Bench/Row WOD
5 Rounds:
5 Bench Presses, as heavy as possible
250m Row for time
This is a slight variation on a WOD we’ve programmed a few times over the years. Work up to as heavy a load as possible on the Bench Press while still making all 5 reps. Your score for the Bench Press portion is the total poundage moved for all 5 work sets. However, if you miss a rep and only complete 4 then you score a 0 for the Bench Press for that round. There is no time component for the entire round, but you’ll score each 250m Erg sprint. The intent is to go all out on the row. Set the monitor up to count down 250m and score your time for that as well. Rest as needed (probably at least 3 minutes) between rounds. Score total pounds moved in sets of 5 and total time for the Erg sprints.
David G. working on his Handstand Push-Ups
- In case you missed it, check out Coach David‘s new post at Inside the Affiliate, “How To Give Newbies Their First Taste of CrossFit.” It’s a fun, interesting read!
The 2016 CFSBK CrossFit Open Intramural Team Competition
Teams are encouraged to coordinate class times, wear fun outfits, and talk smack. Have fun with this! Again, this isn’t mandatory, so if you just want to do the Open workouts on your own, you can. If you’re interested, sign up here, and get ready to rumble! You will have to be officially registered for the CrossFit Open to compete in the intramural team competition, so go here to sign up if you haven’t already.
Yesterday’s Whiteboard: Rest Day
Underwater Thrusters? Yes, Underwater Thrusters YouTube
Guards’ Complaints About Spartacus The New Yorker
Charlie says
Squat- 1@9RPE, 3@9RPE 3@ BO
45 x 10, 95 x 5, 135 x 4, 165 x 3, 185 x 2, 205 x 2, 225 x 2, 255 x 1, 265 x 1 (8.5RPE) 275 x F, 255 x 1, 225 x 3
Not sure what happened but 275 seemed like it might be a 9RPE but then I tried and it felt like it was going to be too much of a fight so I gave up ( in the cage). Then 255 felt really heavy so I reracked it after 1 rep. Not gonna cry about it.
45 x 5, 75 x 5, 95 x 4, 115 x 2 x 6
Went home, ate food, took a nap.
3x max unbroken strict pull ups
3×20 Shoulder taps
3 x 29 arch rocks
I did 10 pull-ups each round with the green band stretched across the rack. Which is three more per round than last time!!
3-5 Handstand push ups
5-5-5-3-2-4-3-2-3-3- kipping/ no abmat!! Coming along…
50 40 30 20 10 reps
Double unders
Sit ups
5:45 PR!!! I've rxed this three times. July 2015- 7:41, December 2015- 6:29. Really happy with this! I can't believe my DU's have gotten this much better. I tripped up a couple of times so maybe sub 5 is on the cards some day 🙂
I had a ton of energy after this so I jumped into 8:30 class with Katie.
Power cleans- got up to 128# which is kinda crazy since I could barely clean 123# in that Open workout last week. Katie noticed I'm getting the bar really high but dropping under a little late so I need to work on my timing, but overall it was better than usual.
WOD in 6:23 with the first three rounds T2B and a mix of kipping swings with straight legs as high as possible and K2E after that. My shoulders were a bit fatigued at this point.
Dan L says
6am with NickDowell
Bench – 205, 215, 225, 225, 230 – this may be the heaviest 3×5 I've done benching. Felt pretty conservative though
Row – totaled 3:40.6, don't remember the exact breakdown. Best was 43.6 and worst was 44.8 I think
MattyChm says
6am with McDowell and Nick
This workout and every variation of it is always a suck fest.
Hit all the reps on the bench at 185, 190, 195, 200, and 205. The last rep on the 205 was pretty grindy but it went up.
Best row was 47.4. Worst was 49.9. My butt kept coming off the seat and I got some good tips from Nick on how to prevent that. Still happened though. The last round had me struggling for air for a good three minutes.Slow walk home commiserating with Dan G.
Final numbers – 4,875# and 4:00.8
Yeah I lifted like 2 1/2 tons this morning. NBD.
