Power Clean
Every 90 Seconds for 9 Minutes (7 Rounds):
3 Touch-and-Go Power Cleans
Work up to a max set of 3 for the day. Focus on pulling yourself down into a solid power receiving position and not splaying feet wide. The goal is to practice cycling heavier touch-and-go reps. But if you fall apart trying to recover your hook grip at the hips, then bail and quickly reset instead.
Post loads to comments.
AMRAP 5 Minutes:
Wall Balls 20/10, 14/9
Rest 5 Minutes
AMRAP 5 Minutes:
Ring Muscle-Ups
There are two options if you don’t have Ring Muscle-Ups: 1) If you’re close, then spend 5 minutes on a few attempts 2) If you’re not close (don’t have multiple Chest-to-Bar Pull-Ups and multiple Ring-Dips), then perform 12-20 reps of Leg-Assisted Muscle-Ups on the low rings.
Post reps and Rx to comments.
Last March, Neal P. suffered a devestating knee injury while jumping on a trampoline (no joke, those things are dangerous). He tore his ACL, PCL, MCL, and patellar tendon. Post-surgery and post-physical therapy, he’s been working with Coach McDowell to regain his strength. Here’s Neal, finally at the point where he can squat some weight below parallel. It’s been a long road, but he’s slowly regaining his knee joint function. Keep on truckin’, Neal! Give him a high five next time you see him at the gym.
- Schedule Changes: 11am Active Recovery and 2pm Anti-Gravity are cancelled.
Catching Up with the CFSBK Classifieds
Did you know that we offer a classifieds section of the website for our members? Well, we do! Here are a few examples of goods and services up for grabs at the moment:
- Actually, there are no goods. It looks like all of the goods that are currently posted have been sold. Get on there and post some more! CFSBK members have advertised everything from juicers to furniture to cars (no poisonous snakes, please).
- Looking for a nanny? Keith W.‘s good friends highly recommend theirs!
- Leah S. is available to tutor children ages 5 to 13 in math and reading.
We hope you’ll take advantage of this fun feature. Many people have found roommates there. Why deal with Craigslist when you can live with your workout partner?
Yesterday’s Whiteboard: Squat | Partner WOD
Zoe Pablo Smith Cleaning 282lbs Hook Grip
Renting Vs. Owning a Home
Morning and happy Sunday. I fear I may have left my grey Phillips Exeter Academy hoodie in either 608 or 597 yesterday (I'm more certain it would be in 608 because I did Open Gym, but better safe than sorry). If so, would I see it in the Lost and Found?
I work in advertising and I sometimes have clients who question whether something I've written is grammatically correct. Last night I had a freaking DREAM that a client wanted me to write a slide deck in which every bullet started with the word "but."
I blame this dream entirely on you and your AR QOD response!
8am with RoNick
Power Cleans: 125 / 135 / 145 / 155 / 165 (F-cycle) / 155F / 155
For two rounds I forgot that I was lifting weights in a house of weight lifting. That 4th round flew up without issue and I just had a 3-minute long brain fart. Ro snapped me out of it saying I was basically muscle cleaning and forgetting to get down. Last set went well and I definitely have more weight in me.
WOD Rx @ 106 reps…but all Wall Balls
Practiced strict muscle ups for the five minutes here. I haven't practiced these regularly since May or June and it shows. I get up, begin to turn over and then just don't commit to the dip. Strength is there, but need to practice my transitions more.
3 x 10 GHD cash out with 6am OGs Mike and James. Been doing these ~2 – 3 times a week for a couple months now and they're definitely helping. The deadlift WOD we did the other day is something that would have given me trouble in the past, but moved real easy this time around.
8am with RoNick
Power Cleans: 125 / 135 / 145 / 155 / 165 (F-cycle) / 155F / 155
For two rounds I forgot that I was lifting weights in a house of weight lifting. That 4th round flew up without issue and I just had a 3-minute long brain fart. Ro snapped me out of it saying I was basically muscle cleaning and forgetting to get down. Last set went well and I definitely have more weight in me.
WOD Rx @ 106 reps…but all Wall Balls
Practiced strict muscle ups for the five minutes here. I haven't practiced these regularly since May or June and it shows. I get up, begin to turn over and then just don't commit to the dip. Strength is there, but need to practice my transitions more.
3 x 10 GHD cash out with 6am OGs Mike and James. Been doing these ~2 – 3 times a week for a couple months now and they're definitely helping. The deadlift WOD we did the other day is something that would have given me trouble in the past, but moved real easy this time around.
Stella, it was never my intention to haunt your dreams, and I hope the disturbance is merely temporary. But wisdom sometimes comes at a price. See how I started that sentence with a conjunction? That’s the sort of so-called grammatical “error” I was talking about. See how I ended that sentence with a preposition? REVOLUTION!
10 am w/ Katie & Ro
Power Cleans: 95 / 105 / 115 / 125 / 130 / 135 / 140 (failed third rep)
Wallballs Rx — 77 reps
This was my first time using the 20# ball, and I could've gone harder. I have trouble pushing myself to "the dark place" on these short, intense workouts. I do much better with a chipper.
Did leg-assisted muscle ups (one leg) for the second half. Fun to try something new.
Power Cleans: 103, 113, 118, 118, 123, 123, 128 (failed the third rep)
Wallballs: 113 reps. Dark place indeed.
MU Transitions: From one leg. Tried to really focus on using arm strength and not legs, sometimes more successfully than others.
Pullups: 3-2-2-2-2
Deadlifts: 275x3x3
GHD: 12-12-8
11am with KHarpz and Noah
Power Cleans: Kept it pretty light and worked on getting down instead of skewing more toward a muscle clean as I am wont to do with T&G cleans. In kilos:
Wall Balls: 100. Went with sets of 10 every 30 seconds. That worked for the first 3 minutes and then I fell off the pace a bit with 8 and 6. Made it back up in the last minute by going 12, 8, 6.
Muscle-ups: 15. Had a few fails in there that cost me my goal of 18.
I think I left my lifters and gymnastics grips out on the floor somewhere. The grips are probably tucked into a pair of white adipowers that have "BMD" written on the heel behind the rogue racks, so if anyone happens to see those, and wouldn't mind tossing those in the shoe rack somewhere, or in the lost and found, I'll hunt them down tomorrow morning at 6am.
10am with Ro and Katie.
Power cleans
103 x3 x 4, 108 x3, 113 X 3, 118 x 2,M, 118 x3
Fun! Focused on reaching full extension before pulling myself under. Added in some pulls between sets which really helped. Thanks Katie!
Wallballs- 94 reps but I wasted a good bit of time changing out medicine balls because my first choice was leaking sand into my eyes. I got to 40 reps eith that one before I realized what was happening.
I couldn't really get the leg-assisted muscle-ups at all. The rings just hurt my arms.
Strict pull-ups
3 rounds
15 x GHD sit-ups
10 x ab wheel
@Brad D.- Just seeing this now! I put your lifters in the lost & found.
Thanks Josh!
OG after moving all day into my new place! My lower back is lit up and I barely even moved much haha
HBBS: 163x8x2. Thanks to the support from my fellow OGers
FS: 136x7x2. The 8th rep would have just been ugly
3rep touch and go Power clean emom:
Did some pull ups, stretched. Was lazy in general