Press / Dumbbell Bent-Over Row Superset*
1A) Press
Fitness and Performance
Work up to a heavy set of 10 after 2-3 warm up sets. Touch-and-go is permitted.
1B) Dumbbell Bent-Over Row
Fitness and Performance
Work up to a heavy set of 10 after 2-3 warm up sets. Keep these strict and avoid using momentum from your back and hips. Elbows finish close to the torso. Drop weight if you need to heave
*Superset means that you perform a set of exercise A (in this case the Bench Press) and then after a short rest, 30 seconds to a minute, you perform a set of exercise B (in this case the Barbell Bent-Over Row). You then rest a short period before returning to exercise A and continue in this fashion until all warm up and work sets are completed.
Post loads to comments.
Exposure 1 of 8
Every 3 minutes for 5 sets:
20 Double-Unders
15 Push-Ups
10 Pull-Ups
The goal is to do the reps fast and unbroken and remain consistent in your times. Record fastest and slowest times. Sub 50 singles and/or Jumping Pull-Ups as needed.
Post time and Rx to comments.
Thomas, Joel and Kate R’s photos from Fight Gone Bad are going up on the Flickr account today. Check out the photo stream or each album: Team Portraits, Action Shots, Awards Ceremony
- Your scorecards from Fight Gone Bad can now be picked up at the front desk.
- Anti-Gravity class resumes tomorrow night!
Short Circuit: Reprogram Your Body!™
CrossFit South Brooklyn is thrilled to announce Short Circuit, a new class utilizing some of the best training methods to give you a great total body workout in just one hour. Each class includes two circuits programmed specifically to help you shed pounds while increasing your strength, stamina, and flexibility. At Short Circuit, we want you to get sweaty, have fun, and build confidence, one workout at a time. We create an inclusive space where people can feel comfortable exactly where they are in their fitness journeys and, more importantly, challenge themselves to get better. Our instructors have worked with clients in every age group, with every body type, and across all ability levels. We want to show you that you’re capable of much more than you thought! This is our passion. This is our goal.
Each Short Circuit class consists of 4 segments:
Plug In
We start classes with a comprehensive, dynamic warm-up programmed to get your body ready for exercise while practicing skills and positions relevant to the day’s class.
1st Circuit (Strength and Stamina)
The 1st Circuit focuses on your strength and stamina by using 3-4 exercises done in sequence for 15-20 minutes. We use dumbbell, kettlebell, and bodyweight exercises programmed to keep your muscles strong and toned.
2nd Circuit (Conditioning and Intervals)
Here’s where things heat up! We’ll use a variety of high-intensity intervals to bump up your heart rate up and really make you sweat. Whether you’re on the rowing machine, swinging a kettlebell, or doing some Burpees, you’ll get your endorphins pumping with our higher intensity circuit.
Finally, we finish with some extra core and flexibility work before sending you off to take on the rest of your day. You’ll be recharged and ready to go!
What if I can’t do something?
Every movement we teach and perform will have a variety of scaling options, so you’ll be challenged whether you’re flying through a set of 10 Push-Ups or still working on your first one. Our seasoned coaches can modify your workouts specifically for your abilities all while motivating you to do your best and to go a little further, faster, longer than you thought possible. We are here to help everyone achieve their goals, one drop of sweat at a time! No experience is required to take a Short Circuit class. Just show up and get fit!
Schedule & Location
Monday 9:00am
Wednesday 9:00am
Friday 9:00am
Members of CrossFit South Brooklyn may use their existing memberships to drop into this class; however, anyone and everyone is welcome as there are no prerequisites for this class. Unlike our CrossFit group classes, you don’t have to have taken Foundations or have any kind of CrossFit background to participate in Short Circuit, so now you can sweatily bond with your friends and family. Now they’ll get to find out what this CFSBK place you’ve been talking up is all about! If you’d like to purchase a punch card for this and our other specialty classes (Yoga, Short Circuit, Active Recovery and Pilates) you can purchase one of the cards listed below:
Single Class Drop-In: $25
10 Class Punch Card: $200
20 Class Punch Card: $360
CFSBKers can use their existing group class memberships to attend Short Circuit!
