AMRAP 20 Minutes:
10 Push Presses 115/80
10 Kettlebell Swings 24/16kg
10 Box Jumps 24/20″
The barbell and kettlebell should be light enough for you to perform the reps unbroken, at least early on. The swings are Rx’d as overhead. The Box Jump is Rx’d as a two-foot take off (i.e., not a step-up).
Post rounds, reps, and Rx to comments.
This shit doesn’t happen by accident!
Coach David at the CrossFit Games East Regional
Coach David recently worked the East Regional as Competition Director. This is the 6th year in a row that he’s performed this role and so he thought he would share a little bit about his experience.
For the past six years, the end of spring has meant that it’s time for Regionals. The first one I worked was the inagural Regional qualifier, which was held in a parking lot (no, really) in Albany. I schlepped up most of the gym’s equipment in a U-Haul and the Regional Director (Jason Ackerman) and I basically created a competition floor with chalk, some cones, a bunch of mismatched equipment, and whatever else we could find. Back then, you could basically just show up and compete. It was part competition, part BBQ, and part social.
Over the years CrossFit, especially the competative side of CrossFit, has seen tremendous growth. The athletes who qualify for Regionals are nothing short of Meat Robots (credit goes to Kelly Starrett for this term) who look and perform more like superheroes than humans. While the scope and scale of everything has drastically changed, in my opinion, the spirits of community and competition are still there, just on a much larger stage.
I’ve been honored to have been asked back to be the Competition Director of East Regionals every year, and the role has grown along with the competition. “Competition Director” essentially means that you’re the lead on every aspect of the competition with the exception of equipment, which is done by Rogue and a team of volunteers. As CD I work with the Regional Director and CrossFit HQ to make sure we’re optimizing the use of the venue. This includes managing the assembly and placement of the athlete warm-up areas, Athlete Village, Athlete Rally Points, back-of-house rooms for different teams, and drug testing. We also have to create a concrete “flow plan” for where and how athletes get checked in prior to heats, get set up with their chip timers, and walk onto and off the floor.
At the start and end of each day, there are also athlete briefings detailing each event. The judges also need to be trained on a similar protocol, which contains exact specifications for where to run to, how to stand, when to take a knee, what each athlete’s specific lane assignments are, and how score cards will be assigned. The call time for judges is 5:30am every day, and we usually don’t leave until 6 to 8pm. Beyond that, we work intensively with the judges leading up to and through the event to make sure that they understand the standards and flow for every event.
This year we had 180 individuals participating in the Team Competition, 80 in the individual, and about 70 judges (plus our scoring team, timing team, chip timing, athlete control, and medical services). I oversee all these people and teams to make sure everyone is doing their job and things are running exactly on schedule. (We have to coordinate everything to the second; at Regionals, if you’re one minute (literally) off, you’ll need to explain why it happened and have a plan to fix it. In addition organizing and overseeing these teams, I also am the point person for athlete appeals, which means I’m the lucky guy who has to talk to all the athletes who are upset about on the field calls or are appealing something related to their performance. Fortunately, most of the athletes are very reasonable and diplomacy is one of my strong suits!
So, in a nutshell, that’s what I do at Regionals. There is a HUGE crew of dedicated and hard working people who come together to make these events run smoothly. I’m so grateful to be one of the many people behind the scenes who work hard to make sure we send the right people to Carson and create fair, memorable, and fun event for everyone. It’s always an incredibly stressful and draining week, but it’s totally worth it, and I’ll keep coming back as long as they keep inviting me back.
Thanks, DO! You make CFSBK proud!
Yesterday’s Whiteboard: Squat | Row, Burpees
Barbell Basics Starting Strength
You Are Two CGP Grey
Holy crap, DO! That's a lot of work! Please tell me they pay you.
6am with Steph
I was sent across the street for Jack so I couldn't pace off the guys as I normally would. Finished with 9 rounds plus 5 reps Rx'd.
Did two rounds of the PP unbroken then switched to 5-5, then 4-3-3 then I back to 5-5. The KB swings were fast but the BJs were super slow. Partially because I was tired and partially because I felt like I needed the rest time before picking the barbell up again.
Came back across the street to find that James beat me by 5 reps.
Stupid James.
