Back Squat
Build up to a heavy 10 on the Back Squat. Use spotters, but the goal is no failing. Suggested starting weight is about 60% then go by feel from there. When heavy enough, on longer sets like this, you won’t simply bounce from one rep to the next all the way through. Take your time and get set at the top for each one. Stay tight and work on controlling your breathing.
Post loads to comments.
For Time:
25 Toes-to-Bars
15 Power Snatches 95/65
30 Calorie Row
15 Power Snatches 95/65
25 Toes-to-Bars
Scale the Toes-to-Bars as needed to Hanging Leg or Knee Raises. The Snatch weight is meant to be light enough to go unbroken on the fast end, with no more than 3 sets on the slow end. Don’t sandbag the row!
Post times and Rx to comments.
Coach Ro on the podium at the 2016 National Masters Weightlifting Championship. We’re proud of you, Ro!
Next Level Weightlifting Club at CrossFit South Brooklyn
Want to get better at Olympic lifting? Next Level Weightlifting Club at CFSBK offers Olympic lifting, strength training, and mobility all in one. Weightlifting classes are held in two-hour windows and taught by Coach Frank Murray, one of the best weighlifters in the country. While there is a start to every class, you are allowed to show up at any time during the two-hour training session to lift. Those involved receive the week’s programming. which they can either do during the training session or on their own during Open Gyms. If you are unable to participate in class on a regular basis, you also have access to Coach Frank via e-mail and can submit videos to be evaluated and critiqued. Think of him as your personal coach.
Next Level Weightlifting Club has been running at CFSBK for several months with great success. Frank recently answered some frequently asked questions about the program. Enjoy!
Do I need a lot of experience to participate in Next Level Weightlifting Club?
NLWC is for all levels. In fact, we encourage beginners to join! The sooner you start, the better foundation we can build. If you spend too much time trying to teach yourself or waiting until you’re “good,” it will be harded to break bad habits. So, the sooner you join the better!
Why should I join NLWC?
The Olympic lifts are among the most practiced exercises in CrossFit and are some of the most technically challenging movements. Learning how to lift properly will improve overall coordination, build strength and flexibility, and reduce your chance of injury. The Olympic lifts are also full-body movements with high transferability to other CrossFit skills. Look at athletes such as Matt Fraser. With only a background in weightlifting, he was able to become a top CrossFit athlete within a year!
I don’t want to stop CrossFitting. Can I do both?
Yes! In fact, we created the program just for that reason! CrossFit and weightlifting should be done in conjunction. That is, CrossFitters should always be practicing the Olympic lifts (with greater or lesser degrees of frequency, depending on training goals, of course).
Is this program just for weighlifting, or would I do strength training as well?
In short, YES, we do a lot of strength training! Olympic weightlifters are the strongest athletes on the planet, and while their technique, speed, and flexibility are tremendous, it’s their strength that separates them from other athletes! We can teach you proper technique. but without additional emphasis on strength training, it would be possible to reach your full potential. That’s why we incorporate exercises such as Back Squats, Front Squats, Presses, Snatch Pulls, and Clean Pulls into the program. Our goal is to make you as strong and as technically proficient as possible.
What are the pricing options? What if I can’t be there on a regular basis?
We offer 2 classes per week, which last 2 hours per class. Classes meet on Monday and Wednesday nights from 7 to 9pm. Our recurring monthly membership rate is $150. That option gets you access to our weekly programming and to me as your coach!
If you can’t make those times on a regular basis, we also have 10-class punch card ($250) and drop-in ($30) options! Finally, if you want to keep CrossFitting at CFSBK, you can add 2 group classes/Open Gym sessions a week (8 classes total) for an additional $100 a month!
If I can’t make it regularly, is it really worth it?
Absolutely! Even if you only drop in occasionally, I can give you important feedback that you can take away and work on outside of NLWC. In just one class, we can identify what aspects of your lifting need work and how best to improve.
What if I can’t make it on time or can’t stay for the entire class?
Not a problem. NLWC is an Open Gym-style class. The idea has always beenthat members could do just that: come in when they can and work on the lifts they want to work on while being coached. You can show up at anytime and leave at anytime. Also, we’ve tweaked the schedule a bit: Classes now run from 7 to 9pm!
Can I follow a different program but still get feedback on my form?
As long as the program is safe and you’re practicing Olympic lifts, that’s fine!
