Row/Front Squat
Every 5 minutes:
In 3 minutes…
20 Calorie Row
7 Front Squats, as heavy as possible
Row the 20 calories hard and get right to the Front Squats. Work up to a max 7-rep Front Squat for the day.
Post times and loads to comments..
Do you love veggies as much as Coach David does? Read on to find out how you can acquire the veggies!
- Did you catch Adrian Bozman repping CFSBK during 16.4?
- Schedule Change: This Saturday’s 11am Active Recovery class is cancelled, but you can still get your AR in on Sunday at 11am!
Common Hands Farm CSA: Sign Up Today!
Happy Spring! Getting fit and eating well starts now. We have your direct hook-up to fresh produce grown upstate, and its time to sign up to reserve your membership today!
In its fifth year, Common Hands will deliver CSA shares right next door to 575 Degraw (Brooklyn Boulders) on Tuesdays from 6 to 8:30pm.
What is a CSA Share?
It is a membership to a farm where you get an exclusive deal on fresh organically grown vegetables delivered straight from the farm to you! Once you pay the upfront membership fee (payment plans available) you receive a weekly delivery from the farm starting in June through November.
Why Should You Join?
Beyond receiving freshly harvested and health-giving food, grown cleanly with no pesticides or herbicides, you are also putting your money where your mouth is, and supporting the local food economy. This is food from real farmers, and by buying a share you are supporting small organic farms. We grow food for you, period. We are not a distributor or large conventional farm with lots of employees, but real down to earth people. On our farm, a team of less than ten people work to grow food for upwards of 200 members each year… and we care what you eat!
We offer Full and Half Vegetable Shares that can be paired with the optional Full or Half Fruit & Egg Share. A Full Share picks up weekly, while the Half Share picks up bi-weekly. Veg shares are $615 for a weekly (“full”) share or $375 for an every-other-week (“half”) share. Fruit and eggs can be purchased in addition to Veg Shares and are bundled together: a full share is $280 and a half share is $140. Pending interest, Flower Shares may be available as well.
Remember, your pick-up location is just down the block at Brooklyn Boulders!
Go to for details or click here to sign up directly! Questions? Email the farm at commonhandsfarm [at] gmail [dot] com, or the gym’s CSA coordinator, Michele, at mignyc [at] gmail [dot] com.
Chris Spealler on the “Chest Up” Cue Instagram
The “Not Face” is a Universal Part of Language Science Daily
6 AM with McNick
my goal was to get to 85# on the final set (115 1rm)
65# x7 1:35
75# x7 1:37
75# x7 1:39
80# x7 1:51
85# x7 1:54
psyched to get there and to push myself a little; completely wiped out at the end.
6am with Nick
Did not keep track of time except to say that each row was about 1:00. Squats were:
Rows were all about a minute.
Front Squats were 135/145/155/175/175. Started at about 90 seconds and ended up closer to two minutes on the last round.
This was followed by a nice NFT cool down of putting away James' weights for him since he couldn't be bothered.
6am with McDowell
Rows all under 45"
FSQ 135, 155, 165, 175, 185
So many thoughts and feelings about today's picture.
6:30am Strength Cycle
LBBS: 195 x 5 x 3
As Jeremy says, they're slow but they're moving.
Strict Press: 102.5 x 5 x 3
Strict Chins: Two unbroken sets of 9, then a third set broken up 6-2.
8 a.m. w/Nick.
Longest row 0:48, shortest 0:43. Squats all done in about a minute at 135 each round (except round 1, which was shorter at 125, and round 3, which was a few attempts to clean 145 before dropping back down).
Both in this and in that "sprint 270m then max cleans" workout we had a little while back, I found myself going all rubbery and not getting under the bar when trying to clean anything above 135 or so, even though I know my clean PR when I'm not under pressure (175) hasn't changed during my time in the LFPB challenge. I think what's happened is I'm no longer able to fake it, basically — I don't have the mass required to just heave the bar to where it needs to go anymore if I'm not tight at the beginning and focused on getting the mechanics of the pull down right. Definitely something I'm going to work on next time we do cleans outside of a metcon.
8AM with Nick
WOD @ 115, 125, 135, 145, 155
In retrospect, I was probably a little too apprehensive of how the squats were going to feel after the rows, and could have done this beginning at 135.
WOD at 115, 115, 125, 125, 135. Fastest was the first round in 1:20, slowest was the last at 1:57. Slowed down the rows each time to accommodate for the weight. Was using the 45lb bar, so had to mentally prep a little for the clean each time.
Followed by some GHD (10-10-10) and pull-ups (3-3-3-3-3 strict, 3 kipping because by not).
Noon class
All rows pulled in 25-26 strokes at about :55
All FSQ at 80kg/176lbs
I figured I would go up to about 205 but the erg, as per usual, changed things. Fun afternoon at the gymnasium.
James – You are truly a classless act. Thanks god for the Matty Chyms of the world.
