Open Workout 15.4
Complete as many reps as possible in 8 minutes of:
3 Handstand Push-Ups
3 Cleans 185/125
6 Handstand Push-Ups
3 Cleans 185/125
9 Handstand Push-Ups
3 Cleans 185/125
12 Handstand Push-Ups
6 Cleans 185/125
15 Handstand Push-Ups
6 Cleans 185/125
18 Handstand Push-Ups
6 Cleans 185/125
21 Handstand Push-Ups
9 Cleans 185/125
Etc., adding 3 reps to the Handstand Push-Ups each round, and 3 reps to the Clean every 3 rounds.
The Cleans can be performed in any way. Prior to starting you will need to establish the foot line for your Handstand Push-Up. Stand facing the wall with your feet at hip width and your toes touching the wall. While standing tall, reach your hands over your head with your elbows straight, shoulders extended and your thumbs touching. From here, mark the height of your wrists, then measure down 3 inches and create a line on the wall. Mark your line with a permanent marker, chalk or tape. Judges may restore the line between rounds as needed. Each Handstand Push-Up begins and ends with the heels in contact with the wall and above the pre-marked line. The athlete may place their hands however they choose, as long as their heels are above the line.
Evan and Michelle at the Community Potluck this past Saturday. Pics from the Potluck are now up on Flickr!
- Are you on the list to get our newsletter? You can sign up using the widget to the right, just above the link to CrossFit Journal. Don’t miss out on important news and events!
Here are some recent additions to our equipment arsenal!
- 3 new 10kg/22lb barbells for 608
- 6 Pairs of 15lb bumper plates for 608
- We ordered a new set of six 20″ and six 16″ stackable plyo boxes like the ones we have in 597 to replace the ones in 608 that stick together and make you say swear words.
- 10 beaded jump ropes. These are a heavier than our speed ropes and make even Single-Unders feel harder.
- We put pop pins in the Crossover Symmetry stations in 608 so that they can be placed in any available rack instead of whichever ones happen to have the grey straps on them.
- We replaced the Assault Bike monitor since the last one was glitchy and kept resetting.
- We ordered 3 new back lit Concept2 PM5 rowing machine monitors.
What equipment would you like to see or see more of at CFSBK? Tell us in the comments!
Yesterday’s Whiteboard: Rest Day
Brooke Wells Does Grace Scaled Up to 155lbs in 3:18 YouTube
We Are Hopelessly Hooked The New York Review of Books
What happened to the werksan bar?
6am with NickDowell
78 Reps Rx'd
Didn't do this one last year, so I don't have anything to compare to. Happy with that score though.
Brooke Wells did Grace at body weight? I am only moderately impressed..
Morrison at 6:30 yesterday:
24:50 Rx (just 30 seconds short of Dan L….dammit.)
Wall-balls to the 10 foot target were no joke. Got some misses, but tried to keep these as small sets (5's, then 4's, then 3's, then 5's, then whatever in the last round), because each throw felt like a max effort. Nice steady pace on the box jumps, no stopping. Broke the rounds of 50 and 40 kettlebell swings into 3 sets, the round of 30 as 20/10 and then the final two rounds unbroken. Tried to stay calm and positive throughout, but this was definitely a doozy.
Busy week with limited time to workout, but I think after a couple of weeks of hard training my body is enjoying the little break.
6am with NickDowell
15.4 Redux
Hit 51 reps which is 20 reps more than last year. The cleans still felt heavy but my HSPUs have improved a ton since then. Very happy with the improvement here.
More GHDs so we can work them into WODs at some point.
I would also like to get some rings across the street so I can head over there after class and work on no false grip muscle ups.
6am w/ Nick & McDowell
Metcon: 63 reps Rx. This is a 13 rep improvement since 2015 open. Where this is HSPU metcon for most, it is a clean metcon for me. HSPU strict for the first 3 rounds: 3, 6, 9, 12, 8-5-2. Accidentally came off the wall at the end. Cleans all performed as singles, 2 failures due to rushing the setup and not thinking. With better pacing to avoid failures, I could have finished out the round of 15.
Side note: enjoyed today's erg warm up, 30 seconds on, 30 seconds "off".
Strong morning (alas, the best part of my day is already over):
Squat 205x5x3. This was work, but I'm still hitting depth and not stalling out. I'm hoping this means I get to keep 3×5 rep scheme for 207.5 next week, a weight I have previously done only as 3×3.
Press 85x3x2, 65×10. I thought Jeremy was going to make me do more than 10, so that was a pleasant surprise.
Kroc rows 50x10x3. WHOA HEAVY!
