Handstand Push-Ups
5 Rounds Not For Time:
Max Strict Handstand Push-Ups + Max Kipping HSPU
10-30 Second L-Sit
Take “max” to mean 1 to 2 reps shy of failure.
5 Rounds Not For Time:
5 Box Piked Handstand Push-Ups or 10 Second Box Pike Handstand Hold
10-30 Second L-Sit
If you perform the Box Piked Handstand Hold, then immediately after, perform a heavy set of 5 Dumbbell Presses. Perform L-Sits (and modifications) on rings, paralettes, benches, or boxes as appropriate. Here’s a nice GymnasticsWOD video on the L-Sit progression.
Post reps and Rx to comments.
AMRAP 12 Minutes:
8 Push-Ups
16 AbMat Sit-Ups (unanchored)
24 Alternating Lunges (forward or reverse)
Post reps and Rx to comments.
Derrian and Bintou, two lifters from the Grace Outreach lifting team, working on the Deadlift with Coach Margie this past Saturday. Iron Maidens isn’t just an event in which powerlifters compete against each other. It’s also a community of gutsy, everyday women with kids, jobs, and a hundred other responsibilities who come together to train and make the world a little better.
- Schedule Change: Tommorow’s 6:30pm Active Recovery class is cancelled.
- The third LFPB Q&A Info Session, “How Active Recovery Techniques Aid Fitness and Body Composition,” is this Thursday at 7:30pm.
- The CFSBK Community Potluck is this Saturday at 7pm. Let us know what you’re bringing by posting in the comments section of the event page. We also need some volunteers to help set up before and clean up afterwards. E-mail our Events Coordinator Danae M. at Events [at] crossfitsouthbrooklyn [dot] com to let her know you’re available. We can’t wait to see you there!
The Iron Maidens of CFSBK: Rachel Hsiung
The Iron Maidens Raw Open is less than 5 weeks away. Leading up to the event, we’ll be posting brief interviews with CFSBK lifters to help you get to know our team and give you a sense of what these women are doing to prepare. This year, through competitors’ fundraising efforts, Iron Maidens will create the inaugural annual Iron Maidens Stay Strong Scholarship. Our goal is to raise $20,000 to pay for 70% of college tuition for 10 students in the College Prep program at the Bronx-based Grace Outreach, and we need your help to reach that goal! You can donate to a lifters’ campaign by going here.
First up: Rachel Hsiung…
Rachel! Thanks for being the first “Iron Maidens of CFSBK” interviewee. What’s your athletic background? How and when did you get started with barbell training?
What are your goals for Iron Maidens?
What are your favorite and least favorite powerlifts?
Yesterday’s Whiteboard: Clean | Wall Balls, Muscle-Ups
Efficiency Tips: Handstand Push-Ups with Chris Spealler YouTube
How The Iowa Caucus Works, In 2 Minutes (Starring Legos) Vermont Public Radio
Great write-up Rachel!! I'm always astounded by Rachel's flexibility. It's kinda fascinating to watch her practice her gymnastics moves after class- so graceful and strong. Looking forward to seeing her hit some big PR's at this meet. Best of luck, lady!!
Rachel! Badass!
Speaking of lifting…OMG, today was the strength cycle day that just about killed me.
Squat: 197.5x5x3. Probably right on the cusp of depth on one rep, made depth solidly on all other reps. This felt easier than 195 did on Wednesday, probably because I had more sleep and hadn't just gotten off an airplane. But I'm still not going to use the word "easy."
Bench, paused: 110×3, 115×3, 120×3. Then…OMG. Unpaused rep-out at 95. The first 12 reps were easy, After that, shit got REAL. I was shaking like a leaf by rep 19. I hit the 20th rep with the patented Anime Character Scream (TM) for which I am known, racked the bar, and needed like 5 minutes to pull myself together afterward.
Deadlift: 245×5. I need to look through my old logbook to be sure, but I think I failed this weight for 5 last summer.
