Your rest day assignment: meditate on this cool photo by Thomas H.
- Schedule Change: Tonight’s 6:30pm Active Recovery Class is cancelled.
- CFSBK is in the process of redesigning its website (not too much!) with the help of the fantastic Chris Y. (Seriously, isn’t he great, guys?) Now we’re looking for a web developer to help us see the project through. Have professional services to offer? E-mail david [at] if you’re interested.
There Is No Wagon: Thoughts on Binge Eating and Dieting
By Chris Fox
Editor’s Note: Paul A. (who is currently honeymooning among the Hobbits of the Shire in New Zealand) recently sent Coach Fox an e-mail letting him know that his article “There Is No Wagon” is now being used as training material at Paul’s former school, Achievement First Crown Heights Middle School. The post, Paul writes, “is now being used as a framing for a teacher professional development session on building relationships with the same message that it’s not about a ‘wagon’ picking you up, but about making more good small choices than bad ones!” So awesome! This article was originally posted on 1.17.2014.
You cannot fall off the wagon. You cannot get back on it. There is in fact, no wagon. You are self propelled, and you make your way down your own path.
I’ve heard it countless times and had said it myself for years…”I’ve got to get back on the wagon”. This language seems to allow for some other power, in this case The Wagon, to make or break us. We make a big change in our lifestyle that seems like it will make everything better. That if we can stick to it we will once and for all be happy. We decide to get on The Wagon. We choose a date, prepare for it, and then go full steam ahead. At first it’s great, this is when you’re riding the momentum created by the hope of change, or of something changing you. Then some of the reality settles in and you stray a bit from The Wagon. You “mess up” and feel guilty. Maybe you even “mess up” a little more because of the guilt. So what do you do now? This is the point where you can move further off your path (have a second or third beer, order dessert after pizza, have a crappy dinner since you “messed up” at lunch, etc…) or turn back toward it (make your next decision one that lines up with your values and priorities). You can eat like crap all day and it’s still only one day. Health and fitness is not made or broken in one day alone. Be nice to yourself, don’t beat yourself up about it. And importantly, don’t wait for some wagon to come along and pick you up.
If you find yourself in a cycle like this then consider a few things. First, it doesn’t mean you’re a bad person or a failure. It means you’re just like everyone else. Fit people don’t magically not crave “bad” foods or never have trouble abstaining from unhealthy treats, and it’s hard for them to get to the gym sometimes, too. They even kick back and have a few drinks and french fries every now and then. What they do is consistently make more good decisions than poor ones. They live more in line with long term values and less with instant gratification. Try this: Think about what you value, then think of a few small actions you can take right now to live in line with those values. It’s important to realize that we are constantly making small decisions about how we will live and who we’ll be. This means that you can make a choice to have an all weekend bender or give in to a craving for the office donuts. That’s ok. It also means that you can make your next choice one that you are ok with, that makes you happy, and that is in line with your values. Be nice to yourself and put one foot in front of the other. Don’t wait for The Wagon to come around again and pick you up.
Yesterday’s Whiteboard: Bench Press / Bent-Over Row | T2Bs, Push-Ups, Squats
Is Your “Competitiveness” Making You Worse? Training Think Tank
Superfoods: Myth Vs. Fact
David Osorio says
Wednesday's Programming
Front Squat
3 x 5 Linear Progression
Add 5-10 lbs to last week.
3 x 2
Heavier than last week's 4s.
Post loads to comments.
Exposure 8 of 8
For Time (15 minute cap):
50 Double Unders
9 Ring Muscle Ups
50 Double Unders
6 Ring Muscle Ups
50 Double Unders
3 Ring Muscle Ups
Scale volume or to Jumping Muscle-Ups as necessary. Buy on for JMUs is a mature ring support and a few strict ring dips. If you don't have the buy-in then scale to leg assisted low ring transitions. Scale for dubs is 20-25 attempts.
Post time and Rx to comments.
Coach Ro says
3 Rounds For Quality
200 m Row
3 Low Ring Muscle up transitions
1 Min Handstand Practice
Pull ups
5 Rounds
400m Run
Max rep pull ups
Dan L says
6am with Katie
FSQ – 260×2 – failed the last rep of the last set. Came in a little stiff so I'll chalk it up to that.
Metcon in 4:16 – MU unbroken, 3-2-1, 2-1 Failed a couple in there which cost me some time. DUs were either unbroken or in big sets
Steve says
6am with KHarpz and her cellphone cockroach
FSQ – 225 x 5 x 3 – Moved well and easy.
WOD – DU disaster. First round was smooth with one trip but then I lost it on round 2. Still haven't mastered the lighter cable, need to start forcing myself to do these during warmups.
James A says
6am with the resident Doctor
FSQ – 260 3×2 – these felt good. Bar moved well
Metcon – the only thing that went well was the first round of double unders unbroken. Lots of failed muscle ups today. Followed by lots of tripping on the rope and more failing on the rings.
14:53 Rx
Brendan B says
7am with McDowell
FS – Worked to 205#
Came in looking to hit some doubles at 200#. First set I failed the second rep, so just decided to see if I could step up my 1RM. 10# PR…and back to being equal with my back squat.
