Lots of fitness happening in this great photo by Thomas H.
This Week at CFSBK in Review
So it’s Memorial Day weekend and you’re ready to catch up on this here blog. What happened this week? We’re glad you asked!
1. Murph Day is this Monday! Have you signed up yet? We’re also looking for volunteers to help clean up after the event. CFSBK will provide one keg, burgers, and sasuages, but please feel free to BYOB and more delicious foods. Please contact Events Coordinator Danae at Danae [at] CrossFitSouthBrooklyn [dot] com to let her know you’d like to help out.
2. This year we’ll also be raising money to benefit K9s for Warriors, an organization that provides service dogs for veterans suffering from Post-traumatic Stress Disability, traumatic brain injury and/or military sexual trauma as a result of military service post 9/11. You can start donating here! The suggested donation is $25 (the cost of a drop-in) or the dollar equivalent of your “Murph” time.
3. Sign-ups for our seasonal fish CSA with Big City Fish Share are open until June 11th.
4. Last weekend, several CFSBK TFBAs were in Philly to compete in the USAPL Philadelphia Freedom Championship, and we’re lucky to have this awesome report from Cam C.
5. Also, Ryan L. dropped into to CrossFit Max Effort in Las Vegas and gave us the full rundown on what sounds like a great travel gym.
6. We introduced you to Katie Rose Hejtmanek, a new member and professor of anthropology at Brooklyn College who will be doing some really fascinating research at CFSBK over the next year. Welcome, Katie!
7. CFSBK Movie Night returns on June 24th at 8:00pm (after Open Gym). We want your suggestions as to which movie we should show, so please let us know in the comments section of the event page.
8 All CrossFit Kids programming is cancelled this weekend (May 27th-30th) for Memorial Day. Enjoy the long weekend!
Yesterday’s Whiteboard: Rack Jerk | “Diane”
“Murph” Strategy WODprep
Which Rock Star Will Historians of the Future Remember? NY Times
David Osorio says
Saturday's Programming
Front Squat
3 x 6
Add weight to last week. Use full ROM and control.
3 x 5 Linear Progression
Add 5-10 lbs to last week.
Post loads to comments.
Partner WOD
In teams of 2 with one partner working at a time, alternate full rounds to complete 20 rounds total (10 each) for time of:
10 Wall Ball 20/10, 14/9
20 Double-Unders
The Wall Ball shots should be unbroken and fast, as should the dubs. If you don't have Singles dialed in then scale to 40 Singles. If you have Singles dialed in then scale volume or perform 10-15 attempts/makes each round.
Post time, Rx, and partner to comments.
Anon says
I unfortunately want to remain anonymous, for obvious reasons.
Would it be possible to institute to "shirts stay on" policy during class? Not everyone is comfortable with it.
K HarpZ says
Fun evening yesterday on the sidelines with Gracie and Ro. A whole lot of moonwalking and running manning, barbells included. Luckily no video footage was taken.
3 parallet HSPU
25 ft handstand walk
1 30" box jump
*parallets were a BIT steep. Used 2 Abm after the first round.
6 attempts at a 1RM snatch:
48, 53, 58, 61, 65, 68(F), 68(F)
*Was going to keep it honest and stick to 6, but Ro convinced me otherwise. And I was glad I did because I almost had this lift! Completely under it, but I caught it soft. Hitting 150# would be a dream. Hopefully, Some day soon. Definitely satisfied with the consistency and hitting all 5 lifts prior, although the 65kg was a bit ugly.
6 attempts at a 1RM clean:
65, 70, 77, 83(PR), 86(F), 87(PR)
Glad I went up in weight anyway for my final attempt. I've been stuck in this range for awhile so happy to finally hit 192 (191.8). Looking forward to crow hill in July! I intend to be laser focused for the next month until the meet. Decreasing the crussfits is going to be tough!
