Snatch Balance or Overhead Squat
Snatch Balance (pause :02 before recovery)
Work up to a max for the day. Pause for a 2 count at the bottom before recovering. Press-outs are misses. Aim to catch as low as possible on each rep and not higher as the weight gets heavier.
Overhead Squat
Work up to a max for the day. Snatch Push Press or Jerk the bar overhead. Pause with control at the bottom before recovering. Any bend in the elbows is a missed lift. Take your time on the descent and keep the bar balanced over your mid-foot.
Note: Today we’re working on going heavy in the receiving position of a Snatch, aka, the Overhead Squat. If you’re comfortable down there, then perform the Snatch Balance. If not, then remove the dynamism and perform a controlled Overhead Squat instead.
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Exposure 6 of 8
3 Rounds for Time:
550m Run
50 Squats
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Coaches Margie and Jeremy and TFBAs Cam C., Adele R., Bethany E., and Francesca R. were in Philly yesterday for the USAPL Philadelphia Freedom Championship. We’ll have a full report from Cam tomorrow!
Murph Day 2016: Sign Up Today!
For time:
1 Mile Run
100 Pull-Ups
200 Push-Ups
300 Squats
1 Mile Run
In memory of Navy Lieutenant Michael Murphy, 29, of Patchogue, N.Y., who was killed in Afghanistan June 28th, 2005.
This workout was one of Mike’s favorites and he’d named it “Body Armor.” From here on it will be referred to as “Murph” in honor of the focused warrior and great American who wanted nothing more in life than to serve this great country and the beautiful people who make it what it is.
Partition the Pull-Ups, Push-Ups, and Squats as needed. Start and finish with a mile run. If you’ve got a twenty pound vest or body armor, wear it.
There is no charge for the workout, nor will it be deducted from your weekly class limit.
Yesterday’s Whiteboard: Front Squat | Row, DB Push Press, Double-Unders, Sit-Ups
Noah Ohlsen’s 380 lb. Snatch Balance CrossFit
The History and Future of Everything Kurzgesagt
Hillary Clinton Sets Personal Single Rep Squat Record While Watching Bernie Sanders on Gym TV
Noah says
5 Pike to HS progressions
:20 Hollow
:20 Arch
EMOM 5 Min
Max Strict/Kipping HSPU
10 RFT
250M Row
5 Pullups
2 Min Rest
Allie B. says
Way to go ladies! You gals are amazing!!
I dropped into Crossfit Iron Horse in Fort Worth, TX. Amazing gym! Also fairly certain I convinced my cab driver to join crossfit. He was so interested, he came early to pick me up to come into the gym to watch the end of the workout. Ask me about this sometime–it's a good story!
They let me front squat: 112.5 8×3
3 person partner WOD: 15 goblet squats 24kg, 250 m row sprint 5 rounds
Today, Hotel Gym WOD
3 rounds:
15 air squats
12 push press 20# dbs
:30 hollow hold
Dumbbell Bench Press/Rows: 12×3 25# db
20# DB thrusters
Ran a mile on the treadmill
50 air squats
1:00 plank
50 air squats
100 situps
10 strict pullups
Sad to miss class and AG. Bye!
Steve says
9am with the Foxes
Snatch balance
75 x 3, 95 x 3, 115 x 2, 125, 135, 145 x 2
Felt pretty good today. First one at 145 I couldn't pause at the bottom and just popped up. Second felt more solid. Just need to try to get 2" lower.
9:49 Rx. Nice to have an easy wod that plays well with my speed and not having Dan L in the class.
Charlie says
10am with Fox and Arturo.
10 x push-ups (with DB)
15 x hollow rocks
Fix noticed my feet were moving out as I squatted and back in as I got up. Frankie has noticed this before. Not sure how to fix that. Must be a hip mobility thing?
WOD in 10:56.
This was fun!
BK says
Snatch balance: 95×3, 115×3, 135, 145(f), 145, 155, 165, 175
Failure due to just dropping quickly and losing connection with the bar and soft shoulders. Otherwise, all reps felt good and solid.
Metcon: 10:12. 150 squats and 1 mile done, only have 100 pull ups, 200 pushups, 150 squats and 1 mile to complete "Murph Deconstructed".
Kayleigh R says
Snatch balance: 65 x 3, 85, 95, 105, 120F, 115. Misloaded the bar meaning to do 110 – was wondering why it felt so heavy. But didn't feel too off, so went for 115, which ties my PR for snatch balance I believe.
WOD: 10:42. Thank to Allie C for helping me keep count during this one. Definitely pushed it and that last run felt terrible. Steve, that time in unreal.
Ben Lock says
11am class
Snatch balance work
260 would have been a 5# PR. I got under and locked out but it was a little behind me so I bailed at the bottom.
WOD in 13:21 with a 20# vest
Thanks Noah, sorry for the sweat!