Metcon or Something
This turned into a bunch of muscle up practice within the 15 minute cap. Shoulders were really fatigued from pushups yesterday so wasn't expecting much. Got 5 of about 18 attempts. Still all transition issues for me on the high rings. Good tips from McD about keeping my legs closer together to tighten my kip. 100 dubs total to try to get the heart rate up in 35-15 / 30-20.
Chris "NFT" Yun says
Front Squat
50 DUs
9 Jumping Ring MUs
50 DUs
6 Jumping Ring MUs
50 DUs
3 Jumping Ring MUs
1000m Row
Then went home and ate leftover pizza oops
Whit H says
10AM session
quick heat up, line drills
WU: 3x
5 each side hip airplane
8 each side jump and reach
5 butterfly pull-up
8 pallof press
35kg: 3 position clean + 2 PJ + 2 SJ
45: power clean + PJ, clean+SJ
60x1x7 (132# / 82%)
Happy to stay in this range and work technique. I've heard/said/seen it a hundred times, but something clicked for me today … not hesitating at the top and over-extending/over-"pulling" in the second pull… instead, pulling down and around, not up, and getting to the bar faster. Staying more vertical, eyes/chest fwd not leaning back. Need to resist and stay tight at bottom in the 80% range so I am ready for it with the heavier weights and new attempts.
5 RFT:
400m Run
Runs were around 2:00 for first couple rounds, probably more like 2:15/2:20 in the last couple.
GHDSU make my jaw hurt and always give me a bit of a headache.
Charlie says
Weightlifting Club last night.
78 x 2 x 2, 83 x 2 x 8
This time I was thinking about throwing the bar up as high as possible. It worked pretty well.
Clean pull + hang clean + clean + jerk
103 x 3, 113 x 5 (?)
Jerks were feeling good, especially the heavier they got. Hips were creaky on the cleans but Frankie said my positions were looking good. 🙂
95 x 5, 105 x 3 (PR), 115 X 1, 120 x 1 x 2.
Small bit shallow on the singles but so much better than ever before!
Snatch pulls
95 x 3 x 3
120 x 2 x 3
130 x 1 x 5
Today 10 am with McDowell
135 x 6, 137 x 6 x 2
Misloaded the bar- was supposed to go for 140 today but honestly I don't think I would have had it. My spotter spotted when I didn't need it ( miscommunication) on my final rep but I'm going to count it!
13:50 Rx
T2B unbroken rounds 1-6 and 9-10! Big deal for me!!
Push-ups sucked.
Hips were creaky on the squats…. It helped when McD reminded me to keep my chest up do I picked a point to look at across from me.
Kayleigh says
FSQ: 175 x 2, 180 x 2, 185 x 2.
Since I've missed most of the cycle, just used today as a chance to explore where I'm at. Definitely a PR for a double (1RM is 195), so happy to work up to this.
WOD: 6:30ish with single leg transitions. Was definitely missing the middle catch position along the way – something to focus on.
Some terrible conditioning afterwards:
4 Rounds:
500 meter Row
400 meter Row
Took about 23 minutes – didn't push super hard (kept the row pace under 2:00 the whole time, runs were more like jogs), but was definitely feeling it in my legs after.
Keith W says
it's funny how the water "wagon" is now used that's not related to drinking.
Charlie says
Yes! Forgot to say I love this article.
Got some of Melissa's programming in today too.
Figure 4 stretch
2 min lateral banded hip distraction
3 x 10 forward reaching lunges with 8# med ball
3 x 10 lateral band walks
3 x 8 retro step-ups
Dear god I have a lot of work to do!
Muscle-up transitions are not a thing I can do.
Did a few handstand holds- thanks Katie Rose for spotting!
Butterfly pull-ups- getting there slowly but surely. Just need to get a bit higher.
Thought I had energy for the WOD but my body thought otherwise. Did one round and flaked. Legs did not want to run and arms and shoulders did not want to pull.
Sean says
200m row / 1 minute handstand practice / muscle up transitions
Rows anywhere between :40 and 50
Handstands are getting there. Consistently kicking up and keeping balance for a second before falling into a round off. These were so much easier as a kid on the beach
Muscle up transitions I made as hard as I could
WOD didn't check my time but I do know I did 51 pull ups
8:30 class with whit
Bench #185 1×6 1×4 1×3
Barbell row #115 3×6
Mistake on the load for the bench. Meant for 180 but after discussion with my spotter Noah I stayed heavier. Felt pretty weak after the first set.
Row simple enough
WOD Rx don't recall the time probably wrapped around 13 minutes. I was cruising right till round 8 when the push-ups went. All else unbroken.
KLove says
Wednesday's workout:
FSQT: 145x2x1, 135x2x2
Should've done 150, 145 didn't feel good so dropped to 135. Tired and sore today.
WOD: in 8:40
Just did jumping ring MUs on Sunday so shoulders were not ready to tackle these again. Subbed double pullups + double pushups. Couldn't get a C2B today either.
DUs: Gave myself 1.5 minutes to do each round of 50. Succeeded in less time. Slow progress.
Pullups: 9-9, 12, 6
Pushups: 6-6-6, 6-6, 6