Clean and Jerk
Every other minute on the minute x 8 (15min):
3 Touch-and-Go Power Cleans +3 Power Jerks
Start at about 60% (of your best Power Clean and Power Jerk) and work up to a heavy load across the 8 sets.
Every other minute on the minute x 8 (15min):
3 Power Cleans + 2 Power Jerks or Push Presses
You can bail the first Power Cleans, but cycle the shoulder-to-overhead. Start light and add weight as appropriate across the 8 sets.
Post loads to comments.
Exposure 5 of 8
Partner WOD
With one partner working at a time, complete the following for time:
100 Deadlifts 95/65
50 Thrusters 95/65
50 Pull-Ups
100 Burpee-Box Jumps 24/20
Break up the movements however you and your partner wish. Baller status for doing the first three movements only once, i.e., breaking them up into only 1 set for each partner (if you can do them fast that way). Be sure to stand all the way up on these light Deadlifts.
Post time, Rx, and Partner to comments.
Throwback Thursday: Ray F. crosses the finish line as his fellow CFSBKers cheer at last year’s Murph Day. Have you signed up yet?
Murph Day 2016: Sign Up Today!
For time:
1 Mile Run
100 Pull-Ups
200 Push-Ups
300 Squats
1 Mile Run
In memory of Navy Lieutenant Michael Murphy, 29, of Patchogue, N.Y., who was killed in Afghanistan June 28th, 2005.
This workout was one of Mike’s favorites and he’d named it “Body Armor.” From here on it will be referred to as “Murph” in honor of the focused warrior and great American who wanted nothing more in life than to serve this great country and the beautiful people who make it what it is.
Partition the Pull-Ups, Push-Ups, and Squats as needed. Start and finish with a mile run. If you’ve got a twenty pound vest or body armor, wear it.
There is no charge for the workout, nor will it be deducted from your weekly class limit.
Yesterday’s Whiteboard: Squat / Deadlift | Row, Double-Unders, Run
Quebec Teen Uses Stars to Locate Possible Lost Mayan City CBC
How 90s TV Shows Got Drugs Hilariously Wrong Vice
6am with JB and Jess Fox
Power Clean Complex: Worked up to 198# with DanL. We climbed a little fast and hit the 198# at the 6th round, so we dropped for the remaining 2.
Metcon: 12:54 Rx* with DanL. We split the first three exercises in half and didn't struggle with the, but wow those box jumps were hard. We started out with 10 each, then went to 5's and tried not to collapse.
* Powered by rosè
6am with Jess and JB
Partnered with Michael, who gave a good description of what we did above that I won't repeat
6am with Jess and JB
Power clean complex:
135×2, 140, 145, 150, 155, 160, 165
All moved pretty well. The power jerks through 155 felt effortless. Cycling 160 and 165 was a little tougher.
WOD with James: 16:36 Rx
We split the deadlifts into 25s, thrusters into 15/10, pullups into 10s until 40 then 5s, burpee box jumps into 5s.
Total burpee box jump workout. Felt never ending. I 100% thought we only had to do 50 and when I looked at the board as James finished number 50 and saw it said 100 I just thought :'(
There was a distinct aroma of perspired rosè coming from most of the 6am crew.
Made it through 6am despite my liver battling a whole mess of pink tinted alcohol.
Perf Complex at 170#.Cleans felt fine and touch and go the whole way. Jerks started to feel heavy and disorganized.
WOD with BK in 15:52.
Deadlifts 50 each
Thrusters 15/10 each
Pull Ups 10/10/5 each
BBBJs Sets of 10
Agree with Steve that the BBJs were the worst.
After watching the group class workout all day yesterday I got the itch and jumped in at 830. Figured it would be a good opportunity to do some running in the 20# vest before Murph.
Fun workout, had DH3 to chase and Katie Egan to chase me down (!) Finished in 10:34, which was surprising. Kept row a tick under 2:00/500, DUs were 40/60, pushed the run.
Finally starting to feel truly getting back to normal, which I'm psyched about. Gotta stay smart and focused and not overreach. Hope to start mixing in a little more group class going forward.
6am with Jess and JB
Perfromance complex: (kg)
60, 65, 70, 75, 80, 80, 85, 60
Cycling heavy jerks was rough.
WOD with Zach: 17:53 Rx
We split the deadlifts 30/20, thrusters I did a few more, pullups he did a few more, burpee box jumps into 10s.
BBJ took well more than half of this workout.
mmm. rose.
7 AM with JB and Mrs. Fox.
185 on the Clean and Jerk.
17:26 on the partner wod with Juan. We probably needed to be faster on the pullups and the transitions.
