CFSBK socks on fleek! Pick up a pair at the front desk or our online store!
This Week at CFSBK in Review
1. Coach Whit is out of town for an OPEX seminar this weekend, but tomorrow’s 10:00am Yoga for Athletes is ON with guest instructor Sasha S.
2. We announced our upcoming Pelvic Floor Workshop! Register here!
3. Now that face-melting summer weather is past us, we’ve introduced Around Degraw, a new feature in which we’ll profile small businesses and attractions within walking distance of the gym. This week we told you about Ample Hills Creamery, which is owned by CFSBKers Jackie C. and Brian S.!
4. Last weekend, some intrepid CFSBKers completed Ragnar Wawayanda! Go here to read Packer’s report.
5. As of today, we’re up to $12,640 of our $15,000 fundraising goal for Fight Gone Bad! Can we make it to $13,000 by the end of the day? What about $15,000 by Monday? C’mon gang, let’s do this!
Yesterday’s Whiteboard: Power Clean | Double-Unders, Power Cleans
Do Superheroes Exist? CrossFit
Scientists Develop New Extra-Sloppy Peach
Saturday's Programming
Front Squat
Max effort day. After a few warm up sets, attempt to set a new personal best on the front squat. As always, use spotters for heavy attempts and stay with your barbell in the event of a miss. For Fitness athletes, start a little heavier than where you squatted 3 last week and go from there. For Performance athletes, start around 90% and go from there. If you're very new to the lift then perform 3-5 heavy singles instead of a true max effort single.
Post loads to comments.
Exposure 8 of 8
400m Run
21 Thrusters 75/55
12 Pull-Ups
The barbell should be light today and ideally unbroken. Scale volume or to jumping pull ups as needed.
Post time and Rx to comments.
If anyone is looking to buy a pair of Nano 6.0's, Reebok is having a a 30% off their site with promo code OCTOBER, brings it down to $91.
Saturday's work at 7 AM.
The less said about my performance today, the better. Onward and upward, I guess!
6am with McDowell
FSQ: 135×5, 165×3, 185, 195, 210, 220, 227PR!!!
Continuing to feel solid this week, although still wasn't expecting this. 220 moved pretty well, so I snuck a peak at the leaderboard and Allie encouraged me to go for 227. Probably could've had 230, but still very happy with this!
WOD in 12:41 with jumping pull-ups. Runs are still slow.
Subway steps were awful afterwards. Looking forward to a rest day tomorrow.
6am with McD
HBBS 135×5, 185×5, 225×3, 255, 275, 295, 305 PR, 315 PR
Back was feeling pretty tired from yesterday's deadlift 1rm test so wasn't sure if I would test today. 275 felt good so went for it. 315 felt really good, especially on my hip which always worries me. Solid 15# PR and some mental confidence.
WOD in 10:53 with 25# db thrusters and 6 strict pull-ups. Didn't want to put too much pressure on my stitches.
6am with McDowell
FSQ: 135×5, 225×2, 255, 275
Haven't gotten anywhere near a PR this week, so I didn't push it today.
WOD: Rx'd in 13:31. Slow runs, unbroken thrusters, pullups in 3s and some 2s.
6am with Brett doing Thursday's programming
Power Clean: Felt pretty good on all the reps except the last one which wasn't a very solid rack – but still successful. Caught them all relatively high in a quarter squat.
Metcon: 1:58Rx. Did the first 6 as touch & go, with another 7 fast bailed singles in the first minute. 5 fast bailed singles in the second minute, and then I had to go touch & go for the last two again as I saw the seconds ticking away.
The cash out was the hardest part of this workout. 1 minute is a long time.
6am with McDowell
FSQ: Worked up to 295#, which is a 10# PR so that felt good. First PR of the season given how crappy the rest of the week went.
WOD: Rx'd in 10:51. Tried to keep the runs under 1:30, unbroken thrusters with rest at the top for 3 sec every 7 reps, and then unbroken pullups.
7am Saturday with McD
FS – 185# / 205# / 210#*
5lb PR. Wasn't feeling so great coming in so I'll take it. I have such an easier time mentally going heavy on a front squat.
Metcon Rx – 14:34 (I think)
Thrusters only unbroken the first round. Probably could have held on in round 2 but breathing started feeling labored so broke things up to keep the heart rate down. That didn't matter by the end of this.
7:30 p.m. last night w/Brett & Ro (safe travels, Ro!)
Power cleans: 155, 175, 187F, 187 (PR!), 195Fx2. 2# PR; I'll take it. Major thanks to Ro for the tips on form here. Getting much better at getting under the bar, and got some good advice on how to avoid leaning back in the last pull. Now the problem is staying strong instead of rounding in on myself in the catch. New things to work on!
Metcon: 3:59 @ 145#, s/u's. 5 bailed singles each minute. No way I was gonna jump through 30 singles again.
6am with McD
FSQ: Worked up to 285, 10# PR
Didn't try anything further, feeling yesterdays cleans and overall heavy lifting this week.
WOD: 10:51 Rx
Quick runs, broke up the last round of thrusters 13-8, pull-ups all unbroken
Dear Michael A – Thank you for remembering my time on the workout, but I'm pretty sure you finished before that.
Wait, we have socks now? Awesome!
Pressure is all on you, pal.
10 AM with McBrett
Power Cleans: 155, 165, 175, 185 (2 fails)
WOD @135lbs: 1:55
Yay Linda!! Congrats!
OHS: worked up to a set of 3 at 93. My left arm felt very wonky so I called it a day
Power clean heavy singles: 113,118,123PR, 125PR
I think (?) my old PR was 118. definitely not above 120.
WOD at 103# in 2:59. Fun one!
So happy to be working out with Mary on her first day back at the gym! She crushed it 🙂
Worked on Power Clean technique with help for Karl & Pierre since yesterday was a bit sloppy. This will be a work in progress as I break down the movement.
Metcon: "Christine"
3 Rounds For Time
Row 500m
12 Deadlifts @ Bodyweight
21 Box Jumps @ 24"
Time- 14:07 (Posterior Chain = Smoked)
Long time no post.
Been following the Invictus Competition programming.
EMOM FSQ building to 90%+
last 3 sets
Work up to a heavyish clean and jerk
275#CJx2 EMOM for 6 mins
*brutal, almost blacked out 2 times
In 6 mins complete
50 cal assault bike
25 CTB pull-ups
Max assault bike in remaining time.
Rest 4 mins
3 sets
Didnt make it back to the bike the last 2. Completed 18 CTB in both rounds 2 and 3.
Oly class:
Snatches: lots of doubles and triples at 83# (close 90%).
C&J: Worked up to doubles at 123# (close to 95%). Thank you Amanda for making me put more weight on the bar.
Got lots of good feedback from Joe. Will def go back!