Clean and Jerk
Every 90 seconds x 10:
Clean Deadlift + Mid-Hang Power Clean + Front Squat + Power Jerk
Every 90 seconds x 10:
Clean Deadlift + Mid-Hang Clean Pull + Mid-Hang Clean + Power Jerk
For both complexes, start light and work up to a medium-heavy load for the day. The goal is no misses and fast reps.
Post loads to comments.
Exposure 2 of 8
5 Rounds for Time:
400m Run
20 Deadlifts 135/95
10 Pull-Ups
The load should be light on the Deadlifts and done unbroken on the fast end. Substitute the same volume of Jumping Pull-Ups or half strict as needed.
Another great one from Kate R. and Coach Katie’s photoshoot
- Schedule Change: Today’s 2:00pm Anti-Gravity class is cancelled. Coach Noah is out of town.
Farwell to the Stones and the Armstrongs!
Yoshi and Josi S. and Rich and Meghan A. are leaving Brooklyn for new adventures. They had nice things to say about the CFSBK community, so we decided to post their farewell notes (with permission). Good luck, guys!
CFSBK peeps!
I just wanted to drop a quick note to say thanks for everything over the last 5+ years. When I first arrived I was woefully out of shape, obese, plagued by bad habits and poor nutrition. CFSBK was a huge part of reversing all of those trends and setting me on a healthy, sustainable path. Eventually Josi joined me, a few years later Felix started CrossFit Kids, and I think Ramona even got in a class or two after her third birthday. The gym really became a big part of our family, and we’ll always be grateful for the positive influence. I know it has been said countless times, but you have built a unique and wonderful community. We are proud to have been a part of it. As we make our move out the ‘burbs, we will always consider ourselves SBKers at heart. We wish you more growth and success, and hope that you have a positive effect on more families like ours. Thanks for working so hard to do what you do.
Yesterday’s Whiteboard: Back Squat | OHS, KB Swings, Double-Unders
Rich was the very first person to introduce himself to me at my first group class two years ago, and I so hugely appreciated that warmth and welcoming spirit. Best wishes Rich to you and Meghan!
Warning with love from the 8 AM class today, that WOD is EPIC. 4 rounds of that would have been plenty!
8am with Lady Fox
C&J Complex – up to 165#
Hit two reps at this weight with a slight press out on the last one.
Metcon @ 115# – 18:41
All deadlifts unbroken. Pull-ups were 10 / 7-3 / 5-3-2 / 3-3-2-2 / 5×2. Kip was all over the place today.
Yoshi and Josi are two of the first people I met when I joined SBK — I think we all joined right around when DO started offering 7 AM class. Couldn't be nicer people. We'll miss you!
AR and strength cycle will also sorely miss Rich and Meg — not to mention their absurdly cute mini-Rich bambino!
Best wishes to all. <3
Good luck Yoshi, Josi, Rich and Meg!
10am with MeLo
C&J complex (kg) 60, 70, 70, 80, 85, 90, 95, 95, 100, 80
All felt good minus the first jerk at 95. 100 is finally a weight I really own and can hit any day.
Metcon – 13:54 Rx'd. All unbroken on the DL and pull-ups. Runs slowed down quite a bit. This was right in my wheelhouse though.
Sorry to see you all go!! Best of luck and come back and visit when you can!
10am with MeLo
Worked up to 123 on the clean complex. Still jumping forward on some of the cleans but power jerks felt solid, mostly.
WOD rx sub row in 18:15
Thabks Mattychm for fixing my barbell while I was rowing! I wasn't fully ready to start and realized I had misloaded one side.
I liked this workout. Deadlifts fast and unbroken, pull-ups, as always, very broken. But better.
Best of luck to everyone off on their new life adventures!
So much clean and jerks, running, and pull-ups in the past two days. Starting with Today:
C&J Complex: 103×2, 113×2, 123×3, 133×3
WOD: Just sub 21 without the last set of pull-ups. I scaled up the deadlifts to 103 because I just didn't feel like changing out the plates, which is fine. Got a small rip in the middle of my hand on the fourth round and decided not to return to the pull-up bar.
EMOM Squat Clean and Split Jerk: 113×2, 123×2, 133×3, 143×3
In 15 min: 3 C2B pull-ups, 3 dips. Got through 9 rounds, I think.
Conditioning, 4 RFT:
800m Run
4 Rope Climbs
40' DB Walking Lunge, 70/50
Most rope climbs I have ever done in my life. Don't remember my exact time – around 31-32 min.
930 AM class at united barbell in San Francisco after about 45
Mins of mobility work.
26 minute partner AMRAP:
A: 400m run while your partner did:
B: Turkish getups
A: 400m run
B: back squats
A: 400m
B: d/u's
A: 400m run
B: burpee slam balls.
A long one.
I subbed 500m rows for the runs and assault
Bike for the d/u's.
The idea was to compete against your partner so
You'd push the a rounds.
My partner and I made it through the second
Round of squats.
I completed 21 total tgu's
35 back squats @95#'s
18 Cals on the bike in ~1:45
12 burpees @ 40#
All the rows right around 2 mins.
Nice friendly gym.
Snatch 70% x 2 x 5
Clean 70% x 3 x 4
BSQT 90% x 2 x 5
Push Press 60% x 3 x 4
2 Rounds
10 GHD back extensions
10e single leg Romanian deadlifts 24 KB
Best of luck on your new ventures, Yoshi, Josi, Rich & Meghan!
9 a.m. w/Fox & Fox, attorneys at law.
C&J complex: 115, 125, 135×2, 145×2, 155×2 (+1F in experimenting with a slightly wider clean grip), 165. Still pushing the power jerk a little forward, but after being totally embarrassed by forgetting the difference between a push and power jerk when C.Fox asked me on the spot (thus ensuring I'll never blank on it again), this went pretty well.
Metcon: 18:51, sub 1/2 chins. Enjoyed this, despite some trepidation after watching the 8 a.m.'ers curse C.Fox fiercely — some slackness in my deadlift form around the third round, but both Foxes called me out at different times and encouraged me to really focus on loading the hips rather than the back. Good cue; good results. Need to take that into heavier weights with the deadlift now.
EMOM: 83, 88, 93×5, 98×2, 103
Stayed at 93 for most of it because I was tired and sore from yesterday
WOD Rx'd in 19:03
All DLs and pullups unbroken, so runs were obviously slow. Fun one!