Power Clean
Max effort day. After a few warm up sets, attempt to set a new personal best on the Power Clean. If you’re very new to the lift, then perform 5 heavy singles (with rest in between) instead of a true max effort single. Focus on a strong and fast rack delivery where the barbell is pulled onto active shoulders in a mature rack position, not crashing on the chest or collarbones. Footwork should not get too crazy either.
Post loads to comments.
Exposure 8 of 8
For Time:
20 Power Cleans 185/125
10 Double-Unders every minute on the minute, starting at 0:00
The power clean can be on the heavy-ish side today. However, you should still be able to do at least 3-5 reps per minute on the slow end. The 10 Dubs are (obviously?) meant to be unbroken and should take only a few seconds at the top of each minute. Sub 5 attempts or 30 singles as needed.
Post time and Rx to comments.
Read on to learn more about some intrepid CFSBKers who completed a Ragnar Race!
- Does any of this cool stuff belong to you? Someone lost their bike helmet, a baby lost its bib, someone else lost their rain boots. Really makes you think about the human condition, huh? Oh, sorry! Anyway, if any of this looks familiar, please claim it at the front desk before we donate it to CHIPS on Monday.
CFSBK at Ragnar Wawayanda
CFSBKers Dan G., Packer D., Eduardo C-G., and Joe M. partnered with intrepid runners Lauren O. and Amos B. last weekend to complete Ragnar Wawayanda, a 24-hour trail running relay race. Running over rocky, mud-slicked trails in the dead of night while dead tired turns out to be equal parts spooky & spiritual. Lauren O. put it best:
“Think of a Ragnar relay as a cross between Murakami’s WHAT I TALK ABOUT WHEN I TALK ABOUT RUNNING, Alice following the mome raths in Disney’s ALICE IN WONDERLAND cartoon, and the Michael-Douglas-in-a-Colombian-mudslide scene from ROMANCING THE STONE. This is the format that finally tricked me into loving running. (The bonfire helped.)”
Thanks to Packer for the report and great job, guys!
Urban Exploration with Open House New York Gothamist
4 Exercises to Improve Overhead Performance in WODs BarBend
6am with Jess and McDowell
Clean: Worked up to 235#. Not PR territory but I wasn't feeling super on today. Still moved pretty well, but then failed 245# and stopped.
Metcon: 2:32 Rx. First round did 10, then thought I was going to do more in the second but hit 5 and then another 5 in the third. Fun run against James and DanG.
6am w/McD & Lady Fox
Cleans: buddy system with Dan G & our resident DJ. Hit 235# and then failed 240# twice. Great cues from Ro today. Bar was plenty high, just lacking a little commitment.
WOD: 2:44 Rx started at 9 then fell off the radar. 9-6-5 fun burner.
In other news, we had our first Steve Hutsal sighting this morning, in what feels like months, sipping coffee with Fox across the street. Good work!!
6am with Jess and McDowell
Power cleans: 123, 133, 143, 153 PR, 158 PR, 158Fx3
I was feeling confident this morning after a solid squat day yesterday. I'd have to look up my previous power clean PR, but pretty sure it was in the 140's. My clean PR is 163, so I'm pretty pumped. Hit the first attempt at 158, but Jess noted that I was pulling too early. The second attempt was plenty high, I just didn't commit to getting under it or the subsequent attempts.
WOD in 2:50 at 123# with 5 attempts. 9-6-5. Caught a bunch on my chest. Perhaps should've scaled down to 115, but wanted to give it a go.
7AM w/McJess
Power clean worked up to 165# which blew my previous PR out of the water. Felt solid and know I have lots more in me. Metcon at 125# in 4:25.
Just as I felt I was hitting a plateau after 10ish months crossfitting, this week's 1RM work has done wonders for confidence. Hit 265# on deadlifts Monday, 200# on backsquat Tuesday, and can't wait to (presumably) test front squat tmrw. Great week in the gym.
6am w/McD & Lady Fox
Cleans: worked with James and MIchael. 185, 205, 225, 235 (F,F). Well below a PR, just like the last 3 days. There'll be weeks like this.
WOD: DNF. Got 10 cleans in the first minute doing 5 DU attempts. In the 2nd minute, I caught the first awkwardly on my thumbs and called it a day.
7am McJess
Power Cleans – 75kg / 80kg / 85kg* / 90kg* / 95kg (Fx2)
Previous PC max was 175#. If I had done the bar math and realized I was 1lb and change away from 200 flat I would have used fractionals. After hitting 90 my head just wasn't in it for some reason so those last attempts were very half-assed.