Followed this with 15 minutes of mashing and voodoo flossing. Needed it!
Oh yeah, and can we have a Rumble Roller across the street?
The blog is kicking ass, and just when you think you have everything you can possibly want, there's a list of new equipment. That's all I've got right now.
+1 for more GHDs and rings in 608
7:30pm last night
Morrison rx'd in 28:25. Pleasantly surprised by this – I think the last time I did something Morrison-esque it was just the first three rounds, and I think I finished those in the same time frame. Big success for me here was that I was able to keep moving on the box jumps, which are usually kryptonite for me. Got a nice second wind in the round of 20 that enabled me to push through and get this under 30.
I second Matty and would love to see some rings in 608 to get more muscle-up work in.
I echo @DanL and @MattyChm on rings + GHD setups across the street. NewEquipment++
regarding equipment:
there used to be a magic circle, years ago, but i don't think there is anymore. could we possibly get a new one or two?
many thanks!
8:30pm last night… Morrison rx'd in 29:53 (I think). Pretty happy with this considering I expected to be up against the time cap based off previous Karen experiences (my least favorite WOD of all time and it isn't particularly close). While this was exhausting the box jumps were the key as they provided a pseudo active rest period. Also surprising that I started moving much faster once through the rounds of 40. And having a coach follow you from station to station in the last rounds is a surefire way to keep moving when all you want to do is lay down. Thanks to Coach Katie for that.
+1 for hanging rings, on swivels and a rope or 2 at 608.
If there is space, some sort of parallel bars would be awesome.
6am w/ Nick & McDowell
Metcon: 17 reps with 2 abmats. This is the first time I've tried HSPU in any wod and I definitely have to keep working on them. Strength issues aside, working on a kip is a must as is getting more comfortable being upside down when fatigued. Always more things to work on…I am surprised at how easy 185# cleans have become.
Abandoned the 6AM class this morning for some OG lifting time. Definitely prefer lifting with a group over independently, but needed to get in lifts during this crush week.
Squat: 205 x 5, 210 x 5 x 2
Bench (pause): 95 x 5, 100 x 5 x 2
Deadlift: 320 x 3
Very abbreviated AG WOD from yesterday: only 100 DUs with 3 pull ups on the minute. Then decided by rope is way too long and I need to cut it.
Kayleigh- I think my leaderboard days are over! Holy crap, that's impressive lady. I had better start deadlifting again soon! Tomorrow, hopefully!!
Came back for AG last night- I actually felt somewhat recovered from 15.4 though I'll admit, my shoulders were pretty tired! And actually, this class was harder than usual so I am glad I got it all done in one day and can take a full rest day today.
Hanging L-Sit 2:00
Handstand hold 2:00
3×10 kip swings
This was all looking good.
5 Toes to Bar
Getting much closer to the bar now, while keeping the rhythm going. Soon, soon!!
For time:
300 Double unders
*perform 5 pull ups on the minute starting at the 1:00 mark
This took 8.23 minutes I think?
I had to scale to 3 pull-ups after about 4 rounds because I was spending too much time on he bar and not enough o the rope. PRed my consecutive DU's- 69 at the beginning of this workout.
I think we should have a swimming pool, or at least a hot tub, on the roof at 608, please thank you 😉
Atlas Stones! Or heavier versions of the 80 lber we have.
A Yoke!
Noon class with Ro and McD.
WOD: 88 reps with cleans @135lbs and regular push-ups.
There is a pool on the roof of 608, but you need a ticket. I can sell you one for the low price of 25 bucks.
Is it bad of me to say that I'd like to see another Airdyne/Assualt Bike?
More posters of JayStar
QOD: Everything is perfect as is…but rings at 608 would be great :0
Pre 4:30 class
Jess said I should pull my depth up a bit so I tried, and each time I did it felt high AF. Coach said they were all "clearly below parallel". I guess I'll play around with this.
59 reps Rx'd
Didn't kip at all and did a few reps better than last year so I'm happy on that. Left wrist is cranky so I had to turn out a bit which felt odd. PCs all singles after the first round, HSPU all triples until finishing with a few doubles.
Why doesn't anyone want me???
Ive noticed that a recent powerlifting total of 1275, which was done in front of a number of coaches, has been erased (twice) from the leaderboard. As a member of the gym and someone who relishes competition and hard work I think there should be some sort of explanation as to why this is.
Josh, you seem so trustworthy… I almost fell for that!
Co-sign the rings at 608! Not a bad idea: why don't we start a "men of cfsbk" wall in the ladies locker room? I mean, that is honestly the reason I joined in the first place.
