Snatch Complex
Snatch Deadlift + 3 Hang Snatch Pulls + Hang Snatch + Overhead Squat
Start at about 50% and work up to a heavy load on the complex. Focus on keeping your weight balanced toward the heels on the Deadlift and on extending vertically on the pulls.
5 attempts at a heavy load on the following complex:
Snatch Deadlift + Hang Power Snatch + Overhead Squat
Post loads to comments.
Exposure 4 of 8
5 Rounds for Reps:
1 Minute Russian Kettlebell Swings 24/16kg
1 Minute Rest
1 Minute Box Jumps 24/20″
1 Minute Rest
Post reps and Rx to comments.
Coach JB braces before a Front Squat
Win a Free Entry to the Brooklyn Rugged Maniac Race on June 25th!
Looking for an adventure? How about a day filled with 25 epic obstacles, rockin’ music, and plenty of beer? If this sounds good, you’re in luck: we’re offering 4 free entries to the upcoming Rugged Maniac race in Brooklyn on June 25th!
What Is It?
Here’s how Rugged Maniac describes the race: “Remember when you were a kid and you used to run around outside with your friends climbing trees, jumping in puddles, playing tag, and just plain having fun? Well Rugged Maniac is simply an adult version of that! We build 25+ epic obstacles for you and your friends to play on (like fire jumps, water slides, trampolines, and underground tunnels), put them in a 3-mile course, and then throw a crazy party with plenty of beer and music!”
Why Should I Enter?
Well, first, it’ll be fun! Second, as a Rugged Maniac competitor, you’ll have the chance to raise money for the American Cancer Society. Finally, the 4 winners will have the honor of representing Team CFSBK at the race!
How Do I Enter?
1. Check in at the Front Desk and complete the Rugged Maniac WOD (see below). All CFSBKers with an active membership are eligible.
2. Have a Front Desker or a fellow CFSBKer take a picture of you doing the WOD. Post the pic to Instagram, Facebook, or Twitter along with your time. Tag both CFSBK and Rugged Maniac in your post!
3. Your name will be entered into a drawing, the results of which will be announced on this here blog on Monday, May 16th.
Assault Bike 50 Calories
1 lap around the block with a sandbag
Men’s and women’s Rx sandbags will be stored near the entry at 608. Ask the Front Desk if you have trouble finding them.
Questions? Contact Josh [at] CrossFitSouthBrooklyn [dot] com.
Yesterday’s Whiteboard: Front Squat | Run, Deadlifts, Muscle-Ups
What Body-Shape Trajectory Say About Your Health NY Mag
Yesterday OG.
Clean + 3 jerks (hold split 5 seconds) 5 sets @ 60%
78 x 5
Played around with switching my feet because my back (left) leg hurts in that position and actually I feel more stable with my right foot back. Kind of strange to switch after all this time but if it feels better…
63 x 3 x 5
Back Squat- Wendler 5/3/1 week
45 x 10, 95 x 5, 135 x 5, 185 x 5, 200 x 5, 225 x 3, 255 x 5 (rep out/ PR for reps!)
Side note: 255# was what I squatted in my first Total around this time in 2014.
Good luck to everyone totaling today!!!
Front Squat
110 x 10 x 5
Press/ Wendler 5/3/1 week
45 x 5, 55 x 5, 65 x 5, 73 x 3, 83 x 5 (rep out/PR for reps!)
Bench Press
85 x 10 x 5
Loving this program. Deload next week.
Did some rope climbs (who am I??!!). I have a lot of work to do. Still finding it hard to actually catch the rope with my foot and I'm using my arms too much and I keep forgetting to breathe but I'll get there!!
10 mins assault bike (92cal)
5 Kip Swings/Pullups
10 Shoulder Taps
15 Hollow Rocks
EMOM 10 Min
10 Pistols
:30 Weighted Plank
Run 400M
25 Pushups
8am with Fox & Harpz
Fitness Snatch Complex – 115#
Big breakthrough today courtesy of a note from Katie to keep my elbows loose. I had never thought of my elbows before while snatching. First couple felt awkward, but weight flew up so kept it going. Last one felt fantastic. Yeah, I went there.
Metcon Rx – 182 Swings / 137 Jumps
Best round of swings 39, worst 32. I miscounted this originally and shorted myself 10 swings. Jumps was jumps. Last round was almost max chest bumps with MattyChm.
Happy Mother's Day to all our moms out there!
Solo parking lot wod in Ohio for me today.
10 rounds of:
100m run
10 push-ups
15 squats
-10 rounds of anything is a lot. Push-ups unbroken through 4 rounds then broken into 2 then 3 sets for the later rounds. Always did a minimum of 5 to start out though since that's how I plan to break it up for murph. Low back was tight in runs and left knee was making some noise during the squats. Too much sitting and not enough mobilizing are to blame I'm sure.
8am with Fox and Katie
Partnered with Michael A on the Perf Complex. Hit 70kg. Grip was the limiter here. Straps would be helpful here. Some unnecessary fails mixed in.
I don't remember my numbers. But I do want to apologize for entering Brendan B's personal space and making him supremely uncomfortable during the last set. I also maintained eye contact which didn't help.
10am with Fox and KHarpz.
Snatch Complex-performance
63, 73 x 3, 78 x 2, 83, 88, 93.
Kayleigh inspired me to go heavier than I normally would. Need to remember to finish my pulls but actually the snatches were pretty solid.
