Back Squat/Front Squat
Heavy: Back Squat 90% x 2 x 2, Front Squat 90% x 2 x 2
Based on 1RM.
Back Squat 5RM, Front Squat 5RM
Post loads to comments.
Exposure 15 of 16.
5 RNFT or 18 Minutes:
3-5 Strict Pull Ups
5-10 Tall Box Jumps
30-60 Second Forearm Plank
Use a prone grip and bands, or add weight if you’re able to on the Pull-Ups. Use a higher box than you usually would in a WOD (no higher than 36″). Consider practicing bounding today. You can work up in weight/height on the Pull-Ups and Box Jumps. For the Plank, keep your forearms parallel and maintain active shoulders, abs, hips, and quads.
Post Rx to comments.
Better Know a Member: Monique Lowery
Today we’re very excited to introduce a new feature on the CFSBK blog, Better Know a Member! (The name is a play on an old Stephen Colbert segment, Better Know a District.) You all love Underneath the Hoodie and Behind the Desk, and now, in a similar vein, we’ll be profiling members from across the CFSBK community. Our first interviewee, Monique L., is relatively new to CFSBK, but she’s already established herself as model CFSBKer—kind, thoughtful, and warm.
Name (and any nicknames): Monique, AKA “MoMo”
Where were you born and where did you grow up? The Boogie Down Bronx is where I was born and raised / Doing Burpees and Squats is how I spend my days. Corny Fresh Prince throwback, but I couldn’t resist! I now reside in Brooklyn.
How long have you been CrossFitting, and how did you arrive at CFSBK? I started CrossFitting 4 months ago. My significant other came back from deployment in Kuwait and encouraged me start as a way for us to bond. I reluctantly agreed, because I wasn’t a very active or fit person. Now I’m hooked!
What are you up to when you’re not at 597 Degraw Street? Shopping, watching natural hair YouTube videos, dining at new restaurants, visiting my home in the Bronx.
What’s the first movie you ever loved? The Little Mermaid—made my brother watch it EVERY weekend.
You have friends or family coming to visit from out of town. What do you take them to do in NYC? Brunch at Sweet Chick in Williamsburg, shopping on 34th street, a concert at BBKINGS or a comedy show at Carolines, finished by ice cream at Ample Hills Creamery… and if we can fit it in, we may hit up a museum.
Favorite and least favorite lift: Favorite: Back Squat. Least Favorite: Snatch (or any lift that requires coordination of movement. I’m challenged in that area).
Any advice for new CFSBKers? I haven’t been to other CrossFit boxes, but I can say that CFSBK has been a transformative experience. My advice for new CFSBKers (but specifically people who are new to CrossFit in general) is to get a log book so you can track the awesome progress you’ll be making, to not be afraid to ask lots of questions, and to have FUN! The coaches and members are very down to earth and attentive. Oh and the music is ON POINT—very diverse!
Tomorrow Night! Look Feel Perform Better Q&A Info Session: “How Active Recovery Techniques Aid Fitness and Body Composition”
Attend this Look Feel Perform Better Q&A Info Session, the third of this year’s bi-monthly Q&A Info Sessions. These sessions will function more as a support group setting than a true lecture, though they will begin with a lecture. In this second session, we’ll discuss how spending some down time on activities like Self Myofascial Release (foam rolling, lacrosse ball work, etc), yoga, meditation, or simply quietly focusing on stretching and improving flexibility can help your waistline and your overall health and performance. As always, there will be an open Q&A after this brief lecture. Having successes or failures in the Challenge? This is your opportunity to share tips and/or get some group support!
Etiquette Tip of the Week: Be a Fitness Nerd
Rembember The Descendants? Art by Jen Murray
Hold on to your hats. We’re about to get kinda Zen on you. This one’s not so much an etiquette tip as it is a way of being at the gym. Here are some ways you can be a fitness nerd:
- Keep a log book! As Monique suggests above, nothing is better than tracking your progress. To do this you’ll need a log book or one of the many fitness tracking apps that are available. You’re welcomed to keep your book in the crates under the stairs, but please don’t leave pens inside them. They have a tendency to explode and leak on other books. (Okay, that’s an etiquette tip.)
- Know the programming ahead of time and plan your lifts. You’re already reading the good ol’ CFSBK weblog, so you’re off to a good start! Another benefit of keeping a log book is that you’ll know what you lifted the last time you were exposed to a particular lift and how much you should increase the weight this time. Your coaches and rackmates will love you for knowing your warm-up and work weights ahead of time.