Metcon @ 65kg – 3:42
Bad rope day. Spent 35 seconds in one round on dubs.
8am w/ Christian Thomas Michael Fox- uncle to Jonathan Taylor Thomas.
worked up to 230 power clean. Wod in 3:57. Happy I Rx'd it. Did 10, 4, 3, 3 or something like that.
6am open gym after a week away letting some stitches heal
Deadlift 1rm
365 PR, 385 F, 375 PR
365 went up easily so I got cocky and wanted to match or beat a formerly man bunned 6amer but could only get 385 about an inch off the ground. 375 went up pretty easily after so Fox encouraged me to try 385 again but my back and mind were done. 15# PR.
Little FGB-ish WOD after of
3 rounds
15 Wall balls
10 Box Jump Overs
12 Cal Assault Bike
That assault bike starts off nice then kicks you in the nuts.
First – wowee on all the PRs! Nice job lots of you!
Second – my masters teammates and I need a judge one last time for our last two team series workouts. These will take place at 10AM at the gym on SATURDAY. We're doing one 10 min. amrap and a 20 min capped workout so really just a little more than a 1/2 hour of your time is needed!
If anyone can stay a bit after the 9 am class, or come in early for the 11, we'd be grateful and. as always, will share the glory!
Today we did scaled workouts 5, which entailed 200 wall balls with partner static deadlifts happening simultaneously; then 150 partner deadlifts, then 200 hand release push ups with partner static deadlifts again. 19:49 (just under out 20 min cap!) We also did workout 8 – 24 Min.AMRAP – 30 single unders/15 snatches – 898 reps.
Then Fox was kind enough to let me jump in for the cleans during the 8 am class.
53-63-73-83-93, which is a one lb PR from the floor. I did a 106 from the high hand during our masters work out a few weeks ago, so who knows where I"m really at. Somewhere better than before to be sure.
Fun noon class today with Captain Osorio.
Power Clean:
was just looking for a crisp technique day, not necessarily to push PR territory. BUTTTTT things were feeling very sharp and I had McD and Fox in the corner egging me on, which always helps.
doubles up to about 60kg
75kg F, F, F
70 = 154# which is #1 under my current power clean PR. that being said, that rep felt crisper, sharper, and was caught higher than any rep I've done at 155 before. I was going to go up to 73 as I had been making smaller jumps but Fox/McD pushed me to 75.
attempts at 75kg/165#
1. in my head; wasn't patient, it was early and forward
2. better, but I just pulled right under it and caught too low so bailed
3. pulled about as cleanly as I could have, caught it well and "put on the brakes" but just got soft in upper back and couldn't stand it up.
happy with that progress and good to get confidence in pulling well at that weight. just gotta get these legs stronger to stand everything up!
WOD in 2:33 RX
did 3 TNG to start, but probably could have gone for 5 and toughed it out
tripped a bit on DU's in second minute (lame!) so lost some time there
Thanks very much to Stella who said she'd judge us on Saturday. Just wanted to let you all know so you can go ahead and make your brunch plans!
Power Hour with LB
3 Rounds
:10 Top of pull-up hold
5 Kip Swings
10 OHS + Sotts Press 45lbs
5 Rounds
Butterfly pull-up practice (blech)
:30 Hollow Hold
3x :05 wide ring support, :05 Bottom of dip support
EMOM 16:00
A: 2 Hang Cleans + 2 Push Presses 150lbs with FAT bar
B: 5 Strict Toes to Bars
messed around with some cartwheels
Team Series with Team ' Forging Competent Fitness' aka Crumsho, Brad, Kayleigh and yours truly.
Event 8 yesterday-
MM pair
12-min. AMRAP:
30 double-unders
15 power snatches (75 lb.)
Then, FF pair
12-min. AMRAP:
30 double-unders
15 power snatches (55 lb.)
Mike and Brad got 446 reps
Kayleigh and I got 470 reps
Kayleigh was as fast as lightning and i got pretty much no rest.
Thanks Erik for judging!! Eve though you suck at counting DU's 😉
Today Event 7
Rx'd Workout
As MF pairs, alternating
20-min. AMRAP:
5 clean and jerks, each (185 / 135 lb.)
10 synchro toes-to-bars
Time cap: 20 minutes
Kayleigh and Mike went first because this is a super -heavy clean for me and I wasn't even sure I could do it once. I did manage it warming up and it was actually a clean and jerk PR, but honestly the jerk was the easy part even though it was a 10lb PR.
