Back Squat / Front Squat
Back Squat: 2 x 5 Linear Progression
Front Squat: 2 x 3 Linear Progression
Heavier than last week
Back Squat: 80% x 4 x 2
Front Squat: 80% x 4 x 2
Post loads to comments.
Exposure 12 of 16
7 Rounds for Time:
3 Deadlifts 315/225
9 Ring-Dips
The Deadlift stimulus should be on the heavy side today. As always, maintain a neutral spine throughout the lift. Scale volume on the Ring-Dips or to Push-Ups as necessary.
Post time and Rx to comments.
We would like to congratulate Coach Melo and “The Professor” Alex B. on the birth of their first daughter, Lilyanne Gabriela Burrowes (nickname TBD)! Baby Burrowes was born yesterday and came in at 5lbs and 15oz. Post love to blog comments!
Join Us for the Next Iron Maiden’s Lift n’ Learn Session
All IM competitors and IM curious are welcome!
October 16, 2016
Press and Negotiating
BYOProgram OR plan to focus on working up to a heavy five on your Overhead Press. Feedback on technique can be provided. Post-lifting, we’re happy to welcome CFSBKer and Starting Strength Cycle alum Karina Totah for a workshop in negotiation skills:
Women don’t ask. Research shows they forego over ½ million dollars in salary over their lifetimes.
Like lifting, negotiation skills get better with practice. But unlike lifting, success and failure aren’t as black and white in negotiations. Come out to lift, and stay to learn the nuance of negotiation so you can successfully navigate asking for what you need and want.
In this workshop, we’ll cover negotiation framing and prep, do a live practice, and discuss negotiation plans.
Karina Totah‘s Middle-Eastern father had her haggling from a young age. She strengthened her negotiation instinct with more structured training at Yale’s School of Management. Now she enjoys sharing her knowledge with other women. By day, Karina is Vice President of Strategic Initiatives at the New York City Housing Authority; by morning, usually at 7am, she’s a CFSBKer.
How to Eliminate One of Our Deadliest Enemies Kurzgesagt
Real World Overhead Mobility for Weightlifting Catalyst Athletics
Congrats Melo and Alex!! Talk about some serious GAINZ!
We discussed the name Jae last night though. Is there still time to make a change? Or are you sticking with The Notorioius LGB?
Congratulations to the beautiful and family!
OMG LILYANNE!! I cannot wait to meet the lil bean! Congrats Melo and Alex xoxo
Yay! Congratulations!!
Oh my gosh Melo you are superwoman! Many congratulations to you and Alex! Welcome to the world Lilyanne!
Wow, so nice! A wee bit early, too! Welcome to the club!
Congratulations!!!!! So happy for you guys!!
Wow!!! So happy for the 3 of you! Congratulation.
I love the fact you guys look like you're about to do a WOD. Lil bean is going to be a power house!
OMG! Congrats Coach Melo and Alex! She's a beauty!
WOW! MELO MOM! Many congrats to Alex and yourself! Welcome Lilyanne
Congrats! Mama and baby look beautiful! (And Alex's locks too) 🙂
Congrats Momma Melo and Daddy Alex! That baby will be doing muscle-ups before it is even walking!
Major congrats, Melo and Alex! That kid's gonna be on the leaderboard before her first birthday.
Congratulations Alex and Melissa.
What a beautiful name for a beautiful baby
Congratulations! Can't wait to meet her.
Not everyday a baby can deadlift more than me. Congrats!!!!
9am with J Fox and Brettless
BSQ 255x4x2
FSQ 235x4x2
Felt good moving some heavier weights today. Everything moving well.
Metcon – 7:52 Rx
Had 295 on the bar and made a last minute decision to go for it. Glad I did.
DLs all touch and go
Dips 9, 9, 9, 6-3, 5-4, 4-3-2, 4-2-2-1
Good workout today. Roy for the win!
Congrats MeLo and Alex! Welcome to the world, little Lilyanne- can't wait to meet you!
Yay Mel! The WoD of a lifetime begins: infinite reps, NFT.
WU: run around the block, D-Roms, hip openers, 10 pushups, 15 squats, 10 KB 1.5 x 2
FSQ: 95x5x2
BSQ: 135x5x2
WoD: DL @ 195 x 3; subbed 9 pushups bec. no rings yet… somehow ended up doing NINE rounds 10:25.
Congrats, you two! Lil Lil is so cute!
Back feeling a bit better but not ready to train yet. Came in at 11 and rolled and mob'd and such for around 30 minutes then jumped in with class for a scaled version of the WOD
9 Goblet Squats 10#
9 Strict Ring Dips
Took a little less that 8 minutes. Dips all 4/3/2
Congratulations, Melo and Alex!!! You all look pretty darn amazing. Look forward to meeting Lilyanne soon.
All the "this baby is already stronger than me" jokes have been made already so I'll just say congratulations on your adorable new addition!
Such great news! Congrats!!
Hooray for Melissa and mini-Melissa!
Wow!!! Congratulations MeLo and Alex. With your determination, relentless hardwork, respect for each other and passion for excellence… You two are going to make AMAZING parents!
Awesome muscle-up workshop! Elaborated and reinforced a lot of the stuff we've been working with in AG. It was fun to just have an hour to focus on the muscle-up!!! Jay says 3 weeks. I'm ALMOST there!
Back squat: 140 5×2
Front squat: 130 3×2
Hit depth, grindy.
WOD: all 9 ring dips + 145# for deadlift, touch and go. I'm getting stronger at deadlifts… But have a long way to go before 225 in a workout is possible! (Aghem, Kayleigh deadlifted 360 recently. It's possible, ladies!!)
Broke ring dips up 3-3-3 until that broke down. Then 2's, then singles. 9:14.
Missed Wednesday's workout to rest foot, so I did squats last night. 115 12×2, 100 8×2 for front squat. Ankle was feeing weird last night, much better today. Still don't want to jump or run.. It's the top side of my foot that feels weird when I walk. BOO!
Congrats MeLo and Alex!! Lilyanne is beautiful!
10am with Jess
LBBS: 195x5x2
FSQ: 155x3x2
WOD in 5:30, scaled to 185# and bench dips
Followed it up with a fun AR sesh and cashed out with court st grocers and a nap!
Big Congrats to MeLo and Alex!!! Little Lilyanne is a lucky girl 🙂
Fun times teaching and coaching in the gym today. Love our community!
Didn't have a lot of energy left. Managed this after quick warm up:
4 sets:
50' Farmer Carry L @ 90#
50' Farmer Carry R @ 90#
1 Strict MU to :10 ring L-sit, :10 ring support, :05 negative with pause at dip and chest
Congrats, MeLo and Alex! I heard that baby can already do King Kong Rx'd.
Congrats MeLo and Alex! That is one lucky baby!
LBBS: 150x2x2
FSQT: 120x2x2
WOD: 7:43
DLs: 185# belted and unbroken
Ring dips: 4 per round. After third round used a red band to help keep rings stable but not to assist with the actual dip. Whit's suggestions. Helped a lot.
belated congrats!!
Congratulations to you both! ❤️