- Always remember to write your numbers on the Daily Results Board. And don’t forget that we post the previous day’s Daily Results Board as the first link each day.
- Write your goals and accomplishments on the whiteboard near the bathrooms in 597. We love to see people improving! Who knows, your accomplishments may end up on the blog.
- Support your fellow CFSBKers! Cheer for everyone and liberally dispense high fives. This is one of the best things about group fitness. Let’s keep the good vibes going!
Yesterday’s Whiteboard: Rest Day
How To Box Jump for Beginners YouTube
What’s the Stuff Between the Wafers of a Kit Kat? Mental Floss
My Nature Documentary The New Yorker
HBBS – 285x2x2
FSQ – 237.5x2x2
Both felt pretty good. No belt needed and moved well.
Did 5,4,3,3,3 strict MUs instead of PUs
Box jumps bounding at 30" for 3 rounds and then 36"
All planks 60" with a 45# plate
6am with McD and Ro
335x2x2 (HBBS)
275x2x2 (FSQ)
NFT: Got through four full rounds and then tried to make a 42" box jump. I did not. Box jumps are hard after squats.
6am with Ro and McD
High Bar – 275# x 2 x 2
Front Squat – 225# x 2 x 2
As usual back squats felt heavy and front squats felt light.
Worked up to 25# x 5 on the strict PUs. Could have gone heavier.
Box Jumps – 42" x 5. Not bounding but quick.
60 sec of planks with 45#. These were way harder than I thought!
Congrats Monique! Four month in and you are doing amazing! I see lots of gainz and huge PRs for you in the not so distant future.
HBBS 307x2x2
FSQ 245×1, 245×2
Felt ok on the BS. The front squat was a different story…lol. It didn't feel super heavy, but my mind got the best of me on that first set and I bailed on the second rep. Now pissed, I was determined to get both reps on set #2…and I did. As the weight gets heavier, I definitely need to work on getting my mental strength up to par.
The NFT work today was awesome. Finally, I was able to hang from the rig and do some banded pull ups. I've lost a lot of upper body strength while my left shoulder was busy being a jerk, but It felt oh so good to be back on the rig again. For box jumps i just did 24 inches. I do not like box jumps as I've jacked my shins up more times than I can count, but they are a necessary evil, so eventually i'll get better at them and learn to like them just a little bit.
Hi Monique! Nice to meet you! (And yay for this new feature!)
We had two tourists at 6:30 AM strength cycle, which I was very glad of. The more people there are, the more rest I get between sets ๐
Squat 200x5x3. THAT SHITE IS HEAVY. But it's moving and the depth is solid, which I'm not 100% sure it was when I was doing this weight last summer.
Press 82.5×4, F5, then 82.5x3x2. Not terribly surprised to have failed here as 80 is the most I have ever pressed for 3×5.
Kroc rows 45x10x3. Same weight as last week, felt…easier than last week, but that's not to say it was easy.
Solo with Whit
LBBS: 162 x 2 x2 -first set stellar, lacked depth a bit on second
FSQT: 126 x 2 x 2 – got better with set 2, crazy hard time maintaining tension
Bench- 80 x 3 x 5
Fun conditioner:
40 box jumps 20"
40 box swings 16 kg
40 walking lunges
40 toes to bar, this is where I felt apart.. Singles by the end
40 wall ball 14/9" 10/10/5/5/5/5
13 min flat
Not mentally on my game today but pleased to keep moving.
No.. We didn't invent a new movement called a box swing.. But now that I think about it.. Those were kettle bell swings. Hard to post on the old iPhone
KCaps now I am imagining you picking up a box and swinging it around!
@stella I am picturing the same! Haha, you gotta be prepared for whatever could show up in the open right?! ๐
8 am with Ro
192 x 5
My previous 5RM was 190, all the way back in September. Ro says it's time to switch to intermediate programming.
155 x 5, 160 x 2 (bailed third rep)
Was too timid here. I did two sets of 5 at 155 last week. If I'd opened with 160 instead of 155 today, I know I'd have made it. I just was too tired by the second set.
NFT work. I say this every time, but I sure do love NFT work.
Pull-ups: 5, 5, 4-1, 3-2, 3-1-toolazytoattemptfinalrep
Planks: 60 seconds for all 5
Box jumps; 30" x 10 for the first round, 36" x 5 for three more, skipped the last one because I'd blown way past the time cap
David Does CrossFit ๐
Love Monique!!! So much good energy and athletic potential still to be tapped!