We got through 108 reps- I could only manage 3 clean and jerks in my third round. Big thanks to everyone for being so encouraging and awesome, and understanding. I just couldn't manage to get my elbows around fast enough or let go of my hookgrip/deathgrip, but I did better than I had anticipated.
Event 5
This one was a bit ridiculous if you ask me.
For time:
200 wall-ball shots*
150 partner deadlifts
200 handstand push-ups*
*MF pair must hold static deadlift at 340 lb.
M – 20-lb. ball to 10-ft. target
F – 14-lb. ball to 9-ft. target
The 45-lb. barbell must be loaded with 135 lb. on one side and 160 lb. on the other side.
So- Mike and Kayleigh were able to do the DL's as touch and go. Brad and I decided to do quick singles. Mike and Kayleigh did more f those and held the bar while Brad and I did as many HSPUs as we could muster.
We got through 45 HSPU's for a total of 445 reps.
A bit ridiculous but actually a lot of fun!!
Now Brad and Mike get to do 20 minutes of muscle-ups tomorrow. Good luck guys!!
Thanks Brett and Josh for judging today!!
Really happy I signed up for this- great squad- lots of fun pushing eachother and getting out of our comfort zones together,. Highly recommend and will definitely do it again next year, hopefully with same awesome peeps!!
4:30 with Ms.Whit
My first time with the full ROM of this lift (fresh out of Foundations). Started 73lbs, put on 10 more, things got weird, went down to 78. Felt ok, still not quick enough with the elbow. Now have a respectable bruise on my collarbone as comeuppance.
WOD 2:43, 73lbs
10, 7, 3
Strategized that I have to get as many in the first round as possible before the double unders took me to church. Kept my hands on the bar, tried for a clean setups. Was averaging DU 6-7 attempts in the first 20 seconds. Second round things got real with the technique fatigue but had a couple that felt like "Ah here's the "power" in the power clean" plus was roundly punished if I didn't release my hands at the top, so lots of learning.
Tried some more double unders at the end of the workout just for fun. Started skipping like Christian Bale in American Psycho. Apparently I have to be fatigued to access that part of my brain.
Loved the cashout. Triceps started screaming something awful around the 3rd minute. Because no one should have to fight a losing war of attrition against gravity alone, we went the dumb joke telling route (each one kills 20sec, plus extra abs if you laugh). Highlight joke from classmate:
"How many hipsters does it take to screw in a lightbulb?"
"What you mean you don't know?"
runner up punchline
*sigh* "I have that joke on vinyl"
PCs: 83-93-103-113-123PR-128PR
13# PR. FINALLY!!! PC form is typically terrible but finally starting to see some improvements. Didn't exaggerate my pull and tried to have faster elbows. Hit 133# twice (full clean aka failed PC) which is exciting bc that matches my full clean PR.
WOD in 4:00 at 103#
DUs were a hot mess and barely got 10 each round. Spent about 25s on them each minute 🙁
PC reps: 9-5-6
6:30 with Arturo
215 Power Clean (10lb PR)
185-205-215-215(F) – 215(F)-215
Solid coaching from Arturo. Need to work on keeping feet in position and dropping unde the bar quickly. The weight is moving up just not always making that clean transition under the bar. Direct result of missing most exposures this go around. Next Cycle!! A lot of room for improvement.
Bit off more than I could chew on the Metcon at 185 (Not good judgement). Made it through 10 Reps in 3 rounds then got sloppy. Stripped bar down to 135 and did 3 rounds 7-7-6. (Thanks for the reality check Ro). Looking forward to revisiting this WOD at OG in the near future.
2000m slow row
3 Rounds
:10 c2b pull-up hold – green band
8 Kip Swings
10 OHS 33#
5 Rounds
Butterfly pull-up practice – so frustrating
:30 Hollow Hold
:05 ring support, :03 hold btm of dip, :05 ring support
EMOM 16:00
A: 2 Hang Cleans + 1 Push Jerk up to 128#
B: 5 Strict Toes to Bars
155 x 3 x 3 with :03 pause
155 x 1
160 F
Wow Team Series sounds crazy!!
Power Clean 93, 103, 113(f– "Clarked it"), 108, 113 PR for power clean. Once I just got a little more committed they were great! I just jumped under the bar and thought of it more like a full clean as per ro's rec! I think I have more. So much to work on always and not enough time!!!
Wod: 3:49 with 93#. FUN!