The aptly named Team Height Disparity at last weekend’s Flex on the Beach event
This Week at CFSBK in Review
1. Fight Gone Bad season is here! That means your teams should have done some housekeeping this week, and you should be getting started with fundraising. We’ve already raised close to $2000 for Brooklyn Community Foundation. Let’s keep it going!
2. Registration for our Starting Strength Program opened Tuesday. There are still some spots left!
3. Speaking of Starting Strength Program, we’ve been interviewing some recent members in a new feature called Humans of Starting Strength. It’s the best way possible to get a sense of what the program is about and why you might consider doing it. Listen to Wendy S. and Manny B., and look out for a few more profiles over the next week and a half.
4. Starting in October, Jesse Leach will be teaching Brazilian Jiu Jitsu at our facilities. Jesse is offering CFSBK members their first one month pass for $50. Go to Wednesday’s post for more info.
5. A few spots are still open in Coach Whit’s upcoming Road to Gymnastics clinics. Sign up here!
Generation Cryo: Fighting Death in the Frozen Unknown Gizmodo
Mattie Rogers Workout Session hookgrip
Back Squat / Front Squat
BSQ 2×5 LP
FSQ 2×3 LP
Heavier than last week
BSQ and FSQ 80% x 4 x 2
Post loads to comments.
Exposure 12 of 16
7 Rounds for Time:
3 Deadlifts 315/225
9 Ring-Dips
The deadlift stimulus should be on the heavy side today. As always, maintain a neutral spine throughout the lift. Scale volume on the ring dips or to push ups as necessary.
Post time and Rx to comments.
6am with the crew doing Saturday's workout
Backsquat: 300# x 4 x 2. Felt tough this week but moved well.
Frontsquat: 225# x 4 x 2. This moved well, rolled forward a bit on the last rep but nothing bad.
Metcon: 4:58 Rx. Did all the DL's as touch and go, the rings were unbroken up to round 4, then 5/4, 5/4, 3/3/3. My arms are smoked. Fun workout.
Saturday's work at 6am
HBBS – 270x4x2 – missed the intensity days the last two weeks due to travel, so this was the first time I've had anything over 70% on my back in awhile. Felt heavy but doable.
FS – 225x4x2 – same as the BS
Metcon: 4:18 Rx'd – DLs unbroken. 5 rounds of dips unbroken, then 5-4 and 4-3-1-1
Took my time machine at 6am this morning to do Saturday's work.
280x4x2 (Front Squat)
Metcon: 7:03 Rx. Deadlifts were done very carefully… I'm still not completely comfortable with heavy deadlifts in a metcon. Ring dips started unbroken and finished as 3/3/3.
Then I took my time machine back to today. Good news, it's Friday!
6am doing Saturday work
Squat: 290x4x2. Had to take off the new, somewhat squishy trail running shoes that I'm breaking in. Barefoot was better.
Front Squat: 235x4x2. This took effort to keep the back tight and to stay off my toes.
Metcon: 6:?? with 5 strict dips per round. I mistakenly thought there were 9 rounds and got nearly done with the 8th. I don't recommend doing 9 rounds.
7am with McDowell
Just 2 7amers going into the future today. Summer is definitely over.
BS – 185# x 4 x 2
FS – 165# x 4 x 2
Thought my depth was questionable on one of the BS reps, but was apparently in my own head. Otherwise moved fine.
Metcon @ 225# in 8:14
Stayed at ~70% on the deads — going too much heavier in metcons kinda freaks me out. Moved well though. Dips unbroken through 3 rounds, then a mix of triples, doubles and singles by the end. Kip is still meh, but overall I'm really happy with how far this movement has come along for me.
3×10 GHDs to close it out
6am with McD
HBBS 250 x 4 x 2
FSQ 220 x 4 x 2
Both felt really great and were easy.
WOD in 12:31 at 275#. Stupid dips. 9, 5-4, 4-3-2 x 2 then just a mix in however I could get them. Mostly singles. Lots of strap burn. Should have done the deadlifts at 295. Very depressing to see the rest of 6am done when I was on round 4. I blame the 4.5# of brisket sitting in my stomach.
I look forward to the many upcoming Humans of Starting Strength posts that feature long time members of the gym who have done 6+ strength cycles and yet continue to always rotate back to CF with their dry wit and quick laugh despite having never been Athlete of the Month.
Let Phil Sing.
Clean pulls : 374x4x4
Crossfit Linchpin workout
Heavy FSQ: 395
30 WBs
20 TTB
10 FSQ (225#, from floor)