Power Snatch + Hang Snatch Complex
Work up to max for the day in 5 attempts.
Post loads to comments.
For Time:
50 Double Unders
15 Thrusters 95/65
40 Double Unders
12 Thrusters
30 Double Unders
9 Thrusters
20 Double Unders
6 Thrusters
10 Double Unders
3 Thrusters
Post time and Rx to comments.
Video of the Week: Here is perennial CrossFit Games competitor Dan Bailey providing commentary on his performance of the CrossFit.com workout of the day for February 8, 2016. It’s a great insight into how a top-level CrossFit competitor prepares, plans, and reflects on his performance. Super interesting!
- We’re just 3 days away from the annoucement of CrossFit Open Workout 16.1. You have nothing to lose and everything to gain(z). Go here to register!
- Movie night returns on Friday, February 26th! From 8 to 10:30pm (after OG), we’ll be showing Fittest on Earth 2015, a behind-the-scenes documentary about last year’s CrossFit Games, on the big screen. Come watch it with your fellow CFSBKers and other CrossFitters from local affiliates. Go to the event page for more details.
- Speaking of the Open, this year we’re adding a new twist in order to promote some friendly competition. We’ll be organizing intramural Open teams for those who are interested. Go here for more details, and here to sign up before Wednesday’s deadline.
The Iron Maidens of CFSBK: Colleen Meagher
The Iron Maidens Raw Open is less than two weeks away. Leading up to the event, we’ve been posting brief interviews with CFSBK lifters to help you get to know our team and give you a sense of what these women are doing to prepare. This year, through competitors’ fundraising efforts, Iron Maidens will create the inaugural annual Iron Maidens Stay Strong Scholarship. Our goal is to raise $20,000 to pay for 70% of college tuition for 10 women in the College Prep program at the Bronx-based Grace Outreach. Right now we’re at $19,549 donated—so close! Help us reach our goal (and keep on going) by the end of the day! You can donate to a lifters’ campaign by going here.
Colleen! When we last checked in with you, you were Athlete of the Month, and you just keep on kicking ass. What’s your motivation for competing in Iron Maidens?
I stopped by to watch the competition last year, and it looked fun! I saw my friends competing and thought, awww, I wish I had signed up! So when this years event came online, I signed up in an instant! If you’re not competing, I highly recommend spectating. It’s exciting and fun!
How has lifting impacted you athletically? Personally?
Athletically, it’s given me a passport to do or try anything, most notably surfing for four days in Mexico over New Year’s break. Paddling out against waves requires strength. Having strength feels wonderful. I’ve really been using my strength this week, too, in preparation for a move, packing and stacking boxes—heavy boxes!
On a personal level, I once heard a speaker (at a vegan seminar) say that strength in your body translates to strength in your aura. I believe this is true. Lifting has given me confidence and has added fun to life, too. I never would have guessed that lifting things up and putting them down could be so much fun!
That’s so great. What’s the best piece of lifting advice you’ve received?
The best advice I’ve received is to be aware of where the bar is in relation to the middle of the foot. If the bar feels in front of the midfoot, I correct it and then everything is so much better! It’s like a magic fix.
Yesterday’s Whiteboard: Squat | KB Swings, Lunges, Burpees
A Guided Mediation for the Anxious Mind The New Yorker
Bad Performances Produce Good Weightlifting Catalyst Athletics
Power Snatch + Hang Snatch Complex
1-1-1-1-1 95/115/130/145/145
The first 145 was a hang power snatch so I did it again and hit 145 for a hang snatch.
Metcon Rx 7:39
6am with Fox and McDowell
Power Snatch + Hang Snatch (kg)
40×2, 50, 60, 70, 75, 77
Got lower than usual on the 77. I'm a little beat up from the last few days so I didn't push the weight too much.
Metcon in 4:19 – this was harder than I expected. Shoulders and quads were pretty smoked from the thrusters, which impacted the DUs.