Treadmill: Youre worse than an erg. There's a thing called fresh air and sidewalk conveniently located outside.
Jake: someone is jealous!!!
Got ONE rep in the open last year. Haha.
55 reps this year, but used two ab mats and 103#.
I either wanted to use no ab mats or go heavy on cleans. Opted for heavy cleans which I feel great about. I finally dialed in technique: fast elbows but also remembering that LEGS are important in a clean. And getting under even if it's a power clean.
Cash out: 12.5/15#
8am with Nick
Total of 55 reps at #125 and piked box HSPUs
The last cleans could have been better. I'm having a tough time putting together heavy-ish cleans when the reps add up, but being able to do #125 is an improvement over having to back down to #105 – something I had to do a month or so ago.
The piked box HSPUs were pretty tough. I was glad to have a small class to do them as I felt they're helping me work towards HSPUs.
Thank you Jake for asking that question. I, too, am curious.
I have been having some neck issues lately and haven't touched a barbell since last Thursday. I'm sure this is tied to the shoulder issues that I have been working on lately. Woke up Sunday AM with a stiff neck, felt great on Monday & Tuesday, and then woke up frozen again this morning. Took the day off work and was glad that Coach encouraged me to come in and move. Have a follow up with Dr. Sean on saturday. Looking forward to getting down to the bottom of this.
Hit up my bulletproof shoulders and some performance care for my knee.
15 min for quality
Row 250M @ medium pace with damper on 3 or below
20 second supinated bar hang
10 Suitcase Deadlifts (light to moderate weight–green plates)
10 push up shoulder taps
3 Rounds:
10e single leg elevated glute bridges
8e single leg KB RDLs @ 28kg
Neck is feeling WORLDS better. Hope to come in tomorrow AM, do more shoulders/performance care work and then get my hands on a barbell on Friday. Always thankful to have Ro in my corner and encouraging me.
15.4 Rx
36 reps. Last year I got 12, as I spent most of my time trying desperately to clean the 185. Haven't been here much for cleans this cycle so I was pleasantly surprised to see them moving. There is a lot of room for improvement on my clean, but it didn't feel nearly as heavy as I remember. All the HSPU were done strict. I'm not yet comfortable kipping them, but imagine that if I was I would have gotten through them a lot faster and saved some gas in the tank. All in all, super happy with the improvement since last year.
Progress not perfection!
Riding around in the cold all day is making me sleepy. But thanks to some pep talking from Jason and McD I woke up a bit and improved my 15.4 score from last year.
15.4 — 50 reps
HSPUs — tried to be very conscious of flexed feet, head through, not arching. These were the easier part.
Cleans @123 — yeesh these felt hard today. I need to work on my power cleans, did these all as full squat cleans and it was exhausting. I failed 2 reps in the bottom. May have done 7 in the set of 6 — I wasn't sure so did an extra to be safe. Woof
Cash out x 3
20 hollow rocks
10 bent over rows 20# DBs
Crossover Symmetry – Recovery version. Shoulders on fire. Left shoulder is not feeling too healthy today.
3 attempts at:
Butterfly pull-ups
Straddle press to handstand
LBBS: 190x2x2
Bench: 105x3x2 first rep paused
Felt stronger and less frustrating doing these before the WOD instead of after.
WOD: 30 reps with 2 ab mats and 125# cleans
HSPUs: Attempted 2 HSPUs without ab mats and failed. Then did one rep with one ab mat, failed the second so the remaining reps were with two ab mats. Would have gotten more reps in had I not spent a minute doing attempts, but glad I did them.
Cleans: These were a stretch as they are ~93% of my 1RM! Really happy I could do 9 singles. Noah and McD both pointed out that I was soft at the bottom of my squat. I felt the lack of tension on each rep but wasn't able to correct it.
7:30 with Nick and Ro
WOD with 103# cleans and HSPU with no ab mats
29 reps.
The first three HSPU were so easy and then they fell apart very quickly. Glad I pushed myself on this since I've been wanting to work the skill.
Cashout w/ 15# and 20 HR
Squatted after. I Intended to do 188x3x3 but 173 felt so heavy today that I stuck with that. Gotta listen to your body.
@JakeL and Grace…nothing nefarious at work here…first PL Total did not count since it was not a paused bench (I confirmed this with the athlete in question). Second attempt happened since FD has updated the leader board. I believe Brett will be up there soon!
….ehhhhh, his name has been erased twice since last week, both times after FD updated it after his second attempt. But I am happy to hear Brett and his luscious biceps will live on at SBK though. We miss you buddy.
Really just any posters of Jay-Star