Every other minute on the minute for 16 minutes (8 reps):
1 Snatch
Start at about 70% and work up to a heavy single.
Every other minute on the minute for 16 minutes (8 reps):
Snatch Deadlift + Hang Power Snatch + Overhead Squat
Start light and add weight across the 8 reps as appropriate.
3 Snatch Pulls (85, 95, 100, 105, 85%)
20-30 Second Handstand Hold
If you can’t hold a handstand for 30 seconds, then either work with a spotter or perform them against a wall from either a kick-up or a walk-up.
Everything You Need to Know About Murph Day
Murph Day 2016 is upon us! Here are some last minute reminders:
- Tomorrow, Monday, May 30th from 8am to 1pm, we’ll be doing our annual “Memorial Day Murph” workout. This is a great community event where we perform this classic CrossFit benchmark workout followed by some grilling, side dishes, and beers. The workout is tough, very tough, but of course it can be scaled to meet everyone’s capacity. All are welcomed! There is no charge for the workout, nor will it be deducted from your weekly class limit.
- CFSBK and many other affiliates do “Murph” on Memorial Day in memory of Navy Lieutenant Michael Murphy, 29, of Patchogue, N.Y., who was killed in Afghanistan June 28th, 2005. If you’d like to learn more about Michael Murphy and where this workout comes from, this is a great place to start.
- This year we’ll also be raising money to benefit K9s for Warriors, an organization that provides service dogs for veterans suffering from Post-traumatic Stress Disability, traumatic brain injury and/or military sexual trauma as a result of military service post 9/11. You can start donating here! The suggested donation is $25 (the cost of a drop-in) or the dollar equivalent of your “Murph” time (60 minutes=60 dollars). Please note that we will not be accepting cash donations, but we will have a computer set up so you can donate on the day of the event.
- There are still a few spots left in several heats, and you can sign up here! We’ve also opened up some spots for adults during the 11am CrossFit Preteens/Teens heat. The spots that aren’t grayed-out are fair game. If you decide you won’t be able to do the workout for any reason, please delete your name from the spreadsheet so someone else can take your spot.
- We’re still looking for volunteers to help clean up after the event. CFSBK will provide one keg, burgers, and sasuages, but please feel free to BYOB and more delicious foods. Please contact Events Coordinator Danae at Danae [at] to let her know if you can help out.
- All classes, including Open Gym and evening group classes, are cancelled tomorrow.
We can’t wait to see you there!
Yesterday’s Whiteboard: Front Squat | Partner WOD
Memorial Day Murph: Who? What? Why? Beyond the Whiteboard
Unexpectedly made it out of town this weekend – just deleted my name from my 10:30 spot if anyone is interested in it!
I love that Fox is signed up along with his confirmation name
Is there AG today?
Snatch: 78, 83, 88, 93, 98, 103F-ish, 103, 110PR
Came in thinking I would just focus on technique and probably wouldn't go too heavy because I have seemed to acquired a cold on the warmest weekend of the year (go figure). But today, things just seemed to click. The fail at 103 was one that I walked forward to the wall (MattyC style) and could have saved if my next step forward wouldn't have been right into the belts – decided bailing was the right call. Last pull was a 2# PR, excited for that little victory.
The pulls and handstands were the perfect combo for the day before Murph. Hoping this cold dissipates a bit before tomorrow.
5 Hollow to Arch to Hollow to V Up
5 Pistols ea side
B) Running Technique Drills
C) Annie: 50/40/30/20/10 DUs/Situps
D) Extended Mobility/Murph Prep
12 p.m. w/Ro & Noah.
EOMOM Fitness complex: Up to 115. Focused on form and got some very helpful pointers from Ro during the work.
NFT work: Up to 130 on the pulls. Ready as I'll ever be, Murph-wise…
Small but fun classes this morning with lots of solid snatches and a smattering of PRs. Rest day for me so got a light sweat going with a little aerobic recovery work on the Assault Bike.
25 rounds
:30 at 75-80%
:30 at 35-40%
Just reading through all the comments (including the ones added today) on the Great Shirtless Scandal of 2016 and will share a short thought. I think shirtless bodies are part of CF culture for a variety of reasons, some of them practical and some of them for vanity's sake. I won't knock either and support the right of anyone to wear as little or as much as they want. I myself am more likely to remove a shirt (although rarely) immediately upon finishing a workout when it feels like the tee is strangling me! I think that Anon was wrong in their follow up post in saying that it's only (or even mostly) "well built" men who go shirtless and that that act makes CFSBK non-inclusive. Body image issues are tough (I know) and the people who go shirtless are simply comfortable enough in their skin (and know they won't be judged or heckled) for doing so.
—Side humor — An often shirtless friend said on this topic that after a set of double unders he feels like it takes a few seconds for the jiggle to stop before he can move on to the next thing ๐ The point is that he does not have a 6-pack and does not feel judged for it.
I too, however, was a little taken aback and disappointed at the tone of some of the comments, especially as the day rolled on. CFSBK does pride itself on being an inclusive community and making fun of someone not confident enough to post under their real name seemed just a bit mean to me, though some were cruder than others. In the end I think Anon would have been far better served by an email to management rather than an anonymous post on a public blog where most of the people to post actually know each other.
I guess that thought wasn't as quick as I intended. The funny coincidence is that the one workout each year that gets my shirt off happens tomorrow. Ask coach Nick if that's Ironic.
I'm not going to say anything about this except that I do believe that if a name of some sort-even a fake one- had been used, the responses would have been quite different. I think a lot of people may have assumed it was a joke.
10am with Fox and Arturo
Worked up to 93#. Congrats Kayleigh on the PR
Pulls- up to 123#!and I did handstands on the paralettes for the first time. This was a lot of fun once I got over my fear!
Snatch E2MOM:
195F (PR attempt)
195F (PR attempt)
NFT: +/- 3 kick ups to accumulate 20 seconds freestanding handstand. Snatch pulls were:
Caught a glimpse of the murph shirts. Like the color!
Ar was great for pre-murph!
AG was really fun: good running tech stuff, more murph advice, and I did my first RX'd benchmark wod!!
Annie in 8:27. ๐
Coach Fox makes a good point. Also, I should turn down my comments when folks do take off their shirts; I definitely don't want to make people uncomfortable. It was all out of love & admiration though!
Never mind, I've done Cindy. But still- feeling proud about DUs! Feeling bad about being mean or frivolous on the blog, the more I think about it. Sorrrryyy:(
10am with Fox and Arturo. Worked up to an ugly 160# snatch PR (more like a power snatch)…
I wasn't planning on doing Murph because I don't want to mess up the rest of my training plan for the week, but… whatever, why not? See a few other brave souls at 8:30!
Yay Dave P Lolol I thought you weren't feeling the peer pressure ๐ Goad you changed your mind!! Have fun!
We must have applied that peer pressure pretty hard at 10am I guess… Right Dave?
Good work Charlie et al…
8am Snatches with The Foxes
Snatch – 90# / 95 / 100 / 105 / 110F / 110F / 115 / 120PR
Sooo happy to wake up this morning to a zen snatch day on the schedule. Came in looking to attempt a PR and happy to make it happen. Misses even feeling good and snappy. E2MOM might be my favorite format.
Got in all five rounds. Maybe held a hold for :08 – :12 at a clip adjacent to a wall.
Cash out – Nine holes at Dyker Beach. Didn't slice anything off the tee, a lifetime first.