I will go through the rest of my day knowing NOTHING that I do can possibly be as hard as that which I have just done.
Yay Rachel!! I had so much fun lifting with you at the last Iron Maidens and I can't wait to see you kick more ass this year. Your flexibility, gymnastics skills and front squat capacity always amaze me. I hope my arms catch up with my butt one day, too.
Took Ken's ring class with Rachel last year. She's a badass and made the rest of us look like chumps.
7am with NickDowell
Did the 5 RNFT work with piked HSPU. Completed all my reps with plenty of time to rest. Need to work on kickups this week as I think I'm ready to move on to the real thing. L-sits are hard and mine were not pretty.
Metcon – 8 rounds + 3 pushups
Never got tired and was able to pretty consistently move through this unbroken. Took a pause on a couple sit-up sets halfway through. Did some plyo-lunges a couple weeks back on the road and that made these regular ones feel easier in the early rounds, but they added up quick.
Half-ass two round GHD cash out with Shawn. She's a better person than me and went the full three rounds.
Friends, I have a request for the CFSBK classifieds, but am also listing my request here for those reading today. I'm looking to assistance designing a logo and, if all goes well, possibly help designing a website. Any graphic designers out there with experience in logo design and/or website design? I work in the science field, so any additional experience with science type art (i.e. DNA molecules, etc.) is a bonus, but not required.
If so, please shoot me an email at neal <dot> padte gmail <dot> com
Thank you!!
Rachel! I would have guessed that you were one of those gymnastics since the age of two people. Your grace comes through your personality too and I'm looking forward to Iron Maidening with you again this year. I remember trying to capture some of your calm focus by standing in your energy sphere last year (belated thanks)!
7 am with Nick and McDowell. I'm still having fun with HSPU and did somewhere around 30 with two ab mats today. Got to Metcon next to Brendan today and while I couldn't keep up, his awesome pace kept me going: 7 rounds on the dot.
6am with the dynamic duo Nick & McDowell
The 5 rounds NFT Handstand Push up work was good. I did mine piked from the box, and although I don't enjoy being upside down, I truly enjoyed getting some practice with this movement. The L-sit on the other hand was tough to say the least…but, using the two benches, I was able to stabilize my shoulders a bit better. I also didn't suck as much as I thought I would either…lol. I can't sit with my legs strait out yet, but I could get my knees up so I'll take it.
The wod today was a good one, but don't let the simplicity of it fool ya…it'll sneek up on you real quick…lol. I manged to get through 7 rounds and 4 reps keeping a consistent pace throughout.
Yeah Rachel! You inspire us ALL with your mad skills for real! Just yesterday Rachel was teaching me handstands on the paralettes and how to develop a press. She's always working on something and offering advice to others. You're gunna kill IM this year!!!
Yesterday was fun! Did 98# 3×3 cycled power cleans. Feeling good with the power cleans- helpful advice from Noah about how to control the bar on the way down– helped a ton.
Wall balls: only did 84. I took many breaks and was not pushing myself. I should have counted down from 100.. Probably would have pushed more.
MU: did jumping MUs on the rings with kip practice in between. I feel like I really can get a MU this year if I keep practicing, namely the kip, pulling, and getting that hip pop.
Cash out:
Tabata l-sits, handstands with Rachel…
And 5 stitches on my face from an altercation with an erg. Thanks Jess Bailey for going to citymd with me, and Josh/David/other nice folks for all the help! The Crossfit community is so amazing. Seriously the best!!!
The worst part is that I was told not to work out for a couple days because my wound needs to heal properly :****( at least it's only a couple days. Could DEFINITELY be worse!!
Rachel – rock star! Gymnastics all star and overall awesome person.
Piked HSPU are feeling much more solid (5-6 each time). Started playing around with extending one leg during L-tuck time.
WOD: 8 rounds plus 5 pushups. Just tried to stay consistent.
