Video of the Week: CrossFit Games athlete and former Junior Olympic weightlifter Kenneth Leverich went to the famed Muscle Beach disguised as an elderly gentleman and put the regulars to shame. Super funny!
This Week at CFSBK in Review
1. Tomorrow we’ll be hosting OUTWOD during every group class from 8:00am to 1:00pm. Class will be “free” to any CrossFitter, but we’ll ask all participants throughout the day to donate a drop in membership’s worth to the Orlando Victims Fund. We encourage everyone to register through the OUTWOD site and make their donatation in advance. All classes will be running on our regular schedule.
2. Sunday’s 11:00am Active Recovery class with Coach Fox is cancelled.
3. Tomorrow’s 10:00am Yoga for Athletes class is ON with guest instructor Sasha S.
4. We caught you up on the CFSBK Classifieds. Don’t forget to use this fun feature of the site!
5. Next Saturday, July 16th, we’ll be hosting our first-ever Spikeball tournament! Head over to the event page for more details and to let us know if you’re planning to compete. Spikeball!
Yesterday’s Whiteboard: Hang Snatch | Wall Balls, Farmer Carry
Milk and Other Surprising Ways to Stay Hydrated NY Times
Why Do So Many Artists Have Synesthesia? NY Mag
Saturday's Programming
Back Squat
3 x 5 Linear Progression
Add 5-10 lbs to last week's weight.
3 x 6
Sets of 4 next week.
Post loads to comments
Exposure 4 of 8
In teams of 2, perform the following 20:00 AMRAP:
6 Power Clean + Jerks (RX 155/105, Scale One 135/95, Scale Two 95/65)
12 Push-Ups
16 Kettlebell Swings (RX 32kg/24kg, Scale One 24kg/16kg, Scale Two 16kg/12kg)
49 Air Squats
Alternate movements between partners. On the 49 – partners will decide how to split the reps. Partners will alternate their starting movement each round. For example, Partner 1 does 6 Power Cleans + Jeks, then Partner 2 will do 12 Push-ups, Partner 1 will do Kettlebell Swings, the Partners will share the 49 reps and on the next round Partner 2 will begin with the Power Cleans…and so on for 20 minutes.
Post rounds, reps, Rx, and partner to comments.
hi! i am excited for the outwod! (and grateful as always to be a part of this amazing community.) but do we have to sign up for a class? the page says to register beforehand but the link goes to the donation page so i just wanted to confirm we can just show up to whichever class we want. thanks!
6am small Thursday class.
Snatches were fun. Last one at 115#. Good feedback from McD.
Metcon: Slow on this one. Wall balls unbroken felt great. Farmer carries were heavy at 32kg. Such an awkward feeling movement.
7am with McDowell
BS – 165 x 6 x 3
These were fine. Still need to work on being more controlled in my descent.
OUTWOD with Scott Rx – 4+ rounds (?)
I had to call it after failing the 6th power clean in my second round of them. I was not braced. Tweaked my lower back and shut it down right there. First round felt so good, so kind of a bummer to not finish. Hopefully a few days off fixes whatever I did. Any good stretch recs for the lower back?
Hi Ariel– You can attend any class, We're just encouraging people to donate beforehand. CFSBK is the only gym running OUTWOD as an all-day event, so their system doesn't quite match up with ours.
Warm up x3
8 BSQ 45#
5 chin ups
20 hollow rocks
Not BSQ'ing enough this cycle. Last time was 2 weeks ago when I did pause sets bc of my hula-hoop incident
165# x 6 x 3
Felt about right – not terrible but a decent challenge for today
OUTWOD with Noahpologies
We alternated each movement and split the squats
After 4 rounds we alternated the power cleans until the 20min mark
4 rounds + 6 as Rx'd
By alternating each movement, I mean that we took turns doing each movement and then split the squats. It worked out pretty well
7am with McDowell
BS – 245 x 6 x 3
OUTWOD with Brendan Rx – Lost track of rounds because poor Brendan tweaked his back just into round two, and I mirrored another team for my pauses after that. Good heads up I'd say for folks tomorrow: long WOD with relatively heavy Olympic lifting for time means it's easy, especially later, to lose form and risk tweaking something. I said to Brendan, in all seriousness, that he probably saved me my own tweak b/c after that I really locked in on my form. Feel better Brendan!
8am with Noah
45 x 10, 95 x 5, 135 x 4, 165 x 2, 185 x 1, 205 x 5 x 3
205 is a 5lb high bar PR. Was starting to go a little shallow so put my belt on. It's a fear thing- may need a spotter or safeties next time for confidence.
OutWOD with Andrew- Rx'd
6 rounds plus 33 reps.
Andrew went first and did men's rx, I did women's.
Clean and jerks were fairly fast singles, everything else unbroken. Not much rest between the clean and jerks and the KB swings. Happy that I can now do American swings with the green bell- I was scared of those for a while. Must remember to lock out my arms at the top of the swing.
Man, Brendan…that's a bummer. Hope you feel better soon. Sounds like it might have been pretty heavy for you to try and move that weight around in a "for time" fashion. What's your PC&J 1RM?
Just posted on the housing classifieds, hit me up if you have any info! Katharineh306@gmail.con
@Fox it's 185 according to my logs. Honestly the first round felt great and I paced well. I think 4 days in a row and the heat just got the better of me and I lost focus. Definitely my own fault, not the weight.
thanks josh!
Brendan, rest/heal up and feel better. Glad you called it quits before anything worse.
On another note, I'm still sweating from Wednesday.
David, is the informal Spikeball still happening tomorrow at 2? More importantly, should I bring beer?
OG glad it cooled down a bit.
Snatch: worked up to 83, wasn't catching it very low.
C&J: worked up and 113 felt pretty good, didn't get low enough in retrospect. Missed 123 three times…behind the head. It would be a 1lb PR.
Little WOD: 4 rounds: 250m row, 10 DB PP with 25s, 10 burpees. finished in 10 mins.
Cash out: pizza!
A rare-for-me evening OG.
HBBSQ 165x5x3. Humblingly heavy.
Bench 85x5x3. With the regular bar, not the football bar! This was pretty easy and I hope Jeremy lets me jump at least 10# next week.
How to be demotivated: do the fun half of your workout first. After this I did a plank circuit (3 rounds of 1 minute each regular plank, left side plank, and right side plank) and reverse tabata assault bike. I thought reverse tabata would be easy. HAHAHAHAHA! Assault bike is never easy!
Yes to spikeball tomorrow at 2pm!! We have some beer at the gym. I dont recommend spikeballing intoxicated as "roundnet" is a gentleman's sport and requires the utmost grace and coordination.
but yes, bring beer if you want 🙂