Lots of fitness happening in this great photo by Thomas H.
- Schedule change: Tonight’s 6:30pm Active Recovery class is cancelled.
- CrossFit HQ reposted our CrossFit Kids Rules on Instagram. It’s adorable. Check it out, and hey… follow us, too, while you’re at it!
The Look Feel Perform Better Challenge Winners: 2nd Place!
We’re so proud of everyone who recently completed the Look Feel Perform Better Challenge, our 12-week collective kick-start toward healthier nutrition and recovery habits in the New Year. Among the dedicated CFSBKers who rethought their diets, counted macros, and put in quality time with the foam roller, three women and three men stood out to us as winners. We annouced the 3rd place winners yesterday, and we’ll announce the 1st place winners tomorrow. We’ve also asked them to tell us a bit about the “secrets” to their success. Today we’re pleased to announce the 2nd place winners: Jenny and Evan.
Jenny M.
Before (L), After (R)
“Consistently tracking and hitting my macros was a huge part of my success in the challenge. My Fitness Pal helped me learn exactly what I could eat on my mostly vegan diet so that I could hit my macros and still enjoy my food (yes, even protein!). The app and tracker also helped to keep my accountable: if left to my own devices, I’m much more likely to skip the protein shake or have a bunch of sweets. However, allowing myself to enjoy life and exceed my macros on certain days helped to make these dietary changes sustainable–I can only stay away from pizza for so long! Having a great group of friends, including my challenge buddy Erin Musni, to help me celebrate my successes and laugh at my failures was also invaluable.”
Evan H.
Before (L), After (R)
“There were really 2 primary aspect that helped contribute to my success, a supportive wife and how I felt. My wife decided to take on the dietary portion of the challenge with me, so we would work together to plan our meals, which we found to be essential to changing our eat habits. It is also nice to partner with someone for group accountability, this is especially true when scrounging for snacks (i.e., I’m much more likely to grab an apple & peanut butter instead of chips if the boss is around). The other reason was when I followed the guidelines of the competition, I ALWAYS felt better. After a couple of weeks the urge to eat the wrong foods or skip my active recovery was almost completely removed…oh yeah, I forgot about the cheat meal…god bless the cheat meal. (But only 1 per week.)”
Yesterday’s Whiteboard: Ring Dips | Wall Balls, Box Jumps
Is Strength Training for Kids Safe? Fitness HQ
Trippy Images Reveal What Brains on LSD Look Like NY Mag
Wednesday's Programming
Back Squat
Add weight to last week. Use full ROM and control.
3×5 LP
Add 5-10 lbs to last week.
Warm up and perform one heavy (and perfect) set of 10 reps, heavier than last week. Touch and go is permitted.
Post loads to comments.
Exposure 2 of 8
10 1-Arm KB Swings, Left
10 1-Arm KB Swings, Right
10 Goblet Reverse Lunges, Left
10 Goblet Reverse Lunges, Right
5-10 Strict C2B Pull Ups
Keep the shoulder of the swinging arm packed down and back and the entire upper back engaged. Work up to a challenging weight for the swings and lunges. If you want to spice things up a bit then perform all the swings and lunges as a complex, i.e., without putting the bell down to rest. Use a prone grip for the pull ups. Focus on fully engaging your lats by lulling your shoulders and elbows down and back on the way up. Scale to regular pull ups and/or bands or ring rows as needed.
Post work to comments.
These winning LFPB peeps are amazing…makes me wish I had done it. Congrats all so far.
3 Rounds
10 med ball tucks
5e side kossacks
5 yoga push ups
A: Muscle up/Muscle up transitions 8x :03 2 Position Hold (Pass through, Support)
perform 3 Dragon flags between each set
3 Rounds
Run 270m
12 Toes to bar
20 OH Walking lunges 45/25
Yay!!! Congrats Jenny and Evan! Looking good!!
Congrats Jenny and Evan!! You guys both look great.
Killing it JM!
Hopped next to Coach's Endurance folks
BSQT 80% 3×5… Used to be 3×8 but never would've gotten through my programming before school
Snatch 55% 3×3, 60% 2×2
CJ 55% 3×3, 60% 2×2
Snatch High Pulls 70% 3×5
—I suck at these in terms of getting tall and pushing through my feet. Tried to slow them down but I don't think I did very well on these still. Damn it.
6am is no joke and I don't plan on making this a habit.
these before and afters are amazing! Jenny & Evan KILLED IT! congratulations.
Holy moly, Evan and Jenny! Way to go! You guys look incredible!
In less incredible news, voted at 6:30 a.m., then went to do Wednesday's work at 7:00 a.m. w/Nick.
BSQ: 165x12x3. 10# jump from last week. Nick gave me some helpful advice about keeping mindful about my collarbones (as opposed to my chest or head) that made a real difference in my second two sets (last set in particular). Going to work hard internalizing that as the weight goes up and the reps go down next week.
DL: 205×10. 20# jump from last week. Light-ish again for me, but I'm taking this cycle to work hard on deadlift form.
NFT work w/the 16 kg bell (last round w/20 kg because why not) & non-C2B strict pull-ups. Slow and steady.
Yea Jenny! Team All Castro Oiled Up representing! These results from everyone are amazing!
6am squats with McD
Apparently all the 6amers were voting since it seemed like no one showed up
HBBS – 195 x 12 x 3
Still moved pretty well. Few depth issues first set but everything had loosened up for sets 2 and 3 and McD said they all looked good. Aim for another 10# jump for the sets of 10 next week.