6am with JB
8 + 5 Rx
Volume push press is never good for me. Took it probably a little too slow but these types of amraps are never my sweet spot. 6-4 on all the push press.
Worked out right behind James to find out he beat me by 35 reps.
Stupid James.
Make up post from yesterday:
6:30PM with Melo and Noah
Squat: 255, 265(PR), 275(PR): 15 lbs PR and went up pretty smoothly, so happy about that. I really enjoyed the higher volume performance squat programming this cycle. I feel like I get the most strength gains from higher volumes. And I'm less susceptible to aches and pains when I'm working a bit further below my max.
Deadlift went for a triple today: 345×3 (PR)
WOD in 5:37; burpees were not that speedy.
Welcome back Kate!
I have volunteered at the NE Regional for the past 3 years on the Rogue Team and have watched David run that S#%@! It is an insanely monumental task to pull off, but you would never know talking to him. He looks as if he is running a Wed morning class at 597 Degraw. Seriously. Smile on his face, stopping to chat with me, or Leila, or the girls. Volunteering for 3 days and seeing people like Dave Castro, Chuck Carswell, Johnny Mac, Chriss Smith smiling and enjoying the sport of fitness is a testament to David's talents. As a CF junky, and someone that has been to many CF comps and boxes, I can say that without a doubt, CFSBK should be proud to be in the hands of Coach David.
11 Rounds + 15 Rx
Push press as three rounds unbroken, then two rounds 6-4, then 4-3-3 for the rest. Much prefer avoiding failure and minimal rest over staring at the bar between sets. KB swings and box jumps were relatively quick, but never a sprint.
Apparently working behind Steve and James is the key to success.
6am with JBizzle
9r +10 PP – Rx
Sounds like a bit of misdirected hostility this morning. I did put in the request for JB to go across the street halfway to check in on Matty's progress and report back. A little disappointed with the lack of follow through here.
PP 2 rounds unbroken then 7-3, 6-4 rest of the way. Last round 4-3-3
KB and BJs were ok. Legs started to feel it towards the end.
Had the pleasure of BK facing me for a couple rounds. Firm believer that if you get to start the day with his smiling face and overall positive energy you can defeat any obstacles that may ensue.
7am with Jess and JB
Jack Rx – 6 rounds + 1 push press
Thought about scaling in warm ups, but said "fuggit" and went for it. Push press was not the issue, my general motor was. Swings gassed me good for some reason. Press was 10 / 6-4 / then all 4-3-3. Was hoping to eek out five so happy with where I landed.
Stupid James.
8 a.m. w/Fox. Everyone listed pretty rad saturday morning cartoons for the QOD and I picked some introspective Nickelodeon jam. WAY TO BE, NERD.
Jack: 6 rds + 12, Rx. First time doing an Rx'ed hero workout, I think, and first time being organized enough to do American swings. Took it slow but relatively steady, push press unbroken 1st 2 rounds and last round, 5-5 for the others.
Unlike 6 a.m., I know where to direct my anger: If you're way too sweaty, blame your early childhood.
Jack: 8 rounds + 12 reps Rx.
Diane, you are so much cooler than your pal Jackie. High volume press push are a goat of mine. Broke them up 5-5 for 8 rounds then 3-4-3. Swings and box jumps were quick and easy. Spent too much time watching James and changing the music.
James, thanks for the kind words. But, Stupid James.
10AM with Jess
Subbed 5 strict presses @80lbs, and did the kettlebells as Russian.
11 rounds + 5 presses + 10 swings. Just stayed steady and kept on moving through this thing.
James: I had to stick around to make sure Kayleigh didn't break anything else during her workout. I also didn't want Brad taking over as DJ.
Just to be clear, I only broke my water bottle on a wild bounce from a bail. No one was injured and all gym equipment remains intact.
I like James.
P.S. I didn't go to the gym today.
We like you too Shawn.
Stupid James.
Stupid James.
PreClass: Crossover Symmetry and some mobility
12:00pm Group Class with Lady Foxalot
7 Rounds + 18 reps as Rx'd
This was really, really hard IMO. I got through four rounds of the push presses unbroken then after that the wheels sort of came off. Broke those into 6-4 and took lots and lots of rest before starting the other movements.
