Front Squat
Add weight to last week. Use a full range of motion and control.
3×5 Linear Progression
Add 5-10 lbs to last week.
Post loads to comments.
3 Rounds for Reps:
1 Minute Max Cal Row
1 Minute Rest
1 Minute Max Dumbbell Thrusters
1 Minute Rest
1 Minute Forearm Plank
1 Minute Rest
Row hard! Load the Thrusters heavy enough so that you’ll probably need to break up them up into at least 2 or 3 sets. Scaling for the Forearm Plank is a Tall plank. Keep your butt, belly, and quads tight and your hips between your knees and shoulders for the entire minute. Pay attention upstream as well and don’t let your head drop.
Post reps to comments.
The gates are up! Charlie does some barbell drills at 608 | Photo by Thomas H.
The Inaugural Iron Maidens Lift ‘n’ Learn Session: Sunday, May 1st at 2:30pm
We want to keep the Iron Maidens energy and community connected between Competitions, so we thought it would be fun to get together semi-regularly to train and learn about lifting (and maybe other stuff!) from women achieving great things.
We’re happy to invite you all to the first Iron Maidens Lift n’ Learn session on Sunday, May 1st at 2:30pm.
What: 90 minutes of lifting, followed by a 30-45 minute talk/workshop/dialogue
When: May 1st, 2016 at 2:30pm
Where: CrossFit South Brooklyn, 597 Degraw Street (608 space)
Who: IM participants, and anyone’s who’s curious about IM
How Much: Free!
Our first session will likely feature: You! Bring your ideas for people and topics you want to us to cover in the future to help shape the program.
The Giants of Iceland Vice
CrossFit Hoists Olympic Lifting Into the Public Eye NBC
12 Labours Annapolis
25 bar facing burpees
400m run
15 clean and jerks 135#
800m run
15 clean and jerks
400m run
25 bar facing burpees
16:12 Rx. This felt similar to Thur metcon. Legs felt dead on the 800 and last 400 run. Also accidentally missed the turn around on the first run and probably ran closer to 550m.
Partner AMRAP 20:
10/5 Cals Assault Bike
10 Snychronized C2B
15 Synchronized Abmat Situps
20 Synchronized Air Squats
***add 5 calories to the bike every round***
***1 person working at a time on the bike, everything else is synchronized***
450 reps Rx. Assualt bike sucks. Makes you want to row. Partner with another drop in, broke up C2B into 5's and split the cals on the bike. This was a bit boring.
front squats 105x12x3
Still having knee pain issues
Wod with 25 # db because knee..
99 reps… Plus 180 plank reps according to McD
Best row was 20 cals which is a PR
9am with Melissa and McDowell
Partnered with Michael A on the front squats perf style. 175# for sets across. Moved quickly throughout. Nothing got too sticky.
WOD with green KBs since there were no 50# DBs in 608.
Rows 24/23/20
KB Thrusters 9/10/7 keeping these in an awkward front rack was the limiter here.
Planks unbroken with some impressive shakes.
Extra credit with Michael hitting some legless rope climbs and then GHDs with some added weight on the last set.
Squeezed a lot into an hour today!
8am and glad I wasn't with BK this morning.
Front squats 175# 3×12 so glad next week is dropping in reps.
WOD is a lot more difficult then it reads on paper.
Urg 23, 21, 24
Thrusters 13, 12, 14 @50#
Hit a globo gym today and did the programming
FS 185x12x3
These volume days are rough, especially with the FS gingerly cutting off your breathing for what feels like an eternity!
(Reason #1 why I hate globo gyms, "Hey bra, you done with that squat rack yet? No? Ok, we'll just stand here and wait until you are")
Snatch width deadlifts
225x3x5 (with wraps because god forbid you use chalk in a globo gym… Reason #2)
Row: 20/20/20
Single Arm KB Clean and Jerk 32kg: 10 each round
(Reason #3, someone tried to steal my rower… twice!)
(Reason #4, I couldn't find a dumbbell anywhere on the rack where they are supposed to be put away)
Good day all in all though.
10 a.m. w/MeLo & McDowell.
FSQ: 145x12x3. Actually moved a little better than last week. Still glad to see sets of 12 go.
Metcon: Row 29/25/25, Thrusters 11/10/10 @ 45#, Planks… mediocre. Getting the movement of my hips to go independent from my lower back is tough when exhausted.
A/R thereafter, in which the comic range-of-motion limitations of my lower extremities were revealed and worked on.
Cash-out: sitting at home with a protein shake blasting "The Beautiful Ones" out my window.
"We will draw the curtain and show you the picture…" -Shakespeare, "Twelfth Night"
"Dig, if you will, the picture…" -Prince, "When Doves Cry"
Anyone seen my gainz?
A relatively new jar of C4 orange creamsicle has turned up missing. That stuff is esspensive so please let me know if you've seen it. Thanks!
Front squats: 175x12x3
WOD modified to do one-arm DB presses.
Saturday 8am
First time front squatting since wrist surgery and was surprised at how good I felt. No wrist problems and my hands did not go numb.
120lb 3×5
Row 19/18/19
Thrusters 25lb DB 15/15/16