Be sure to give him copious high-fives before he leaves
Coach Noah is Opening His Own CrossFit Affiliate in Austin, TX
CFSBK is proud (and a little sad) to announce that Coach Noah will be moving to Austin, Texas in August to open his own CrossFit affiliate (name is still pending HQ approval.)
Noah has been with us since 2010, first as a member, then a part-time coach, and eventually as a full-time coach and vital piece of our fitness community. We’re excited for Noah and the community he will be building in Austin—exporting the “CFSBK way” to a vibrant and growing city. Tell any friends and family in Austin to be on the lookout for his gym!
Noah will continue to coach all his normal classes until he leaves, so make sure to share some laughs and send some good luck vibes his way before he leaves. We’re gonna miss you Noah!
Details about a farewell party will be forthcoming on the blog. There may or may not be a dunk tank involved.
News and Notes
- By popular demand, we’ll be showing Purple Rain at Movie Night. Please join us this Friday at 8pm (after Open Gym) to watch the Princliest of films on our big screen. Bring your own beer and snacks!
- Jaclyn K. is offering a FREE yoga class this Thursday at 9am. Don’t miss out!
Yesterday’s Whiteboard: Bench Press / Bent-Over Row | Thrusters, C2B Pull-Ups
Don’t Fall into the Last Rep Trap MobilityWOD
Wednesday's Programming
Front Squat
3 x 5 LP
Add 5-10 lbs to last week.
3 x 8
Sixes next week.
Post loads to comments.
Exposure 2 of 8
8ea DB Lateral Step Ups
50m 1-Arm Farmer Carry Left
50m 1-Arm Farmer Carry Right
5 Bar Levers or Floor Levers
Choose a medium heavy load on the step ups but not so heavy that you need to use a bunch of momentum off the trail leg. Keep the knee of the working leg tracking over the middle toes of the foot and control the descent on of the movement. Work up to a heavy load on the carries keeping your mid-line tight and your head stacked over your center. Keep the levers as strict as possible. Scale to tuck or half tuck as necessary to be able to move with control.
Post work to comments.
Wow – don't hit me with this news so early in the morning! I am talking about the lateral step-ups of course. Going to miss you a lot Noah – I have learned and continue to learn so much much from you. Fantastic coach, fantastic bro. Thanks (in advance) for everything you have given to us over the last several decades. Stupid Texas. Stupid Austin.I am most upset about the fact that Noah did not let us crowdsource the name of his box. Would have been a great Question of the Day. Crossfit No-ah-don'tknowmaamwhyIdecidedtoleaveGod'scountrytocometoaplacewithanoverratedmusicsceneabsolutelyzerosportsfranchisesproximitytogeorgeandlaura100degreeweatherinthefrigginwinterandIcouldgoonandonbutthenamewontfitonatshirt
Con't frompreviouspost
Still continues from previous posts
20 Second L Hang
5 Toes to Bar from L Hangs
5 Knees to Elbows
5 Toes to Bars
Death By:
V Up
Handstand Hold Against Wall
Start at 5 second handstandhold and 5 V ups. Add 5 seconds to the handstand hold and 5 repetitions each minute until failure.
830 last night
Bench : 3×12 #135
Row : 3×12 #105
Nice and easy for both movements.
WOD : 11:32 #115
Decided 115 was the way to go after talking it through with David. Thrusters all unbroken and PUs unbroken till round 8 then 3/2. Grip started to go. My bar was located about 30 feet from my PU bar and I used the walk back and forth as a way to slow my breathing down and maintain pace.
Well, color me bummed that Noah is leaving. Pero mucho congrats! Austin's Gainz are our Lossez.
MGMT – just had a thought . . . maybe Fox could step in as a coach after Noah leaves. He is always talking at the front of the class and giving advice and sh*t ; )
Noah, I'm bummed to hear that you're leaving. You've been a really great coach and a lot of fun to be around, and I've learned a lot from you. Definitely looking forward to dropping into CrossFit No Jabronies or CrossFit Macho Manimal or whatever you end up calling it next time I'm in Austin.
Damn Noah, I'm bummed you're leaving too. The only thing I got from you was tired Friday mornings after being forced to stay out late after soccer games and the occasional, "go faster, go heavier". That last part might have been Fox though.
Either way I'm going to troll the hell out of your new affiliate's blog!
Jay, you are KILLING IT this morning. We'll miss you Noah!