Dumbbell Bent-Over Row T-Nation
6a with McDowell and guest appearance Whit
Press 105 was ok, 115 got through 9 and failed the 10th rep. Haven't seen the press in a while and definitely not a strength for me. Looking forward to working on this.
DBBOR – 60#, these felt ok.
Metcon: 40-39-44-58-1:18
First couple felt ok, but I knew after the 3rd round I'd lose the push-ups. Fell off the map on the final round. The rest period went by quick.
I still cannot even believe that KHarpz managed to find an iridescent purple cutout leotard that is neither a) vintage nor b) part of a Halloween costume. Harpz, how do you do the '80s so well when you weren't even around for any of it?
Mega-giant 6 AM with WhitDowell
I worked to 63 on the press, failed 8th rep at 65. I have done 65 for a set of…12? I think? on a rep-out, but I guess things are different when you're doing that rep out after 2 heavy sets of 3 than when your previous two sets were 10s. Whoa. 30# on the DBs. I am used to going considerably heavier with Kroc rows but I guess it's quite different when you're not bracing yourself against a bench with one hand!
WOD: double unders in the first round were a disaster, then suddenly I rediscovered them in subsequent rounds. Don't know what was going on with that. 10 pushups/round, switched to knees midway through 4th round to keep moving. And then 5 strict chins (singles every time).
My shoulders are toast.
6am with McD and Whit and the biggest 6am class ever
Press: DanL and I worked up to 135# for the 10, with my last rep looking like I was doing the worm, but standing. We put 95# on at the end and did a drop set.
DBBOR – 60#, will go up more next week
Metcon: :36 x 4, then a :37
This was fun. Kept the DU's unbroken and didn't trip, pushups were fast and got spicy at the end, pullups were quick.
My shoulders from FGB's burpees are killing me.
6am with WhitDowell and seemingly the rest of the borough
Press – 85# x 10 / 95# x 7 / 90# x 9
Row – up to 40#
90# seemed like the number for me. I tend to lose core tension doing these so happy to work on that a bit this cycle. Been a minute since we did strict press.
Metcon – Fastest 1:01 / Slowest ~2:09
Pushups fell apart in the 4th round. Probably was a bad idea to have done them in warm ups, too.
6am with Whit and McD
Press: 33×5, 43×10, 48×10, 50×10. These mostly felt good. I was a little nervous after tweaking my shoulder last week doing strict presses, so I kept it on the lighter side.
Row: 20×10, 25×10, 25×10. I really felt this in my triceps in the last part of the movement.
WOD around 45-50 secs per round. Scaled to 10 DU attempts, 7 strict push-ups and jumping pull-ups.
FGB recap – I had a lot of fun, despite how much the workout sucked. I finished with 281, which is 7 reps more than 2 years ago, but that was with step ups then vs jumping up this year. If I exclude the box jumps, it was a 30 rep improvement. Pretty pumped about that!
6a with McDowell and Whit (with energetic warm-ups)
Press: 45×10, 95×3, 115×10. Last 2 had serious arch. Press strength tends to go away quickly for me, so I didn't bother trying 120 or 125.
Row: 45x10x2. These were light. I'm sure the 60 would have been okay, but they were always busy.
Metcon: scaled to 5/10/5 to keep fast stimulus. 45-55 sec per round. DU as singles, pushups and pullups unbroken.
This photo makes my whole heart happy. I am also convinced I have a permanent wedgie after Saturday's escapades in purple…..leotard was worth it though.
Fight Gone Bad! 351 reps.
36 improvement from last year. This has always been my favorite day at the gym. The energy in the room on Saturday was contagious, so much team spirit!! I love this place so much.
Game, Blouses.
Press: 53×10, 58×10, 63×8, 63×10. Rushed way too quickly through these, so tried 63 again after some rest and just barely made that 10th rep.
Row: 25×10, 30×10, 35×10. Many thanks to McD for correcting my terrible form – need to set my back.
WOD: Scaled to 6 pull ups per round to be consistent. After second round, hit my elbow pretty hard on a j-hook coming down from the bar and started scaling pushups to 12 per round, which were very broken up.