Snatch Complex
135, 140, 145, 150, 155
As usual the Power Snatch was the weaker of the two movements. Once I cleared that at each weight I knew the full snatch would be strong. Happy with how this went.
WOD Rx'd in 6:49
DU were 50, 30/10, 10/10/10, 20, 9/1. All of the breaks were intentional except for that last rep in the set of 10. Grrrr…
Thrusters were 15, 6/6, 5/4, 6, 3.
This was all lungs for me.
Colleen!!!! <3 <3 <3
This morning was not my finest hour at strength, which would be unnerving if I didn't know it probably has to do with being sick last week.
Squat 215×3, 185x5x2.
Bench paused, 137.5×1, F2. I just couldn't get out of the bottom (and believe me, I tried). Then 135×2, which was a struggle but I made it, and 110×5.
Deadlift 275×1, F2. I got it like 2" off the ground and then no mas. Disappointing, but Jeremy told me not to worry about it and I won't, especially because I hit 265×5 so smoothly last week.
So, kind of an off day all around, but better that it happen today than next Saturday!
Make-up post from Saturday:
Muscle up practice was interesting. I've been avoiding dips for years to protect my shoulder safe, so I'm really not anywhere near a muscle up. Might have to start working in some very controlled dips to investigate if I can do them safely.
metcon: 5 rounds + 26. Hoped to get to 6, but not quite. Surprised that this was all about box jumps.
Snatch Complex
up to 135
As usual the Power Snatch was the easy part and dropping low was challenging. I'm so far forward and I don't trust dropping under. This lift need a great deal of work.
WOD in 9:24 with 20,16,12,8,4 DU.
DU were very broken up, so were thrusters (surprisingly – my DU are so bad that I clench shoulders more than I should)
Snatch complex: Worked up to 60kg. Received good pointers from Fox and McDowell. I just need to sign up for Frank's oly class.
Metcon: 9:21 Rx. Thrusters unbroken. I looked for my doubles in the lost and found but they weren't there. Maybe Steve's jump rope knows where my doubles are?
6am with FoxDowell
Snatch complex – 95, 105, 115×2, 125
No fails but couldn't consistently hit the full snatch. Think yesterday's work caught up with me here.
WOD in 8:45 Rx. Planned and should have been able to do the thrusters unbroken but wasn't even close. Pretty sore from yesterday and I don't think I had any pop on my thrusters so shoulders fatigued fairly quickly.
Thrusters 10-5, 6-3-3, 5-4, 6, 3
DUs in chunks of 20s
If anyone is struggling with DUs I recommend taking BK's. My jump rope was purring like a kitten today.
10am class
WOD w/40# dbs
Going to Frankie's oly class tonight so I did some gymnastics across the street and then today's WOD.
Did: 10 min EMOM alternating 3 strict pullups, 3 ring dips
and then another 10 min EMOM of 3 butterfly pullups each minute. I'm almost there with these! But my chin doesn't always go over the bar, so have to work on pulling harder or my rhythm or something.
Then did the wod Rx in 6:59. Dubz mostly unbroken except the first couple each round. Thursters were 5-5-5; 6-6; 5-4; 6; 3
Snatch Complex:73, 83, 88, 93, 98F. Made the power snatch for the last one, but couldn't quite stick the hang snatch. Came close (which surprised me, didn't think it was going to happen), but pulled too early and wasn't ready to catch at the bottom.
WOD: 5:10 Rx, I think (I know I wrote it on the board). Thrusters unbroken. Doubles broken except for the set of 10, but better than I thought they would be.
Yay Colleen!
Bench Press
45 x 7, 75 x 5, 95 x 3, 115 x 2, 125 x 1, 135 x 1, 149 x 1, 160F
I was really close!! That would have been a 15lb PR. I think if it had been 2lbs less or if I had tried tomorrow instead it might have happened! I really tried as hard as I could and I was shaking like a leaf for quite a while afterwards. I'm really happy though because I've made great progress here. Thanks Jason for spotting!!