Heavy complex: 3s pause FSQ + 1 1/4 FSQ + FSQ (this was supposed to be done with chains, but…pretty sure that needs to be done alone in a dark corner. Not trying to disrupt group class with all that clangin and bangin.)
74kg, then 2 sets at 90% which was 67. At this point my legs were shmoked.
AMRAP 65# power snatch in 40s
3:40 min rest
Repeat for 5 sets total
*completed 4 rounds. All sets completed with 15 reps in 40s and done unbroken. 5th round I didn't do because I had a pretty bad tear that got worse (and my seamless order took priority)
Off to the beach, enjoy Murph!!! Wish I could be there!
Jay-Star says
@Anon – While I respect the fact that certain behaviors are upsetting to you, if you feel the need to remain nameless, IMHO you should really raise your issue directly with management rather than on this forum. (Now, If your name is actually Anon then please ignore my last comment).
I ask you though, what if Lil Wayne decides to drop in some day? I don't even think he owns a shirt. Must we show Weezy the door? Hasn't the man suffered enough?
Matt Katz says
I go shirtless largely for practical reasons – I'm a big, sweaty dude and wearing a shirt when its super hot out just means more sweat, more ruined shirts, and more general stinkiness. Not trying to make anyone else uncomfortable, just trying to make myself more comfortable.
Michael A. says
6am making up Thursday's with Nick
Rack Jerk: Worked up to 225#. Attempted 235# but missed after pushing it too far forward. Felt a little wobbly today in general.
Diane: This is my favorite WOD in crossfit (and the first one I did). 5:16 Rx, :30 slower than my PR. I chalk it up to this being the 3rd time this week I've done deadlifts for time (the result of traveling to different crossfits this week).
Have a great holiday weekend everyone.
Allie B. says
Anon! While I think it's hilarious when people take their shirts off (really, that piece of fabric off makes THAT big of difference), I really think my mobility would decrease drastically!
Being completely honest, foam rolling while watching the tail end of the previous class while shirts start flying off is one of my favorite pastimes. I know I'm not the only one here, am I right!? As I mentioned, I think it's a little ridiculous, which is why I make a point of heckling hot guys with ripped abs. I mean, it is HARD to get a 6-pack of rippling abs…takes a lot of hardwork with exercise and diet. Therefore, they deserve some cred and some folks to comment on their abs if they're going to make a point of showing them off.
With that said, shirts off is a cultural crossfit thing, even though it's so over-the-top. I'd have to take to the streets to protest if management banned 6-pack visibility. It's one of the reasons I love coming to the gym.
Lastly, I was given some GREAT advice from Lauren S. Whenever someone brings junk food to work, I text Lauren S. & KLove to get some support to not eat it! Lauren S. says something that always helps…"Look away, Allie. Look. Away." Best advice I've ever gotten… next time someone's shirt is off and it's making you uncomfortable… look away! And maybe think about it scientifically—it's just a human body! They're amazing and deserve to be celebrated…Especially when people take d@mn good care of their bodies!! <3 <3 <3
Brad says
I need a plumber…anyone know of one that's not going to take me to the cleaners?
Holler @ me brad.larson1@gmail.com
Thanks đ
Cam says
I'm pretty sure Rich Froning has never owned a shirt ever, just borrowed!
Kayleigh says
After feeling pretty good about jerks yesterday, came in to OG to focus on cleans.
Cleans: 83×3, 103×2, 123, 133, 143, 153, 158 ( 5#PR!!!)
Have been chasing this for a while. 153 is very consistent, and going up from there had just been a mental roadblock for a long time. Attempted 163 twice after that, but really these were glorified pulls/deadlifts- never even attempted to drop under.
3 RFT:
400 m run
15 Power cleans (93#)
9 Box Jumps (24")
Finished in 12:20
Pullups: 4-3-3
GHD: 12-12-12
K HarpZ says
Sounds like @Brad had a pretty rough morning. We're here for you brad.