Is the new programming cycle posted anywhere? Asking for the nerds.
6am with WhitDowell and some 7am defectors
Press – 95×10, 105×10 and called it. I know once my quads start shaking I am done.
Rows – 45×10, 50×10, 60×10. Think I could have gone 65 or 70.
WOD was not in my wheelhouse. Did two full rounds then scaled to 10 pushups and 7 pullups in round 3 and continued scaling from there. Pull-ups were terrible today but Whit did have some helpful cues. DU were solid though, so I'll take that.
That picture is the greatest.
10 AM with Whitney, Brett and Vanilla No Ice.
worked up to 58 on the press and 30 on the rows. only even tried the press once before so this was novel.
metcon: 40 s/u, 10 pushups and 3 strict pullups to go unbroken throughout.
Fight Gone Bad was so much fun. 234 reps RX- my plan was working out great until it stopped doing that. 31 reps short of my goal.
FGB … what a day, as always!!! So much fun in the gym hanging with everyone, seeing hilarious costumes, and watching people kick butt.
score: 338 reps RX'd, which is a 40 rep improvement from my best (in 2014; last year I had a messed up toe and did 287 I think?). pretty darn happy with that! My game plan was: 1. do 15-10 on wall balls each round and then move on 2. murder the bounding box jumps 3. stay calm, don't count the other reps, and focus on breathing.
today @ 8AM
6 sets:
500m row at 2:08 pace
rest 3:00 b/t sets
today @ 12PM
brief heat up with some hangs, one arm HS, and burpees
3 sets:
one arm high pull: 5ea @ 20KG
one arm OH carry: 4 lengths of gym (160ft?) @ 55#
Jynne – gong up tomorrow!
10am class
135 was tough but there. Ties a 10RM
Not too bad. Made sure to keep em pretty.
WOD Rx'd
I did these unbroken and can't imagine getting under 40 seconds. Happy with the consistency though.
Press: 1RM is 72.5, so I wasn't sure how these would go!
43X10, 48×10, 53×10 (some came up on toes, good advice from Fox about wider stance and moving head out of the way), 58×6 (one came up on toes, but wider stance,etc helped)
WOD rx: 1:49 best, 1:56 worst. Consistent, at least ๐ Broke pushups up early, glad I did!
Also: 233 reps for FGB. It was an amazing day as always. So amazed by the community for the dedication and commitment to everything from fundraising,to costumes, to effort during a workout. CFSBK IS *ON FLEEK* and I'm so proud to be a part of this community.
12pm class
16 KB swings Am 16kg
20 air squats
8 ring rows
43# x 10, 48 x 10, 53 x 10
20# x 20 x 3
Workout Rx — 1:30/1:50 kips were weak, double unders felt great for once, push ups were hard
Felt warm and had time so then..
5 mins to complete each of the following sets
10 HBBS — 45#, 95, 115, 125, 135
Abwheel — 6, 8, 10, 12, 14
DUs — 30, 40, 50, 60, 70
FGB was great. First time doing it, cant wait for next year.
CJ, Worked up to like 85%
Back squat
"Heart Break kid"
10 FSQ (185#, from floor)
20 CTB pullups
50 DU's
12:53. I was almost convinced I was having an actual heart attack during this. Heart rate was jacked.
75 GHD sit-ups
12pm group class.
(45×10, 55×5) 65×10, 70×10, 75×10
-felt like I still had good speed at 75 and probably could have had 77.5.
DB Rows:
20, 25, 30#
-wasn't sure where to start with these. felt pretty light.
:58, :52, 1:02, :57, 1:15
-scaled to 10 pushups each round. 4 rounds of du's unbroken, 3 rounds of pushups and pullups unbroken. last round much slower because I came off the bar a few times to avoid tearing my already beat up hands.
-my worst performance in 4 years…but it is the first time I've done it in a dress and a cape so I'll take it. ๐ It's always a tough workout BUT such a fun and amazing day. Great work by everybody and congrats on all the PRs!
Could not be more relieved to hear the schedule will go up tomorrow! I've felt a little lost all day.