Front Squat
3 x 10
Add weight to last week. Use full a range of motion and control.
3 x 5 Linear Progression
Add 5-10 lbs to last week.
Post loads to comments.
Exposure 4 of 8
3 RFT:
400m Run
8 Deadlifts 275/185
8 Ring Muscle-Ups
The Deadlifts should be on the heavy side but light enough that you could do a set unbroken. If you can’t string together a few Ring Muscle-Ups then scale volume so that you can do them in a few sets without a lot of failing. If you have a few ring dips and are stable in the catch then sub Jumping Muscle-Ups.
3 RFT:
400m Run
8 Deadlifts 185/125
8 Chest-to-Bar Pull-Ups
8 Burpees
Scale weight as needed to be able to perform the Deadlifts unbroken. Scale C2B Pull Ups to Jumping C2B Pull-Ups as needed.
Post time and Rx to comments.
Val K. is also happy that the weekend is here | Photo by Thomas H.
Murph Day 2016: Sign Up Today!
For time:
1 Mile Run
100 Pull-Ups
200 Push-Ups
300 Squats
1 Mile Run
In memory of Navy Lieutenant Michael Murphy, 29, of Patchogue, N.Y., who was killed in Afghanistan June 28th, 2005.
This workout was one of Mike’s favorites and he’d named it “Body Armor.” From here on it will be referred to as “Murph” in honor of the focused warrior and great American who wanted nothing more in life than to serve this great country and the beautiful people who make it what it is.
Partition the Pull-Ups, Push-Ups, and Squats as needed. Start and finish with a mile run. If you’ve got a twenty pound vest or body armor, wear it.
There is no charge for the workout, nor will it be deducted from your weekly class limit.
Yesterday’s Whiteboard: Rest Day
5 Fitness Commandments to Live By Explore
10 Inventions Predicted By The Simpsons Alltime10s
The Murph spreadsheet appears to be view-only (ie, I can't add my name). Help please?
spreadsheet has been fixed! sorry all.
Also did today's programming yesterday.
(45×10, 95×5, 125×3) 145x10x3
-felt tough today but manageable. really looking forward to 8's next week.
Fitness WOD
12:51 rx'd
-got set up and decided to not check to see if it was raining or not. well, it was really raining but it kinda felt so nice and refreshing. add DL's unbroken and all chest to bars in 5-3. Felt good to be able to get this in before a long drive.
Front squat: 105 10×3. Felt okay… Need to not be afraid of depth!
Wod: fitness RX 12:09. Deadlifts really heavy for me, but did them all "unbroken" (not touch and go though)
runs pretty slow– legs felt like lead after deadlifts & front squats!
Mostly kipping pull-ups, unbroken first set, 5-3 next two rounds.
Great workout!
FSQT: 100 x 10 x 3 – tipping forward a bit but still able to control the bar, moved pretty fast but felt heavy-ish. looking forward to 8's next week.
WOD: Rx except I scaled the CTB, did quick singles 4x each round.
Off to Beacon for the day, working all day tomorrow, Happy Mothers Day to all the mamas out there!
Fun 10am ~~~ felt surprisingly rough as I wandered into the gym. Pretty sure I can blame myself for that.
FSQ, trying not to go super heavy today & save a little bit for a long run tomorrow. Unbelted this time, 235×5 then 245x5x2. Heavy, fine.
Fitness WOD RX in 12:12. Still wary of volume DLs so made sure to break them up so I could focus on staying braced. C2Bs are definitely way better than they used to be. Burpees at a consistent medium-fastish (for me) pace. Should have pushed the runs a little bit harder, especially round 2.
8am with McLo
FSQ 195 x 10 x 3
These felt heavy today but got them all. Think lack of food yesterday did me in today.
Performance WOD 11:45 (I think) with jumping mu
First run was quick but my last was more of a shuffle.
Deadlift 8, 5-3, 5-3
Jumping mu were not too bad
Fun but tough wod after those front squats. Ate all the food after.
11am with Whit and McD
Perf. Squat:
Perf. Metcon: 14:18 Rx. Runs were a slog. Deadlifts were fine. Muscle-ups were where I spent too much time – or really the transition between deadlifts and muscle ups. Muscle ups were unbroken, 4-4, 5-3
10 AM w/McD
HBBSQ 150x10x3. The only thing that will make me love sets of 8 next week is that sets of 10 are worse!
WOD: Fitness with mods (4 strict C2B chins, 12 slam balls 20# per round instead of burpees), 11:47. I realize I could have taken on the performance Rx deadlift weight but I have just done too many damn deadlifts this week. It's my own stupid fault.
Then AR. OMG, I needed that.
11am class
Wore a belt today. Felt good. I think my best all time FSQ 3×5 is 245 which I'll do next week.
Perf WOD
Only had time for 2 rounds, had a noon client. Runs each about 2 minutes, deads unbroken, muscle ups 3/3/2, then 2/2/2/2 with too much rest. Wish the fun could have lasted.
10 a.m. w/MeLo.
FSQ: 165x10x3. Grindy and gross. Had a few good reps but also plenty ugliness — thanks to Mo for keeping me at it, and to Noah, who was passing by, for the tip about stance.
Metcon: 13:44 fitness, sub 5 strict chin-grip C2B. Kip fell apart right when I tried it so I scaled on the fly. Still felt really wiped out by the FSQs.
A/R thereafter with that breeze coming through. Super-nice.
HBBS: 185x10x2, fail on 10th rep of the 3rd set. Around the 6th or 7th set I lost count of reps, and asked my partner if he knew where I was. He did not, and as I clarified to myself which rep it was, thus becoming thoroughly distracted, I lost my rack and bailed on what would have been the 10th set. You lift with your head too.
WOD @185 lbs. I made 4 strict muscle-up attempts each round. Got all four on the first round, failed two on the second, and then failed so spectacularly on the first two attempts of the third round, that I gave up and went and did the CTB pull-ups and burpees.
You should do me this next crush week.
So many big squat and dead numbers on the blog these past weeks.
Front Squat:
115x10x 2 then 105×10
Missed the last two exposures so these were rough even though I should have been 10-15# higher!
Fitness WOD Rx'd in 12 minutes. Clock was not in view so not sure of exact time. When I walked over to the clock it say 12:03.
Run: second two were slow.
Deadlifts: unbroken
C2B: Cycled a few doubles and triples, but most were singles.
Burpees: decent speed
Fun workout!
Bonus solo time today so came in for some fitness!
115 x 10 x 2 felt fine, but really similar to last night's 5 rounds of 10 squat cleans at 95, so I redirected
Strict Pull-ups & Dips
30 total pull ups in mostly doubles some singles — these got better
20 dips mostly singles some doubles — these ran out
15 mins
5 rounds for time
15 American KB swings @20kg
5 kipping HSPUs (1 abmat — should have used plates to level off bc these felt fine)
15 hollow rocks