James A says
Saturday 7a
13.1 mile run for time
Pulled an Affronti redline out of the gates then slowed myself down to coast from Prospect Park down to Coney Island. Finished up with a nice NFT work of Brooklyn Summer Ale at the baseball field.
Fox says
James – Sounds like a great Saturday. Nice job.
Charlie – It's your ankles/calves and maybe lateral hamstrings. Prob not hips in my estimation.
Active Recovery Session
15 minutes rolling around on the mat with an orb
30 minutes NFR
10 Cal Assault Bike
20m Sled Push 100#
20m Farmer Carry 100# ea
8 Rounds + 10 cals
Lauren says
Warm up x2
8 Snatch Balance 33#, 8 OHS 45# on 2nd round
8 push ups
8 V-ups
Snatch Balance fiasco with Carissa
63# x 2, 73# x 2, 83# x 2, 93# x 2 all good…
103 x 1 x 3 not getting to full depth. I usually love working on this but my head wasn't in it today.
Metcon – 3 rounds 50 squats, 550m run in 11:42, with a dramatic finish
Game time decision to join AG because i really wanted to!
Modified the first part…
3 rounds:
3 Pike to Handstand things
:10-:15 hollow hold, log roll to :10-:15 superman hold
5 min EMOM — max strict HSPUs, then kipping HSPUs
3 strict HSPUs, 7 kipping in the first round, singles on the strict, and 3-5 on the kipping for the next 3 rounds
Last round 10 HSPUs rapid fire
I used 1 abmat. I'd like to try this again.
10 Rounds of:
250m Row, 5 Kipping pull ups, Rest
…With the following rules:
– Go all out pm erg for the amount of time it took Alan to run 270m (1:20) and note down distance rowed
– Complete 250m row
– 5 unbroken kipping pull ups (with one hand issue exception)
– Rest as long as Alan.
My split times went from 2:30 in the beginning to 1:54 — which is the fastest I think I've ever rowed.
Distances completed in ~1:20 were as follows:
178m, 178, 180, 185, 190, 195, 195, 207, 219, 202, 230!
Lots of fun today. Just what I needed.
Lauren says
I don't think it took Alan 1:20 to run 270m … Bc that doesn't make sense. But it doesn't matter.
Noah says
Jumped into 10a today, wokred to a 175# snatch balance, which didn't feel heavy, but was less organized than I'd like. Metcon in 12:54 with the Vest, which is starting to feel like a family member I hate. Fun workout, I always like ending on a run where I can really just push and suffer.
Fun day coaching after that!
David Osorio says
10:00 mobility
3 rounds
16 cal row
16 ghd sit-ups
16 sandbag walking lunges
3 sets
Paused bench press 135x8x3
Farmers carry 100m F handles +70lbs
Double Fat Bar Grace
17:23 OOF!
K HarpZ says
Ok ok ok. Everyone needs to stop what they're doing and watch this right now. I haven't laughed this hard in awhile
KLove says
Snatch balance: 63, 73, 83, 93, 103, 113 (5# PR and felt great!)
WOD in 12:34
Wish I could push myself to run faster.
Pike to handstands. These hurt my feet. Hollow and Superman holds. Didn't do all of them.
HSPU EMOM with 2 ab mats, then had to add a plate. Limited by my ability to do strict. Didn't keep track of reps but I realized I need to do strict HSPU work again.
10 rounds: 200m row, 7 pullups, rest 2 minutes.
Fastest round 1:13, slowest round 1:28
All pullups unbroken except for the third round. All rows around 47s, except for the last one which was 49s. Splits mostly below 2:00, but crept up to 2:05 occasionally in the latter rounds.
Jenny M says
Made in for the last hour of OG.
C&J: 63×2, 73×2, 83×2, 93, 103, 103, 113, 113F, 113, 118, 118F, 118 (97%). Belted from 113 up. Super happy with the two 118s, I haven't hit that in a while.
Kept going on the cleans. 123, 128 (PR), 130F, 130F, 130 (+5# PR!). 3-4 lbs off body weight whichi is the goal for June.
Tried to do 5 rounds of Cindy to gauge how I should do Murph, but ran out of time. 4 rounds in 5:28.
Charles says
9 AM with the Foxes.
Knees finally feeling good enough to return to group class and this was a perfect re-entry
with minimal modifications.
worked up to 80# overhead squat. PR.
Metcon in 10:12 with 550m rows. Really wanted sub 10 and was probably as close as I
could have expected.
GD says
10cal row
5 sumo inchworm
10 vups
PC + PJ Triples
55kg x 3 x 2
…suck at PJ, feel like a noodle
3 rounds with coach
130m run
5 China (assisted)
130m run
10 burpees
Rest 1 min.
Chins felt way strong, probs didn't need the assist, running is so much more fun at 7lbs lighter BW.