Power Snatch
Every minute on the minute x 15:
2 Power Snatches
These will add up quickly, so start modestly on the load and only increase if the reps feel crisp. Do them touch-and-go if you can organize them, do quick bailed singles if you can not.
Post loads to comments.
Exposure 7 of 8
For Time:
50 Calorie Row
50 Toes-to-Bars
50 Box Jump Overs 24/20″
Sub volume or to Hanging Leg or Knee Raises or 100 Sit-Ups for the T2B as needed. For the Box Jump Overs , there is no extension requirement on top of the box but you must be facing the box, i.e. no lateral jumps. Two foot take-off is Rx’d, get down however desired.
Post time and Rx to comments.
The Chainsaw Roses of Love respresenting at yesterday’s Girls Gone Rxed event at CrossFit 718. We’ll have a full report on all the ass kicking soon | Photo by Thomas H.
Save the Date: Save the Date: Squad WOD at CFSBK
Did Girls Gone Rxed pique your interest in getting involved with New York’s community of woman CrossFitters? Then save the date for Squad WOD at CFSBK!
Date: Sunday, November 6th, 3pm – 5pm
What: A women-focused WOD led by Crossfit Solace Coach Heidi Jones
Squad WOD is a female-focused workout that takes place at different gyms across the NYC area. The intention is to bring women together in an environment that is free of judgement and overflowing with empowerment, camaraderie, and support for each other.
Squad WOD is a chance to meet, connect, make new friends, and empower one another in an environment that is all about celebrating each of our strengths and broadening our squads.
After each workout, there will be a different speaker who tells her story of triumph over obstacles in a continued effort to inspire the group.
The cost of the event is $20. The money raised will be donated to a local women’s charity.
The workouts are for all levels of CrossFit athlete from beginner to advanced. We’ll have registration info for the CFSBK event soon!
Watching Male Spiders Practice the Art of Seduction NY Mag
The Strongest Man in the World vs. The Fittest Man in the World Super Training
This photo is awesome, Thomas! Congratulations to the teams who competed!
Long day of not training again, but there was major spike ball action and minor beach running. Held a mini hand stand workshop for extended family on the beach and a contentious hollow hold competition.
A. 3 rounds
14 alternating DB front rack reverse lunges
10 DB Push Press
20 renegade rows w/o push up
B. Rope Climbs(wear high socks)
C. 3 Rounds
Minute 1 – max Rope climbs
Minute 2 – max push ups
Minute 3- max cal erg
Minute 4 – max v-ups
Minute 5 – max inverted shoulder taps
This photo is hands down my favorite. what's everyone afraid of? #sundayscaries
My break the erg face: not as good as KHarpz's squat face, but still quite special. Yesterday was a great day with lots of wonderful, strong women. My teammates were awesome and everyone there was super supportive. Cannot say enough good things about the experience and recommend to anyone. Worked up to a 195# triple on the front squat, a very fun surprise since 180 was a struggle earlier this week – and technically I just turned my 1 RM into a 3RM.
Power snatch x 2 today: 73×3, 83×4, 93×8. Wanted to just stay consistent today. Touch and go throughout.
WOD: 9:50 with 30 T2B.
@HaprZ they called time early
This photo is awesome.
Power snatch: 63×2, 68×2, 73×2, 78×3, 83×3, 63×3. I think I may have gone too high in weight on this. My form was actually not bad, but my wrist was a bit sore afterward. I will keep this in mind and NOT try for a 1RM next week.
WOD in 10:36 with situps instead of T2B to spare the wrist. Wow, I really thought I would be faster at situps. I just need to do more of them. :S
10AM class with Fox. Have had some congestion and sneezing the past few days, but woke up feeling better today after a good sleep.
2 TNG Power Snatches EMOM x15
99×2 (L elbow getting a little slow/lazy. sharpened it up a bit on the last few)
108×1 (94% of best PS, i think. felt pretty sharp!)
Tore during the reps @ 108 so didn't do the last minute. Bummerrrrrrr. i have not been taking care of my hands b/c I haven't been doing as much bar work and got lazy. Didn't tape today b/c I figured I could use a bit of toughening up. serves me right I suppose!
WOD: subbed GHDSU for TTB due to the rip. was going to do 30 reps but felt like 40 was more fair once I got into it.
50 cal row (3:23)
40 GHD sit ups (4×10, til about 6:10?)
50 BJO @ 20"
Time: 8:46
was able to push the pace on the last 20 BJO. felt great.
Yep- what a great day yesterday! Our whole crew was awesome and did so well!
I inadvertently (no color coded plates!!) squatted my stretch goal for my first attempt and PRed, also at 195 x 3. Went for 200 twice but couldn't get past the first rep. Perhaps I'll try for a new 1RM next week. It's currently 205. The other three workouts were short and fun- my teammates were fantastic. Definitely doing this one again if it happens next year.
10am today with Brett
Worked up to 93 on the power snatch complex. Everything felt surprisingly great aside from my very last rep which was a press out.
10:58 Rx (assault bike 35cal)
Just can't keep the rhythm on those T2B. Did some sets of 5,3 2 for the first lot but mostly quick singles after that.
Fun to see some of our SBK TFBAs in action yesterday. Much ass was kicked!
Noon class
P Snatch EMOM
Started at 88, worked up to 154, backed off to 132 and then finished at 154. Bailed singles on the last few.
WOD Rx'd in 10:38
All about ties to bar for me. Did 5×5 and then a few 4s, 2s, and singles. So tired afterwards.
Love my Sunday gym days. Great AR sesh- trying to stay loose and limber so I don't get injured!
12 class:
Stayed at 63# for snatch. Finally, by the last two minutes, I felt truly dialed in and on point.
Wod: 11:20? Row: took forever, I died inside. Started pulling slow single calories per stroke until 35 cals and it destroyed me; the last 15 calories were torture.
Ttb: 5's then 3-2s, then singles. Last and shoulders were the limiter here.
BJOS were easy compared to everything else. Took rest breaks but ultimately just wanted to finish!
Fun AG: got to practice kipping, no legged rope climbs. Takes a lot of strength, but they're fun!!