Took one look at this WOD on the blog yesterday and was, like, "Nope!" (In my defense, I would have had to modify all the things.) So I came in and did the strength thing instead.
HBBSQ 170x5x3. Maybe might be able to switch back to low bar soon? Super-setted these with 8 GHD situps after each set.
Press (football bar): 70x5x3. Getting hard.
Then 7 min on the assault bike. Ugh.
I love Common Hands CSA! Happy returning customer right here.
Noon class
Rows: :45 :45 :50 :55 :55
FSQT: 83# 88# 88# 93# 98# – wow, uncomfortable!!! Wanted to hit 103 but it wasn't in the cards today.
When you are as beautiful and full as me the weights just put themselves away!
Hey now, lets not forget about me.
Front Squat
45 x 10, 75 x 5, 95 x 5, 120 x 5, 140 x 5, 160 x 5
Back Squat
130 x 10 x 5
Noon class with McRo.
1. 1:17 103#
2. 1:14 113#
3. 1:19 118#
4. 1:25 123#
5. 1:52 128#
This was fun and I was able to fully recover between each round. messed up on the erg on the last round and pulled out the stretcher thingies right before we started so rowed not strapped in and had to stop halfway through because it was taking way longer! Also missed a clean in that last round cause this is heavy for me. I somehow snuck under my second attempt but it was embarrassingly ugly.
Pull-up pyramid
2 rounds
10 x abwheel
15 x GHD sit-ups
After 16.5 on Monday (and the end of the open), I'm taking it a little easy this week.
Yesterday recovery session with McDowell and a lot of AR-style mashing and stretching on my own.
Today I took the last class in Prema Yoga's original space before they move a bit up Court Street. I recommend this studio. Then about 45 mins to get some squats etc in.
Warm up
30 cal row
16 split squats
8 inch worms w push up :08 negative
4 chins, 4 pull ups w :08 negative (singles)
FSQ — 80% x5x3
15 x8
35 x5
45 x5
55kg x5x3
Shoulder Accessory work x3 — Arturo walked me through this last week and it really helped with a problem I've been having in my left shoulder
10 ea side 8kg single arm high pulls
OH walk single arm 40#, 45#, 50#
Single arm DB press 6 ea @25#, then 10 ea @20# on last 2 sets
Supine grip hang from the bar :10-:20
Row/Front Squat
Every 5 minutes:
In 3 minutes…
20 Calorie Row
7 Front Squats, as heavy as possible
Due to time. I did E3MOM
5:30 class today… unfortunately my clean 1RM is only ~70% of my front squat 1RM so this workout was mostly about "how much can I clean when I'm tired." Not enough, as it turns out…
Finished all sets in the 1:20-1:24 range, rows around 45" I think? Wasn't paying attention to row time. 155, 165, 175, 185F clean 2x & then crushed something optional but nevertheless cherished, 165.
Was annoyed about round 4 so pushed the row pretty hard in round 5. Very close to getting 185 but my right elbow was really slow and didn't make it around in time. Had the same problem when I went back to 165 but forced the bar up anyway and reset at the top.
Prehab mobz: glute bridges, clam shells, pelvic tilts, bird dogs x 10 x 2
Then did a modified version of today's wod:
Every 4 mins for 6 total rounds
10 cals, assault bike
10 goblet squats.
-ascending in weight each round bw, 8kg, 12kg, 16kg, 20kg, 24kg
-finished the bike in about :45 each round and completed each round in under 1:30. Tried to be very deliberate about each squat.
Cashed out with tabata forearm and side planks-4 rounds each.
@jack l, glad you commented about the pic because I was thinking the same thing!
Get your minds out of the gutter, people. Everyone knows DO doesn't even like food and would rather eat an astronaut nutrition pill
1. 1:32 83#
2. 1:34 83#
3. 1:37 93#
4. 1:34 93#
5. 1:44 103#
Knees were crashing in on the squats so didn't add weight each round. Everything felt heavy today.
7:30 with Melo and Nick
Everything felt heavy today.
Didn't pay much attention to the time- always well under 2:00
4:30PM group class! This was so fun!!!
133# (belt)
first three rounds were about 1:25-1:30, fourth was 1:35, fifth was 1:45 (took an extra few moments to chalk and tighten the belt before cleaning it)
first rep of each set was a squat clean. this was uncomfortable even at 93# but i'm glad i kept going up. first row was weirdly slow and then i picked it up and was done in about :43-:45 each time after that. (evening classes were doing 15 cal for women, even though it doesn't say that on the blog here).
3×5 butterly pull-ups after, just for kicks
@ladyfox, thank you for making me feel less alone in the world.
@josh s., there is nowhere to go after looking at that picture except the gutter. it is a portal to the gutter.
I actually do know that! Haha! DO laid that little gem on us during a question of the day like 3 years ago and I've never forgotten!
Just watched the video of Ro vs. Boz in 16.3… 2017 open goal is beat Ro and Boz.. and DO.