Front Squat
3 x 6
Add weight to last week. Use full ROM and control.
3 x 5 Linear Progression
Add 5-10 lbs to last week.
Post loads to comments.
Exposure 7 of 8
Partner WOD
In teams of 2 with one partner working at a time, alternate full rounds to complete 20 rounds total (10 each) for time of:
10 Wall Balls 20/10, 14/9
20 Double-Unders
The Wall Ball shots should be unbroken and fast, as should the Double-Unders. If you don’t have Singles dialed in, then scale to 40 Singles. If you have Singles dialed in then scale volume or perform 10-15 attempts/makes each round.
Post time, Rx, and partner to comments.
- Schedule Changes: All CrossFit Kids programming is cancelled this weekend (May 27th-30th) for Memorial Day. Today’s 11am Active Recovery class is also cancelled.
This Monday: Murph Day 2016!
For time:
1 Mile Run
100 Pull-Ups
200 Push-Ups
300 Squats
1 Mile Run
In memory of Navy Lieutenant Michael Murphy, 29, of Patchogue, N.Y., who was killed in Afghanistan June 28th, 2005.
This workout was one of Mike’s favorites and he’d named it “Body Armor.” From here on it will be referred to as “Murph” in honor of the focused warrior and great American who wanted nothing more in life than to serve this great country and the beautiful people who make it what it is.
Partition the Pull-Ups, Push-Ups, and Squats as needed. Start and finish with a mile run. If you’ve got a twenty pound vest or body armor, wear it.
There is no charge for the workout, nor will it be deducted from your weekly class limit.
Murph: Why We Do It Boxlife
The Inevitable, Intergalactic Awkwardness of Time Capsules Atlas Obscura
Make up post from OG yesterday
MURPH with a 20# vest
This felt pretty good this year.
Mile 1: 8:16
Fitness: 36:10
Mile 2: 12:20
I broke up the middle section Cindy style 5/10/15
All the pull ups unbroken
Push ups were 5/5 with a quick rest on my knees between
Air squats in 5/5/5 with quick breaks
Mentally, the middle 10 rounds were nasty but the last 5 were the best.
The second run is always the worst, but it only took 12:20 so I'm really happy about that.
The vest only added ~4 minutes to my non-weighted Murph from last year.
Wish I could be there Monday!
Also, I would have done it shirtless but the vest have destroyed the nips!
8am with WhitDowell
Perf Front Squats at 210#. That was harder than I wanted it to be.
WOD in 16:01. A few trip ups on the DUs but most rounds unbroken. WBs unbroken.
Took my shirt off during the WOD for the first time ever. I actually liked the way it felt. Cool and refreshing. Then Allie B, Cam and Whit all gave me their phone numbers which made things uncomfortable for everyone. So, needless to say, that may be the last time.
8 a.m. w/Whit & McDowell.
FSQ: 185x6x3. Slowwww, but I kept a closed grip on the bar and generally stayed upright a little better than I have previously at higher weights.
WOD w/Jay, him Rx'ed, me subbing singles after attempts in the 1st round were just too slow: 17:45. Shirtless after 5 rounds. All the 6 a.m.'ers started doing it and I said to myself "well, I can't let the pale, flabby, hairy masses go unrepresented in this sea of six-packs." It was actually rather nice! I then biked home shirtless because it is glorious out.
Fun times this morning.
FSQ: 160 x 6 x 3. All but usually the last rep in each set felt pretty good.
Partner WOD with Robert in 14:48. Scaled up to 16# WB at Whit's suggestion, which worked well with10 reps and rest. All WBs unbroken, and all but the ninth round of DUs unbroken – nice little Saturday surprise. All this without the statistically proven performance enhancing shirt removal, not that there is anything wrong with that.
I'm in Portland, ME for a wedding so I made a 10:30am guest appearance at CF Beacon.
Partner warmup- 5 wall balls, 5 burpees picking up and throwing a slam ball over your shoulder after each one (is there a name for that?) for 5ish minutes
Skill work- ring dips, 3 sets of max reps. I definitely don't have these yet and need to spend some more time on the rings. Got some good tips about doing negatives to practice.
WOD- 800m run buy-in. It was hot and I think 800m is further in Maine than Brooklyn. Followed by 21-15-9 burpees and shoulder overheads. 12:25 using 65#…felt kind of rough! Did mostly push presses and definitely broke up all 3 sets. Fun though. Earned that open bar tonight. BYE!
On this Catalyst program I'm on, Saturday is for heavy singles.
Much better than Thursday which was abominable. One of my goals for this cycle is to have 85kg be my gym minimum.
Clean and Jerk
70kg-90-100-110-115-120f (McD red lighted me on an obvious press out)
Felt pretty strong here. 120 ties a clean PR.
Front Squat
Jess said I should have just tried harder on the miss at 130. Second time around I grabbed the bar harder and got a little pissed off and nailed it.
11AM with McWhit
FSQ: 205x6x3
Partnered with Mo for the WOD and finished in 16:02
I thought Fung and I were going to take our shirts off for the last round but we forgot. I took mine off afterwards for bit. Because Friday.
10 AM with JessDowell
HBBSQ 175x6x3. Starting to get heavy. Between that and Murph I may jump only 2.5# on Wednesday.
WOD: partnered with Bails and Cori, 17:50. I did one-armed DB thrusters with 25# DB instead of wall balls. Thanks Jess for making me do 25#. I was going to do like 20# figuring hey, it's still heavier than the wall ball, right? But things are way easier when you don't have to throw the thing up.