Jenny M says
Perhaps we should take a leaf out of the meridian regional's book and have the dudes in our gym rock a sports bra when they go shirtless?
Hahah. In all seriousness – we're all adults, there isn't anything offensive about the human torso, and it's about to get real hot in that gym this summer.
André says
Unlike the group that Allie B mentions, I do not belong to the six pack shirt taker offer group. I take my shirt off during a workout for two reasons
1. It is scientifically proven by Dom Mazzeti aka the Brofessor thattaking ones shirt off during a workout results in a 12.6% increase in performance. Studies have shown that this increase only happens if shirt is removed mid workout, if done before in a pre emptive shirt pop the results are not the same.
2. To pay homage to the greats that people tried to oppress and say they have no business taking their shirts off . The originator Bone Crusher at MTV Spring Break, Fat Joe, and then Rick Ross. I am just keeping it going!!
With that said if shirts off gets banned I will be forced to mount a massive social media protest! #FreeTheShirt #AllShirtsMatter
Cam says
Dré for comment of the week!!!!
Cam says
Also will join in the protest chant of 'HEY HEY HO HO ALL THE SHIRTS HAVE GOT TO GO'
MattyChm says
6am Open Gym to make up for some lost fitness after four days doing terrible things to my body in Las Vegas. Fun times but far too many topless males by the pool.
Ring Dips
12/12/12/12 Plus 23 for a rep out. This was 1 more rep than last week. Split them up 10 strict and 13 kipped.
A few rounds of the burpee/T2B WOD to the heart rate up.
Then finished up with a two mile run with the 20# vest. My goal was to sub 18 min and I managed 17 min flat. 8:30 pace works for me. Might be able to push a bit harder on Murph Day when I am surrounded by the 6am-ers.
Regarding Anon E. Moss's concern about exposed male nipples… I have never felt the need to take my shirt off during or before a WOD but I don't want to take that pleasure away from anyone who feel they need to. I have, however, been known to disrobe during tense lease negotiations at work. To each his own.
Nipples around the world says
Just my opinion
André says
I am getting my picket sign ready Cam!!! That chant is a MUST!!
Stephanie M says
Hi there – I'm a known blog lurker, yet today I feel the need to post. This was the most entertaining thread in my almost two years @CFSBK. Great way to start the holiday weekend. Keep it coming.
Also, couldn't we have shamed a different shirtless person? Like Andrew Shay.
Jay-Star says
I've been asked to keep my shirt on AT ALL TIMES. Sadly, that request came from my wife. Apparently there is not enough wax in the world …. etc.
Future Lady Katz says
Longtime lurker, first time commenter.
Yes, what Steph M said.
Jason M says
Ugh. I hate that i cant post a GIF here. i have so many good ones for this situation!!!!
The thing about Matt Katz is even when he is not wearing a shirt, he is wearing a sweater. think about that!
Oh and i did diane in 6:15 (with my shirt off)
Rob Underwood (@brooklynrob) says
I have never taken my shirt off at the gym because 1) I am literally the hairiest person you might ever see, and 2) I legitimately have man boobs (in my 11 year old physical, my pediatrician, Dr. Page, wrote "Patient shows signs of stage 2 breast growth, consistent with father." Yes, that's real/true. I have also had a mammogram (again, true). I truly and completely need a sport bra.
However, in honor of this post and the 100 wall balls that await me at the noon class, I am thinking shirtless is the way to go. Hairy, ugly, droopy 43 year old man boobs here they come! Carissa, Meredith, Melody, and the rest of the noon regulars — you've been warned! Tough man boob day it is!
Matt Katz says
Rob PLEASE have a tough man boob day. Solidarity, brother.
Cam says
Soooo next cycle we are bringing back Meathead Mondays, right? Also goooo Rob!
Brad says
There we go…we have 2 votes for shaming Andrew Shay. +1
Steve says
Oh man what a great start to the holiday weekend. If I were to ever make the leaderboard for something at this gym it would be sweating. But I have always kept my shirt on due to my permanent thick sweater. Some things just can't be unseen. Like Matty's naked lease negotiations.