Post Class
Standing Sled Pulls (with arms) E-Sled + 115 x 4
For Time:
50 Burpee Pull-Ups with a 30lb vest
Then, lots of carbs
@ Stella Yes
@ Rob F, you are a gentleman and a scholar!
Also, the "You are two" video is so cool!
BK is always a delight.
Judging 2 years ago in Boston for David and Co was super taxing and super fun and an overall great experience. Most of the crew really get after their jobs but I maintain that a volunteer judging staff is a MAJOR pitfall in the sport of CF.
Power Snatch
Was supposed to do 6 singles there but was feeling good so worked up to a heavy single for the day.
60, 65, 70, 75
75 felt good and is a power PR I think.
High Hang Clean + Power Jerk
74kg x (1+1) x6
Clean Pulls
102×3, 108x3x2, 96×3
I hate to miss Hero WODs so I jumped in with a sizable noon crew.
10 Rounds + 2 Push Presses as Rx'd
All unbroken but slow. First round was 1:34. Started round 2 at 1:45 and tried to keep that practice going but slowed up a bit and hd to turn it on in round 10. At first I was going to finish the 10 and let the clock run down the final few seconds but was possessed to go ahead and pick it up for another 2 reps. This was harder that I thought it would be.
OG in the am and probably should have skipped the HSPU work given what I knew was on tap today. Took it easy other than that though and worked on my pull ups and a tabata of DU.
Noon with Jess
8 rounds plus 27 RX
Broke up the PP into 6-4 for all the rounds. Wasn't sure if I could go with 80, but somehow I managed.
Got to gaze lovingly at Clarissa during the KB swings from across the gym. Way to go lady!
Bench Press
45 X 10, 65 x 5, 75 x 4, 95 x 2, 115 x 2, 125 x 1, 135 x 1, 145 x 1, 157.5 x 1 (PR), 160 x 1 (PR), 165 x F
Happy dance!!
5:30 with Whit and Noah
'Jack' with 35# DB- 10 rounds + 20.
Thanks Whit for advising me to be reasonable and take care of my wrist by not Rxing this.
Except that I hate dumbbell push presses and it was reeeeeallly hard! Unbroken for the first three sets and very broken after that. Kept a slow and steady pace on the KB and box jumps throughout. Tried to be present and land softly and alternate legs while stepping down.
Charlie and melody have been killing it! Great job!!
DO: wow! Had no idea what that actually meant! So impressive and makes me proud to be a part of your gym!
Jack: 10 rounds at 63#. Really debated weight here because I want to get stronnger, but ultimately think I chose right… Next time push press is in the WOD, I'm going to try 68.
Great cash out at AR! Again, so stressed and exhausted but Crossfit works miracles!
I had a change in my schedule and decided to take noon class. Fifth training day in a row which I don't usually do..
Warm up – 2 rounds
130m jog
15 squats
5 chin ups
5 push presses (45, 63)
I thought it was 5 push presses and didn't realize it until almost 10 mins in. So, since I wanted to maintain a fast pace and had more shoulder work planned, I kept it that way
5 push presses @ 80#
10 American swings @16kg
10 box jumps @20" — practiced stepping down with the left foot leading which feels REALLY strange
14 rounds plus 1 push press
After class:
– 4 Kip swing and butterfly swing attempts — kind of failed
– 4 sled pulls (standing) — +115# first 2, dropped to 105# second 2
@David – I'm pretty sure you were pulling 160#
– Reverse Tabata L-sits — these went surprisingly decent. Both legs straight on all rounds
– 12 alternating pull up negatives :08 fat bar and HSPU negatives :06
jumped in on group class today! Did a little modified version because I'm trying to back off on the impact (knee has been feeling interesting for the past 3 days for no reason in particular) juuuuust listenin to the bod….ya know. Anyway, I did this:
10 push press (83#)
10 KBS 16kg
10 pull-ups
*9 rds + 7 pull-ups.
This was uncomfortably grippy. Did everything in 2 sets of 5 except for the KBS. Realized in the last round I had a little more in the tank so I did the last round unbroken but it was a bit shaky. Never have been good at push pressing more than 5, let alone coordinating this to begin with. I always push jerk on accident! No repped myself once or twice. Ripped my palm on the very last pull-up. Blergh. Haven't had energy all week, definitely taking a rest(beach) day tomorrow : )