5:30 group class with Ro and Lady Fox.
The snatch complex went really well! Couldn't really believe it! Both coaches gave me great feedback!
78-83-88-93-98M- missed the squat snatch.
WOD in 6:17 Rx
I really felt tired during this. I should have these thrusters unbroken and I did until the round of 9 and everything kinda fell apart and I wanted to run out the door. Shoulders were screaming. Hair fell down. I'd like to try this again when I'm a little fresher.
3 rounds
10 abwheel
15 GHD sit-ups
Kipping T2B 🙂
5 x 5
Strict pull-ups
Early morning meeting today so it was 6:30pm for me.
Snatch Complex: All in all this went well, but I had a few reps where I did not finish the 2nd pull and wound up with the bar a little forward. Was able to save them, but still… no me gusta.
Metcon: 5:41 Rx. Everything unbroken except I tripped in the first set of Dubs at 49. Although they were unbroken, the first two sets of thrusters were slow and methodical, with a good long pause at the top to breathe. Probably gave up 30-45 seconds in those 27 reps, but the trade off for not redlining early was probably worth it.
Some accessory work after class:
E2MOM for 10min: 2 L-Sit muscle ups + 5 ring dips, then
2×10 Toes to Bar
3×8 GHD situps
Snatch complex: 53-63-68-73-78-83-88F-83-85F-85 Really bad press out on the 85# PS, but HS was good. Perhaps next time I should take bigger jumps and rest more. Power snatch needs major work. Hang snatches were good.
WOD: 7:40 Rx'd
DUs: Rested a lot to avoid tripping up and wasting energy. It worked! Had LOTS of large sets!
Thrusters: 15, 6-6, 6-3, 6, 3
Thrusters were tough paired with DUs.
Snatch complex was:
5:30 class with Ro and Jfox
Snatch was on point today!
These all felt really good so I went for a PR attempt and made 210#!
This went up well and worked to keep my arms locked out
I am STOKED about this weight bc I've been at 205# for 4-5 months.
WOD in 4:57
Did everything unbroken which was the goal.
I wanted sub-5,unbroken and quick transitions.
WODs like these I've been trying to pace quickly, reduce my rest and mot redline until the "sprint" which was the 9-6-3 for me.
Good day at the gym!
6:30pm with Ro and Lady Fox
Not a good training day today. I know, everyone has them every now and then, but it's still frustrating when it happens. I just stayed at 75lbs for both the power and the hang snatch. I'm good in the power snatch position…but need to work on my hang and full snatch positions.
I finished the WOD in 7:03, rx weight and scaled DUs. I'm close to getting DUs, but just can't string them together for more than 10 at a time…ugh!!!
There was great energy in the gym today. Ro and Jess had the music on point
(231, 242, 253)x2
Hand Clean+Jerk
Dumbbell rows
6:30 class w/ Ro
Better than average day of snatches. Worked up to 165 for the complex, which is 5 lbs shy of my snatch PR. Felt really stable catching the squat snatch today. Glad all the work is paying off.
Finished the wod in 4:49. I knew going in this would be nasty and it didn't disappoint. Saw some stars in the set of 30 dubs / 9 thrusters but limped through to finish.
Prehab stuff: 3 rounds of banded clamshells, banded glute bridges, banded walks and false grip ring rows.
Crash b's: 4x500m at race pace, 3min rest between rounds
1:57.6, 157.7, 1:57.1, 1:57.0
-goal was 1:59 so this was slightly better than that.
12pm group class:
Snatch complex–worked up to 48kg (105#)
-at 46 and 48kg, I started to starfish instead of getting down. The hang snatch was the easiest part but I probably did catch the heavier weights too high.
4:27 rx'd
-tripped up after 2 du's in the round of 50 but then every other round unbroken. All thrusters unbroken and I probably paced these a little too much. Didn't feel totally spent afterwards so next time my goal would be sub 4.