Front Squat
3 x 5 Linear Progression
Add 5-10 lbs to last week’s weight.
3 x 4
Heavier than last week’s 6s.
Post loads to comments.
Exposure 5 of 8
4 RNFT (or 20 Minutes):
6ea Front Rack Reverse Lunges
5-10 Strict Handstand Push-Ups or 10 Dumbbell Presses, AHAP
20 Strokes on the Erg for Max Calories
Lunge bar comes off the floor. Start at about 50% of your Front Squat weight and work up as appropriate. 1 or 2 AbMats is acceptable for the Handstand Push-Ups. Otherwise, perform the Dumbbell Presses as heavy as possible.
Post work to comments.
Are you ready for some Spikeball?!?! | Photo by Thomas H.
This Saturday, July 16th: Spikeball Tournament!
An afternoon of friendly Spikeball competition. Haven’t played before? Don’t worry! It’s pretty simple, and the video above explains everything. All are invited! Please let us know in the comments section of the event page if you plan to compete. Teams (of two) can declare beforehand, or we’ll pair you up the day of the tournament. The top three winning teams go on the leaderboard until the next tournament!
Saturday, July 16th at 4:00pm. We’ll start with about 30 minutes of practice and organization. The tournament proper will begin at 4:30, but please be at 597 by 4:00 so we know how many people are participating.
Head on over to the event page to sign up and see some videos
Yesterday’s Whiteboard: Rest Day
Talking with Your Hands Makes You Learn Things Faster NY Mag
5 Reasons You Should Eat More Fiber Pure Pharma
AM – 6 miles w/3 hard
PM – 6 miles easy+
Woke up just in time to make it to 6am this morning, felt pretty beat up. Should have taken that as a sign to not go up in weight, but… front squats:::
255×5, not deep enough on all reps
255×4 + a heaping dose of FAILURE
225×5 (backoff)
250 felt fine last week, but I have to admit to myself that increased running + less rest is interfering with lifting.
WOD @ 115, mixed 5e and 6e. 6 wasn't appreciably harder than 6.
HSPU to 2 mats, which isn't a very big motion but I'm glad that I was able to do sets of 5 & 6 unbroken!
6am today with Ro and McD
Front Squat: 255# x 3 x 4. Up 10# from last week, moved well and I'll continue moving up next week.
NFT: Got 3 full rounds in. Started with 115# on the front-rack reverse lunge and then did 135# for the second two. Did deficit HSPU's on the low pirouettes, 5/5/5. Definitely not all the way down in the bottom but I'm working on it. Added in a round of 12 GHDs into each round.
6am with McDowell and Ro
FSQ – 240x4x3 – moved ok. Only a 5# jump next week I think
Got through almost 4 round of the NFT. Added in some GHDs for good measure. Got up to 135 on the lunges.
6am with RoDowell
Front Squats 235# 3×4. Loving the fewer reps here. Add 5-10# next week.
NFT made it through all 4 rounds + some GHDs.
Morning OG. Super quiet today!
Pause HBBSQ 145x5x3. First time doing pauses for 5s. Not so easy!
Press 60x5x3. Also not as easy as I expected this weight to be. oh well, nowhere to go but up from here.
Pause deadlift 175x5x2. Grip was pretty fried by the end.
Front squat felt good at 160#. Good feedback from McD. Bar math was harder than it should have been this morning switching weights between 135, 150, and 160.
Metcon: Pretty chill 4 rounds at 65# lunges (should have gone much heavier) and 30/35# DB presses but still a good workout. Rows got 17-18 cals.
Double post… AG last night
EMOM : Deficit HSPUs with 2 #45 plates and 1 #35 plate…. pretty easy as was only 1 rep each minute
Hollow rocks / superman rocks no issues although the superman rocks are weird… fun EMOM
Rope climbs : first climb I did leg assisted just to get myself used to being on the rope again… unassisted the next 2 climbs and on the last one did an L sit climb bc Jay did one.
WOD : So many DUs… rx'd in 14:49 seconds…. got up to 15s on the push up/pull up part… that escalated quickly
830pm with Jess
FSQ : 3×4 # 215
Not easy… up #10 from last week and AG had me sucking wind from the get go. I think #225 is doable next week but we are getting close to 1RM territory so we shall see.
Got through all 4 in about 18 minutes… everything was super slow. Got up to #115 on the reverse lunges, did between 7-10 HSPU each round, and rows were 10-12 cals each round.
