Asha B. as Ace Frehley at Fight Gone Bad 2015. We can’t wait to see your costumes this year! The team with the best costumes/spirit will get 50% off their next month of CrossFit Group Classes at their current membership rate.
- There will be no CrossFit Group Classes, Active Recovery, Competition Team Class, Yoga for Athletes, or 2-4pm Open Gym tomorrow for Fight Gone Bad 2016.
Everything You Need to Know About Fight Gone Bad 2016
Please check the heat assignments to see when you’re competing and judging tomorrow. Plan to arrive at least 20 minutes before your heat to get registered and ready. 608 will be available all day to warm-up. Your team captain will pick up shirts at the Front Desk when everyone on your team arrives. Immediately after your heat, there will be a team portrait taken outside, so look your best!
At the end of the day, we’ll have an awards ceremony and group picture. We encourage everyone to hang out, drink beers (provided by the gym!), and cheer on the other teams. If you’re in an early heat, please hang out and then try to make it back for the awards ceremony… especially if you’re going to the podium. The Brookyn Community Foundation will also be introducing themselves and talking about the Foundation after the last heat.
8:30am: Gym Opens
9:00-1:10pm: Fight Gone Bad Heats
1:30pm: Group Photo!
BCF will speak, then the Awards Ceremonies will follow
Afterward, we’ll celebrate with an after party right here at the gym. Food will be available from the Kimchi Taco truck throughout the day!
Team CFSBK has raised close to $19,000 for charity so far! Check out our CrowdRise page to see who our top teams and individuals are so far. And don’t forget that Brooklyn Community Foundation will be matching our donation dollar for dollar for funds raised over $15,000, so keep on fundraising!
Top 6 Individual Fundraisers
“Spirit” of FGB award
Top 3 Rx’d Male and Female Competitors
Movement Standards
Everyone competing in Fight Gone Bad tomorrow also has a judging assignment slot. Please come familiar with the movement standards so you can accurately perform and judge the workout. We’ll review that day, too. The box jump is still a CrossFit Games-Standard Box Jump, which means you’ll need to show extension and control at the top of every rep as opposed to being able to reach extension as you jumped off.
Box Jump: Demo Video
Men’s Rx: 20″
Ladies’ Rx: 20″
Additional option: 16″
Start: Standing on Ground
Finish: Standing on top of the box with knees and hips fully extended and under control. Athletes may jump down or step down, jumping off at the top before showing control is a no rep. For FGB, step-ups are considered a scale.
Sumo Deadlift High Pull: Demo Video
Men’s Rx: 75lbs
Ladies’ Rx: 55lbs
Additional option: 35lbs
Start: Both plates on ground
Finish: Knees and hips fully extended and barbell at approximately collar bone height.
Wall Ball: Demo Video
Men’s Rx: 20lb ball, 10′ target
Ladies’ Rx: 14lb ball, 9′ target
Additional option: 10lb ball, optional target
Start: Hip crease dips below parallel
Finish: Ball hits ABOVE target line
No Scales
No ROM standards
Push Press: Demo Video
Men’s Rx: 75lbs
Ladies’ Rx: 55lbs
Additional option: 35lbs
Start: Bar in a racked position in front of shoulders
Finish: Knees, hips, shoulders and elbows fully extended with the barbell above the shoulders
If you need any additional modifications, don’t hestitate to let us know!
Don’t be afraid to call a “No Rep” on someone if they’re not meeting the standards! You’ll be doing them and the event itself a favor.
If you think you’ve got a top 3 score in you and want to go for the CFSBK Leaderboards, please let one of the coaches know ahead of time so we can communicate with your judge. Also remember that to get on the board, you need to start on the Wall Ball station and that step ups are a scale on box jumps.
Matt Ufford – FGB 2010 CFSBK
830 last night
Grace Rx 6:09
First time trying Grace and it was unpleasant to say the least. I was unsure if Rx was appropriate. I knew I was capable of doing 30 PCJ but I also knew it would take a lot of time. Thought about doing 115 but in the end I was persuaded to do Rx. Plan was to cycle 5s and take some breaths. That last for 2 sets of 5 at which point things got really uncomfortable. Tried to do triples, then doubles, then just singles. At first the singles went ok but my heart rate was through the roof and as I got into the 20s my breaks became longer and longer. Thankfully it ended eventually. Two ways of looking at this I suppose : on one hand I did the WOD Rx and under the time cap and 135 is pretty heavy for me with this movement and volume so I'm happy about that. One the other hand this is meant to be a very fast workout and I took a long time so Rx may not be the correct load if I see this again. All in all a positive experience with this benchmark.
5 min assault bike heat up, line drills, Xover Symm 3×8 v-around world, press warm up
A1. 5×5 BTN Press @ 63#
A2. 4×12 single arm DB Bent Over Row (35, 40×3)
B1. 3×10 single arm KB high pull @ 16kg
B2. 3×10 single leg retro step up, 20" box
Various biking around town.
A. 20 min, sustainable pace
1:00 assault bike @ 50 RPM
3 wall walks (bottom of push up to nose+toes at wall)
70' Farmer Carry R @ 32kg
70' Farmer Carry L
avg 3:40 pace, did 5 rounds plus the bike
:10 L-sit on parallettes (toes above hip, straight leg)
7 blackburns in arch hold
270m jog with Penny
pretty sure that link to "Matt Ufford" is wrong.