Bench Press / Bent-Over Row Superset*
1A) Barbell Bench Press
3 x 5 Linear Progression
Add a few pounds to last week’s weight.
3 x 6
Go heavier than last week.
1B) Barbell Bent-Over Row
3 x 5 Linear Progression
Add a few pounds to last week’s weight.
3 x 6
Go heavier than last week.
In both cases, keep these light enough to perform strictly and with solid form. Don’t let these turn into an ego exercise. Really think about the movement rather than the weight moved. Keep the following notes in mind:
1) Set up like a Clean and Deadlift the bar up.
2) Hip hinge until bar is at least below the knee (try to be as horizontal as possible).
3) Maintaining a consistent back angle, pull your elbows up and back and aim to hit your stomach (not your chest) with the barbell.
4) Start with a weight that allows all the reps to be done perfect and without momentum. It should feel too light to start.
*Superset means that you perform a set of exercise A (in this case the Bench Press) and then after a short rest, 30 seconds to a minute, you perform a set of exercise B (in this case the Barbell Bent-Over Row). You then rest a short period before returning to exercise A and continue in this fashion until all warm up and work sets are completed.
Post loads to comments.
Exposure 8 of 8
10 Rounds for Time:
5 Toes-to-Bars
10 Push-Ups
15 Squats
Rest 30 seconds
Score total time. Scale volume or to Hanging Knee/Leg Raises as needed.
Post time and Rx to comments.
Hungry Before or After Class? Read on!
- Schedule Change: Tomorrow’s 6:30pm Active Recovery class is cancelled.
Now Available at the Front Desk: RxBars!
By Chris Fox
When signing in at 597 Degraw (you did remember to sign in, didn’t you?) with our superstar Front Desk staff, you’ve probably noticed a few additions to the area. A few weeks ago we started offering FitAid and PartyAid, and now we’re also offering RxBars for purchase. We’ve long wanted to offer a few products that can help members perform and recover better, and we believe these are a really good option. They’re all natural; gluten, soy, dairy, and GMO free; made from nuts, dates, egg whites; and flavored with the essential oils of ingredients like cocoa, peppermint, and coconut. They taste pretty good and offer a responsible option for a post-workout recovery snack since they’re balanced macro-nutrient wise and don’t pack a huge caloric punch. The average RxBar provides (give or take a bit depending on the flavor) 200 calories coming from about: 22 grams of carbs, 12 grams of protein, and 8 grams of mostly mono-unsaturated fat. Give one a try next time you’re hankering for a snack before or after training!
Yesterday’s Whiteboard: Clean and Jerk | NFT WORK
Beyond Myth: When Steroids Are Just a Fact of Life Pacific Standard
Death From Space Kurzgesagt
Dan L says
6am with Ro
Bench – 235x6x3 – felt better than 225 did last week. This is way more than I've ever done for 3 sets of 5, so really happy with the improvement this cycle.
Row – 195x6x3 – pretty hard to do this statically
Metcon in 9:21 – stayed really consistent at 0:29 per round here. Started to get hard towards the end.
MattyChm says
6am with a freshly shorn James A. RIP the man-bun.
Bench: 195# x 6 x 3
A little grindy but I hit all the reps.
Row: 170# x 6 x 3
Slow and steady. No issues.
Shared a pull up bar with James and I had a 2-3 second lead on him until the sixth round when he pulled ahead. I barely managed to take back my lead in the last round with a finish of 10:23. Great morning in the gym.
Stella says
Morning lifting:
HBBSQ 175x5x2, x8 rep out. I got 8 last week so I was happy to get the same this week.
Press 70x5x3. Somehow this went better than 67.5 did last week.
Superset x3:
DB bench 35×10
Kroc row 45×10/side
Bench felt good — sometimes the dumbbells feel a little unstable and uncomfortable on the bum wrist but it was totally fine today. Row was heavy!