Yesterday’s Whiteboard: Muscle-Ups | Kettlebell Swings, Burpee Box Jumps
Can an Outsider Ever Truly Become Amish? Atlas Obscura
4 Sumo Inchworm w/ 4 Shoulder Taps
8 ea Lateral Box Step Up
12 V Ups
B) EMOM 10 Min
3-5 HSPU Negative
:30 Hollow Hold w/ PVC
For Time:
2 Minutes Double Unders
2 Minutes Pullups
Rest 1 min
90 sec Double Unders
90 sec Pullups
Rest 1 min
60 sec Double Unders
60 sec Pullups
Rest 30 Sec
30 Sec Double Unders
30 Sec Pullups
Nice work Ro!
8 AM with the Foxes.
Back Squats:
65# x 8
75# x 10
85# x 10
95# x 10 (pr) plus some spotting foibles
MetCon in 7:41 at 55# with knees to chest.
best of all, after lots of coaching, I actually got one power snatch- "wait, that's what it's supposed to feel like"
– felt really good.
7am con Los Zorros
Opening Day Back Squats
Got to 135×10 on the high end. PR here for a set that big was around 140 last cycle and today's weight moved well. Probably had more there.
Metcon @ 75# – 9:40
My TTB kip evaporates quickly. Strung together 13 in the first round and maybe 7 on the back side before moving to strict. Progress I guess. Snatches were a little sloppy today. Good tips for the future from CMTF.
Cash Out – 3 block walk into the wind. It was so strong, people in cars on 4th Ave were laughing at me laughing at myself battling it.
Let's go Mets!
You mean 8am, Brendan. 8am.
9am with the Fox Fam
Back Squats
Could have gone heavier on these if I was willing to risk failure.
WOD Rx'd in 8:37
T2B 15/5/5
Snatch 10/5
Row 1:45
Snatch 6/5/4
T2B 5 then quick singles
9am with the Foxes
HBBS 165 x 10, 185 x 10, 205 x 10
All moved well. Could have gone heavier but wanted to take it easy on my hip.
Wod 10:00 Rx.
Purposely took it easy and moved with form to avoid any stress on my hip.
Ttb 10-5-singles
Snatch 5-5-5
Row at 1200 cal/hour
Snatch 5-5-5
Ttb – singles
My ttb kip always disappears after my first set of them.
Biking home was almost impossible.
Can I please brag for a minute? I'm now ranked the 8th fastest crossword solver in America, and first in Brooklyn (although, admittedly, the latter is only because my friend Francis moved to Manhattan).
LBBS: 155×10, 175×10, 185×10. When we were doing sets of 12 I was able to do 195, but this felt plenty heavy for the day.
WOD: 12:07 scaled down to 20 T2B each instead of 25.
Congrats, Ro!
In my significantly lesser accomplishment book, I went to 9 a.m. class w/the Fox Force.
Back squats: 165×10/175×10/185×10. Good tip from Fox about pressing into the bar meant I got a few good reps in late, but still struggling with pitching forward on volume squat days.
WOD: 9:30 scaled to 10 strict TTBs per round. Should've done 15 but I was nervous about coming back to them after 30 power snatches at 95#. Still weird to hear my toes clank into the bar… had a couple no-reps on the back end because I got my feet all the way up there, surprised myself at the fact that I did so despite being fatigued etc., and didn't actually touch the bar with them.
Noon class
Back Squat
Felt good, a bit conservative.
WOD Rx'd
T2B: 8/7/6/4, then 6/5/3/3/3
PSN: 6/5/4, then 6/3/3/3
C2: Slow
That was grippy and I rested too much. Tough day at the gym today.
10am with Fox and KHarpz.
15 x squats
10 x push-ups
5 x pull-ups
Worked on high hang snatches while everyone squatted because I squatted yesterday.
Beginning to feel what I am doing wrong which is progress.
WOD Rx in 8:39
Fun workout!
Lost some time on the T2B- did a couple of sets of five in the beginning but had to break them up into threes, twos and singles after that. Wasted a few reps swinging and missing. In retrospect should have tried smaller sets from the beginning. My arms are wrecked from all those KB swings yesterday! Snatched were unbroken for the first round but I kept landing on my toes. Figured it out for the second round and broke them up into three sets. I blame my flat shoes.
Ran to and from the gym. Gotta get the miles in.
Congrats again Ro and congrats Stella!
205/225/240 225&240 w/ belt
WOD Rx 11:09 Slow end
T2B 7/7/6/5
PS 7/5/3
Row once i got started was 1:1
PS 7/5/3
T2B 4……2….HA
Fox Family Production at 9:00
Up to 185 on the 10's. Lighter than I should have gone.
A grippy 8:36 RX.
CONGRATS, RO! There was no question you'd be on the podium!!!!
