For Time:
Run 1 Mile
Row 2k
Run 1 Mile
Post time and Rx to comments.
Cute moments in VooDoo Flossing with Greg A. and Maggie S. | Photo by Thomas H.
TOMORROW: The 2016 NYC Subway Series at CrossFit Gantry
Another year has gone by, and it’s time once again for an NYC affiliate throwdown: the sixth annual Subway Series! All NYC affiliates are invited to participate—the affiliate with the best overall score at the end of four events wins the Subway Series Trophy and bragging rights for a whole year! The second event of the year will take place at CrossFit Gantry tomorrow, August 14th.
The action kicks off at 12:00pm, and workout info can be found here. Head to Gantry to support CFSBK’s athletes!
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How Did The First People Populate North America? Pacific Standard
Lovely day for Jerry! Ugh
Finished in 25:17, 23 seconds better than last June. But considering it was brutally hot and humid, I'm happy with that!
First run: 7:52
Row: 8:40
Run: 8:10
With some transitions in there where i contemplated why I chose to do this instead of staying in the AC.. My first two splits were exactly the same as last year, made up the time on the final run though!
Run: 7:34
Row: checked the erg memory after the workout said 10:57. Started rowing at 8:42 after fixing feet holsters, etc.
Run: finished at 28:14.
I honestly am not concerned about the time. The true challenge was a) getting to the gym when I realllly didn't want to, b) trying my best to just DO the workout. Feel so proud I made it and did it.
Lastly, some really great advice from JB about rowing technique. I was straightening my legs completely then opening my hips, sexy deadlift style. Gunna work on technique.. Hopefully it will make rowing less torturous.
"Plan A" was a 15.5 mile run this morning… since that wasn't going to happen, I went with Jerry instead
Thanks for programming this!
25:09, compared to 25:41 last year — http://crossfitsouthbrooklyn.com/workout-of-the-day/2015/6/3/jerry.html — weather underground says it was 69 degrees at La Guardia.
Went out waaay too fast, and accidentally PR'd my mile at 6:58! I've been running a lot lately and am finally starting to feel confident about my times… didn't go out intending this pace and slowed down a bit towards the end of the first mile before starting the erg.
Really happy with this, even though I flamed out on the second run
Couldn't quite catch Matt, but it was great chasing him the whole way.
9 am w/ Melissa and JB
This was a 43 second improvement on last year, so I feel good about it, especially given the oppressive heat.
First run was 6:53. Then I spent, like, a full minute fiddling with the display on my rower before actually rowing, which was dumb. I think I left for the second run at 16:30, which would put the second mile at 7:40.
While still delirious from this workout, Seth and I bought tickets to see Barbra Streisand at the Barclays tonight. It was the CrossFit equivalent of drunk shopping.
24:32 for my first attempt at Jerry. Jack tore off his shirt and majestically ran past me in the final mile but I was just pleased to catch up and beat him at the row with a 7:59. Not sure how long the miles took but the second one was a bit of a slog and I couldn't catch him. Survived the heat. Bring on Babs!
Noon class with Fox.
"Jerry" Rx in 28:34. Contemplated the insanity of coming in for this with the heat, but had a feeling I'd be happy I did. The process of pushing through something like this is why I love CrossFit. Last time I did this was around 26, I think, but I just wanted to finish under 30min today. The hose helped.
This week has been my third "comeback" this year with my traveling, and of course, I've twice timed it with Crush Week. Going to try to start posting again to stay accountable and get back to some of my old strength #s.
Happy weekend!
11am Jerry in 25:12 in full mid-day sun. I called "under 25" during drom but oh well. Felt pretty good.
Laid down on the mats for a loooong time.
KATES on the blog!!! Hi Kate!!!
In other news: JB and I biked all over Brooklyn today in this heat. I have quite the interesting tan line to prove it. I really was going to come in to do Jerry today, but then I bought a really delicious breakfast wrap and stayed in bed