3 Partner Chipper:
1/3 Mile Run
40 Dumbbell Power Snatches
40 Wall Ball Shots 20lb,10’/14lb,9′
40 Burpee Box Jumps
1/3 Mile Run
At the call of “3-2-1 Go” the first athlete will start off on the run, when they return they may move onto the Dumbbell Snatches and continue to move through the workout. The second athlete can begin the workout once the first athlete returns from the run. They will not be able to advance to the next station until the athlete who started before has completed all the reps in following station. The workout continues in this fashion with the third athlete and is finished when everyone has completed all the stations.
Post time and Rx to comments.
Cool down:
Check out the awesomeness that is the Iron Maidens Raw Open!!
*Today’s workout was modified from yesterday’s rest day post.
The Iron Maidens Raw Open
The Iron Maidens Raw Open, one of our most anticipated events of the year, is finally here! We’ll be hosting our second-annual women-only powerlifting meet at the gym today from 9am to 7pm. This meet will be running out of 597, and the platforms in 608 will be used as a warm-up area for the competitors. Here’s the event schedule:
9:00am – AM Session begins
2:15pm – Awards ceremony for AM Session
2:30pm – PM Session begins
7:00pm – Awards ceremony for PM Session
We will still be running group classes in the remaining space at 608; however, today’s Yoga for Athletes, Active Recovery, and Open Gym (2-4pm) classes are cancelled. Please check into group class and store all of your personal belongings at 608.
For folks doing the Open, 16.2 is programmed for Sunday’s classes. We will also be offering extended Open Gym hours tomorrow from 4 to 8pm!
As you probably know, Iron Maidens competitors have been raising money to fund the Iron Maidens Stay Strong Scholarship, which will help to send 10 women from Grace Outreach to college. As of today, we’ve raised $26,241, surpassing our original $20,000 fundraising goal. We’re not finished! The more money we raise, the more women we can help. Every additional $3500 helps 1 woman pay her college tuition for 1 year. If you haven’t donated yet please consider giving just $5 to support women staying strong through college. And help us continue spreading the word about this campaign! Go here to donate to a lifter’s campaign.
There will be food and drink, so come hungry! Cafe Grumpy will set up an espresso bar, Liddabit Sweets will have a table, and Kimchi Taco Truck will be selling delicious food outside. The after-party will go down around the corner at Threes Brewing.
Finally, Iron Maidens would like to thank our generous sponsors: Cafe Grumpy; lululemon; Left Bank restaurant; Sara June Salon; Twig Terrarium; Liddabit Sweets; Pure Pharma; Threes Brewing; Fleishers; Grand Army Bar; Ample Hills Creamery; Sheep Station; Exit 9, and SlantShack Jerky.
We can’t wait to see everyone there!
The Animals That Sniff Out Tuberculosis, Cancer, and Landmines Pacific Standard
Nicole Carroll’s Tips for Open Workout 16.2 YouTube
Jay-Star says
Good luck ladies!
Brad D says
9am with MeLo and DO.
Did the metcon solo since we had a small class. Finished in 14:05 with a 50# dumb bell. The first run was about 2:00, maybe a shade over. Hard to tell with the Iron Maidens traffic at the front door to 608 – I got to the dumb bell around 2:20. Snatches were pretty fast. Did 20 unbroken and then two sets of 10. Not much rest between sets. Then 10s through the wall balls and slogged through the burpees. I found step down, step out, jump in and jump up to be a good rhythm that allowed me to breathe for the first 30 and then I kicked it into gear for the last 10. Forgot to look at the clock before leaving on the run, but it sure felt slow.
Good luck to all the lifters today!
Jack L. says
9 am with Melissa
DB snatches at 35#
Wall balls at 20#/10
Burpees to 24" box
Snatches were unbroken and fairly easy. Should have gone a bit heavier.
Wall balls in sets of five. A couple no reps.
Burpees slow but fairly steady.
Then hung around to watch some inspiring squats and bench presses. Good luck, lifters!
And now, a pina colada at the Commodore. Carb loading for 16.2?
Latasha Burnett says
12:00pm with coaches David and McDowell
Tough partner wod today…but i made it out alive…lol. I want to thank coach David for running that last lap around the block with me. Without your support and encouragement, I would have definitely walked most of it.
Allie B says
@Jack L. So jealous! I want to carb load pina coladas with you!!
Iron Maidens is amazing. Margie & Danae organized an incredible event: from the clear communication to the set up to the donors & fundraising… It was a blast for participants and spectators alike!! Thanks to DO and the staff for running class, IM warm-ups, and the competition all at the same time! Amazing organization.
HBBS: PR'd at 145#. All three reps solid with depth! Yayyy! Have more in the tank.
Bench: messed up cue, so did 100#. 105 would have been a PR. I have this!
Deadlift: fought for 180, which is my PR match from last week. I'll take it!
Congrats to everyone. Saw some truly amazing women today!! Every girl should do IM next year. It's worth it!!!!
Scott says
Wonderful to take my 12-year-old daughter Bea to Iron Maidens – she was fired up by the sight of so much badassery, as was I. Congrats to all! Did 8am WOD with Brad – wow those box jump burpees were rough. Thanks to Brad for goading me on- if he hadn't been on me I swear it would have taken 5 minutes longer. We did the snatches with 50# Dumbbells, which was fine. Sloooow run.