Allie B says
I'm excited about this inner-gym open competition! It will make Saturdays so fun! And it will be fun to mix it up amongst am/pm! : P
More FL Crossfit.
Bench press: 83 5×3 (they were strict pressing and allowed me to bench!)
5 rounds:
250m run
7 pull-ups
5 ring dips
12 walking front rack lunges 73#
Did it RX and felt happy about it even though I was last to finish 🙂
Dan G. says
6am with McDowell and Nick
This workout and every variation of it is always a suck fest.
Worked with Matt and started a bit ambitiously on bench: 185, 190, 185, 185, 185×4. This was grindy for longer than I wanted and on the last rep I finally missed. Rows: 43.9, 45.7, 46.2, 44.8, 45.2.
Totals of 3725# and 3:45.8
Chris "Rx Next Time" Yun says
Some easy to moderate squatting to test the thigh. Went up to 225×3. Felt ok, but definitely lost strength after 6 weeks off. Finished with a DU and kettlebell WOD.
Regarding the new
As someone who does this for a living, I commend the decision to update and embrace the new. But if they're going to do that, they should do it right. And this is not right. It's an overload of content, images, interactive menus, typography styles, links, etc. I think suddenly going from their previous site's spartan UI to this salad bar explosion is ultimately a disservice to their audience. But at least they kept the dog favicon.
BK says
3450# & 3:59.
This is simply the worst metcon — you know you did this metcon right if you feel like utter crap after the 3rd round and death by the end. Scored zero on my 5th round, failed my 5th rep @185. 4th round moved ok and decided to go for it. Frustrating but numbers improved significant over last time. Nick spent time working on my rowing form, my ass kept coming off the seat.
Jason M says
Noon yesterday
I have never done this workout but everyone kept saying it was not fun. And that ended up being very true.
Bench 225,235,240,245,250= 5975
Row 40.3, 40.4, 40.5, 40.2, 39.8. = 3:21.6
My chestoral muscles hurt today.
Kayleigh R says
Noon class with some squatting before.
LBBS: 215 x 5 x 3. I'm not sure if I was 100% of depth each time, but definitely close. I think I'm switching to 3s from here until Iron Maidens.
Bench: 95, 100×3, 105 for a total of 2500.
Row: 48.8, 49.3, 50.3, 51.1, 51.5 for a total of 4:11.
Michael A. says
6am with Nick + McDowell
5 rounds of the "Fox Special":
Bench – 205, 215, 225, 225, 230 with DanL. This was a heavy 3×5 but it moved well.
Row – totaled 3:44.8 but don't remember the splits. Shortest was 43.6, longest was 44.8. I'm just glad I didn't puke.
KLove says
Bench: 90, 95, 90 (misloaded the bar. should have been 95), 95, 100= 2350
100 went well so was too conservative.
Row: 55.3, 56.4, 56.1, 55.8, 55.3 = 4:38.9
Tough, but not horrible. Need to learn how to push myself harder when I row.
3×8 tempo DB press @20#
Joseph says
185/45.6 195/46.5 205/47.7 215/46.3 215/46.4 all x5 5125# 4:25sec total
First official WOD thanks for the programing looking forward to journeying with you guys.
Latasha Burnett says
5:30 pm with McDowell and Noah
r1 115/59.8
r2 120/54.3
r3 125/55.3
r4 130/55.3
r5 135/55.0
Total 3,125/4.66
So pissed I didn't go heavier on the bench press. Could've definitely hit 140 or 145…but I wasn't sure how it'd be with the row. Anyway, on a much lighter note, I did really well on the row portion of the WOD…which is always my nemesis…lol. Thanks Coach McDowell for giving me some very helpful pointers after the first round. It was smooth sailing after that,
kristin caps says
Solo With Whit
LBBS: 165 x 2 x 4
Bench: 85 x 5 x 3
40 Cal row
30 DL 95#
20 Box jump 20"
dave p says
6:30, I was looking forward to this workout all day! I know, I know, it is a complete suckfest but I freaking love it. It's rare to find a workout where you can go way, way past your pain threshold but not realize it until 30 seconds after you finish the round… then do it again a few minutes later. The erg sprints do it for me. I'm not even really sweating right now, just shaking.
