Our updated leaderboard doesn’t have an entry for “Cutest Dog,” but if it did, Benson would be up there
Our New and Improved Leaderboard!
You may have noticed that we recently revised our leaderboard. Here are some of the adjustments we made:
- Changed some of the Benchmark WODs (added “Morrison,” for example)
- Removed CrossFitters who haven’t attended CFSBK in several years or hadn’t had their submission verified by a coach
- “Murph” must be completed in a weighted vest (20/14 lbs) to be eligible for the leaderboard
- Added the Wilks and Sinclair score totals (used to compare lifters of different weight classes) for powerlifting and weightlifting meets
- Added Spikeball (tournament play only!)
- Removed marathon and triathalon (these were infrequently updated)
- Add 1-minute and 10-minute max calories on the Assault Bike
- Changed max Handstand Hold for time to Handstand Walk for distance. The athlete has 3:00 to walk as far as they can in 4′ increments. We’re using the short end of the black floor mats to measure distance. If you come down before clearing a mat, you’ve got to go back and start at the end of the previously completed one.
We also changed the overall organization of the board. Here’s how it works:
- Top three panels (L to R): monostructural movements, powerlifting, bodyweight-biased movements and Benchmarks
- Bottom three panels (L to R): Benchmark WODs, Olympic lifting, Hero WODs and anything else that doesn’t fit into the other 5 categories
Shooting to get on the leaderboard? Here are a few things you should know:
- The Olympic weightlifting, powerlifting, and CrossFit totals must be completed at a meet.
- If you’re attempting to get on the leaderboard, you must get approval from a coach beforehand, and he or she must have eyes on your during the workout/attempt. Leaderboard submissions not verified by a coach will not count.
- If you’ve successfully posted a leaderboard-worthy effort, congratulations! Please write it on the Accomplishments whiteboard next to the bathrooms in 597.
Yesterday’s Whiteboard: Deadlift / Handstand Push-Ups | Wall Balls, Run
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Wednesday's Programming
Back Squat / Front Squat
BSQ 2×12 LP
FSQ 2×8 LP
Heavier than last week
Every other exposure is a de-load so these should feel light.
Post loads to comments.
Exposure 5 of 16
3 Rounds For Time:
500m Row
20 Hang Power Cleans 95/65
20 Overhead Squats 95/65
The barbell weight should be light. Baller status for doing the 40 reps on the bar unbroken for even one round.
Post time and Rx to comments.
PULL UP warm up
3 rounds
build to your weight from last week
20 hollow rocks
5 yoga push ups
A. EMOM 8 min
EVEN: 3 pull ups
ODD: :30 Handstand hold with or without shoulder taps
3 rounds
Minute 1: 1 Rope climb
Minute 2: 20 DB Front Rack Reverse Lunge
Minute 3: 5 Bar Muscle ups
Minute 4: 130m Run
Minute 5: 15 V-ups
@MGMT: I am not on the leaderboard, and never will be, but I'd like to register a polite disagreement with removing 'Crossfitters who have not attended CFSBK in several years.' If we are a community, then these folks were former members of that, and their marks and achievements should live on in our commemorations here. This removal from the leaderboard feels like we would be effacing their presence here. Indeed, their old marks should serve as inspiration to others to try to best them. Besides are we talking about replacing older, better, scores/times set by former members by lesser times and scores?Apologies if I've misunderstood what is going on.
6am with Jess and McD for Wednesday
BSQ 225x2x2
FSQ 205x2x2
WOD – 16:31 Rx
Row kept at about 2:00 split. First round I imagine was much quicker. Rounds 2 and 3 were barely moving.
HC 18-2, 14-5-1, 13-6-1 cleans got real grippy
OHS 13-7, 14-6, 14-6 the OHS is the most difficult move ever invented. Just happy to have gotten through these before the 20'
OH NO!!! what happened to the TACOS? that was my only chance to get on the board.
Mo, that is an excellent question. What happened to the Tacos. The famed Taco board was the heart and soul of the SBK leaderboard. There will be a petition shortly to rectify this clerical era.
830 last night
DL : 5×3 #275
Had to ditch Touch n Go. These are getting hard.
HSPU w/ 2inch deficif 3×8
These were pretty easy. Not sure if i will add more reps or more deficit.
Metcon : 10:06 Rx
Wall Balls unbroken, runs started out slow and picked up speed as the rounds went.
I was just about to post about the tacos! That was gonna be my only shot, too.
8 a.m. w/McDowell doing Wednesday's work. No tacos were involved, much to my chagrin.
BSQ: 205x2x2; FSQ: 185x2x2. Bit creaky today. Fourth day in a row at the gym.
Metcon: 21:04 Rx'ed. Slowwww. Had to break up the last two rounds of cleans/OHS into 3 8/7/5 sets. Grippy, like James said, and my grip was pretty much shot.
6am with Jess
HBBS/FS – 235/195 – nice and easy
Metcon in 11:35 Rx'd
Did everything unbroken. This was not easy. My hands were slightly tingling from holding the bar overhead for that long at the end.
6am with Jess
HBBS – 225 x 2 x 2
FSQ – 195 x 2 x 2
No issues but 225 felt heavier than Friday.
WOD in James + 10s. Some debate on his time but its somewhere in the 16s. I had him beat but lost my OHS forward at 18
Row paces – 1:50, 1:55, 2:00
HPC – 15-5, 10-5-5, 10-5-5 Grippy is the correct adjective here
OHS – 10-10, 10-10, 11-6-3 Just got soft in that second set and lost it
I also lament the loss of tacos. At least I had a hope. I can still dream that one of those 3 empty ones will be for most sweat. I've got to be in the top 3 there.