Everybody come to pub quiz on Wednesday! (even though I might not be able to)
Chas C. says
8 a.m. w/McDowell.
Bench: 185x3x3 (failed every set halfway through). Row: 150x6x2, 185×2. Had some weird bar path problems early on and some grip problems later. Too aggressive of a push from last week, but now I know what I've got to work on technique-wise on both lifts.
Mini-Murph-ish metcon: 20:57, not quite Rx'ed since towards the end I counted a few TTB reps that didn't, strictly speaking, touch the bar. Brutal.
Seconding the pub quiz exhortation — it was a lot of fun! I'm going to Shakespeare in the Park on Wednesday, so I've gotta miss out on this week's quiz, but definitely check it out if you can! It's at The Rock Shop, 249 4th Ave, Brooklyn, NY 11215, at 8:30 p.m.
Brendan B says
7am with McRowell
Bench – 150 x 6 x 3
Row – 115 x 6 x 3
No real issues here. Maybe should have gone for 155 on the bench.
Metcon Rx – 15:44
First five rounds I had everything unbroken at ~:40 per round. Then my pushups just evaporated and I had to do mixes of trips, doubles and singles. Pleased I was able to keep my kip on the TTB throughout.
DJ Flash says
6am class out here in Seattle at Elliot Bay Crossfit (one of my old stomping grounds)
Backsquat: Lift today was a 1RM backsquat attempt. After copious amounts of rosè yesterday with my friends I decided to focus on a heavy set of 5 and worked up to 285#.
Metcon: 11min AMRAP of
7 clapping pushups
14 front-rack lunges at 95#
21 double unders
I hit 8 rounds, everything unbroken, but the clapping pushups got super hard towards the latter half of the workout.
Steve says
6am with McRo
Bench 190 x 5 x 3 – Last rep was super grindy. Hope we get another cycle with bench since I'm still pretty far below my old numbers
Row – 155 x 5 x 3 – Moved fine and I think I'm finally feeling more comfortable with it
WOD in 14:24 Rx. First 4 rounds were unbroken then my kip and pushups fell apart. Did a few more rounds 6-4 then I just tried to hold on. Steroid article is topical. Pretty sure anyone who does this workout in 10ish or less minutes is roiding.
James A says
6AM with Ro across the street – back from a week long bender in Kauai
Partnered up with Matty for the whole morning
Bench – 1 round at 205 then back down to 195. It's been 2 weeks since I did bench and 205 was not going to happen for 3 sets.
Row – 170# – this felt good
Metcon – 10:25 – Rounds 1-8 were about 32 seconds each. Took me until over half way until I was able to over take Matty only to lose the lead in the final round. Had to break up the last 2 rounds of push-ups 6-4, 7-3. Fun times. I solely blame the loss today not on my over indulgence of Mai Tai's and Kona beers last week, Aloha, but on my limited TTB space due to Matty's broad yet well sculpted shoulders. Mahalo
James's Man Bun says
James this is what you get for lopping me off. Had you kept me you would have had the strength to keep that pesky MattyChm at bay.
Anabolic says
Hey Steve, not sure if you understood the article, but roids aren't the enemy here. We're just here to help with those gainz.
Bowl of Dianabol says
Coaches, could someone fill me up at 7 AM? The 6 AM crew has been cleaning me out.
Fox says
Greetings from Texas! Dropped into EBT CrossFit in Brownsville today and it was brutal but friendly. I'll write up more later.
Paused 8×3 @80%
I used 275 and got through at least 6 sets which felt like plenty.
"AMRAP" 20 minutes
10 Cleans 205/135
10 Dubs
9 Cleans
20 Dubs
8 Cleans
30 Dubs
…through until
1 Clean
100 Dubs
I used 185 and got through 4 cleans. So much sweat.
Kayleigh says
Bench: 110×5, 110×4 (failed 5th rep), 108.5×3 (misloaded bar)
Considered trying the last set again, but I haven't been consistently benching with a barbell, so I was okay with leaving it here today.