Sadly my lower back has been super tweaky all week so I didn't go all out, but still went very hard. Bench is much better than the last time I did this: 165, 170, 175, 180, 180 for a total of 4350 / 3:55.
David Osorio says
Hi Joseph!!
Also I agree with what Chris said about's redesign
5:30pm class
Bench / Row
145×5 / 50.7
155×5 / 48.7
160×5 / 48.8
160×5 / 47.6
160×5 / 45.9
This workout chewed me up and spit me out last time I did it. My goal was to find something heavyish on the bench (I'm not great at benching anyway) and try to die on the rowing sprints. (I'm bad at rowing too)
Rounds 4 and 5 were tough. Round 5 was a true max effort, I wasn't normal for about 10 minutes after the workout ended.
GD says
Shoulders week2/day3
10e push-up shoulder taps
10 PVC pass throughs (still ow, but improvement)
1 arm high pull 3×8 w/12kg KB
Rest 45sec btwn arms
Wall facing handstand –Accumulate 75secs–00:75
Clean doubles @65% 2×5
Snatch Pulls @ 90% 5×5
Back extensions 3×10
Pull ups 3xMax (time to actually improve these)
Whit H says
Afternoon quickie…
Mash: t-spine, lats, quads
Warm up: crossover symmetry, hollow rocks, air squats
A. Conditioning
For time:
50 Calorie Row
40 Deads, 155/105
30 Box Jumps, 24/20
20 Front Squats, 155/105
Time: 8:31
Row was steady, not very fast, maybe 3:30ish?
DL: 15-15-10
BJ: bounding, steady pace. stopped at top of rep 20 to take 3 deep breaths.
FSQ: 10-10… REALLY wanted to put the bar down on that second set
B. Conditioning
3 Rounds of:
15 Wall Balls, 30/20
50 Double Unders
15 Wall Balls, 30/20
2 minutes rest between rounds
Subbed DU'S out for what I thought would be 2 muscle ups per round. am practicing jumping up to to the rings and doing my first rep without a false grip. This did not go as planned while fatigued. Ended up missing a couple times in each round, so settled for one rep each time.
Total time 11:47 … rounds were 2:22, 2:36, 2:45
All WB's unbroken… that 20# ball is HEAVY and I didn't wanna put it down!!!
After that was over, went back and did 2 muscle up doubles: 1st jumping no false grip into a false grip for the second. better.
Brad says
That is the worst fucking workout. I'm still dizzy.
Please amend the ITA blog post and include in big bold red letters. DO NOT DO THIS WORKOUT IN AN INTRO CLASS.
Fun vibe in the gym tonight…love all the cheering while someone is dying on the erg. good time.
Jenny M says
7:30 with Ro and Nick
Bench: 2170 (85/85/87/87/90).
Row: 4:33.6 (times between 54.2 and 55.6 I think?)
Stayed late to get in a set of heavy squats before vacation.
185 (90%)x2x3.
This was SO HARD after the WOD. I was grumpy the whole time doing it.
dave p says
Dug these up, since we've done this one before:
Brad D says
Had an early meeting this morning so came to 7:30 with Nick and Ro
Bench went 165-175-185-195-195. Each 250m row was between 44 and 46. I think my final numbers were 4575 and 3:48.1. As usual, this workout kicked my ass. It took me a solid half hour to feel close to normal again.
Now I'm eating all of the food.
André says
6:30PM Class
Bench / Row
185×5 / 41.4
185×5 / 41.1
185×5 / 44.7
195×5 / 44.2
195×5 / 44.9
First time doing this workout and when I saw it on the blog my first reaction was "That's it?". Boy was I wrong. The first 15 seconds on the erg feel awesome almost like I am about to set a world record or something, but them BAM immediately in a dark place.
Overall really liked the workout as rowing and bench are two of my stronger movements
JakeL says
Snatch, 75%x2, 80%x1x4, 85%x1x2
*God i just fucking love this movement
Snatch pull from riser, 85%x4x5
missed the 4th rep on every set…
Weighted chins/pullups w/25#