It would be great if the 6 am class wouldn't make the gym smell like a bar. Or if they do, they should share. 🙂
7am with Jess and JB
Performance C&J – 145#
Could have gone to 155# but did a drop set instead to save some energy for the metcon. Was able to cycle the jerks efficiently up to 125#.
Metcon Rx with Chas – 18:55
I experienced peak gym happiness today when, after my 25th thruster, I found out that there weren't 25 more. Pushed as hard as I could up until the last few sets of box jumps when I was just ready for some coffee and sitting.
6 am with Jess and JB:
C&J Performance: Worked up to 93#. I have issues organizing the lockout on the jerk at the right time but it actually felt a little better with heavier weight b/c I just couldn't strict press it. Definitely something to keep working on, hope we have have more push jerk complexes in the future.
WOD with Kayleigh in 16:08. We each did the 50 deadlifts unbroken and then 13-13-12-12 on thrusters and 3-5 pullups at a time. Burpee box jumps were alternating sets of 10 until the end when we each did 5. Ended up being the perfect amount of rest. Such a fun one!
830 last night with Ro
Small class even with Noah jumping in.
Back Squat : 3×8 #235. These felt much easier than #225 last week. I should be able to jump 10lbs for next week. We shall see.
Metcon 12:28
Row was slow and sorta funny cause my right foot slipped off the erg around the 875m mark and Noah, who was rowing next to me, thought I was done. Which made me laugh cause I can't beat anyone in a 1000m row let alone a coach. DUs tripped up a couple times in the first 30, got into a rhythm and strung together something like 40 or 45. Last 25 or so shoulders burned out and had to break them up a couple times. Run was a slog to start but by lap 2 I was moving at a good clip. Hope theres some sort of a run in the WODs going forward towards Murph cause I'll need it.
Worked up to 175#, skipped the jerk on the later rounds.
Metcon: 15:52 Rx w/ MattyChm. Deads, thrusters, pull ups were a breeze as reported above. The burpee box jumps were awful with a gallon of rose slushing around.
Who ordered the rose? I'm pretty sure that drinking rose violates a number of CFSBK bylaws.
C&J Complex: Worked up to 118. The touch and go clean felt like more of a limiter than the jerk, which surprised me.
WOD: 16:08* with Natalie, which she rocked and outlined well above.
Technically I always bring Rose to class when I'm there (just no accent on my e – yay for last name puns).
6 AM has all the damn fun.
I doubt the 6am'ers are not having fun right now.
7 am with JB and Jess
Partnered with Jynne, yay!
Got to 88# last two rounds. All over the place today. Every set had a different issue with the cleans -out in front, then smooth it out, then don't bend arms, then…. Push jerks were all there though.
Deadlifts were fast, rx. Deloaded for thrusters and they weren't super hell. Whatever was next must have been fine because I have no memory of them. Burpee box jumps were fine on a 16" box. Since I went lower box I was trying to be boundiful and took a more-than-my-fair-share-of-rose epic fall off the box directly onto my bottom. I have a perfect imprint – almost tattoo like -of the pattern of the gym floor on my landing pad. I like box jumps. Why do box jumps hate me?
We went sub 19. Jynne did all the counting.
Perf C&J
Started at 145 and ended at 200. That got hard.
WOD with Jess, aka The Giver of No Rest
We finished in 15:55. I surely used more than half of our time.
7 a.m. w/Jess & JB.
Performance C&J complex: up to 145# (failed 155# on my third clean & wanted to save gas for the Metcon). A little all over the place this a.m. Glad to get the practice with cycling, though.
Metcon w/Brendan: 18:55, as he said. He did it Rx'ed, I subbed 15 strict chins and 10 ring rows for my share of the pull-ups. Gotta get that kip up to WOD-ready levels in time for Murph…
7 a.m. is powered largely by whisky. That's why we show up an hour later than the rosè crew.
8 am w/ Fox
Glad to be back with the 8 am crew.
Worked up to 120# on the clean and jerk complex.
Was planning to do the WOD at 75#, but Jesse shamed me into partnering with him at the Rx weight.
I forgot to note our time, but I know it was more than 20 minutes.
Split everything equally except the thrusters (he did 30, I barely made it through 20).
Jesse's pull-ups were beautiful butterflies in sets of 5. Mine were sad "kipping" singles. I gave him a LOT of rest time.
7 AM as always
Wow three cleans in a row are so much harder than one or two. I ended up just staying at 83# and trying for consistency across reps.
Partner workouts are my FAVORITE! I love them so much. So motivating and so emotionally satisfying, in a dorky way. Extra bonus treat was getting to pair with my classmate hero Shawn today. We were zooming so fast until those burpee box jumps which seemed to slow and stretch into infinity; somehow every time I looked over Brendan was sitting on the floor, like he'd never even gotten up to take a turn, and time began to warp in strange ways. Finished in 18:49. Probably we should have/could have done thrusters 10# heavier – would have added an extra minute and added a lot more misery – but as it was it got to be pure sweaty fun.
