Snatch Balance
Work up to a heavy single Snatch Balance. Focus on being fast under the bar with elbows locking out as your feet land. Stabilize the catch before recovering. If your Overhead Squat is less than ideal for the Snatch Balance (which requires a dynamic catch in the position), then perform a Snatch Grip Push Press + Overhead Squat instead.
Post loads to comments.
AMRAP 8 Minutes:
3 Overhead Squats 115/80
3 Burpees
6 Overhead Squats 115/80
6 Burpees
9 Overhead Squats 115/80
9 Burpees
…Add 3 reps per round until time is called
Post rounds, reps, and Rx to comments.
- Interested in food entrepreneurism, sustainability and investing? Coach Margie is working on a conference called Food + Enterprise, and they’re looking for some workshare volunteers. The Food + Enterprise Summit is happening April 8&9 at the old Pfizer building in Bushwick, now devoted to cultivating some of the best artisanal food makers in NYC. If you’d like to attend, and are willing to help out, check out this link to the workshare track for a drastically reduced ticket price.
Marathon Training and CrossFit: A Note from Nishi U.
While CrossFit and endurance training may seem to be at cross-purposes, the fact is that they can complement each other quite well. CFSBKer and marathoner Nishi U. recently sent this note on her recent success to Coaches Jess and David. It’s so good that we decided it to share it with the whole community. Enjoy!
Jess, you may not remember, but you asked me about testing my mile a few months back. That actually led me to ramp up my running speed work; however, after a few weeks, instead of planning a mile time trial, I jumped into my latest marathon training cycle. For the first time, I used the Hanson’s Marathon Method, which had intimidated me in the past due to its volume of speed and tempo work. Because I had been CrossFitting significantly more in my “downtime” since my last marathon (in October), I noticed my “easy” pace was a bit faster and I could pretty comfortably hit a tempo pace that had previously seemed out of reach.
Yesterday’s Whiteboard: Back Squat | Pull-Ups, Lunges, Sit-Ups
Respect Your Vestigial Organs The Daily Good
Stopping the Spread of Misinflammation Starting Strength
Stella says
Some of us from last cycle's AM Starting Strength decided to do some lifting together this morning ๐ (PS, I totally would have signed up for another cycle if I didn't have a two-week vacation coming up.)
I skipped squatting since we squatted yesterday.
Bench: 125x5x2, 115×5. I totally started too heavy last week for a new-cycle reset. I made all my reps in the first two sets, but it was a struggle. Once I checked my numbers in my logbook I realized why. DUH. Lesson: Even if you think your memory is good (and mine normally is), your logbook has a better memory than you do. Trust it.
Deadlift: 225×5. Same weight as last week. I would have gone up if I weren't still feeling the fatigue from 16.4. I'll do 235 next week unless some insanity happens in 16.5 that I am actually able to do fast enough to tire me out ๐
Then 7 horrible minutes on the assault bike. Ugh.
Brad D says
6am with McD and Nick
Super tired and sore today. I blame it all on 16.4. Worked up to 165# on the snatch balance and then made an ill advised jump of 20# in order to fail at 185#.
5 rounds + 4 OHS in the metcon (so 4 into the set of 18). Did all the ohs unbroken, and moved with some leisure through the burpees.
Some muscle up, toes to bar/GHD situp, and pushup EMOM work in 608 after class. I want to take a nap.
Brendan B says
7am (for real this time) with the NickDowell Comedy Hour
Snatch Balance – Terrible#
It was literally as if I had never done these before today. Sometimes ya just don't got it. ยฏ_(ใ)_/ยฏ Last one I did at 95# was the only one that felt clean.
Metcon @ 85# – 4 rounds
Would have normally done this at 95# but clearly not in the cards today. All muscle snatches to get the bar overhead. This was tough on the wrists.
Gonna take a couple days off. 16.4 has me all sorts of out of whack these last few days.
MattyChm says
6am with Nick and McDowell
My heart was just not in it today. 16.4 Saturday plus squats yesterday had me incredibly sore. And the sit ups from yesterday fatigued what was left of my core. (I just realized that rhymes.)
Partnered with Michael A and worked up to 165# on the Snatch Balance and failed twice at 175#. This was frustrating because I hit 185# solidly the last time we did this.
Made it through the round of 12 plus 3 OHS Rx'd.
Never have I needed a rest day more.
Jay-Star says
Congrats Nishi!
Jack L. says
6:30 am Strength Cycle
Waking up this early continues to be terrible.
