Back Squat
3 x 5 Linear Progression
Start light enough to add weigh throughout the cycle
3 x 8
8s again next week. Leave room to go up.
Post loads to comments.
Exposure 1 of 8
5 Rounds or 18 Minutes:
8ea Goblet Dumbbell Lateral Step-Ups
15 Hollow Rocks
10 Burpees (as fast as possible)
Choose movement proficiency over load on the step-ups. Scale the Hollow Rocks to tucked or :30 holds as appropriate. Really sprint the Burpees and go as fast as possible. I recommend picking a partner (or two or three) to race against on these. Be sure to fully hit the deck and come to full extension on the jump.
Post time and Rx to comments.
Come out today and help us celebrate Coaches MeLo and KHarpz’s feats of intellectual strength! | Photo by Thomas H.
Graduation WOD and BBQ for Coaches MeLo and KHarpz!
Run 550m
100 Double-Unders
50 Wall Balls
40 Toes-to-Bars
30 Push Ups
20 Calorie Row
Run 550m
Yesterday’s Whiteboard: Rest Day
If You’re Too Sweaty, Blame Your Early Childhood NY Mag
America’s First Female Baseball Writer Broke Glass Ceilings Without a Bat Atlas Obscura
Coach Harpz's (I mean Dr Harpz's) thigh bone!
Probably won't make it out today, but congrats Doctors!
Forgot to post yesterday's workout
8:00 Movement prep and Mobility
Crossover Symmetry
Hanging shoulder shrugs
50 Calorie Row
5 Rounds NFT of:
Sled Drag with Arms E-Sled + 180lbs
Walk up and down the gym twice with the punching bag +130lbs
rest as needed between rounds
This was a ton of "fun" and was even better that Pierre jumped in and joined me.
9a with Noah and Doctor Harpz
Squats with Michael and Bjorn
225 8×3 all felt good. 10# jump next week
Been a while since I pushed myself so hard on a NFT. But Affronti and I really went for it. It might of been 6 or even 7 total rounds today. I hope everyone strives for greatness today.
Squats: 165x8x3. Somehow we screwed up our time management and I ended up doing my third set while Noah and KHarpz were explaining the NFT work and it wasn't nearly enough rest after my second set. I made all my reps, but I had all kinds of trouble staying back on my heels. D'oh.
NFT work: I did 15 20# slam balls per round instead of burpees, and 25, 30, 35, 35, 35 for the step ups, which were MURDER!
PS, I'll have to remember to repost this on Monday when people actually read the blog, but would anyone be interested in getting the SBK pub quiz team back in business? We used to be regulars at Pacific Standard and then at Skylark on Sundays. Then it just kinda fizzled a couple of years ago and I'd love to start it up again.
Mission Dolores has a quiz night at 8:30 PM on Wednesdays. It's Geeks Who Drink, for whom I write occasionally, so my guess is it's good. Anyone up?
Congrats to Doctors MeLo & KHarpz! Sorry to miss the BBQ.
Stella: hell yeah! Wednesdays are a little tough for me but I'm open to being put on the mailing list. Also yeah, re-post on Monday.
8 a.m. w/aforementioned Dr. K & Noah.
BSQ: 175x8x3. A little slow but OK-ish. Back into the swing of things.
NFT work: it happened! Surprised myself in jumping up with the burpees. Will have to develop further.
120 8×3. Felt really solid! Was low and form felt crisp.
Lateral step ups were great! Very challenging and exposed some weakness between my right and left!!
MeLo/kharpz WOD was a blast! Congrats, gals! Role models for all of us! Took me 18:50, only know because I went first. Scaled TTB to 20, because I felt pressure to go fast for team. Wish I wouldn't have!
Took it kind of easy today
5 Rounds NFT
6 Ring Push-Ups
5 Leg Raises on the Stall Bars
:15 Parallette L-Sit x 5
5×10 Supine Leg Raise + Tuck
These were hard
Then…. SPIKEBALL!!!!!!
HBBS: 225x8x3
I hear an even bigger and better party is planned for when MeLo and Kharpz pass their exams.., can't wait.
1pm squats with @froggygeek
Bbq team workout: success.
I would do this. #gainzandbrainz
Back squat
For time
Front squat (205)
LBBS: 150x8x3
Only did 3 rounds of the NFT work.
Fun relay WOD! Did it Rx. DUs were terrible, wall balls have improved, T2B in sets of 5 until rep 20, then lots of singles and small sets, pushups were fine, row was fine, runs are always the worst.
FUN day overall!
Congrats Dr. MeLo and KHarpz!