The walk home took forever.
8am with Ro. Still moving up on the FSQ, today I hit 110#x4x3. My 1RM is 130# so I'm hoping to get to 125# by week 8. Then did 53# on the weighted lunges (could've gone heavier, although my butt was already feeling sore an hour after class), 20# on the 10 DB press, and between 11-14 calories on each row.
Front Squat
45 x 10, 95 x 5, 135 x 4, 165 x 2, 185 x 4 x 3
Used my belt for my second and third set. The third rep of my last set was a tad shallow. So hard to maintain the correct positions on this lift but I do feel like I am making progress.
63 x 8
Clean and jerk (pause @ jump position)
83 x 2 x 8
For time
150 x DU
50 x WB
100 x DU
35 x WB
50 x DU
20 x WB
Tripped up more and took more breaks than I would have liked. Lungs still sore and still sniffling quite a bit. Hopefully this cold will be gone by the weekend.
Front Squat 130 4×3 Harrrd: Only 2 pounds next week!!!
4 rounds:
55, 63, 73 x2 front rack reverse lunges
9 calories every round… I was trying my best :/
Combo of a few HSPUs to 2 ab mats, 5 strict press 25# DB. Tried to do 5 strict press with 30#…only got through 3 before I failed
It's been awhile after blogging too hard last week, so:
1. Great job to all the crow hill competitors–> so amazing and inspiring!
2. Had to miss AG last night but man, that class is seriously the best way to get better at those tricky gymnastics skillz!
3. OutWod was a blast and very meaningful, thanks for hosting. And those shirts are amazing, Cam!
AG last night (oh and about those picture comments – I always think Pigeon's words are gospel so when he says something nice about me I'm all bashful. @Brendan – always think up snark when you're about to kick in more than one direction.)
HSPU – went with one mat until 8th and then came down too firmly and had to kip up. Added a mat for the 9th but then gave it up because Jonathan needed it so one mat for my 10th. Yay! The hollow rocks were. The superman rocks were awkward. Rope – climbed it. So fun.
I don't have consecutive double unders so I went to singles and did the first 100 unbroken. The closer I got to 300 the more I missed and so got to 11 push ups. Stayed at 3 pull ups throughout.
7 am with Ro and McDowell (Is Ro paying rent there?)
Front squat at 105#. On track.
NFT – Wow – those lunges were really hard at first but somehow got easier. I never increased weight. HSPUs mostly two mats and 5-7 reps. I only rowed 3x: 12, 13 then 14.
@Shawn, isnt bashful one of Santa's reindeer's?
Make up post from 7:30pm Pilates.
Always fun, always hard, accompanied by grunts… sorry.
I may have left my "abs" in the annex, if you find them, please place them in the lost and found.
Worked with McDowell this afternoon
3 Rounds of 5 wall walks, :20 supine hang, 16 walking lunges
Jerk footwork drills — Goal No. 1 is to troubleshoot my jerk
– practice sliding feet, back foot closer, front foot further, first back then front
Strict MU attempts — Goal No. 2 is to build back MU strength
– work on the false grip ring pull ups and ring dips
Power Snatch / OHS up to 93#
Snatch Doubles @90% of today — 83# x 4, then Snatch Singles @83# x 4
Snatch AMRAP 6 mins @75% of my 1 RM — which also happens to be 83#
Did 4 in each of the first 3 mins, then alternated with McDowell for a while, then hit a spurt of a bunch in a row.. missed 2 bc of soft shoulders at the bottom. Got around 20? Lost count, but this was fun.
Power Cleans @103 — around 80% of best Power Clean, could have been heavier
Pull-up / Burpee combo
3 Rounds
20 Reverse Hypers 90#
8 Hip Bridges (95, 105, 115#)
@Pigeon- I believe Bashful is affiliated with Snow White
Front squat: 143x4x3.
83# for lunges, felt fine
2 rounds HSPU with 2 ab mats and 2 rounds with 1 abmat. 5 reps total each round.
15 calories on 3 rounds of the row, and then tried to see how a faster SPM would affect it and got 13 on the final round.
Stuck around to do some very minimal ab stuff.
FSQT: 130x4x3
Felt good even though I complained the entire time (sore from yesterday). Still tipping over though.
NFT: Got through three rounds
lunges: 65-65-70 These felt awkward at first. Third round felt the best so can go up in weight next time.
10 reps strict press with 20# DBs
Erg: 17-15-15 calories