LBBS 185 x 5 x 3
Bench 140 x 5 x 3
Deadilft 235 x 5 x 1
Dylan says
Anyone want to do 16.4 tonight? Thinking of going around 5pm.
Sean G says
@dylan, I need to do 16.4 but earliest I can get in is around 630 tonight.
Steve says
6am with NickDowell
Watching everyone walk into 6am and then wince and groan just getting down on the mat made me feel better about how sore I feel from 16.4. Thought taking a day off and moving around today would make me feel better. It did not.
Snatch Balance – 95×5, 115×3, 125, 135×2
Echo Brendan on this one. Everything was off and my hip gave me the middle finger for most of them.
WOD – 7 burpees into the round of 12 Rx. Told myself the next time there was a WOD with 115# OHS I would do them Rx. Really didn't want it to be today but held myself to it. This was well short of 100% effort.
Dylan says
@sean cool, 6:30 works for me. See you then!
Kayleigh R says
Snatch Balance: 63×5, 83×3, 93×1, 103×1, 113F.
Just didn't commit – definitely have this weight (have done it before). Just wasn't feeling it today (see everyone's previous comments regarding 16.4).
WOD: Finished the round of 12 + 9 OHS Rx. Could have pushed the pace here a bit more.
Day 2 soreness from 16.4 is far worse than day 1 (good luck to the who haven't attempted it yet).
Sean G says
@dylan, sorry to say I won't be able to make 630 now. I just had a meeting added to my calendar for 6pm tonight so I wont be able to get in for 16.4 at 630. Hoping I can get in before 730 and maybe give it a shot. I hope this doesn't screw your plans up too much. Sorry! and good luck with the workout!
Shawn Campbell says
Gee whiz! I think we need to hug it out people!!! Nearly every entry above: horrible; super tired; all sorts of out of whack; heart not in it; terrible; wince and groan; wasn't feeling it…. YIKES! Take a page out of Andre's book and enjoy yourself.
7 am Nick and McDowell
Relatively speaking it felt fantabulous. Matched my snatch balance/OHS PR at 73. Still need to smooth it out.
I made up a word: bailability. Please help make it happen.
WOD at 42# because of the guidance offered so convincingly by Nick and McDowell to decrease significantly from today's 1RM. Made it through the round of 15 and then 3 or 4 OHS into the round of 18.
DIY – 3×7 GHD (with nobody- ahem). I don't know why but I really like sets of 7.
8×2 kipping pull up practice. Then 2×5 HSPU practice at home while I waited for another cup of coffee to brew.
Charlie says
Ha. Yeah I'm super sore too but better than yesterday somehow!!!
Congrats Nishi – that is so awesome!!
Hey you guys I'm really disappointed in Lululemon. They've gone and designed pants which will give you a thigh gap.
Dylan says
@sean no worries! Good luck with the workout!
Brad says
@Dylan – I know there's gonna be a couple of us that are going to be there around 6:30 to do the workout. You should be fine, there will be judges there ๐
Whit H says
8AM combo of solo lifting and group class!
WU: mash my sore hamstrings again
-banded hip distraction
-pvc drillz
-bb drillz
SNATCH: (wanted to put some practice in on correcting two faults: 1. hesitating/staying in extension after the bar has hit the hips; get faster in turnover from second to third pull 2. not keeping bar close after hips
35: high hang snatch, hang snatch, snatch x2
50x1x3 (110#, which is 85%. turnover is a bit better but still laying back more than i need to and not pulling under as quick as I think is possible. getting there.)
WOD, as RX'd:
got through the round of 15, plus 14 OHS into the round of 18's
(104 reps)
ohs: unbroken through the 12's, then 10-5, and 9-5 to finish out
-was power snatching through the round of 9, then McD caught me and I started doing full snatches to hit the first rep. was nervous about missing I guess, but that was stupid.
Snatch: 40kg x1x3
4 rounds NFT:
5 abwheel from knees
8 L side single leg squats with 20# DB
2 kipping MU
muscle ups feeling good! practiced with a towel between my feet for two sets and was able to keep it for the first (missed on the second rep of last set)
BK says
is it possible for the front desk to look up my judge's name for 16.4?
Samir Chopra says
Noon class with McJess.
Made up yesterday's squats (skipped snatch balance today).
Did the WOD @115lb front squats. Got till 8 squats of the 15 round.
Dylan says
@Brad sounds good. See you guys there!
