Every Minute on the Minute for 12 Minutes:
1-5 Muscle-Ups
Choose a rep scheme that challenges you but allows for no misses. The goal is to do these unbroken. Spend no more than 15 seconds of each minute performing your reps.
Post reps to comments.
5 Rounds Not For Time:
3 Low Ring Leg-Assisted Transitions
3 Tempo Dips (31X1 tempo)
3 Challenging Ring Rows
Use a false grip for the Transitions and the Ring Rows. Perform the movements deliberately, and try not to use momentum.The Ring Tempo Dip emphasizes a controlled negative phase of the movement.
Open Workout 13.2
AMRAP 10 Minutes:
5 Shoulder-to-Overhead 115/75
10 Deadlifts 115/75
15 Box Jumps 24/20″
The top scores in 2013 on this WOD were 12+ rounds for both women and men. Most mere mortals, however, were somewhere around half of that. If you can handle the Rx’d loads, then go for it!
Post rounds, reps, and Rx to comments.
Compare to 3.16.13 and 3.31.14
Dr. Judy with a beautiful overhead position while she warms up her Thrusters. She and her husband Dr. Mike have been training for a trip to Peru, where they hope to see Machu Pichu
- Schedule Change: Today’s 10am Yoga for Athletes class is cancelled. Coach Whit is out of town.
The Open Is for Everyone
For the past month or so, we’ve been urging you to register for the CrossFit Open—counting down the days, posting promotional videos, and just generally prodding you to get in on the action. Still, you might reasonably ask, “What’s in it for me? Why should I sign up to do a bunch of crazy workouts?”
There are a lot of reasons! As we’ve already explained, as of last year, the Open includes both Rx’d and Scaled divisions, so you don’t have to fret if you don’t have Muscle-Ups yet. And registering for the Open is good for the whole CFSBK community. As befits our spirit of inclusiveness, we usually have a big team, and we’d love to have an even bigger team this year! Even if you do only one rep for one of the WODs, it won’t bring the team down.
But, to step out of the editorial “we” for a moment, I can only speak to my own experience (hi, this is Josh). I’ve never really been competitve in the traditional sense. I played high school baseball and rowed in college, but looking back, I did it more for the camaraderie than anything else.
My first Open Workout was 13.3, which was a 12-minute AMRAP consisting of 150 Wall Balls, 90 Double-Unders, and 30 Muscle-Ups. I hadn’t registered, because I’d only started attending group class a week or two before 13.1. I had just graduated from Foundations, and I was terrified. I definitely couldn’t do Double-Unders, and I’m not sure I even knew what the hell a Muscle-Up was before I came into class that Saturday. Coach Jess led my class, and I remember her saying that most of us woudn’t make it to the Muscle-Ups. Hell, I won’t even make it past the Wall Balls, I thought.
I did make through the Wall Balls, though, and I picked up the jumprope with a few second to spare. In the grand scheme of things, there’s nothing exceptional about this story. But I had proven something to myself that day: I can do this thing that I didn’t think I could do.
The Open expresses the fundamentally democratic spirit of CrossFit. It’s easy to forget about that when you watch incredible athletes doing incredible things in the Games. The Open Workouts are designed such that anyone can do them, and that’s what this whole enterprise is really about. Everyone has a chance to prove something to themselves, and at CFSBK, we’re lucky to be able to do that in an environment in which your fellow athletes will cheer you on, whether you’re a veteran, a rookie, or somewhere in between. If you’re thinking about doing it, do it!
Yesterday’s Whiteboard: Rest Day
Why Your Brain Actually Works Better in Winter NY Mag
Took off yesterday and went to 10am class with Noah
I haven't been able to do a muscle up in about 2 years. I would always get caught up in the transition and not finish. I got a few good queues from Noah and pulled on the kip then pushed it down and through and FINALLY at attempt number 9 I got it! It was slow and a struggle but the form and function felt good.
The WOD did 6 rounds +15 reps.
I went slow on the box jumps b/c my right calf/Achilles has been feeling crappy so I'm taking it easy on them.