WOD: 18:36 Rx
Very happy my hands held up for this with the T2B – wasn't sure they would. Started with sets of 5, then went 3-2 from the 5th round on. Pushups fell apart earlier than I would have liked, but kept it to 4-2-2-1-1 for the last four-ish rounds.
Assault Bike afterwards (because got to work on the things we hate, and I hated the bike this weekend)…
Tabata – 41 cal
Rest two minutes
Reverse Tabata – 29 cal
Chris "NFT" Yun says
First day back in about a month (and first time back to the Comments in about 3).
I actually did do three days at CrossFit Hamptons while out there for my daughter's camp. It sounds all chi-chi, but it's totally not. It's a small tight affiliate run by a good guy with some bad-ass members. I’ll write something up on our Travel Gym Recommendations soon, but here’s my Instagram post from there.
Today, I warmed up and did today's WOD (8 overhead squats at 45#). I did it NFT since I wanted to feel good about myself at the end. This has been my MO as of forever, so I've decided to officially add a new nickname to my roster: "NFT"
Whit H says
Bright and Early 7am Session:
1 arm HS hold / HS walk
5 ea lateral box step up 24"
15 hollow rock
5 prone pvc passthrough
-DB Press: 3×6 each @ 35#
-Box Hamstring Curl: 3×8, 2×12
-OH carry: 3x40m @ 50# DB
-Goblet Kossack: 3×8 @ 20#
break for clients, then…
With a running clock…
0-3:00: row 25 cal (1:42)
3-6:00: row 25 cal (1:29)
6-8:00: row 20 cal (1:10)
8-10:00: row 20 cal (1:17)
10-11:00: row 12 cal (:42)
11-12:00: row 12 cal (:40)
This was sorta fun and sorta terrible. Good way to spend 12 min on an erg and get some effective conditioning in.
Allie B says
Bench: 95 5×3 rows: 88 5×3
WOD: 11:57–> push-ups were the hard thing for me here
Stole Kayleigh's assault bike idea, though I'm WAY worse than her!
Tabata: 27 calories
Reverse Tabata: 18 calories
Stella and chas! How are we going to win without you!!??
JakeL says
Power Snatch+Snatch
Snatch Grip DL
The Chief
5 Rounds of:
3Min Amrap
3Power cleans (135#)
6 Pushups
9 Air squats
1min rest.
19+3 rounds.
KLove says
Bench: 100#x6x3
Felt solid. Was definitely too conservative this cycle but didn't want to jump more than 7# from last week.
Skipped the WOD (tear…it looked fun and in my wheelhouse) to do Frankie's class.
Oly class:
Snatch doubles. A bunch at 78#, more at 83#. Felt good today! Focused on keeping my shoulders over the bar and not hesitating on the pull.
Clean pull, hang clean, clean, jerk. Done at 83 and 93#. So many things to work on here. Today, mostly focused on shortening my pull and dropping under the bar faster.
I was exhausted after this, but hopped in while Charlie did OHS.
65×3, 75×3, 85×3 (I think), 95×3, 105×3, 115×1 failed second rep, 120F
Couldn't get the bar overhead at 120. Don't have a 1RM OHS so it's a PR. Next time I will move up in weight faster so I'm not exhausted by the time I get to 120. Think I have it in me because I've snatch balanced (snatched balance?) 113 which is a much scarier movement!
David H says
As this week is exposure 8 of 8, I'm hoping next week is the opportunity to attack 1RMs?
Or are we staring down another 'crush week'?
Previous 1RM bench was 200#, done in September 2015.
Monday I was up to 3 sets of 5 at 182.5#, so I'm looking forward to blowing past 200# for 1RM…
METCON was relatively slow at 15:20, but all RXed, so I'm happy about that. First 30 toes to bar were strung together with kipping … before they fell apart into singles for rounds 7-10.