditioning in with C'mon Joe and Brett,
Power Snatch (55#)
Rest 4:00
62 reps
Power Snatch (65#)
Burpees over Bar
Rest 4:00
45 reps
Power Snatch (115/80#)
Burpee Box Jumps (24"/20")
33 reps
This was fun. My main goal when it comes to conditioning over the next while is to learn to pace myself, which I managed today.I knew I wouldn't have a hope of clearing even the middle set so I just kept moving steadily and did not redline.
EMOM 7 mins
3 x unbroken kipping HSPU
This was the 'beginners' option and was about right for me. Did not need to adjust my hands today. Progress! Still slow on the negative which is likely making me more tired but feels safer.
I did stay for the T2B part of AG just in case Ro said anything that made them click and in fairness it was kind of worth it because he pointed out that I tend to push down on the bar too much so now i have something to work on. If I can figure out how not to do that I may be able to do bigger sets for longer eventually!!
@Charlie – I did the same work-out this afternoon and now I don't have to write it out ๐ Great job on that one by the way!
1st 4 min AMRAP — Completed: 21 snatches (8-7-6), 21 burpees, 10 snatches (5-5)
2nd 4 min AMRAP — Completed: 15 snatches (5-5-5), 15 burpees over bar, 8 snatches (3-3-2)
3rd 4 min AMRAP — Completed: 12 snatches (singles), 12 burpee box jumps, 2 snatches
** Cycling the snatches even at 55# spiked my heart rate making me feel like I needed to rest between sets. Too much rest and very slow burpees in the first 2 rounds.
When I did singles at 80# I went right into the burpee box jumps at a much faster pace. I should have cycled in smaller chunks and/or just done singles sooner.
Dead Lift
115# x 3, 145# x 3, 165# x 3, 175# x 3, 180# x 3
I have a hard time getting set up and tight for deadlifts because of lingering scar tissue or something in my left hamstring. When I do it right it feels good and the last 2 sets felt that way.
Lots of fun training today.
LOL great job too Lauren!
I just copied and pasted ๐
Monday's workout:
Press: 33-43-53
DB Row: 20-25-30
I'm really bad at strict press and ended up being too conservative today. All moved well!
WOD Rx'd
Fastest: 1:15
Slowest: 1:48
Oops, not consistent. Pushups broke down pretty early so need to work those back into my warmups again. All DUs unbroken except for the second round!!!!!! (I know it's only 20). All pullups unbroken.
Randy Rx'd in 8:28
I didn't make it through the 5 rounds of warmup with the 33# bar so knew it would be rough. Shoulders were just too fried from FGB even though I wasn't sore. I also used the green bar for the first time and spent the first half of the workout trying to figure out where to place my hands. Learned afterwards they should have been wayyy wider. Need to be more in tune with my body when lifting and know how to make adjustments by how things feel. Will def revisit this one.
FGB Rx'd: 270 reps
Improved by 14 reps AND did box jumps instead of steps up this year.
-no misses on my WBs and improved by a TON (also started there and started at PP last year)
-Set a goal number of reps per movement and broke all movements into small sets before hitting failure. Improved greatly on WB and BJs, Had a serious decline in PP and SDHP which are my strengths. Sand bagged the row. Can't win them all.
-Alona was an AWESOME judge. Seriously! She kept me moving! And I was very particular about what I asked of her. ๐
-I didn't die. Never thought I would say this, but FGB is no longer my least favorite workout! Can't wait to do it again next year!
-The costumes!