6am squats with McD
FSQ – 225 x 6 x 3
Heavy. Usually the third set feels the best but that was not the case this morning. Next week should be interesting. On a positive this was my 3rm in September.
WOD – 16:30ish partnered with Aaron.
Wall balls all unbroken, DU were much better today. Think 7 or 8 rounds of them were unbroken.
Stella says
Anon — not going to mock, just going to disagree with you. The box gets DAMN hot in the summer, and I think a sweaty dude's physical comfort (as much comfort as one can have during a CF workout, anyway) wins over an observer's mental discomfort.
OG Friday, in which I saw Kayleigh PR her clean đ
Football bar press, 67.5x5x3
5 sets: 10 GHD situps followed by max chins. 5,5,4,4,3. Ick. I used to be able to do 7 for the first set! If only I could shrink my belly by sheer force of will. I'm not weaker, just heavier :/
Tabata KB swings 20kg, perfectly consistent 11 reps/round.
Tabata assault bike, 32 total calories. Gross!
Ben Lock says
***If anyone can't make Monday's Murph and wants to do it today, I'm going to be doing it at OG. Pierre, BRING THE VEST!!!***
Also, I'm ALL in for the Shaming of the Shay!
pierre davidoff says
@Ben Lock. I will be there around 5:30pm
Charlie says
Press (Wendler 5/3/1- Week 2)
45 x 5, 55 x 5, 63 x 3, 72 x 3, 80 x 6 ( rep out)
Bench Press
100 x 10 x 5
8am with MeLo
Rack Jerk
63 x 3, 83 x 3, 113, 123, 133, 143 x F- not bending back leg enough.
'Diane' sub push-ups (with DB because of wrist)
Goal- do this Rx'd in the same time by the end of this year.
Coach Ro says
André for PRESIDENT!
Brendan B says
This thread tho…
7am Squattin' with Nick
FSQ – 170 x 6 x 3
Had somewhere between 1 and 6 oat sodas / whiskeys last night and shit did I feel it during these. Apologies for sweating out Makers to all those lifting around me.
Metcon with Juan in 15:14
Wallballs all unbroken. First 6 sets on the rope were unbroken, which is definitely a PR for me. Rounds 7-10 were getting trippy and trimmed myself to 15 reps in three of the sets. Silly in retrospect considering how good they were early. I'll take it though cause bourbon. *hiccup*
If there was ever a day I've considered popping the top off, it was today. Hoo wee was it hot in there.
yahS werdnA says
I know many of you think that Anon's post is a laughing matter but this is a serious subject. I would like to express my views and remain anonymous under the alias of yahS werdnA.
I will start with the negatives surrounding the shirts off policy in the gym.
There has been more than one instance where I have felt personally violated by shirtless members of the gym. On April 30th 2016 around 2:57 PM while on a run I was the unwilling participant in (Please keep in mindâŠThe story you are about to hear is true; only the names have been changed to protect the innocent) a ztaK wehtaM and OhsmurC leahciM shirtless sandwich. Not only did I feel violated and ashamed, the slickness of their skin caused me to immediately shoot out their arms and hit the wall. I could have been seriously injured. Imagine making fajitas at a local Chiliâs but you put more toppings in the little wrap than it can handle and it shoots out onto your fingers mid bite.â I was the slippery pepper in this scenario.
âYou either die a hero or you live long enough to see yourself become the villain.â I take my shirt off at the gym to inspire others. I remove my shirt to show new members of the gym what they could look like if they put in the extra work and if they are not impressed, I show them a picture of a certain British sounding member of the gym with his shirt off. Some people may look at JW and think, hey, I didnât even know it was possible to have a stomach that defined. Why cant I have a significant other that tonedâŠthese are the thoughts that may put an end to the shirts off policy at the gym. We canât allow relationships to end because of something that could be solved with a shirts on policy.
