Hang Snatch:
Work up to a heavy double Mid-Hang Snatch
Hang Snatch + 2 Overhead Squats:
5x (1+2)
Take a few jumps to warm up to a medium-heavy load on the complex and perform 5 reps there. Prioritize perfect positions over a heavier load.
Post loads to comments.
Exposure 3 of 8
AMRAP 15 Minutes:
15 Wall Balls 20/10, 14/9
9 Power Cleans 135/95
6 Ring Muscle-Ups
The Power Cleans should be on the light side for you and ideally done unbroken touch-and-go. Scale volume on Muscle-Ups so as to be able to move through them in a few short sets if not unbroken, or use today’s WOD as an opportunity to work on them. Sub for them is either Jumping Muscle-Ups on the low rings or 15 Push-Ups.
Post rounds, reps, and Rx to comments.
It’s summer, and Jay-Star is feeling the heat | Photo by Thomas H.
- SCHEDULE UPDATE: This Saturday’s 10:00am Yoga for Athletes class is ON with guest coach Sasha S. All CrossFit Kids programming is cancelled from 7/1 through 7/4 for 4th of July weekend.
Another year has gone by, and it’s time once again for an NYC affiliate throwdown: the sixth annual Subway Series! All NYC affiliates are invited to participate—the affiliate with the best overall score at the end of four events wins the Subway Series Trophy and bragging rights for a whole year!
Event Schedule
Sunday, August 7th: CrossFit Virtuosity
Sunday, August 14th: CrossFit Gantry
Sunday, August 21st: CFSBK
Sunday, August 28th: CrossFit Queens
Scoring will work “Open-style”: top 3 male and top 3 female athletes from each affiliate will score based on their place finish in each event. Athletes may score in any event regardless of attendance at other events.
The ultimate series winner will be the affiliate with the least points after all 4 events have been completed. In the event of a tie, a 5th tie-breaking event will be held.
As last year, an Rx division and Scaled division trophy will be awarded.
All athletes MUST register for each individual event in advance via the Subway Series website in order to participate. Each event will be capped at 100 total participants, so we strongly advise you to register ASAP. These events sell out quickly.
Yesterday’s Whiteboard: Front Squat | DB/KB Carries, Burpees
Improving Your Jump for the Snatch and Clean Catalyst Athletics
How Not To Be Disappointed With Your Friends Art of Manliness
6am with JB and Jess
Snatch: Stayed at 95# for the 2-2-2-2-2 hang movement. Felt something pull in my lat this morning after feeling generally destroyed from those farmer carries yesterday. Worked it with a lacrosse ball during the workout and it felt better at the end.
Metcon: 4 + 18 reps at Rx. Wall balls all unbroken, quick singles on all the cleans, then 6, 6, 4/2, 3/3 on the MU's. I've been doing 5 MU's every morning during warmups and felt the improvement here.
6am with the lady J's
Snatch worked up to 125# moved ok. Jess gave me some good pointers on not swinging the bar way out in front of me causing me to come on my toes in the catch.
WOD: 3r + 24 Rx
Wall balls: unbroken
Cleans: 6-3, 6-3, 4-5, 5-4
Muscle ups: 3-3, 2-1-1-1-1, 3-1-1-1
Good workout. Got tough really quick
Stayed at 60kg for the perf complex to work on some form issues that have creeped in. Awesome cues from JB who has had her keen eyes on me week after week and patiently reminding me of the same things over and over. Also some quality feedback from Ro in the gallery.
WOD Rx'd with 3 rounds plus 25 reps. Caught up to BK on the last set of cleans but couldn't close the deal.
Wall Balls were unbroken
Cleans were quick bailed singles.
Muscle ups were a sweaty, slippery, chalky mess of doubles and singles.
8am with Fox. Worked up to 78# on the hang snatch doubles. After being told I was too slow (as usual), thought about stomping my feet and being more aggressive and it actually worked for me today. Then got through 4 rounds + 4 cleans on the WOD with 83# on the bar and kneeling push ups. Broke the cleans up 5-4, and push ups gradually disintegrated into smaller and smaller sets, no surprise there. Did all of the wall balls unbroken, thanks to some shaming by Fox, who told me to break them up 15-0. Shame. Shame. Shame. Shame.
Snatch complex: up to 135# Still don't trust my right ankle flexibility enough, but bottom position is slowly getting better with practice.
WOD: 5 rounds (doing 15 pushups)
Wall balls: unbroken
Cleans: 6-3 each round
Muscle ups: 3-4 sets per round
Good workout, with the 3rd movement providing enough rest for the first 2.
Snatch: Worked up to 60kg. Focused on two pointers from Ro, significant improvement.
Metcon: 3 rounds + 26 Rx. Wall balls unbroken. Cleans singles. Muscle ups: kinda of curious where this went. 3-3, 3-2-1, 2-1-1-1-1, 1-1.
7am with Jess & JB
Snatch – 90x2x2 / 95x2x2 / 100x2x1 / 100F / 100F / 100F
Things were moving well the first half I guess. Was trying to work on shrugging up and then just got in my head and everything got messy.
Metcon Rx – 1 + 16
This was 13 minutes of MU practice basically where I'd hit 1, miss 2, hit 2, miss 3, etc. Happy I got through a full round. Still a transition issue with the rings for me. I wind up just getting stuck with the rings at my arm pits rather than closer to my hips. I had been practicing transitions on the low rings in warm ups, but am going to hit the high ones going forward as I just need more practice. WB unbroken and cleans felt light which is cool.
6am with a Fox.