Deadlift – 275 x 10
Felt infinitely better than last week. Still felt pretty light so I'll aim to do another 20# jump next week.
NFT work – got through 3 rounds. 2 rounds of white kb and one round of green kb. 5 strict c2b each round. This work felt a little too much like squatting and deadlifting so 3 rounds were enough for me.
Remember to vote if you are registered with either party!
Great job Jenny and Evan!
7am with NickDowell
BSQ – 125# x 12 x 3
10# jump from last week. Moved alright. Weight is fine, I just feel gassed by rep 10.
NFT – Leisurely 3 rounds
16kg on the swings. Weight was light, but first time ever doing 'Murican swings with one arm. Step ups to a box as my foot is no bueno. 5 strict chest to bar each round.
Cash out – 3×10 GHDs
Jenny ♥ ♥
Congrats to everyone so far, Francine Mo and Evan!
Since I'm here posting… yesterday's Starting Stremgth class:
LBBS: 170 5×2, 3rd set rep out at 9.
Turns out my bar is positioned way too low lately which makes send why my positioning has been off sometimes! But felt good despite getting sweaty on that final set! Rep outs, man….
Bench Press: 85 5×2, 3rd set rep out at 8.
Feeling good about my wider grip now, easier to also correct my elbows tucking in as well because of it!
About 1 month out until my USAPL meet which is making me nervous yet excited!
Want a surefire way to eat, feel and perform better?
Join the fish CSA!
Seriously, I am a longtime CSA proponent, but the FISH CSA transformed my LIFE last summer.
Coach Whitney would also be happy to sing the praises of the fish share – ask her about it!
You simply cannot buy a retail equivalent of this product; it's straight out of the water, super local, never frozen, and better tasting than anything from a shop. If you've caught fish and cooked it yourself, you've had this experience. If you haven't, you are in for a treat!
Other things that make this CSA special:
– how easy it is to freeze the product if you can't cook it right away (no waste!)
– the small sizes of the shares (one or two pounds) are not overwhelming
– how easy it is to PAUSE your share if you go on vacation
– wide availability of recipes and cooking suggestions via the vendor and yours truly ๐
The cost per pound is just $17, far less expensive than retail for wild-caught fish.
If you have questions, feel free to ping me at mignyc at gmail dot com. You can sign up at bigcityfishshare dot com.
The season starts June 11.
Jenny and Evan, wow way to go!! Nice work in and out of the gym!
Wow Jenny, way to go! And fueled purely by vegetables & legumes. Awesome!
Hey people, the fish CSA is the bomb! Can't wait!!
Yesterday's- ran 5.75 miles ave 8.29 per mile.
Weightlifting Club.
Jerk ( 5 second hold at bottom)
78 x 3, 88 x 3 x 2, 93 x 3 x 2
Worked on keeping weight balanced and front leg parallel to ground.
Snatch- pause at knee, pause at hip x2, OHS
Worked on keeping weight in backs of heels and jumping up (a foot!) not forwards.
Snatch jumping pull
93 x 3 x 2, 103 x 2 x 2, 108 x 2 x 3.
Again worked on trying to jump up a foot!
5 x pull-ups
15 x push-ups
10 OHS (barefoot with white bar)
Bench press
95 x 5. 110 x 5, 122 x 8 (rep out)
50 x 10 x 5
Snatch- hip, knee, floor pausing at knee and hip each time- 73 x 5.
Power clean, jerk, clean, front squat.
108 x 3, 113 x 2
7:30pm with KHarpz
Ring Dips 6 across with 8 on the rep out. Same reps as last week but felt stronger and was definitely more vertical/hollow at the bottom.
Metcon in 5:44 Rx
Francine, Mo, Jenny, and Evan- you guys look incredible! Congrats!
Monday's WOD:
Tempo bench:
Rep out: 10 reps at 30#
WOD in 6:40
Should've no repped myself about 5 times on the wall balls but just didn't have it in me today. Box jumps were terrible. I could barely jump high enough.
ow ow!!! Jenny & Evan lookin' good! Mo & Francine, too! Really inspired by your dedication and smokin' bods! ๐ Congratulations!!!
@Brad L For all our sakes, we really wish you would have done the challenge too.
6:30 doing Monday's workout
Mostly 4's, some sets of 3s on the dips after Whit really helped me to get to full depth. Gotta get a muscle-up and it's not going to come from a shallow dip! 4 on the rep out, and I think they were solidly low!
6:10 on the metcon. Can't believe Kayleigh did it in 5:03. My legs felt like lead on the box jumps, but glad I did it all unbroken even if it was slow compared to my usual box jump speed!
Awesome AG again. Great practice on lots of gymnastics skillz and good times with walking OH lunges! Love those! Tuesday AG & Thursday AR are my fun nights of the week ๐ Bye!
Thanks everyone! You're all so sweet ๐
7:30 with Kharpz
Close grip DB bench with 30s. 6 reps for each.
Did a few ring dip negatives… That whole pushing back up part is a different story.
Wod RX 6:00. Quads on fireeeee !
Congratulations Evan and Jenny!
I spent every chance I had on my bike or outside today — it changes everything.
Session today with McDowell in Haiku
Lap, then Iron Scap
Next I worked on my Split Jerks
Butterfly Ab Wheel
Oh and congrats Evan! You look amazing!