Had 40 minutes to get a workout in today
LBBSQ: 240x2x3
FSQ: 205x2x2
3 Rounds For Time:
5 Unbroken Muscle-Ups
15 GHD Sit-Ups
GHD Sit-ups were the hardest part. Surprisingly had to break up the second and last sets on them
Bulletproof Shoulders: week 1/day 2
3 Rounds
10e 1 arm RKB swings 12-16-16kb
10e suitcase deadlifts
A1) Farmsr Carry 4x50m @. 80-120m max–don't know what that is, used 32kg KB
A2) nerve flossing x 10- palms up/palms down
–rest 30 seconds–> to farmers carry
–oof these make my shoulder hot.
2 position clean:
77% x 2
81% x2
Snatch pulls @ 96% 5×5
3 Rounds
8e weighted step ups 24' box (front rack @65)
—all the ew
Cash Out: lots of food
Hbbs: 185x2x2 these felt really good today
Fs: 155x2x2 these felt okay.
NFT work was leisurely.
Cool new feature on the blog! Welcome Monique ๐
Warm up x3
5 burpees
10 v-ups
15 air squats
HBBS 90% – 180 x 2 x 2 good
FSQ 90% – 140 x 2 x 2 fast and easy
5 pull ups – 1st round unbroken, next 4 rounds first 3 unbroken & :10 negative on the last 3 reps
10 box jumps – 4 rounds at 30", 5th round some attempts at 36" — got 2 from static start, no more time..
1 min plank hold – 2 rounds with 25# plate, 2 rounds with 35# – no time for the 5th
Took a risk bringing the girls tonight and this time it paid off. Work out felt great, and I had completely forgotten about the CSA pick up…
Awesome new feature! Yay Monique! Love your smile and your energy. See you in class!!
Hatch- Week 12 Day 1
Back Squat
45 x 10, 95 x 5, 135 x 5, 165 x 5, 195 x 5, 205 x 5 x 2
Front Squat
135 x 5, 145 x 5, 160 x 5
A. Pull Ups- 3 rounds max assisted pull-ups- Ro put the band across the rack so you step on it instead of into it, which was pretty cool. Fast up, slow down was the goal. I got, 12, 7, 7.
B. 10 EMOM
Even: 10 inverted Shoulder Taps- I was able to do these fast and to the same (not opposite) shoulders by the last couple of rounds, which was a first.
Odd: 5-10 sec. pull up negative- these went very well- Kayleigh and I were across from each other so kept each other motivated on the way down ๐
C. 5 Min AMRAP
Lateral Burpee Box Jump overs- holy wow these were hard for me!! Scary! I lost count because I was concentrating really hard on not falling. Had to switch from the 20" box to the 16" box for a while until I got used to it. Didn't push myself at all here- just got through it and managed to not hurt myself. Not sure I ever want to try that again haha.
1K row- did not record my time. Oops.
Came in fresh off of four days of really lovely surfing in Barbados. Long peeling lefts, easy (if long) paddle out, nice waves to practice turns/maneuvers, and was hanging out with multiple sea turtles the entire time! Just… paradise. Feeling very fortunate.
Was submitting myself to a lazy day today, but when a client canceled… I saw the call to get my squat on.
LBBS: 45×5, 95×4, 135×3, 165×2, 185×1
200x2x2 (belted. these were fine! stay tighter, don't arch up.)
170x2x2 (1/F, 1/fF)
oh goddamn!t
170 is technically my 1RM from back in the summer. I got about halfway up on both of the second reps. second set felt even closer but word from Nick/Noah was that I just lost alllllllll tension and bounced myself crazy on the second rep.
*guess I need to go back to LP? why can I do 155x5x3 but can't do 170×2… hmm
*potentially not enough rest here
Did some NFT work on the back end:
10 calorie row (aiming for 1 pull = 1 calorie… about 8/10)
3 strict pull-up
2 trips down-and-back, farmer carry 28kg each hand (maybe 200ft?)
Monique and Andre are such a great addition to the gym, love their smiling faces and positive attitudes!! Way into this feature, especially all the cool new people who are out there now! Loving the David/Milo and the Iron Maidens Athlete feature too. WOO BLOG!
Also thanks to the blog etc I bought myself a brand spankin new notebook for my programming โฅ
7:30 with Nick and Ro
BSQ worked up to 250×5, 265×5
FSQ 230 2×5 (last rep of last set here was not the prettiest)
Pull-ups 5×5
Box Jumps 10×36", 10×36" 10×36", 5×42" (didn't realize we had a height cap of 36" on these), finished at 10×36".
All planks for 60 seconds, haven't done those in a while. I'm sure I'll be feeling them tomorrow.