I'm glad this went well today, I needed the day to start off well. We got word at 6am my dad was up for a kidney and one had been identified in Mass that was a match. This was the third attempt at a transplant and we joked, "third time's a charm!" The call came in at 6am that it would be in NJ by 7pm, so the journey and preparation started again. Everyone's hopes were high because there were no other issues that would be stopping the transplant like the snow storm did last time. So I came into the gym as I usually do when I have things on my mind or am nervous/stressed about whatever life is throwing at me today like many others do. I associated a successful day at the gym with a successful day in general i.e. a successful transplant surgery for my dad. So making that MU after 2 years really put me in a good place for the rest of the long day ahead!
Finally at 10pm the surgeons came in and gave the green light to get the surgery going. We said our goodbyes and waited. Three hours later I got a text with a picture of a groggy drugged up dad with a big thumbs up. The surgery was a success! The kidney was such a close match they decreased the immunosuppresents that most transplant patients need.
I'm very grateful to have a gym/community where I can go and have that stress relief, it's a much more fun therapy session!
Also, now I'm really ready for the open! No zero scores for me this year!
10am with mcmelo.
31 muscle ups in 12 minutes. Started with 3, switched to 2, then back to 3 at the end. Couple of misses in there annoyed me. Need to be better about keeping the rings tight when kipping.
1 box jump shy of 7 rounds Rx on 13.2. Mostly step ups.
Fine!! I signed up last night – for the open AND to be on a team – despite not doing a lick of conditioning for a week or so :/
For general fitness, however, I've gotten tons of sleep and started each day with an hour and a half yoga followed by meditation. It's unrealistic to think I can keep this up back in NY, but I'm going to try for some version of it — even if it's just the good sleep part.
About to take an all you can drink seltzer flight home for 6 hours (that's the best way to sell it to myself)
I'm looking forward to being back in the gym tomorrow.
8am with Melissa and David
First of all, Ben Lock you post made my day! Thanks for sharing and I hope your dad recovers quickly.
Muscle Ups
I am finally able to open all the way up at the bottom and felt pretty happy with myself at the end.
First and last rounds were threes. All the middle ones were doubles.
13.1 Rx'd
Hit 6 full rounds plus 5 PP and 7 DL. Box Jumps were pretty slow at the end and I stumbled twice which sucked all the energy out of me.
Nice write up josh!!! Love it. I was only 2-3 months into Crossfit when I gave the open workouts a try. I remember only getting 17 reps in 13.5. Which I believe was an AMRAP including 15 thrusters at Fran weight followed by 15 C2B pull-ups. I had to break the thrusters up into multiple sets with just enough time to struggle out 2 reps on the pull-up bar. They most certainly weren't Kipping either, it was more like a strict c2B with awkward leg flailing to get myself high enough. At the time I was pretty stoked about it too…so needless to say, SIGN UP!
Also!! Does anyone have any ski pants I could borrow for the week? Trying to shred gnar pow in COlorado and I am pantsless. Let me know! I leave tomorrow
MU progression
13.2 4rd 21reps
(kipping unbroken)
1. 3
2. 3
3. 3
4. 3
5. 3
6. 3
7. 3
8. 3
9. 3
10. 4
11. 3
12. 5
39 Total Reps
13.2 as Rx'd
6 Rounds + 23 Reps
Weighted Bear Crawls
144lbs x 80' x 4
A disappointing day with a bunch of fails in the muscle-ups (3 makes and then 9 straight fails!). I'm just going to tell myself (like I was telling everyone at the gym) that it was because of the weighted pull-ups and dips I did yesterday.
Did 35lb DB presses to save my shoulder and 115lb DLs and 24" jumps. Got 5 rounds + 5 presses + 10 DLs.
Ben, that's great news about your Pop. Thanks for sharing. And congrats on that damned muscle up!
Great write up by blogeteer, Josh!
No muscle ups for me today and can't front rack just yet so did OF after teaching a few classes with the inimitable McDowell…
Snatch EMOM 15'
Surprised how well this went to went for a PR match at 205, got over amped and scraped the shit out my shins. Still very happy about these went today.
Then did a little bit of torture that the wifey helped design.
For Time
50 cal Row
40 cal Bike
30 cal Row
20 cal Bike
Tried to push the bike harder than usual.
Bring on the spring!
