Back Squat
3 x 5 Linear Progression
Add 5-10 lbs to last week.
3 x 4
Heavier than last week.
Post loads to comments.
Exposure 6 of 8
For Time:
10 Power Snatches 135/95
15 Thrusters
30 Deadlifts
15 Thrusters
10 Power Snatches
Use the same weight for all three movements. Use the Power Snatch and Thruster as a guide when scaling. It should be on the heavy side for those movements and light for the Deadlifts.
Post time and Rx to comments.
Things got intense at last Saturday’s Spikeball tournment
- There’s still time to sign up for Coach Nick’s marathon row this Sunday! Proceeds benefit Row New York, and you can donate here even if you can’t make it to the row.
- Also tomorrow: we’ll be showing the final day of the CrossFit Games on our big screen at 597. After Anti-Gravity, around 3:00pm, we’ll start grilling and screening the Sunday events at the gym. All are welcome! The gym will have some beer but otherwise, BYOB.
Farewell, Peter H. and Family!
Longtime CFSBKer and 4:30pm-class mainstay Peter H. is retiring and, sadly, leaving Brooklyn. He wrote a really nice letter to Captain Osorio, and we’re happy to post it here!
Dear Crossfit Family,
In February of 2009 Chris Jesinky and I had been running around Prospect Park a couple times a week for years. We hated it. Every time we’d start I’d say, “Slow down, there’s no bears chasing us” and we’d creak and trudge along. Then one day Chris says his buddy, a Fire Dept. Captain, told him about this new thing all the firemen were doing and that he wanted to try it: Crossfit. “Do we still have to run around the park?” I asked. When the answer came back no, I was in.
We showed up at the Lyceum for the first Foundations class and there was Charlotte K., 5 months pregnant with Linus; a whippet Dan L. who wanted to “improve his core so he could do triathalons”; Tal Giat; a bunch of kinda doughy, late 20s bros; and me and Chris. Chris and I both said, “Staving off Death,” when asked why we were there.
David “Cult Leader, David Osorio” Osorio blew my mind. He was ½ my age and 3x my maturity. I was going to do what he said… unless it was too hard and needed scaling. He was the only coach in those days and we paid $20 dollar bills into a blue pencil case sitting on the table at the top of the stairs. What we have now is much better.
In the last 7½ years I have done much more than stave off Death. I became strong enough to win the affections of a beautiful woman and get her to propose to me. We have two smart, strong, good-looking boys. And I have enjoyed the friendship of every single person with whom I have WoDded in all that time. Even if we only worked out together ONE DAY, I felt a close bond of kinship and family that David, and all the coaches he was smart enough to hire and train, worked so hard to instill in every class. CFSBK is a truly magical place where the fire-eaters and the schlubs all struggle together to find their better selves. I will miss you all terribly.
As I may have mentioned once or twice, I retired from teaching this year and Ann, the boys, and I are moving back to Wisconsin in a few weeks. I have one WoD left, Sunday at 9:00, then I’m off to Crossfit Hoppmann on Lakeland Ave. in Madison. I’ll have an entire set-up in my garage if you find yourself in Madison and need a workout.
With Big Love,
Peter Hoppmann
The Rise of Women in CrossFit Well Good
How NYers Endured Unbearable Summers Before A.C. Gothamist
Peter: Adios, amigo. I'm gonna steal your stool at the Kettle .I remember fondly working out with you and Chris back in the old days at the Lyceum. I seldom see anyone anymore but I will miss you.
Crossfit Acadia Open Gym:
3 rounds:
8 pistols
8e one arm DB strict press 20, 25, 25
4 c2b strict pull-ups
HBBS: supposed to 140 4×3, did 125 4×4 to a) make sure I hit depth as a guest at a gym and b) didn't want to ask for a spot or be annoying… And I probably just didn't want to do 140
WOD: did today's metcon at 63# in 10:38. Snatches were really hard bailed singles and took all the time. Thrusters were 8-7.
Peter – I love what you wrote. All the best to you!
Best wishes on your retirement, P Hpppz!!! Sad to see you and the fam and Banksy go! Had a great time being on your FGB a few years ago!
8am with fox and melo
HBBS: 185x4x3. Felt much better than 180 last week
Wod at 72# in 11:00. That last set of snatches.. Manna
OG last night:
Snatches- worked up to 73
8 pistols, 8 ea. Db press (20,25×3), banded strict c2b
3 rounds
15 push-ups
15 thrusters at 33#
15 hand release push-ups
Lame attempts at matador dips
3 rounds
30 double unders
40 sit-ups.
happy retirement, peter! you will be missed!
went for a PR today. had a complete (potentially related) meltdown over bar math. but i GOT IT DONE and it actually felt pretty easy. way better than last week, even. can't wait to add a big old 2.5 pounds next week! 😀
Congrats on your retirement Peter – you will be missed. A lot has happened since the Lyceum days!