I remove my shirt during many running work outs due to medical and financial reasons. I do not want to give away my anonymity, but I have extremely sensitive nipples. I dress myself for the gym with this in consideration (avoiding shirts with logos on the chest) but when the designated laundry day of the week has come and gone, we are required to make difficult choices. Financially, David O removes $10 off my monthly membership fee when a new member joins and references my body as a reason for joining.
Lastly, I believe this is a huge step back for female members of the gym. As we all know, it is legal for females to be topless in NYC. The entire post by Anon can be considered a gender-phobic bimorphic microagression in my opinion. Think of that female member of the gym who has been considering taking a giant step for equality and work out topless at the gym. It is a real shame that these posts have put a halt on the progress we could have made.
Free The Nipple says
I draw the line at no shorts/pants.
Brendan B says
^^ aka Donald Duckin' it
OhsmurC leahciM says
Guys if we allow yahS werdnA to be comfortable at the gym at any given time, then the terrorists have won. I urge everyone to do their part by working out and then giving yahS werdnA a really big, sweaty hug. If you don't sweat much, consider dousing yourself with warm water before going in for the hug. Contrary to his post, he really likes it.
yahS werdnA says
I think this a good time to announce that I will be having a very serious operation this weekend. I will be removing all of my skin and having it relaced with poison dart frog skin. I will also be replacing my fingers with portuguese man of war tentacles.
>:^) says
It's like when you first join Tinder and you're like, "hey, excuse me guy, I did not ask for all these dick pics", but then you're like, "you know what, good for these guys, finally having the courage to be so unabashedly free with their male bodies. we don't have enough of that in this country." and then you show the pics to your friends at brunch and everybody has a good laugh and lives happily ever after. it's just like that.
Shirtless CrossFitters Association says
We strongly, strongly disapprove of Matt Katz, Michael Crumsho, and Andrew Shay taking their shirts off, but we will defend their right to do it to the death.
Andrew Shay says
Lets not go naming names. I am innocent in all of this…but I would like to take this time to announce that I am running for the 2017 Question of the Day Lead Programmer.
Vlad Putin says
Your Obama is too scared to off with shirt.
Michael C. says
Guys it's not like I really WANT to take my shirt off. But since it's part of the official Comp Team by-laws that males must be shirtless within five minutes of starting a workout, my hands are tied.
Amanda Mc says
Could this actually be our gym's strategy to make sure our resident anthropologist cancels her membership to all the other gyms she's studying? Hmmmmmmmmm??????
Hope my tinfoil hat is OK to wear during workouts.
Dan L says
On shirts on/off debate I'll just say that it's kind of ingrained in CF culture (and it gets really hot in the summer). Ideally everyone should be comfortable, but being shirtless is generally socially acceptable (e.g. at a beach) and it doesn't seem reasonable to impose a change like that on the community.
6am with Nick
185-205-225-240(f) – one of the rare times I actually got frustrated with a missed lift. That would have been a PR and just turned my body slightly out and couldn't quite catch it. So close.
Diane (which has always been a goat for me) went better
5:09 (PR by 1:41)
Andrew Shay says
I dont want to go putting ideas in anyones head but if Anon felt really strongly about people not wearing shirts at the gym he or she should just put a bunch of ringworm on floor. Before you start to panic, I googleed "can you buy ringworm" and i couldn't find any dealers so we are safe. Untapped market right there for any CFSBK entrepreneurs.
Stephanie M says
Can any resident programmers figure out how to put "like" buttons for blog posts? LIKES ARE THE FUEL OF LIFE.
Anon says
I think we should have a pants off protest
Gerry M. says
@brad I've been using Martin Plumbing for nearly 20 years, and have had good experiences, and they're reasonable. Whatever you do, stay away from Vigilante. Martin is (718) 965-0500.
Admirers Anonymous says
@Allie B – U Right U Right