Took a "rest week" after my back tightened up after front squats last week. Rolled and mashed and stretched it for days, went to Active Recovery, and felt good enough at 5:45 this morning so I came to class and kept the weight easy. So happy I did. I feel great today.
Hang snatch doubles at 105#. 6 rounds of Metcon at ladies' rx with push-ups.
That guy is hot!
8 am w/ Fox
Worked up to 92.5# on the fitness complex.
I thought this was a half-pound PR and told the class as much, but it turns out I hit 97 in February.
Anyway, while I may have (accidentally) lied about my PR, Fox, I didn't lie about the Connecticut Shore being a thing that exists. Look, it even has its own Wikipedia entry: And everyone knows that everything on Wikipedia is true.
20# wallball, 95# cleans, push-ups
4 rounds + 15 incredibly sloppy wallballs
6am with the usual crowd
Snatch – worked up to 165. Missed the second rep on the first attempt (lack of concentration mainly) then hit it pretty easily the second time. The snatch work lately has been a big help for me
Metcon – 5 rounds even. Definitely a MU workout. Those went pretty well though. Thought I'd get a little further coming in, but pretty happy nonetheless.
Rough couple days at the gym, but came away with plans to improve.
Tuesday @ 5:30 p.m. doing Monday's work w/Jeremy (first class w/Jeremy in the ~16 months I've been coming to CFSBK): Bench 130x10x3, Row 105x10x3. These felt good. WOD w/35# dumbell thrusters & hanging leg raises in 12:41. Slow and my hip started giving me serious trouble, which led to…
Wednesday @ 6:30 p.m. w/Noah & MeLo: FSQ 185x6x3, OK with second set a bit of a mess. Hip continued to grind down me, which led me to DNF the metcon after three rounds. Just couldn't hang onto the one-handed farmer's carry on my right side, even after going down in weight twice — felt like my left hip was going to pop out of its socket.
Frustrating, but I think in younger and more irresponsible times I would've pushed through it and woken up this morning unable to walk. Instead I stretched and iced/heated everything this a.m. and did some lighter carrying work at home. Feeling better and aiming to come in to tackle this Thursday workout tonight or tomorrow morning.
FSQ 185x5x3
Didn't plan my day well and only had time for the squats. Sorry 100 Burpees
Hang Snatch Double
Worked up to two sets at 155
3 Rounds + 25 Reps as Rx'd
The muscle-ups were the easiest part of this workout. Did the first round unbroken then the third as 4-2. Has anyone seen my engine???
Post workout gymnastix
4 sets :20 of wide ring supports (like… 1/8th of an Iron Cross)
With Lauren and Ryan we did an L-Sit Train where we would do 10 seconds on and then rest as the other two people went through to do their 10 second sets. We did 10 sets.
SPIKEBALL!!!!! For about an hour and a half. I love spike ball.
^he really does love Spikeball. I played too but I am kind of bad, DO tried to give me coaching tips but we learned how to play on the same day so I was not having it : P
Great warmup for a gnarly little complex:
5RDS of:
A) 2 TNG (sq) snatch + 2 snatch balance + 2 OHS, work up to heavy load
*rest 90s*
B) 3 unbroken MU
*rest 90s*
-Complex felt better than I could've expected. Shoulder does not seem to enjoy behind the neck work still. I tend to fatigue very easily, which means I should probably work this range more often
– Mr Abbott pointed out that I have an odd transition with my MU, which we are currently unsure how to fix. Focused on some different mechanics with my last set (laying back a little more instead of folding in half like a flapjack in my catch position) good to have any feedback here, because I always feel like I'm kind of winging it.
Had a humbling workout today! Tried to do my conditioning and DNFed the crap out of it.
20 C2B
20 burpee over bar
20 OHS 95#
Got 1 round in, felt okay, then realized the bar was loaded to 83#. Round 2 my shoulders felt like they were going to give on the 95#. Completed in 5/5/4/4/2 I think. Then I decided to call it because my shoulder endurance just wasn't there. Whimpered a bit about it, which I'm not proud of, but now I have something to focus on!
Wanted to push my conditioning a bit more since I've been sandbagging a lot recently. Decided to drop in on tail end of 5:30 and modified today's WOD to give my shoulders a break from all of the ballistic-fitness:
6 rds + 25 reps of:
15 WB 14/9
9 PC 95#
6 strict pull-ups
All WB broken up into 8/7, all PC were singles (may have been some illegitimate reps because they were bouncing off my collarbone before I was at full extension), and pull-ups were 3/3, then mostly 2s! Breaking it up like this kept my HR very well regulated. Glad I went with this strategy.
If you can't tell I'm stalling so I can't have to study, so I suppose I'll stop clogging up this blog now. Thanks for listening!
Subway Series is tons of fun!
Power Snatch
Up to 80kg
HH Clean + Power Jerk
Up to 100kg
Clean Pulls
90/95/100% for doubles
125kg x2x5
Performance snatch:
Doubles: 53-63-73-78-83-88
93×1 Didn't attempt the second because I lost my hook grip and it felt heavy holding the bar the hang position at that point. 5# hang snatch PR (but last PR was a long time ago)
WOD: 5+19 with pushups
Wall balls: Unbroken the first three rounds which is good for me. Def had a few no reps in the 4th and 5th round.
PCs: 3-3-3 all rounds. These were ugly. I'm just really bad at PCs because I don't drop down low enough.
Pushups: Unbroken. Was hoping I could do one bar muscle up each round but wasn't happening today. Played around with jumping bar muscle ups before the WOD but they scare me. So silly.
I took A LOT of breaks and didn't push through this as hard as I should have.