9am today with Fox and MeLo
HBBS – 290x4x3
Felt pretty solid. Last rep was a little tough. I've been struggling to keep the bar even (it always dips on the right now for some reason). Fox gave me a good cue to be more active in that shoulder, which helped. Still some work to do there.
Metcon in 6:59 – just snuck in there under 7 min. Thrusters were the hard part for me. Last set of snatches got a little rough too.
Petey Hopps, you are irreplaceable and will be missed. Congrats on your retirement!
Congrats, Ariel!
11am class
Felt good and balanced. Happy to be building this back up. Really working on my summer glutes.
Killed me.
13:24 Rx
Snatched all singles. Thrusters 6/5/5. Deadlifts 5/5/5/5/5/5.
Thrusters sucked ass. Also it was really hot. Also I'm a big baby.
Peter 🙁
You and Chris were some of the first folks I worked out with here 5+ years ago. I remember being partnered with you guys for an awful series of 200m erg sprints. Then, as now, you were encouraging and grumpy at the same time – like all good teachers! You will be missed.
11AM with Whit.
HBBS: 245x5x3 – lots of left-knee caving, a couple of shallows, and a bizarre 15th rep which took forever for me to get started on
WOD with cleans and front squats @115lbs – finished in 7:56.
Bon voyage, Peter. Great to have known you all these years. Apologies in advance for any heartbreak the Giants cause down the line. Will try to stop by in Wisconsin for a WOD someday.
Friday workout:
Snatch Pull + Snatch
49 (83%)
51 (86%)
52F, 52F (88%)
47x1x4 (F on third rep)
Out of practice. Everything feels just a tad foreign. I will say that pulling under and commitment down is a lot better. but my arms were a bit tight and I think I just don't trust my legs too much at the moment. all in all, not bad. I like the snatch pull… feels good to groove those positions.
Conditioning with Jason M for our competition:
40 synchronized box jump overs
20 cal bike – male
20 cal row – female
40 sync burpees
20 cal bike – female
20 cal row – male
40 sync KBS (24/16)
made it through 20 kbs. this sucked pretty hard. those box jump overs put my legs EN FUEGO.
some DU practice @ the end. two sets of 50 unbroken.
L hip feeling a little junked up. hip distraction helped, but gonna watch it.
FSQ: 45×5, 95×4, 115×3
ramping it back up, lil by lil. feels great. not shifting. not leading up with my butt.
Muscle Ups
7 rounds (supposed to be 5 unbroken):
1 – 1 – 1 – 2 – 2 – 2 – 2
happy with that for today.
800m run
30 snatches 95/65
800m run
30 OHS
800m run
30 thrusters
first I boycotted due to the heat. then i realized i was being dumb. time to suffer through.
Snatches: 8-8-5-5-4 (meant to do 8-8-7-7 but my hands are deconditioned!!)
OHS: 12-10-8 (on another day where my hip wasn't iffy, these should be in two sets for me)
Thrusters: subbed Push Press to play smart with my hip. 12-10-8
Time: 23:43
running in the heat was absolutely the hardest part of this
spikeball cash out with some couch stretch, TFL smash, and other hip stretches to cool down
Peter – good luck in retirement!
Peter! I hope to make it to that 9am class to say goodbye!
Love your letter! Best of luck in Madison- sounds amazing!
Today I rode 40 miles and went swimming and didn't check the blog until 7:30pm which must be some kind of record!
Farewell, OG Peter. I'm happy for you, but hate it when the good ones leave.
Best of luck on your retirement, Peter!
LBBS: 175x4x3
Some reps good, others tippy
WOD in 9:06 @73#
Snatches: All singles. Most ugly. Have a lot to work on here in terms of technique.
Thrusters: Done in three sets. Tipped over a little at the bottom, but otherwise felt strong even though I was sucking wind and needed lots of time to breath between sets.
DLs: Done in two slow sets to get my breathing under control.
First summer weekend in the city! Feels good to be home
3 rounds
10 Single leg DL –28kg KB
10 V ups
Lateral box step ups 4x8e
Sumo Good mornings 3×10 #83
Snatch- 65% +5 single attempts
88, 93, 103, 113, 123 (happy to hit that given my inconsistency in July)
Clean – 65% + 5 single attempts
113,133, 143, 153, 163–clarked the shit out of it, womp womp
you guys i have the most awkward bruise because of this fri/sat snatch combo. ive been *really* trying to commit to my hip extension in the pull and i think i just got a little too carried away.
back squat
135x3x5. felt good. tried really hard not to pause at the bottom. squatting sort of distorts my sense of time and i can never tell if im pausing or bouncing up.
9:31 @75
heavily debated the weight on this. i decided the thrusters would control the movements but very quickly into the wod i realized the snatches were the limiting factor. shockingly the thrusters were light and easy. glad i stayed at 75, anything heavier would have made for some ugly power snatches. overall a pretty fun one to do.
Thanks for all the good wishes everyone. See you in the funny papers!