For all brainz-and-gainz-minded: ICYMI, I'm trying to get the SBK pub quiz team started back up again! No commitments, just show up when you can. I'm looking at Monday, Tuesday, or Wednesday nights, depending on what people are interested in. If you're into it (and you don't have to know things, you just have to like drinking), email me, stellavision/gmail, with your preferred day of the week, if any.
6 AM (!) with McDiesel. Everyone ahead of me answered the QOD with some kind of deep, substantial choice. I was totally shallow. I can embrace that about myself.
HBBSQ 170x8x3. Made depth every time, so that's good. Also fun to squat with fellow special snowflake Dan G, who does absurdly heavy OHS like they're nothing.
Got through 4 rounds of NFT work. Happy that I was able to do all of it — I wasn't sure about left-arm farmer carries or floor levers going in.
See you guys in two weeks! I miss SBK already!
Noah. I'd be lying if I didn't admit that every selfish bone in my body is feeling bitterness that you'll be going. Hoping Josh Lahey is your gym's first member and may he disrupt every single one of your classes. ๐
to be continued…
I hope Noah retains his position as Writer Of Long Disquisitions on Crossfit Related Matters Especially Pertaining to, But Not Exclusively Restricted To, Footwear and Wrist Wraps.
I sadz.
@Samir – you know that I am taking over that position the second after NA hits the bricks, right?
Noah, dude, you know the Mets only play in Texas three times every other year, right?
Noah, best of luck. It has been real and suspect.
FSQ: 195x8x3. 10# jump for last week. Last few reps were grindy. 45 thrusters yesterday might have something to do with that.
NFT: Paced off Joy.
@ J-Star you'll have to update your shorts wardrobe if you want that position. Noah and his gym attire will be sorely missed.
Wipes tear.. Don't forget your roots Noah! Best of luck.
Also, I'm in the market for a bicycle. Something to tinker around BK, prospect park, etc for summer. Don't want to drop a lot, willing to buy new but thought I would check here first. Email me thanks!
I don't think HQ is going to approve "Crossfit Macho Man", but good luck in Texas otherwise, Noah!
6am with McD
OHS: 115×5, 145×2, 150×5, 160×0, 160×4. Was aiming for 5 each at150,160,170, but it was not to be today (technique/balance fails). McDowell suggested that perhaps yesterday's wod had something to do with it, so I'll go with that. Also fun to squat with fellow special snowflake Stella, who actually hit all her reps with ease.
Got through 2 rounds of NFT work. Levers were a fun challenge.
Oh, and: Good luck Noah! You'll be missed, but Austin is lucky to have you.
That's great news.
You'll be missed.
I dont think theres money in this crossfit business, I heard someone on the subway say its a fad. So, just stay here… if you are not convinced, best of luck! You really are a great coach and just an all around decent human. You will be missed.
Wishing you all the best Noah. Was great having you here. Brooklyn is losing a (very handsome, unique and kind-hearted) super star. Good luck
Sad to see you go, Noahpaloogies, go but very happy for you all the same. CFSBK is losing a lot and I'll miss having you around, but look forward to visiting you in Tejas. I've learned a lot from you but your push to get me into riding motorcycles (something I'd wanted to do for decades) and all the help you gave along the way is most appreciated. Best of luck to my favorite Jabronas Brother. At least now there will be coffee in the coach's pot more often.
@Jay – Can you please put in a good word with David for me?
Oh Gosh! :,( I am so sad, but happy for Noah….but no I'm sad!
Noah, the people of Austin will be very lucky to have the benefit of your coaching, your brilliant mind, biting humor, and the world class "what-not-to-do" demos. I will miss those the most! :,O Wahhhh!
A little KC & The Sunshine Band feels appropriate…
So please don't go
Don't go
Don't go away-to-Austin
Please don't go
Don't go-o-o-o-oh
We're begging you to stay
If you leave, at least in my lifetime
I've had one dream come true
I was blessed to learn double unders and-many-other-life-skills
From someone as wonderful as you
Please don't go…
Texas is hot.
Congratulations, Noah! But we'll reeaaalllly miss you.
Noah! You hauled my minimally-mobile corpse through foundations and have been incredibly kind in not laughing at my attempts to get into some sort of handstand position. What am I gonna do, fly to Austin? I sweat enough in Brooklyn as it is!
No, but seriously, infinite congrats to you. You're gonna kill it as an affiliate owner, just as you have as a coach.