@Ben, thats amazing. Great news
Hang Snatch 70%x2x4
Back Squat
403x4x3, 403x3x2
BTN Push Press
Incline dumbbell bench, 80#x10x4
Weighted Pullups/chins: 10×3
Tried for a heavy single, 45, 90, 145(F)
Dr. Sean cleared shoulder for active duty during this AMs appointment ๐
Bulletproof Shoulders Wk2/D5
WU: 3 Rounds
5 yoga push-ups
10 PVC Cuban press
1 arm overhead carry 3x75m w/ 16kg
just a wee empty bar, but man it felt good. No pain, muscle memory is strong ๐
15kg x3x5
Power Clean
60% x 3×5
Chinese Rows
#103 3×10
GHD Sit-ups
3×10 ——these still make me awfully dizzy
@ben, great post. Thanks for sharing. I definitely teared up and am wishing for the best in your dads recovery.
OG action today:
Warmup: glute bridges, clamshells, band walks and strict pull-ups.
1) press 67.5x10x3
2) 3 rounds of:
2a) split squats x 10e
2b) bench levers x 5
2c) side planks x :20e
3) muscle up skill work: 3 rounds
3a) false grip hang from tall rings x :10
3b) proximal transition strength x 5
3c) strict deep ring dips x 3
3d) jumping transitions x 5
4) 2k recovery row
Hey Ben that's awesome! Glad the surgery was a success!!
I had a great day of fitness today and it really was one of those days I camebin not expecting much, especially as I was still a little scared to squat after failing Tues and having had a cold for like the past week and a half.
Front Squat
45 x 10, 95 x 5, 135 x 4, 165 x 3, 175 x 3, 185 x 3
Bench Press
45 x 5, 95 x 3, 115 x 2 x 6
1PM class with Fox and McDowell
Fitness MU transitions etc- not my favorite thing to do as I find it difficult to remember how for some reason. McD was very patient explaining things to me.
WOD Rx- 8 rounds and 18 reps
This was fun and painful all at once! Motivating factor was that I knew Kayleigh was watching lol! I gave it everything I had. Dropped the bar before deadlifts on the last two rounds but everything was unbroken and I think my S2O were more push presses than push jerks because I find them easier to organize. Though Fox said I may not have fully extended on the box jumps a few times so I'll need to watch that if they come up in the Open.
Strict pull-ups
EMOM 5 mins
5 x HSPU
5 x T2B swings…. And then it happened! T2B clicked! Not sure how but I am suddenly able to do them!! Lost count of how many sets of 5 I did because I was so excited! I thought it would never happen!
Hopefully I'll remember how to do them next time I try!!
Shout out to all the coaches who have helped me with these recently, especially Ro in AG, Whit and McDowell and Jess! Not sure what did it… I guess practice!!!
Very excited for the Open and I really hope I can Rx a lot of workouts this year with my new skillz ๐
Also can I just say there was such a great vibe at OG today! So many strong women (and men but I was hanging with the girls duh) PRing left, right and center. I had to leave earlier than usual for birthday but yeah, fun times!!!
BEN!!! Congrats on the MU and SO happy to hear your father had a successful surgery!
LBBS with Katie:
45x5x3 (as part of a warm up with dips and T2B)
Was nervous about this today bc I failed 195 on Thursday. Note to self: Lift BEFORE a WOD. As hard as it is for me to do this, I need to stick with it as I prepare for IM!
Bench with Cam:
110×3 (not paused)
All paused except the last 3 reps. Was finding an opening weight for IM. Really happy with this! 115 moved really well and is only 5# off of my non-paused bench PR of 120#. Could've attempted more weight but didn't want to over do it. I also used my belt for the first time on bench which probably helped.
Deadlift with Cam:
Felt much better than Thursday.
Tempo press: 3×8@20# DBs
Handstand walking practice.
Really really really wanted to do today's WOD, especially because I did it during the 2013 Open, but refrained. Will get my conditioning from the WOD + AG tomorrow.
Gorgeous day today! Hoping spring comes sooner than later!
Ben, so awesome! Congrats to you and your dad!
Lauren, a week? Whatevs, you all are going to die laughing when I do 16.1 after two MONTHS of strength cycle only.