KB- 227 (best 48, worst 44)
BJ 133 (best 27, worst 26)
Pushed hard on the KB and was careful on the BJ because of my minor injury mentioned above.
Snatch (performance): 63, 73, 83, 88, 93, 98. Needed to remind myself to breathe between the pulls and the snatch. No misses, last one actually felt the best of the day.
WOD: 202 KB, 152 BJ
Could not keep up with Charlie's KB-game despite my best efforts.
FQS: 145 x 10 x 3. Felt better than the past few weeks.
50 Strict Pull-Ups for Time: 10:37. Had 3 left at the 10 minute cap, so just finished it. After an initial set of 3-2, just went with singles every 15 seconds, then every 10 seconds after the 8 minute mark. Surprised myself here a bit.
550 Meter Run
60 Cal Row
60 Air Squats
400 Meter Run
40 Cal Row
40 Air Squats
200 Meter Run
20 Cal Row
20 Air Squats
Finished in 17:48, I think. Those rows were brutal.
Happy Mom's Day to all our CFSBK Moms!
Noon class
Performance Snatch Complex
Started at 40kg/88lbs and worked up to 80kg/176lbs with no misses. Still jumping a little bit forward but not too egregious today. Tried to stay in a rhythm with all of these and not pause throughout. I've never been more comfortable snatching form the hang than I was during this complex.
24kg KB: All 30 per for 150 total
24" Box: All 16 per for 80 total
Definitely didn't push this very hard. Felt great to sweat and then head outside under that big ball of light and see some blue stuff.
Rugged Maniac seems like a really silly name for any thing other than an 80's pro wrestler, and maybe even that.
Ran a mile to the gym for 11 a.m. w/Katie & Noah.
Snatch Shankle complex: up to 115#. Katie pointed out I tended to almost leap backwards on my pulls instead of staying vertical and extended. Wonder if that was contributing to my nervousness in getting under the bar at heavier weights. Something to work on!
Metcon: 175 swings, 119 jumps. Swings 35 all 5 rounds. Jumps 24/22/23/25/25.
Cool down: 7×3 GHD sit-ups and a trip to the butcher's.
Saw this band from Montreal last night, Ought, at the Silent Barn — they're playing Rough Trade tonight and tickets are still available. Highly recommended.
10 AM with Katie.
Skipped snatches and did some light pressing then joined class for WOD.
Did this RxD. 35 swings per round, jumps were almost also dead even: 18, 17, 19, 18, 18
Performance snatch complex: 53-63-68-73-78-83
Did the snatch deadlift and 3 pulls at 88, but grip got tired so didn't attempt the snatch
KBS: 40×4-41: 201
BJs: 27-26-27-26-28: 335
15:47 on the WOD. I need to run more.
Happy Mother's Day!
Perf Snatch Complex (kilos)
49 = 108# = 83%
Snatch Singles: 52, 54.5 (92%), 57 FAILx3 (97%)
Snatch Triples: 45kg x3 x3
5 RDS for REPS:
1:00 row (cal)
1;00 rest
1:00 push ups
1:00 rest
ROW: 18, 19, 20, 20
PUSH UP: 20 all sets…
DNF… tweaked neck on 4th row really badly. R side shooting pain and locking up. Felt it during one of the snatches at 45 kilos and should’ve quit!!! Listen to that little tiny tweak BEFORE it gets bad! DUH.
Perf Snatch Complex/Switched to fitness at 68:
53-63-68-73 (Pr match)
Great cue from Noah: elbows higher, punch up. Made all the difference. 68 flew up and 73 (PR match) was also really solid. Wish I had had more time to go for 75 or 78.
Man, I'm pulling down on that KB hard! Still couldn't make it to 40. 37-38 every round.
Box Jumps. ALSO highly impressed by folks who were hitting 30 here. 26-28. I was going as fast as I could, though I definitely slowed down the last :15 second. SORE QUADS!!
AG: Awesome practice! Great warm-up (had a flashback to Noah's kipping pull-up workshop from a year ago PRE-AG… I felt so strong today doing pull-ups; I've come a long way thanks to AG for sure!) , pistol/:30 plank w/25# plate EMOM, and an extremely important workout of running & push-ups. I feel quite proud I ran a mile and did 100 push-ups… Gives me confidence for Murph.
Then a Griff/Rachel H. torture sesh of 6 rounds of 15 V-UPs (3 rounds with a 1 second hollow hold at the bottom). AG is the best!
Good job to the strong people lifting this afternoon and sending so much love to the mothers of CFSBK– I sincerely don't know how you make time for it all– you're AMAZING and deserve to be celebrated!
@sasha & noah crossfit teens IS at 11am. Woops! : /
Happy mother's day to all the moms out there!
8am with FoxHarpz
Fitness snatch
Worked up to 130#. Felt good today. Was able to ride most of the power snatches down until 125 then I just pop straight up the millisecond I catch it.
193 kb swings and 121 box jumps
Felt great to see the sun today.
*BJ total: 134
Grand total: 335
OG after a weekend home with the fam.
OHS worked up to 115×2 (+2# PR from last week for a single). Hoping to keep inching towards body weight for this.
Front squats: 3×10 at 118. Felt okay.
Snatch singles- worked up to 73- wrists hurt from the squats so i called it a day.
Did some alternating sets of T2B, handstands, kipping pull ups.
Lazy day.