Decided there were too many shirts on so I took mine off after the WOD. Maybe should have gone for that 12.5% performance boost by doing that DURING the WOD, but somehow I think that would have just resulted in my having double-under marks all over my stomach. As it is, I have enough on my arms that when I see my parents tonight they're going to ask if everything is all right at home. :/
Front squats: 115 6×3 felt so heavy!!!!
Wod with Melody: don't remember time… Started frustrated with double unders. With support from melody I ended up stringing them together for several rounds!!!! 18 was my best! Was definitely challenging mentally because I wanted to practice, but felt bad about my partner having to wait for me to struggle. Melody was awesome, of course… But still was a weird challenge to maintain a good attitude.
1pm with Whit and McD
Front Squat: It's getting pretty heavy
285x6x3 (~83%)
Metcon: 15:12 Rx Everything unbroken except for one round of double unders where I tried to go too fast, and another where I had a false start and caught the rope on my toes for the first rep.
Dropped in at my friend Bianca's Crossfit in Hoboken this morning. Hudson River crossfit. Of course they knew David haha.
Brutally hot partner wod broken up and in whatever order you want:
120 push-ups
120 ground to overhead (53#)
120 burpees to plate
120 deadlifts (145#).
We split this into small sets of 5 and did 12 rounds each of pushups/g2o then the same for burpees/deadlifts because of the weight change.
I Did the g2o as power snatches. All push-ups in unbroken sets of 5. This was sweaty as hell I couldn't even go shirtless because my stomach was making big sweat angels during the burpees. Ps – zero shirtless dudes even though it was at least 90 degrees in their gym. Freaks.
After 6 hours of coaching and the heat, I wasn't expecting much out of my workout today. Went better than expected.
Jumped right in after some PVC drills and warm ups.
Barbell Conditioning
With a running clock…
A. At the 0:00
Complete 12 rounds of 1 Power Clean at 75% every 40 seconds
Done @ 110#, which I realize now is lighter than it should've been, and it felt that way. was working in kilos. oh well. good for speed and sharpness.
B. At the 12:00
Complete 12 rounds of 1 Power Snatch at 75% every 40 seconds
Done @ 97#
Then, 4 SETS:
60FT 1 arm Farmer Carry (with handles @ 85#), each side
5 Waiter Squats (with 28kg), each side, 2 counts down with slight pause
can finally do these squats on the L side without having to support the bell with my right hand!! YESSSS to progress
Then, Assault Bike of Death:
:30 on, :30 off
57 calories
f*ck that thing
Back Squat
45 x 10, 95 x 5, 135 x 5, 165 x 3, 190 x 3, 220 x 3, 250 x 5
Repeated Wednesday's back squats because I still can't front squat and I just wanted to see. I had failed the third rep at 250 on Wednesday- today I used a belt which may or may not have made all the difference! Who knows- I'm happy I did it anyway!! Depth was solid.
Safety Bar Squat
120 x 10 x 5
Felt weird lol.
Did a heavily modified version of Comp team programming with Crumsho ( my version was heavily modified, his was not)
EMOM 10 mins
63 x 2, 73 x 2, 83 x 6
For time
50 x strict C2B pull-ups
I did 25 x C2B chin-ups mixed in with regular strict pull-ups. Took 10 or 11 minutes because I wasn't really convinced I could do them at all at first.
WOD (Hot Death)
For time
1000m run (2 laps)
3 rounds
10 x clean and jerks 95# ( sub DB thrusters @ 40# which was a terrible idea)
10 x C2B ( sub regular pull-ups)
10 x burpees ( box jumps)
1000m row
Hot and sticky and hard. Also shirtless. Obvy.
8:00 with Whit and McDowell.
Fun parter Wod and thank you Whit for some tips to deal with "runners knee", aka tender top of both knees post workout. Anyone else had this? I'm stretching, voodoo wrapping, and rolling out the quad trying to get the patellar tendon to calm down.
Partnered w/ matty chm. Round 1 was awful. Rounds 2 – 9 were Strong AF due to shirt removal, of course.
@Ryan L – you got it! if you can ever come to AR on Thu night at 7:30p, we can work on it more! time under tension, some eccentric loading, and making some room in those tight quads will all contribute to healthier knees
Forgot to mention shirt came off halfway through my sets of carries/squats. And the one redeeming factor of the assault bike is that it blows a lovely breeze on your sweaty body while you die a small aerobic-capacity-induced death.
8am with Whit and McDowell
Front squats 210# felt ok. Am getting a little soft at the bottom, not entirely sure how to correct. Probably means I'll just borrow one of Matty's multiple weight belts and tighten it down.
Partner WOD with the one and only Nate Buckfire!!!
To be honest, I just followed Buckfire's lead on this one. Buckfire goes outside, James goes outside. Buckfire takes his shirt off, James takes his shirt off. Buckfire trips once or twice on the dubs, James allows himself a trip or two; because no one outperforms Buckfire.
Fun WOD – 13:28 Rx
@jamesa./chas/mattychm/nate/Ryan/anyothershirtlessdude this morning : you looked great!! And the shedding of material goods reminded me of the magical, biological miracle of life. Thank you.
FQST: 120x6x3
Felt great, but I missed three exposures so this is lighter than where I would be. Good to work on form and keeping upright though.
WOD with Val in 15:52
Wall balls and DUs are weaknesses. All WBs unbroken. Dus were another story. Only did one set unbroken. Val was super supportive and accepting of the fact it took me a long time to get through them Thanks, Val