Noah–I am so bummed you are leaving, but incredibly excited for you. You'll kill it in Austin!
Now I have to find someone else to steal witty coaching jokes from. Pretty much anything remotely funny I've said while coaching over the past two years has been an attempted repeat of something I heard Noah say in the class before mine. Feel free to send me your best material remotely, bud.
Wowzers! What bombshell news! Noah, you will always be a part of CFSBK's DNA and thank you for everything you have done for the community! Congratulations on the big move! But why couldn't you have moved to Redmond, WA and opened up an affiliate here so I could have a decent one to go to??? ๐
Bench: 85 5×3, rows: 73 5×3
WOD: 8:37, 63# thrusters, regular pull ups
Don't think 10am isthrclass for me. Gunna try 8am tomorrow!
More importantly, not the blog news I was expecting to read this morning! You're an amazing coach and you always make classes really fun, Noah! I love how you often throw in fun relays and playful games at AG! Even if it's to practice for teens class, adults like to play too!! I can see your gym being a realllyyyy fun place! You'll definitely be missed and I'm positive you'll do great!!
There's only one way to respond to this, Noah:
I Miss You
I agree with Jay. I am sad that we were not consulted about the name of Noah's gym. CFSBK is comprised of a number of creative geniuses. Also, I am sad to see Noah go! But also excited to have a future gym to visit in Austin, which is a super awesome city which has bacon donuts and also a lot of BBQ. So now I am sad and hungry.
Noah! Moving up up blog post pre-gym so I don't forget to say that you will be missed!
I've always appreciated that you have a giant smile plastered on your face and have a consistently sunny disposition at the gym. Who's going to ruthlessly make fun of me now that you're leaving? McD better up his game.
And… Colleen is dead on- I can never erase the image of you doing a pullup and doing that little bicycle kick thing on the way down- terrible stuff.
Good luck in Austin!
What?! No!! Inconceivable! Oh fine. Fine Noah, go on to bigger and better things then. But it's really difficult to see how owning your own affiliate and being king of your own castle will ever compare to giving free sneaker consultations and just generally being a wonderful coach and all-around snarky but good-natured and humorous human being while hanging out in an industrial neighborhood in South Brooklyn. FINE.
And good luck of course, that too.
Noah has always been a supportive and influential coach. I will really him and his humor around the box.
I would not lie if I said I want to see a dunk tank at his going away party.
Best of luck with your gym in Austin. If I'm in town ever I'm so dropping in.
OK wait, serious Q about Noah's departure… Are we sure it's a good idea to let him go out on his own, without McDowell's supervision? He might be too little still.
Promise us that you will send your best material to JB as often as possible. We don't want to force her start coming up with her own jokes.
In the words of Charlie Sheen,,,, winning!
Can we call the gym CrossFit Tight Shorts?
Well, doesn't that just suck the big elephant one
Crossfit Shirt Not Required
NOAHHHHHHHH A MILLION LIKES ON THIS POST! the taco leaderboard in austin is going to be like whoa! can't wait to wod it up at what i'm assuming will be called crossfit texas forever?
this news really couldn't have come at a better time i've been having a real crisis of crossfit down here and i'd been really missing my days at sbk!
Best of luck, Noah! Can I put in a vote for LA to be the next place to get an infusion of the "CFSBK way?"
Congratulations, Noah. Really bummed to see you go.
We've had our rough patches — you trading me to the other team in soccer, kicking me out of the biggest CrossFit gym in NYC because there was "no room," to name a couple — but those trials only brought us closer ๐ Seriously, you have contributed so much to SBK over the years, I have learned a lot from you, and I always appreciate your two cents. I'll miss your comedy and prose.
BUT… It sounds like a great idea and an exciting opportunity. I know you'll do great! I'll definitely swing by when I visit Austin, which has been on my list. All the best buddy!
Also, I did some fitness today
Worked with McD, which seems to have helped my back
– 3 Rounds of jump rope, static handstand holds, supine hangs
– 3 Sets of 8 Bench Press and 8 Chinese Rows w 25# DBs
– 3 Reverse Hyper sets — this was really nice on the old back
Later I did some light sled pushes, and
5 rounds of:
– 500 m row — 2:20-2:30, which actually felt hard
– :30 hollow hold — increasingly easier each set
– 15 push ups — increasingly easier each set
NOAH will miss you lotssss and best wishes. Of course you will have to come back for the holiday staff party because who else is gonna hand out the Noah bucks this year???