Oh and as Shawn said jerks solid no problem. It is a little perverse that I can comfortably jerk nearly 20# more than I can comfortably clean.
Got a quick session in midday before coming back to work
No hook Clean Deadlift
6am with Jess, Jess and (Kayleigh) Rosé
Clean and Jerk emom is great. Really enjoying the multiple reps. Was breathing heavy before the fun began.
Partnered with Steve, see his comments re: workout. 16 something
Box jumps were never ending. I would have gladly done the deadlifts, thrusters and pullups in exchange for someone else handling the BBJs…
Going to be a long day.
Oly Class Yesterday
Clean Pull, Hang Clean, Clean, Jerk – x5 @70%
– 103# x1 (70%), 113 x1, 103 x3
– Clean: move feet, be explosive
– Jerk: This was the 3rd time trying right foot forward on the split jerk. Still getting the feel for it, but I feel more confident.
Snatch Lift off, Snatch, Snatch – x5 @70%
– 83# x5 (75%) — these felt great so did lift off and one snatch at increasing weights
– 93#, 98#, 103# f,f,f
– 83# x2 to leave on a crisp note
FSQ – 3×5 @80%
– 123# (70%) x 5 x 3 — felt heavy :/
Push Press – 5×5 @70%
– Didn't know what 70% would be so 5 reps of each of the following weighs 63#, 73#, 83#, 93#, 98#
Noon Class Today
3 TNG Power Cleans, 3 Power Jerks E2MOM x8
– Ended up at 108#
Work-out with Carissa in 18:55 Rx
I liked this.
Congrats Carissa on your kipping pull ups!
Attempted a 30:00 AMRAP of
500m Row
4 Rounds of "Cindy"
5 pull-ups
10 Push-ups
15 Squats
Got through Row/Cindy/Row/Cindy/Row at the 18:00 mark and said bahh fuck it It's too hot outside!
Good enough!
C&J Complex: 73-83-93 (stayed here the rest of the time to dial in technique)
73 & 83 were touch and go. Switched at 93. Helpful cues from Whit and Noah: still focusing on bar path staying close and keeping weight in the middle of my foot on all aspects (pull/the dip/etc)
WOD: Partnered with JB which was the best gift EVER
12:38…. which means we beat Michael A & Dan L. I never thought I'd utter those words, but a life goal has been achieved.
Being a part of Team Evening does have it's benefits… for example, no rose!
With that said it was SO FUN to be with someone as fast as JB who really pushed me!!! DL 50/50, Thrusts 13-25 (JB)-12, Pullups JB 30 me 20 in sets of 5 or 10, BBJs in sets of 5s.
Good times!!!
Then a really good AR class with lots of stretching yoga style. So nice!
Managed to drag my hungover ass back to the gym for 7:30pm class with DO. I really wasn't feeling motivated but I'm so glad I did.
EOMOM -performance
93-103-113 x 6
Wasn't feeling too snappy.
WOD with Val in 16:17
This was fun and it was good to move. Deadlifts unbroken, thrusters in 10's and 5's, pull-ups in 5's, 3's and 2's and BBJ's in 5's.
Ran to gym with penny again today, 1.7 mi. Time = 14:29!! Including about :30 stoppage time for doggy business, waiting for stoplights, etc. Starting to get the hang of this!
snuck in to another small 5:30pm group class. just did touch n go power cleans and not the jerks since my neck is still not 100%. figured i'd work up and stop if i felt anything. was good to go though…
3 T&G power cleans:
*definitely have not done any touch and go heavier than 128 before, so that was pretty rad! 143# is like 90% of my best squat clean so… I know I can pull heavier, just gotta stand it up!
then did a power clean single at 154 which is a PR tie for power.
then put 163 on the bar and went for it… failed 3 times (Squat clean). as JB so intelligently pointed out… I did not warm up my squat more than with the empty bar. so expecting to be tight/ready in the catch all of a sudden with 163# was kinda stupid.
haha, but my pulls felt GREAT tonight and no ill effects with my neck.
7:30 with whit and Noah
Worked up to 93 on the push jerk complex. My right shoulder was soft a few times.
Started the workout with Grisselle until I thrustered the bar into my chin and chipped my tooth. Came back for a few more reps but decided the mouth pain + neck pain wasn't worth continuing. Shout out to G for finishing this alone and being so nice about it!
Thanks to Noah and whit for not laughing at me and David Osorio DDS for giving my tooth a full exam on degraw lol.