See you later, marathon…certainly the only reason I was ever on the leaderboard is that nobody updates that one!
I'm going to test my bench 1RM next week but it's good to know I needn't bother asking a coach to be there. 180 for third place! Yowza, we have some strong ladies here.
7am Weds work with McD
BS – 165# x 2 x 2
FS – 140# x 2 x 2
Easy and happy this was the case considering the garbage to follow.
Metcon – 20+ minutes (forgot to look at the clock)
This involves pretty much all my goats, so not a good one. OHS felt good warming up so went Rx to start. This devolved into front squats 15 reps in. My wrists just can't handle anything overhead at high volume. Lower back feels pretty fried, too. Ef this workout.
I agree with Samir and mourn the removal of former members from the leaderboard. It was always nice to see Scott L., Joe O, Kevin R. on the leaderboard silently encouraging new members to beat them.
LBBS: 185 x 2 x 2
FSQ: 165 x 2 x 2
WOD – 14:26 Rx
Row: Splits around <1:50, <2:00, 2:00
Hang Cleans: Unbroken, 12-8, 12-8
OHS: 12-8, 10-10, 11-9
Thought I might be able to squeak out the first set of OHS unbroken, but was much harder than it seemed. Seemed like a good idea for the long run to purposely break up into two sets. Holding my water bottle after was a struggle.
After: "Twister"
Running Clock…
at the 0:00
3 RFT:
10 Power Snatch, 95/65
10 Bar facing Burpee
at the 10:00
15 Power Snatch, 115/80
15 Bar facing Burpees
Finished the first set in 6 something, the second around 17something. There is a third round (listed below for curious parties) that I decided not to do. Can only bonus-WOD so much…
at the 20:00
30 Power Snatch, 135/95
30 Bar facing Burps
Mobility work and then 2-1-1-1-1 pullup pyramid
8 AM with Jess and McDowell doing Wednesday's work
2x12x110# backsquats- need to get deeper.
2x8x110# front squats
It's an odd world when I prefer front squats.
WOD in 19:57- I got 100 problems and a squat ain't one.
75 # with front squats.
Definitely questioned my life choices in this one.
6am with Jess and McD for Wednesday
BSQ 230x2x2
FSQ 195x2x2
WOD – 18:25 Rx
Row was under 1:50 to start but slowed quite a bit to over 2:00 in 2 and 3 rounds
HC 12-8, 8-7-5, 7-6-7 – my hands got tired which happens on these hang cleans
OHS 11-9, 11-9, 14-6 – better than I thought
6am with Jess and McDowell
Fitness squatting, 5# jumps from last week
LBBS 140x12x2
FSQ 110x8x2
WOD in 16:01 Rx
Rows were around 2 mins, HPCs 15-5, 10-9-1, 10-9-1 and OHSs all unbroken. This was all about the forearms for me. Happy to not drop the bar for the OHS, despite my brain telling me otherwise.
Total fail today.
10am with Lady Fox
195 x 2 x 2
Front Squat
165 x 2 x 2
19:03 Rx
OHS can go f#*k themselves. This was probably the hardest workout I've done in a while, purely because of these. I was thinking of scaling volume in the first round and thought of quitting several times. Thanks Jess for keeping me going. Narrower grip definitely helped my wrists and stability though so I need to play with this. The first round was the worst, and took the longest.
Disheartening as this was, considering my focus on mobility work this past while, I have to keep reminding myself of how far I've come. There was a time I couldn't even get to parallel in that position.
Noon with Jeremy and McD
Deadlift: 225x5x3
DB Presses: 30x10x3
WOD in 12 something. This really wiped me out; the sidewalk just felt so damn bright and hot, the runs turned out to be the real killer.
Mixed Monday's work in throughout the day
then in the PM
WOD with .5 miles on the Assault Bike in 10:23
All WB unbroken but tenths of a mile tick off slowly
Evening solo session making up Sunday's work:
OHS 2-2-2-2-2
(45×5, 75×3) 95, 115, 125, 135, 145
-this is def a PR for doubles and might actually be my best single. Hardest part is getting the damn bar overhead. I practiced my split jerk on all my warmup reps up to and including 135 but for some reason, 145 ended up being a slow push press. wrists don't like these.
Sunday's chipper modified a bit:
50 cals, erg
40 box jumps
30 ghd situps
20 burpees
10e single arm DB thrusters @ 16kg
-row in about 3:17, box jumps steady but still with a couple breaks to breathe. GHD's in 5's in hopes that I'm not hella sore tomorrow. Short break after 10 burpees to stop the sweat from burning my eyes. Short break between each arm in DB thrusters. Ugh, HOT and SWEATY!
LBBS: 145x5x2
FSQT: 115x5x2
So tired today. Moved so slowly on the squats.
WOD in 21:07 Rx'd
Wow, I am dragging this week. Didn't bounce back after 4 days off. This one should have been in my wheelhouse, minus the rowing. Shoulders and traps were so tired from two days in a row of dips, then HSPUs. Legs and lower back were fatigued from deadlifts and walls balls. Only came in because I can't tomorrow. Guess I should have opted for two rest days instead.
Deadlift: 165 5×3 Deadlifts are literally torture. They scare me because it seems so easy to overdo it. Anyway, I'm working on it!
WOD: 10:11-outside. Wallballs broken only when I messed up. 8:07!?!?! INSANE!
Sorry James A: Looks like your victory against Dan L was short lived…
Fun AR class in preparation for that really hard looking workout tomorrow!
I also couldn't skip out on AG. Had to get my weighted pullups in. Worked up to 20#. Did 4 sets of 3 at 12.5# in the EMOM. Last rep was a little low. Then did most of the workout, but left 4 minutes early because I was exhausted! Bye!