I back squatted 3X12 at 95 on Friday… so today I did 90-95-100 X 10. That's partially why I don't like the unpredictability of this cycle. (It was really good for the open though)
Almost RX'd the workout thanks to Jason M., but ended up scaling to 53# and still needed to do them as singles… so prob a good choice. TTB were my strongest, snatches were my weakest Surprisingly I'm getting better at rowing– it's a miracle!
AG was lots of good practice. Go to this class to get the skillz fo sho.
Lastly, I have *GOT* to drop in to Frankie's class. I think tomorrow's the night.
Oh yeah— GO STELLA!!! You are seriously amazing and I'm in awe of your intelligence and feel so lucky to know such a smart woman!
Partnered with Mike for some BSquats
165 x 10, 185 x 10, 195 x 10
In hindsite, should have gone heavier, but haven't done these in a while so kept in conservative. All weights moving well today.
WOD Rx 9:13
T2B 16-5-4, Snatch 5-5-5, 30 Cal between 1000-1200 (tried catching Dan)…
Snatch 5-4-3-3, T2B 6-5-4-singles rest of the way.
Great WOD
Make up post yesterday Saturday
After some killer coaching tips (courtesy of Whit) and an extra session with Professor Affronti I got my first strict muscle up.
WOD partnered with Michael A and Brad L 23:23. This was absolutely brutal, found a new dark place there yesterday with an unexpected visit to the pain cave. I don't even think Michael or Brad slowed down on this WOD at all. The KB got heavy quick on this.
worked up to 45# plate deficit HSPU negatives and 25 second hollow holds.
WOD: can't remember the DU reps, i think 130, 79 ,50. and pull ups were meh: 16,9,4
HBBS 135×10, 145×10, 155×10 (76%). These felt really strong. I'm shooting to hit 210 for a new 1RM before June.
Did some RDLs at 103, split squats with 20-25# DBs, and weighted hip bridges at 103-123.
Today's WOD at 53# in 12:27. My hands were so sore from the past few days that I just couldn't stay on the bar. Snatches in sets of 5, row was fine.
Happy for a rest day tomorrow!
Arturo — Congrats again!! Sounds like it was a great meet experience.
Kayleigh – Wow. Nice squatting!
After two days of not being able to make it in, I really worked out today! I know this because as I was leaving OG, Whit said, "Lauren, you're sweaty?!"
Warm up x 3
:30 jumping rope
6 hand stand attempts
:30 supine grip hang from the bar
Various warm ups at 25kg
35kg from the hang and from the deck a few times
40kg x 1 x 3
44kg x 1 x 2
45 kg x 1
48 kg failed forward
45 kg x 1 x 3
HBBS 10-10-10 starting at 60% of 90kg
55kg, 59kg, 60kg — Don't know what I was thinking. I should have done at least 5 kilo jumps each set.
Saturday's conditioning with Ryan
We did 20 rounds split between us instead of using a ghost as a 3rd partner
Rx in 16:08
Congrats Arturo!
LBBS: 125×10, 135×10, 145×10
Didn't feel heavy, but core stability is always a struggle.
WOD: in 10:31 with 53# snatches.
Should've been able to do this as Rx but snatch warmups didn't go so well. My traps and forearms are shot from the American swings yesterday. Struggled with the T2B too today. Couldn't get a rhythm going to string them together. Fun WOD despite it not going as planned.
2 min, 1 min, 30s
DUs: 71, 28, 13
Pullups: 33, 18, 10
Loved this WOD and def want to use it as a benchmark since my DUs need so much work and because I think I could've done better on the pullups if I wasn't sore and fresh off of the WOD from group class. Forgot the first round was 2 minutes (thought it was a minute) so started with sets of 7 pullups which was a bit ambitious. Was on my 23rd-ish rep when Noah said one minute remaining, but had to go to singles at that point.
Weekend make-up posts:
Saturday 11 am w/ McDowell & Noah
MU transitions
Rushed these, frustrated McDowell with my inability to understand/follow directions
WOD (w/ Morgan & Karl): 26:36? — Rx'd on the weight/height, but with Russian swings.
Love a team workout. So much rest!
Sunday AG w/ Noah
Got to practice three things I'm determined to master this year — HSPUs, doubles, and kipping pull-ups.
And then back at Strength Cycle this morning:
LBBS 197.5 x 5 x 3
Struggled with depth.
Bench 150 x 5 x 3
DUs 255 x 3 x 1
Was supposed to do 5, but Jeremy called it after the third rep because I just couldn't set my back.