GD says
Midday lift with Ro. Fun seeing one of my students training with DO and his Mom.
Jerk: 50% 3×5
70% x 3
80% x 3
90% x 3
–spine is lit from taking last week off.
3 Rounds:
10 push ups
20 sit ups
10 back extensions
Dan G. says
6am with Nick and McDowell
Gym energy was lacking today and no one seemed into it.
Snatch balance was a disaster. First round of 5 at 95# I bailed the 2nd rep on my neck before pushing it over my head forward. Then tried 95# for the set of 3 and bailed the 2nd forward (missed my head this time so, yay – progress) Then a single at 95, 115 and another failure at 135. I'm pretty sure I've had 165 or 175 on this in the past so today was not a good day.
Minor redemption on the wod, getting to the round of 12 plus 10 OHS Rx'd.
Jenny M says
@Charlie I don't think Lululemon markets those pants as giving you a "thigh gap" on their site. I'm sure it was just a silly sales associate. That being said, what's the difference between having compression on your thighs and having a waistband that has compression like every other pant they make? Both are slightly changing the shape of your body to meet a beauty "ideal".
Ben Lock says
Super sore 5:30 class with Ro and No
Stupid sore from 16.4 but wanted to balance some snatches today.
Once I got moving it felt good.
165/185/205/215 (old PR)
This felt really solid so kept going
235 solid
255! New PR by a lot!
I've realized that it's much easier when I get as tight as humanly possible when I get under the bar it just feels lighter.
Finished the round of 15 and got through 5 OHSs in the round of 18.
Ended will lots of foam rolling!
Jenny m says
Snatch balance
53×5, 63×3 , 68, 73, 78 , 83 F , 83 PR
78 felt really really good. 83 wasn't as hot but it's right above my snatch 1rm that I haven't hit in a while
Wod with 63. Got 5 OHS in the round of 15s. Wrists hurt. A lot.
Regina George (Mean Girl) says
Shawn, stop trying to make bailability happen. It's not going to happen.
Jack L. says
I've been waiting all day for someone to make that Mean Girls joke. Bless you.
Charlie says
@Jenny yes it looks may just have been a bad sales pitch. I had a look on their site and it doesn't seem like they are marketing any pants as having that particular ability. It seems the article was a bit misleading, especially the picture. I should know better than to share articles from random fruitiness bloggers looking for hits. Re Lulu- I'm not sure that all the rest of their compression pants change the shape of your body at all though- at least not any of the ones I have tried on. Maybe I am wrong about that? I don't know. I still think if they did in fact have 'thigh gap' leggings, it would be very different and kind of gross, but you make a good point.
Dropped into weightlifting club and had a MAJOR aha moment with my snatch. Hopefully I will remember what I was doing tomorrow. Frankie gave me some new things to practice. It's all about keeping my weight in my heells and not bringing my hips forward too soon. Yay!!
Charlie says
I swear my phone had a mind of its own. *random fitness bloggers. Eye-roll.
Shawn Campbell says
Jack, did you make the mean girls joke and then thank "somebody" so we don't think you're out there cracking yourself up? There's no way Regina George does Crossfit what with her man shoulder issues and all.
Chas C. says
Had a 5:30 a.m. call for work so had to join the p.m. crew for 5:30 w/Ro & Noah.
Snatch balance up to 125#. Ro gave our group a smart recommendation when we call caught high: go down in weight and focus on getting under the bar so you do that automatically at those higher weights. We took that advice!
Metcon was a mess; banged my shin on the first set of OHSes & was miserably slow thereafter. Got through the round of 9 & 8 OHSes into the round of 12 @ 100#. Wanted to do it Rx'ed but just wasn't in the cards today. "Listen to your body" and all that. Glad I did.
Fox says
9am w/Jess
Snatch Balance
Ties and Snatch Balance PR
WOD Rx'd
15 OHS + 8 Burpee
Good thing I didn't plan to push the pace because I couldn't
Rick Y says
Great piece about CrossFit for marathoners. I had trained for the 2012 NYC marathon by working in running around CrossFit, and after that race was cancelled and my entry was deferred a year I decided to just focus on CrossFit as training for the 2013 race. I did 3 runs – 13, 15 and 18 miles – in preparation, everything else was less than a mile as part of the regular WODs. Sure enough, I finished the race in 4:16.
Obviously that's not a 'competitive' time, but I think it speaks volumes about CrossFit providing general physical preparedness!