Had some time after before work today:
Pull-ups: 3-2-2-2-2
Easy 2k row (9:18)
HSPU – 49 reps total. Started out at 14 and got down to 8
L-Sit – :23 per round
Metcon – 10 rounds + 4 PU
HSPUS: 57 reps (15-13-10-10-9)
L-sits: 10-15 seconds, shorter durations but straight legs & pointed toes
Metcon: 9+29
HSPUS: tried these for the first time (with abmats) got 1 each round, with 2 abmats for 4 rounds and 1 abmat for a round. had trouble staying on wall after each rep, so have to work on that.
L-sits: 10-15 seconds, some with straight legs throughout, others a mix.
Metcon: 7+24
Ran to the the gym today! 1.6 miles in 12:53.
Bench Press
45 x 5, 75 x 4, 95 x 2, 115 x 2 x 6
135 x 4, 185 x 4, 225 x 4… lower back felt iffy so called it there.
12pm with Noah
4 x kick ups
10 x OHS
5 x pull-ups/T2B ish swings
L sit
I did 2 x strict and 3 x kipping each round- strict were to 2 x abmats and then I FINALLY managed some to one abmat which was very exciting!! I had a couple of missed attempts too.
L-sits were about 15 second tucks to varying heights. Not my forté.
WOD- 10+34 Rx.
I may regret doing so many lunges tomorrow when I am squatting.
Ran home. 1.57 miles in 14:01.
6am with NickDowell
HSPU – Took the NFT work a little too literally, think I only got 4 rounds and around 23 HSPU. Played around with kipping HSPU but got a whopping 0 of them
L-sit for around 15 very shaky seconds
WOD – 8 + 5
Highlight was BK not believing that 57 is not prime and having all of us watch his long division to verify that it is in fact dividable by 3 and 19.
Great write-up on our resident gymnasty weight lifter!
3 Rounds NFT:
10 Squats
8 Kipping Pull-Ups
10 GHD Sit-Ups
Strict HSPUs / Mature L-Sit Hold:
15 / :30
12 / :30
13 / :30
12 / :30
12 / :30
Total: 64 / 2:30
Opted not to do any kipping, only failed one rep
PU/SU/LG Metcon
8 Rounds + 8 Reps
Nice to read about the Rachel backstory. Im sure all the other IM participants are equally badasses.
Yesterday lifts
Press: 205x5x3
*I blame this for the major crick currently in my neck. BIGTIME crick.
315×4, 5th fail
Snatch 70%x3x2, 75%x2x3
Back Squat, 85%x4x5
430×3, racked it… :/
felt real heavy…
*squat fail today…
Snatch pulls 100%x3x5
Accumulated 34 total strict + kipping HSPUs
WOD: 8+23
Paused on rep 5 or 6 of each round of pushups but these were surprisingly easy and maybe I shouldn't have paused. Moved consistently throughout so not sure how I could've gotten more reps- maybe faster situps.
Bench with Jenny
95x3x3 and 85×5 paused. 15# less from where I should be:( I had a bad bench day the previous week and then didn't bench last week. Plus we did all those pushups today. My lower back is sore so didn't want to DL today. Hoping this gets better.
Yesterday OG
Crossover Symmetry
Warm up x 3 — 8 FSQ, 4 HSPUs, 10 Kip swings
Clean — Up to 61kg, failed at 64kg
Snatch — Up to 45kg, failed 50kg behind, failed 51kg forward
Today 4:30 class
HSPUs & L-Sits
20 strict, 34 kipping
:20 L-sits (:30 on first) both knees bent
9 rounds + 15 reps on the work out
4:30 class
Hspu to 2 ab mats. 2-3 strict then 3-4 kipping. Left a few in the tank each time
Did tucks instead of L-sits.
Wod : 7+36. That's a lot of push-ups!
Benched with Kelly after. Sets at 85 after trying 95 and struggling. Drop set with pauses at 75. Probably not the best timing to bench after doing So many push-ups. I just realized how close iron maidens is and how I haven't been benching or deadlifting though! Oops.